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03-14-2013, 03:24 PM

A Leprechoblin has been spotted in Arlor and the Kraken Isles. Defeat him to earn some luck and perhaps some of the unique armor he covets!
Warrior ability Axe Throw has had its damage increased significantly.
Warrior ability Axe Throw will no longer Taunt enemies without getting the Chained Bait upgrade.
Warrior ability Axe Throw upgrade Denting Blow will now apply Feeble. Feeble is a short duration debuff that will make it impossible to score Critical Hits.
Warrior ability Chest Splitter upgrade Staggering Blow will now apply Feeble.
Warrior ability Skyward Smash upgrade Effortless Execution will now return the full Mana cost of Skyward Smash if it procs, not just 20.
Warriors have had their damage increased slightly in PvP.
To help with boss fights, the Warrior skill Vengeful Blood will now increase the amount of Mana received by how powerful the enemy affected by the debuff is.
The Jarl of Brakenridge will not appear until you have cleared enough of his retainers to pique his interest.

03-14-2013, 03:25 PM
cool, for warrior that is lol (oh yes and first if that makes any difference)

03-14-2013, 03:26 PM
First after dev! And mostly warrior update

Sent from my SGH-I997 using Tapatalk 2

03-14-2013, 03:27 PM
I was first I edited my post :(

Sent from my SGH-I997 using Tapatalk 2

03-14-2013, 03:28 PM
Oh sweet! Making build tonight with those three or four skills mentioned xD

Sent using blood on a bathroom wall

03-14-2013, 03:28 PM
please.increase mages dmg slightliy as well.

03-14-2013, 03:29 PM
the cried loudest get the feed.

03-14-2013, 03:31 PM
with all the cutdowns for warriors in last update it was expected,nothing about crying here.
a welcome update,but have to test then comment on the update :)

03-14-2013, 03:32 PM
Curious to see what a leprechoblin looks like O.o

03-14-2013, 03:33 PM
I'm a warrior who enjoyed dragging 3 warriors attacking me to the flag.

Looks like those days are over....nerf us back plz lol

03-14-2013, 03:33 PM
Thank you for listening. I love that we have a defensive attribute finally on offebsive gear

03-14-2013, 03:33 PM
Have devs even played pvp since the patch?
Unecessarry really and now Rogues got the short end of the stick.

03-14-2013, 03:34 PM
We have been heard warriors!! :D

03-14-2013, 03:38 PM
test it warriors
ask for the moon u get a cardboard drawing ,that maybe the case lol

03-14-2013, 03:39 PM
Please go play the game and try it out before jumping to conclusions.


03-14-2013, 03:39 PM
now that everyone will be using it, I HATE BEING PULLED BY AXE THROW!

I can't even fathom what it feels like for mages and rogues lol

03-14-2013, 03:41 PM
Out of curiosity, how long is a short time for the feeble effect?

03-14-2013, 03:43 PM
It hasn't been 15 minutes since the update, and people have already decided warrior is back to being OP. Come on now.

Gonna give that new Axe Throw a spin. :) I've been wanting to try Axe Throw in PVP, if only for comedic value, but it didn't really seem worth it. But hey, free respecs, can't hurt to try now.

03-14-2013, 03:44 PM
12-03-2013, 1 minutes warriors were crying, indeed 15 seconds saw a post

03-14-2013, 03:48 PM
Warriors are only strong and op in teams...... now warrior vs warrior isn't a two hour battle, time to test it out,

03-14-2013, 03:48 PM
why warior is very lucky . like the best pendant for warior will get only in quest..I think sts should debuff the ametyst of the pendant tide. very unfair..sts should do something to balance it.

03-14-2013, 03:52 PM
Because warriors mana reduction was so severe last update......im glad we finalky have a chnace to debuff rouges crit...see everybody has somethibg...

03-14-2013, 03:52 PM
It hasn't been 15 minutes since the update, and people have already decided warrior is back to being OP. Come on now.

Gonna give that new Axe Throw a spin. :) I've been wanting to try Axe Throw in PVP, if only for comedic value, but it didn't really seem worth it. But hey, free respecs, can't hurt to try now.

Prior to update, I tried it last night. It was pathetic. More of a hindrance than anything because of the 7 second timer. The pull was nice but really didn't help much.

On my rogue, the pull was nothing more than irritating. Well unless being pulled into 5 people all beating on me then I died haha.

Still attempting 2 CS 5 AT 5VB 3 HR and 5 Might passive tonight. Was going to test a full int rogue but thinking differently now.

Interesting just logged in the damage on axe initial is similar to the initial on others. A big jump from before but nothing crazy. Will be a fun testing night just wish I could pull logs from my tablet.

03-14-2013, 04:06 PM
Curious to see what a leprechoblin looks like O.o

A goblin

03-14-2013, 04:27 PM
Honestly had my doubts that we would see an update this month. I AM IMPRESSED TO SAY THE LEAST, kinda.
Kudos to all Devs on a crazy fast reply to the community outcry.

That being said... I do feel buffing axe throw was used as a diversion for us all so that the Devs could make very limited changes to Vengeance (It's obviously flawed yet they were insistent nothing was the matter... then whoosh an update?), but I'm glad they are working on making Vengeance worth slotting once again. I think in time they will see that the warrior was never really that "OP", that and "mana potion equality" is far down on the list of things that players would like to see fixed/balanced.

Warriors - Still don't know what devs expect us to do about ranged enemies (Both PvP and PvE) , after all they have some of the most dangerous/damaging attacks (arrows, spells) and we will be getting 0 mana for tanking those hits. The ONLY complaint I have though in light of this FAST response to our dismay is either shorten the veng cooldown so we can get in close and cast more often or JUST MAKE VENGE A SELF BUFF that simply converts hits or a % of dmg/hits into mana, because that simplifies things and completely solves the whole Ranged inequality issue. You could keep all the properties you have now, but why make it a short range enemy debuff when it could be a simple SELF BUFF with a chance to convert hits to mana>???????? That would solve the range issue and probably shut Warriors up for GOOD without having to surrender any sort of auto-regen or further imbalances. So confused about why it has to be so complex with so many kinks to iron out?

PS: It's called VENGEFUL BLOOD, doesn't that kinda imply that it should be a self buff flowing through your Warrior's veins and not the veins of the enemies who are an arm's length away and trying to tear you limb from limb?

SERIOUSLY though thanks devs for being so proactive and supportive of your customers. Blew my mind how fast you guys responded.

03-14-2013, 04:29 PM
A goblin

Like this guy...


but green...


03-14-2013, 04:32 PM
Honestly had my doubts that we would see an update this month. I AM IMPRESSED TO SAY THE LEAST, kinda.
Kudos to all Devs on a crazy fast reply to the community outcry.

That being said... I do feel buffing axe throw was used as a diversion for us all so that the Devs could make very limited changes to Vengeance (It's obviously flawed yet they were insistent nothing was the matter... then whoosh an update?), but I'm glad they are working on making Vengeance worth slotting once again. I think in time they will see that the warrior was never really that "OP", that and "mana potion equality" is far down on the list of things that players would like to see fixed/balanced.

Warriors - Still don't know what devs expect us to do about ranged enemies (Both PvP and PvE) , after all they have some of the most dangerous/damaging attacks (arrows, spells) and we will be getting 0 mana for tanking those hits. The ONLY complaint I have though in light of this FAST response to our dismay is either shorten the veng cooldown so we can get in close and cast more often or JUST MAKE VENGE A SELF BUFF that simply converts hits or a % of dmg/hits into mana, because that simplifies things and completely solves the whole Ranged inequality issue. You could keep all the properties you have now, but why make it a short range enemy debuff when it could be a simple SELF BUFF with a chance to convert hits to mana>???????? That would solve the range issue and probably shut Warriors up for GOOD without having to surrender any sort of auto-regen or further imbalances. So confused about why it has to be so complex with so many kinks to iron out?

PS: It's called VENGEFUL BLOOD, doesn't that kinda imply that it should be a self buff flowing through your Warrior's veins and not the veins of the enemies who are an arm's length away and trying to tear you limb from limb?

Vengeful Blood pulses the debuff to those around you for 10 seconds (14 seconds if you get the duration upgrade). That seems to me as a good amount of time for you to get close to those pesky shooting mobs, no?

03-14-2013, 04:38 PM
And I did lower the cooldown on Vengeful Blood, just forgot to put it in the patch notes.

03-14-2013, 04:39 PM
so what about ranged attacks in pvp,n what happens if they dnt let u come close?

03-14-2013, 04:41 PM
so what about ranged attacks in pvp,n what happens if they dnt let u come close?

Use Skyward Smash or Axe Throw pull, or even the environment to block line of sight. It's not that difficult to gap close as a warrior.

03-14-2013, 04:41 PM
God people complain a LOT

03-14-2013, 04:45 PM
Use Skyward Smash or Axe Throw pull, or even the environment to block line of sight. It's not that difficult to gap close as a warrior.

Smash is a valid resource I guess, but it now costs mad mana to use, and asking people to give up splitter or whirlwind for axe throw is bit cruel. You can forget my comment about cooldown though, didn't realize it had been tweaked. Stamp of Approval there. You guys have to hate me by now.

03-14-2013, 04:46 PM
God people complain a LOT

Not as much as people complaining about people complaining.

03-14-2013, 04:49 PM
God people complain a LOT

If there was ANY OTHER WAY to get things done and updated my friend I would be doing it instead of spending all day switching between the forums and my AL chrome window and typing feverish rebuttals. Unfortunately most methods of taking a real stand as a player/group are punishable by BANHAMMER on these forums.

Anindu Bandara
03-14-2013, 04:52 PM
annnnnd they buffed the most useless skill -_- great.

03-14-2013, 04:53 PM
the cried loudest get the feed.

idk, sorc has been cyring blood the whole time.


Does feeble only bwnifits the caster or for the whole team? it would be unfair for sorc having no debuff, we are the ones whos mostly get 1hit.

We have Curse skill(debuff) which is a waste of points. a mid range skill with 3secs or so with 15secs cooldown-_-

03-14-2013, 05:08 PM
People jump on every opportunity they get to hate buffing updates. One of the reasons there is so much controversy over what class is over powered and which is under powered is due to a few things. First off, there are people complaining from different levels. Some are twinks and some are fighting twinks. Some dont have the top gear some do. Some have never played the other classes and dont know they're ups and downs but instead just scream nerf. But whether this update makes it more balanced or not, people should give the devs a chance to sort things out. I know a lot of people from updates like the last get crazy mad and some even quit the game. But as they've just shown, if there is a problem or complaints on something they will work on it and get it changed, and quite quick at that. So if u find something u think should be changed give your opinion, but just give them time.

03-14-2013, 05:11 PM
idk, sorc has been cyring blood the whole time.


Does feeble only bwnifits the caster or for the whole team? it would be unfair for sorc having no debuff, we are the ones whos mostly get 1hit.

We have Curse skill(debuff) which is a waste of points. a mid range skill with 3secs or so with 15secs cooldown-_-

Axe throw wasn't that great prior to patch. It was down on the totem pole. Border line useless. Max damage was 50 or so points lower than what the other skills were. It is still a 7 second cooldown skill. Splitter is a 3 second. I used splitter in different builds last night after 30 minutes or so I respec'd out of it. The skills they added it to, I never used. So the basically hit the ones which thought were a waste of points.

The nerf they hit us with was bad. Left axe worthy of a nerf or ranger nerf. If anyone knows those references.

03-14-2013, 05:52 PM
Great call from sts to rebalance, whether they made warriors too strong or not will be seen in due time.

I just really want to say one thing and I hope it gets heard. Please please please stop doing massive pvp changes I mean it would be a lot more reasonable to tweak instead of regularly flip the world upside down for players. I know you are doing it to balance things and you are doing a great job trying. But please do them smaller. Like now: "warriors are up, so lets change 10 of their skills" Why not just make small changes? Yes, it would be a bit more work I understand but it would also help avoid outrages from community. I already hear people complaining and quitting from the event this Sunday, because it is hopeless for them to beat strong warriors (talking about fully equipped, mythic and all rogue). And my point is not the event, my point is how disappointed changes make people. So please STS, make smaller changes!

03-14-2013, 05:54 PM
vengeful blood is more of a pvp thing now huh? (:
happy im a full taunt warrior, nothing can beat that.
add me ctrlkey

ohyeah also is warr comes into a p.u.g, wont have to use mana pots!
so great..
thanks sts!

03-14-2013, 06:00 PM
Not as much as people complaining about people complaining.


03-14-2013, 06:13 PM
annnnnd they buffed the most useless skill -_- great.

We recognized this as a skill that in its previous form had no real value outside of the chain. We encourage you to try it with the new damage component in both PvE and PvP, as it no longer has a taunt unless you spec into it. Can't hurt a decent warrior DPS rotation to throw in a Axe when it makes sense can it? :) There are a lot more things to choose from as a warrior in light of these new changes

03-14-2013, 06:17 PM
Gotta choose another map to farm haha jk. Jarl will still be fine

03-14-2013, 06:53 PM
Now VB is much better in ellite. Thx! :-)

But now.... So much mess with skills... Omg what build now lol :-D

Gaining full mana with charged sky smash each time, not 25% is bug? Even in town, without landing on enemy.?
Wanna know now, cause free respec only till monday...

03-14-2013, 06:54 PM
warrior has the same dmg like it was before the patch whice lame as .... my sister hits harder lol, and sky still returns only 10% of the mana unlike what u said.

03-14-2013, 07:33 PM
Thanks for the update.Warriors should have the right to be a tank or to be a hitter.last update , even if you have the top gear your damage is the same with a lvl 25 warrior wearing deep sea set.I use mythic helm ,sealord of will ,caps axe of assault ,glowstone of waRfAre, reward pendant from kraken but still i cant kill him.this is what warriors are trying to say.An increase in our skill damage when there is an increase in our base damage. Ill try new builds today.tnx again

03-14-2013, 07:38 PM
just wanted to remind devs that theres a 3rd class called "Sorcerers". Might wanna look into it.

03-14-2013, 07:42 PM
Thanks for the update.Warriors should have the right to be a tank or to be a hitter.last update , even if you have the top gear your damage is the same with a lvl 25 warrior wearing deep sea set.I use mythic helm ,sealord of will ,caps axe of assault ,glowstone of waRfAre, reward pendant from kraken but still i cant kill him.this is what warriors are trying to say.An increase in our skill damage when there is an increase in our base damage. Ill try new builds today.tnx again

Yup, im warior lvl 26, im using armor juggernaut set lvl 25, when i try my juggernaut lvl 21 i dont feel any different on the damage.

03-14-2013, 07:44 PM
- removed trash item in elite gold mine, thats get pet agro and started time counting
- you need kill few mobs to spawn jarl... Not too much.

Nice! :-)

03-14-2013, 08:26 PM
Sounds good. Axe throw actually sounds kind of interesting now. Wish it would pull more than just one enemy but I'll try it out anyway :)

03-14-2013, 08:33 PM
Nah.... Actually the stats should be better than previous gear's.. but its rlly worse than all others... so whats the point to get em ? just to see how they look and maby sell to some lvl 15 guy, who dnt have much gold to buy better one ? .. Pfft.. ..

03-14-2013, 09:07 PM
Im happy you listened to our plead for the warriors
Thanks do much for this update

I want new vanities and new look for rogue weapons^_^

Everyone looks alike i hope we have new vanities soon like japanese or chinese vanity fashion outfits
I hope level cap increases soon i really wanna lvl up
Lvl cap increase should be 10lvls this time that would be a BLAST ^_^
In behalf my guild we would like to thank the development team for listening

● ⊙ ● we love this game super ● ⊙ ●

Gods 00 Godesses
Guild Master

03-14-2013, 09:21 PM
Just came back from a few hours pvp. Warriors back to being OP and unbeatable. I guess i'll respec back to pve only.

03-14-2013, 09:53 PM
Warriors cry and they're fixed instantly meanwhile mages are still trash......... it's clear with how fast this update came out that fixing mages wouldn't take much you just refuse to do so.

It's ridiculous I guess those of us who like mages are gonna be forced to get owned, hug tanks, or just give up on them.

03-14-2013, 10:07 PM
Warriors cry and they're fixed instantly meanwhile mages are still trash......... it's clear with how fast this update came out that fixing mages wouldn't take much you just refuse to do so.

It's ridiculous I guess those of us who like mages are gonna be forced to get owned, hug tanks, or just give up on them.

Mages are far from trash. I was rolling with a Mage while running flags on a warrior tonight and we were cleaning clocks. They take skill and good kiting abilities and they have strong synergy in group settings. I wager you want to 1v1 on your Mage?

Anyway, thanks for keeping the drama down a bit.

03-14-2013, 10:08 PM
Stop crying improve your equips there are a lot of good mages in pvp now than before. Make use of your skills.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

03-14-2013, 10:12 PM
Anyway, thanks for keeping the drama down a bit.

Hahahaha, rotfl :-D
Well, your welcome :-)

Wizards are deamons in partys... Rogues in 1 vs 1. Warriors are in mid - nowhere, but evrywhere too :-D

03-14-2013, 11:05 PM
Good job on the quick turnaround STS :)

Haven't had a chance to test out the new patch yet. Will test it in a few hours when I'm up again.

03-14-2013, 11:05 PM
Warriors cry and they're fixed instantly meanwhile mages are still trash......... it's clear with how fast this update came out that fixing mages wouldn't take much you just refuse to do so.

It's ridiculous I guess those of us who like mages are gonna be forced to get owned, hug tanks, or just give up on them.

Mages are far from trash. I was rolling with a Mage while running flags on a warrior tonight and we were cleaning clocks. They take skill and good kiting abilities and they have strong synergy in group settings. I wager you want to 1v1 on your Mage?

Anyway, thanks for keeping the drama down a bit.

would love to here how u are able to kite plz explain.. i think u meant running away.. cuz a warrior can jump out of time and a rogue can dash..so plz explain. i would love to hear it?? u get one stun then yur dead!!! also pray colton can go beast mode. other then that there is no kiting in this game. also pvpin with 100magez stunning and dropping time all at once does not constatute as kiting. mages---->trash!!!!!

03-14-2013, 11:29 PM
They take skill and good kiting abilities and they have strong synergy in group settings. I wager you want to 1v1 on your Mage?

Not trying to cause drama or anything, but is there something wrong with a mage wanting to 1v1? For the longest time rogues were 1v1 kings. And now it's warriors... again. Will sorcerers get a turn too at some point?

Yes sorcerers are great in groups. But sometimes it does get old just being a mana battery and stun bot so other people can get the glory. As it is, we cling to other teammates just so we can possibly steal some kills in the chaos.

03-14-2013, 11:58 PM
Mages are far from trash. I was rolling with a Mage while running flags on a warrior tonight and we were cleaning clocks. They take skill and good kiting abilities and they have strong synergy in group settings. I wager you want to 1v1 on your Mage?

Anyway, thanks for keeping the drama down a bit.

A rogue behind a tank is just as strong and they have the ability to 1v1.

Yes mages take skill and kiting ability to still remain weaker than warriors by far, and a little bit weaker than rogues.

Yes against a group of 3 or more the fireball stunning every 7.5 seconds is useful but not necessary since rogues and warriors can stun as well. the mana heal helps your team while not helping you much since they generally have enough mana to last until dead or near the mana spawn. That leaves shield as their last advantage which warriors have the ability to put on the whole team and it lasts .5 seconds longer while healing you.

So mages are only good for healing mana which usually leads to their kills being stolen.
How is that supposed to be fun? Because to me playing a Mage in pvp just feels like work and responsibility, which is exactly what I'm trying to get a break from playing this game.

03-14-2013, 11:59 PM
Mages are far from trash. I was rolling with a Mage while running flags on a warrior tonight and we were cleaning clocks. They take skill and good kiting abilities and they have strong synergy in group settings. I wager you want to 1v1 on your Mage?

Anyway, thanks for keeping the drama down a bit.

Sam, I agree. I was doing quite well in 1-on-1 with my mage before the latest update. The only issues I had was when a warrior was using that damage glitch which the latest update was supposed to have fixed. I haven't done any PvP since the update, but I suspect with the nice buff of Fireball I will do even better.

Going 1-on-1 with a mage requires a certain strategy and a certain build. Folks want to tank against a warrior and win, and unfortunately you cannot out-tank a tank. But on the other hand, doing a full-damage/low-health/armor build is not going to cut it either. That may work great when you have a nice tank to block for you, but if you are 1-on-1 you're going to need some good health & armor. That's all I'll say for now as I don't want to give away all my secrets, but let's just say I was having very little trouble taking down warriors before the update provided that they didn't cheat.

03-15-2013, 12:49 AM
Sam, I agree. I was doing quite well in 1-on-1 with my mage before the latest update. The only issues I had was when a warrior was using that damage glitch which the latest update was supposed to have fixed. I haven't done any PvP since the update, but I suspect with the nice buff of Fireball I will do even better.

Going 1-on-1 with a mage requires a certain strategy and a certain build. Folks want to tank against a warrior and win, and unfortunately you cannot out-tank a tank. But on the other hand, doing a full-damage/low-health/armor build is not going to cut it either. That may work great when you have a nice tank to block for you, but if you are 1-on-1 you're going to need some good health & armor. That's all I'll say for now as I don't want to give away all my secrets, but let's just say I was having very little trouble taking down warriors before the update provided that they didn't cheat.

awesome im glad a Mage has said this.. I play with a lot of ridiculous mages. This is what ive noticed from playing in PVP today with the new updates.

IN pug games, warriors are pretty decent, i used Chest splitter and skyward (we HAVE to have vengeful and Horn, which i still feel should be combined in some way so we can have an extra slot for offense) I got some kills, and was able to go outside of the group and kill stragglers.. (this was a change from before, which I truly like.

In 1 vs 1, I played with a bunch of pro pvpers, including the final two in the last PVP tournament. I actually beat a few end game rouges, and they beat me.. even when I did win I had maybe 5-15% life, so to me thats really formidable and a very good battle, and pretty balanced in that regard. THeres certain rouges that are still unstoppable, and I have a question about the debuff (which i think is awesome by the way) CS has a quick CD (also like), so does this buff only last the 3 seconds? or is it like a 1.5 second buff? The only draw back with chest splitter is you have to get in close where a rouge can destroy you with razor. I tried axe throw and while I like the improvements, its not something I personally would like to use... its the warriors only skill that reduces armor though.. since CS is splitting open their chest so to speak, can it have a little damage reduction? Axe throw still is fun to use, but its such a gimmick, and is hilarious. There is still a bug with it that you can throw the axe around and through corners...

AS far as Mages, they are really tough to kill for me compared to the old squishy days..which I like, its a good balance, I dont want to one hit them... however, they are still being one hit by rouges crit. THey should also have some sort of debuff to combat that.. There kitiing skills are awesome, however I do have to side with them on this. To gain ground on someone (rouge piercer), (warrior sky), the little blue dash mages have is pathetic... it needs to be boosted a little, they cant get away from anybody (however, I do realize there are pets (shiloh), and skill points to improve this delima)

AS far as warriors, ughhhhhh , lol, warrior vs warrior, is a nightmare still, even with the added damage output. I had a fight with a warrior for 15 mins, and i said okay stop, and im at 100% lol .. This isnt going to be pretty, and will be lame in this upcoming tournament. (whose thumbs get tired first) ...I dont know how to improve that though without upping damage output...gives us some type of skill with a long CD, high mana use, that has very high damage output.. you cant lower armor or health cause than rouges will destroy us. I do like however that most 1 vs 1 battles are lasting longer amongst other classes... since update.... Also can we get a PVE and PVP slot for builds?? For example, having a wide range for horn, sucks in PVP, especially if you have other tanks anyways on your team, but its absolutley necessary in PVE...I like the idea that vengeful does a auto buff, like 8% mana and health regen, insted of hoping someone hits you...and doesnt hit you too hard...

I think right now there is no class that is "op" which is good, all classes, seemed very balanced in 1 vs 1. I saw a mage beat a rouge, and that rouge than beat me.. and than I beat that Mage lol I also had a lot of 2-2 fights with some rouges.. SOmethign to keep in mind though is pets... I destroyed a rouge with colton, they beat me with Malison. I lost with ribbit, i won with ripmaw... theres strengths and weakness on each pet as in each build..

only think that really needs to be fixed is mages speed ability, and something with warrior vs warrior.. its boring, people dont want to see it anymore, and it never happens..
now with some suggestions

A lot of us in the forums, pay good money here (89.99 every two weeks here) IM a loyal customer.. is there a way if we spend a certain amount of real money we get rewarded with things?? A bonus skill point to use, a rare exclusive pet, a rare exclusive weapon? **cough DARK excaliber*** a hammerjaw magically appears in my inventory;) (550 crates with nothing :( THe one thing I enjoyed in PL, is every single person was different, in gear, in weapons etc.. Here every end gamers has EXACTLY THE SAME GEAR. Also as a player, i hate that i am limited to content if I cap... I cannot play ANY other map except kraken to get kills... not even dead city!! which is fairly new.. This needs to be fixed... every map should be playable, just adjust the enemeies with our level. I know this can be done cause you do it with tombs. And think about the possibilites now?? you can have rare weapons all over the world.. maybe youll get a awesome sword or bow in aquaducts, or maybe against bael... I also miss the platinum levels, and bad *** bosses from pocket legends. sandstone cave was a thing of beauty, every boss was tough and was strategic (not just push buttons and hit)think minor in Star legends too... we need bosses like that. One thing you can do with gear so its different is present hard as hell quests like the one from Pocket legends.. a quest that might take you a month to just get the helm.. and now you still have to get the suit and sword... (but maybe you have three-five choices of quests and you get the gear with the path you choose)so maybe two warriors both do it,do different quests, it takes so long but they get it done and now both have end game gear with diffferent attributes and different looks.. andi fyou want to get the other one now you gotta treck for another month lol.. THe one aspect though that i miss is where you kill a boss and see that pink item pop up and everybody is like awesome!!! grats!!! now you get a goldan chest, people are like, grats, dont open it though cause youll get three epics..keep the chests, but can we add arcane and mythic items to boss drops (small percentage) that would be pretty awesome...and how about making an epic worth something?? put hidden gems in the epics, one that ups a warrior dps to 250, howver you lose health and armor... and I loved starlegends how there were different weapons for classes, i can have small guns, big guns, small pistols, big pistols, big rotating barrel guns etc... all the weapons here look the same.. I want some orignality like the gurgox hammer was.. and make them available individually for platinum... have a 500 platinum sword.. lol , even a 10000 platinum sword (money maker) but that way we can have different options...there should be like 5-10 end game weapons, not just one or two...have vanity drops too!! And with how prices are ridiculous in this game compared to the others selling stuff for 14-20 million, can we adjust the gold accordily..like 89.99 gets 3400 instead of 1700, or 500 platinum get 1 million gold instead of 500k... 89.99 gets you 1.7 million.. with that you cant even buy one weapon for yourself...***or we can all just lower the damn prices everyone!!! we control the auction****haha, well im heading to bed, thanks for listening i always write a lot, but please fix the warrior vs warrior, somehow, someway...glitch helped warriors die.. lol

03-15-2013, 01:29 AM
I didn't pvp during the last update til this one.. but now that i see that the warriors have assumed there OP role in PVP once again I'm a bit disheartened.

I'm fairly new and a noob that just plays for fun, doesn't have much tactics, and no special equips(help in this department?). Just a lv 25 mage. (i was like zomg at 26000 exp xD im lazy)

But it was fact that Warrior>Mage by a very large margin before and now maybe once more. With rogues so long as I shield before they 1HKO me ..lol.. i had a chance. Thus assuming Warrior>Rogue. Warriors knew that they were OP before and have rejoiced once again. The fact i also suck needs to be considered but when you see two warriors together with pretty armor, most of us just xC ... stun and run but then they all like woosh jump up out of nowhere and bam they stun us and it's over. Groups are "assisted" by mages. Mages are "dependent" on groups, 1v1 lil diff but not really.

So I propose a boost, for each class' "attribute". INT for mage etc. for every 100 or maybe 50 points we have of our attribute we get a boost! :D Like health, crit, defense/damage reduction yadayadayada -different for each class to suit needs-. But if it the boosts were completely balanced in all classes then there may not be any significant difference rendering these boost useless...

Sooooooo maybe just help us mages out a lil more? c: ^ or recreate that, mix things up, try to individualize all the players with something more unique. Hope more stuff to come!

Maybe a lot to ask, maybe not, maybe really stupid post.. anyways thx for reading! And best pocket-able game ever!

03-15-2013, 01:38 AM
Great update! Its pretty much balanced now. For those ppl who complains they can't win a 1on1 with a warrior/rogue/mages then that only mean you have not practiced enough against such foe. You should realize that it takes a strategy to win a 1v1 battle. Casting your skills randomly and fast doesn't win you battles. You should think and anticipate what your enemy is trying to do. My advice is to think before you move. I am using a warrior and its not easy to do 1on1 vs a rogue and sorc. I have set of strategies for each foes. Sometimes i let them attack first to anticipate their next move. The crucial part in 1v1 is your pet. I use different pet for different opponents. Again, think before you act and study your opponents carefully.

Lvl26 warrior - Batongbakal - Philippine Allstars

03-15-2013, 04:52 AM
Mana is great again with the Vengence and Skyward Smash update :)

03-15-2013, 05:46 AM
3 warriors alternately casting shield is impossible to beat. Not only they get invulnerabilty, but heal in the process. Mages are useless when shield is out. What about lowering the recharge time of mage shield to make up for all the buffs and advantages given to other classes in the last few updates.

03-15-2013, 05:56 AM
It would be nice if STS would create a PVP system that doesn't allow more than 2 of one class on a team unless it's a custom created game. That ways, no full teams of warriors, rogues or sorcs. Custom created games would allow players to bring their own team to challenge another team.

03-15-2013, 06:37 AM
Wow Update me ping hard up 20tys end im no play why:(who cent hellp me im play phon Lg E400

03-15-2013, 07:32 AM
Mages are far from trash. I was rolling with a Mage while running flags on a warrior tonight and we were cleaning clocks. They take skill and good kiting abilities and they have strong synergy in group settings. I wager you want to 1v1 on your Mage?

Anyway, thanks for keeping the drama down a bit.

No offense sam, but u weren't cleaning clocks. The warrior was and u were tagging along behind. Of course he wants to 1 vs 1. Every class wants the chance to defeat the other classes without one class being OP. If you guys want CTF to be team/class role driven then you need to give us the ability to host games and boot noobs who won't play as a team.

I used to think the most fun part of pvp was sneaking around on my rogue by myself and taking out people when they weren't looking. That's not possible now because we can't kill warriors. Another strategy was to sneak and get the flag while both teams stood in the middle and pounded each other. In that case I needed the ability to defend myself (have a chance at killing the other class). Please explain to me how I'm supposed to kill a tank that has axe throw which can reach farther than any of my skills? While he's still out of range of my attacks he can have me pulled in, stunned and down a large percentage of my health and leaving me with no crits.

Not everyone wants to play ctf by having 2 warriors who are out front, 2 rogues who stay behind them shooting arrows and a mage that can't do anything except refill mana. A lot of people like to play as a free for all where they just run around fighting 1 vs 1, etc.

03-15-2013, 10:49 AM
thank you for sorta fixing veng :]

03-15-2013, 10:52 AM
thank you for sorta fixing veng :]

I think Veng is better now than it was originally. Or it works better for me as a tanking build since monsters/bosses replace mana and health. Sure we don't have the full mana replacement like it was originally, but I rarely have to mana pot with this new update. The health replenishment helps while I'm waiting for my HOR to cool down.

03-15-2013, 10:56 AM
No offense sam, but u weren't cleaning clocks. The warrior was and u were tagging along behind. Of course he wants to 1 vs 1. Every class wants the chance to defeat the other classes without one class being OP. If you guys want CTF to be team/class role driven then you need to give us the ability to host games and boot noobs who won't play as a team.

I used to think the most fun part of pvp was sneaking around on my rogue by myself and taking out people when they weren't looking. That's not possible now because we can't kill warriors. Another strategy was to sneak and get the flag while both teams stood in the middle and pounded each other. In that case I needed the ability to defend myself (have a chance at killing the other class). Please explain to me how I'm supposed to kill a tank that has axe throw which can reach farther than any of my skills? While he's still out of range of my attacks he can have me pulled in, stunned and down a large percentage of my health and leaving me with no crits.

Not everyone wants to play ctf by having 2 warriors who are out front, 2 rogues who stay behind them shooting arrows and a mage that can't do anything except refill mana. A lot of people like to play as a free for all where they just run around fighting 1 vs 1, etc.

Wvhills, I was playing the warrior :D

Sorry, I guess you missed that part. I was set up as a defensive warrior (sword 'n shield, axe throw, juggernaught, rally cry, horn of renew). I played more on my tanky warrior last night and got into a really great game with me, 3 rogues and 1 sorc vs. 2 war, 2 rogues 1 sorc. Some great team fights, fun fights over the flag, etc. Sure, I had some dud games where people were bailing mid game, unbalanced sides, etc. but there were also some really fun games too.

Also, if all you think that mage is doing is refilling mana, umm sorry mate, but that's another gross over-generalization.

The point is that CTF is a team game. If you choose to play 1v1, hey that's your deal. Just don't get all upset if the game isn't set up around 1v1ing.

03-15-2013, 10:59 AM
Just don't get all upset if the game isn't set up around 1v1ing.

I agree...

03-15-2013, 12:18 PM
Rouge dmg back update. Agile life potency back dmg..plz my rouge frs all leave

03-15-2013, 12:36 PM
Wvhills, I was playing the warrior :D

Sorry, I guess you missed that part. I was set up as a defensive warrior (sword 'n shield, axe throw, juggernaught, rally cry, horn of renew). I played more on my tanky warrior last night and got into a really great game with me, 3 rogues and 1 sorc vs. 2 war, 2 rogues 1 sorc. Some great team fights, fun fights over the flag, etc. Sure, I had some dud games where people were bailing mid game, unbalanced sides, etc. but there were also some really fun games too.

Also, if all you think that mage is doing is refilling mana, umm sorry mate, but that's another gross over-generalization.

The point is that CTF is a team game. If you choose to play 1v1, hey that's your deal. Just don't get all upset if the game isn't set up around 1v1ing.

the main point of my "gross over-generalization" is that the vast majority of mages can't contribute much to pvp besides refilling health and mana. That's not a gross over-generalization. It's my opinion based upon almost 12,500 pvp battles. It's also one shared by many mages. (I would say most or all mages but I'm afraid of over generalizing, lol). I didn't feel the need to put in qualifying statements such as "vast majority", "most", etc.

Here's my point: Do you have an end game toon of each class? I know you have a mage and warrior so you may have a rogue as well. Take some time over the next 3 days and play each until you get a combined 1000 kills and deaths on each toon then look at your kdr on each. I will almost guarantee you that the kdr on your warrior will be a lot better than ur rogue and ur rogues will be better than ur mages. You'll be the same pvper, with the same knowledge of the game but the difference is the class ur playing.

If you choose to do this I'd be greatly interested in hearing ur results. Maybe a better test would be to play until you get 100 flag captures on each and then look at ur kdr. That way you can't play it safe on rogue and mage by staying in the middle and kill stealing.

Also, I have no problem at all with ctf being designed to be a team game instead of 1 vs 1. But why put 1 vs 1 stats (kills, deaths and captures) on our toon screens for all the world to see instead of team stats (like games won, etc).

03-15-2013, 01:34 PM

03-15-2013, 01:52 PM
So if the argument is that mages are meant to be more effective in team situations, then are warriors/rogues meant to somehow be less effective in these situations? If so, I'm not seeing it. I know that as a mage I am useful for achieving an initial mass stun and healing my teams mana, but I'm not seeing warriors/rogues as any less useful in a team setting. Warriors perma-heal their team as there is usually at least 2-3 on a team chaining horn of renew. Rogues may have less of a team synergy but when the heat is off them they are free to demolish the other team. Sorcerers are certainly left with the scraps and very little reward.

As far as the team or 1 v 1, I don't think it is unreasonable to want a chance to decent chance to compete with the other classes. Especially since there is no reward for winning ctf battles currently, so what incentive is there to play as a team?

I think us sorcerers are just looking for a little bit of loving in the buffing department. We don't want more items, they aren't the issue. Here are some of my suggestions:

1. Add Feeble to one or more of our skills. Perhaps an upgrade on Lighting or Frost.
2. Fix/buff the Lightning stun proc.
3. Possibly reduce the stun immunity for our skills. I think this decision was primarily made for rogues using bows to constantly stun, but stunning is a sorcerer's lifeblood.
4. Give us a movement option that rivals rogues' Shadow Piercer and warriors' Skyward Smash. Possibly a small teleport skill/upgrade that allowed us to catch up to our opponents. I know this one is "pie in the sky"

Despite all of us whiny sorcerers, I do think you guys are doing a great job. Just throw us a bone!

03-15-2013, 02:16 PM
So if the argument is that mages are meant to be more effective in team situations, then are warriors/rogues meant to somehow be less effective in these situations? If so, I'm not seeing it. I know that as a mage I am useful for achieving an initial mass stun and healing my teams mana, but I'm not seeing warriors/rogues as any less useful in a team setting. Warriors perma-heal their team as there is usually at least 2-3 on a team chaining horn of renew. Rogues may have less of a team synergy but when the heat is off them they are free to demolish the other team. Sorcerers are certainly left with the scraps and very little reward.

As far as the team or 1 v 1, I don't think it is unreasonable to want a chance to decent chance to compete with the other classes. Especially since there is no reward for winning ctf battles currently, so what incentive is there to play as a team?

I think us sorcerers are just looking for a little bit of loving in the buffing department. We don't want more items, they aren't the issue. Here are some of my suggestions:

1. Add Feeble to one or more of our skills. Perhaps an upgrade on Lighting or Frost.
2. Fix/buff the Lightning stun proc.
3. Possibly reduce the stun immunity for our skills. I think this decision was primarily made for rogues using bows to constantly stun, but stunning is a sorcerer's lifeblood.
4. Give us a movement option that rivals rogues' Shadow Piercer and warriors' Skyward Smash. Possibly a small teleport skill/upgrade that allowed us to catch up to our opponents. I know this one is "pie in the sky"

Despite all of us whiny sorcerers, I do think you guys are doing a great job. Just throw us a bone!

i'd rather see mages damage increased instead of being given more stuns. Increased damage would put u on an even playing field but other classes would still have strategies to defend ourselves. There's no defense against unlimited stuns.

03-15-2013, 02:22 PM
Wvhills, I was playing the warrior :D

Sorry, I guess you missed that part. I was set up as a defensive warrior (sword 'n shield, axe throw, juggernaught, rally cry, horn of renew). I played more on my tanky warrior last night and got into a really great game with me, 3 rogues and 1 sorc vs. 2 war, 2 rogues 1 sorc. Some great team fights, fun fights over the flag, etc. Sure, I had some dud games where people were bailing mid game, unbalanced sides, etc. but there were also some really fun games too.

Also, if all you think that mage is doing is refilling mana, umm sorry mate, but that's another gross over-generalization.

The point is that CTF is a team game. If you choose to play 1v1, hey that's your deal. Just don't get all upset if the game isn't set up around 1v1ing.

giving an anti crit for a class who has high hp,armor decent dmg and better crit from mages?
playing in pvp with only 1sorc? dont they see how many mages left to play pvp?

if you guys think sorc has better chances in this current balances, can you guys spoonfeed us?
cos ive been with my mage after i quit my warrior 2weeks after pvp was released. And we still struggles.
if you are saying that mages do better in groups. that is not acceptable
for is two other class can do 1v1 or group plays, why cant mages do 1v1 too?

03-15-2013, 03:19 PM
Here's my point: Do you have an end game toon of each class? I know you have a mage and warrior so you may have a rogue as well. Take some time over the next 3 days and play each until you get a combined 1000 kills and deaths on each toon then look at your kdr on each. I will almost guarantee you that the kdr on your warrior will be a lot better than ur rogue and ur rogues will be better than ur mages. You'll be the same pvper, with the same knowledge of the game but the difference is the class ur playing.

Your KDR might be different and that makes total sense. Now if you had a leaderboard for damage done though, your Sorcerer should be way ahead of the other two classes, barring your play style and build not putting you in any area of effect situations.

Here's the thing, at their core, Mages are the AOE kings, so they will never do as much damage 1v1 as a Rogue. All their AOE abilities damage takes in to account that they can hit 3-10 targets, so per target the damage is much lower. That can't change, we can't give their Fireball the same damage per target at Aimed Shot for Rogues, or they would be broken.

Because we wanted the Rogues to have the highest single target damage, Mages single target abilities can be upgraded to have AOE and crowd control effects instead, but not as high damage as Rogue single target abilities.

AL PvP is not balanced for 1v1 and never will be, because it would take too much of the class flavor out of the game.

In 5v5 PvP (and to a large degree, PvE), this is how we see the classes:

Warrior - The tank, front line of the fight. The first to go in and bait out powerful abilities and cooldowns of the enemy team. The flag runner and the one to prevent the enemies from getting to the back line team members (this part is where the Warrior kind of fails currently in PvP, since Taunt doesn't work on players).

Sorcerer - The artillery, second line of the battle, able to sustain damage over the entire enemy team for an extended period of time, and selectively crowd control enemies that try to break through or are the chosen target of the team.

Rogue - The assassin, last to enter the fight. Sneaks in late in the fight and starts to pick off single high value targets, i.e other Rogues, Sorcerers, flag runners

So yeah, Rogues being powerful in 1v1 is no accident. Warriors also have a slight advantage in 1v1 simply because they are so beefy that it's hard to kill them by yourself before they are able to whittle you down.

A flaw currently is that we don't have leaderboards for things such as total damage output in PvP (which I'm convinced a good Sorcerer would lead), so we're pushing everyone to focus on KDR which automatically means Rogues (killsteal...securers, hey it's their job) and Warriors (don't die as much) will feel like they're doing better in PvP than Sorcerers.

03-15-2013, 03:34 PM
Your KDR might be different and that makes total sense. Now if you had a leaderboard for damage done though, your Sorcerer should be way ahead of the other two classes, barring your play style and build not putting you in any area of effect situations.

Here's the thing, at their core, Mages are the AOE kings, so they will never do as much damage 1v1 as a Rogue. All their AOE abilities damage takes in to account that they can hit 3-10 targets, so per target the damage is much lower. That can't change, we can't give their Fireball the same damage per target at Aimed Shot for Rogues, or they would be broken.

Because we wanted the Rogues to have the highest single target damage, Mages single target abilities can be upgraded to have AOE and crowd control effects instead, but not as high damage as Rogue single target abilities.

AL PvP is not balanced for 1v1 and never will be, because it would take too much of the class flavor out of the game.

In 5v5 PvP (and to a large degree, PvE), this is how we see the classes:

Warrior - The tank, front line of the fight. The first to go in and bait out powerful abilities and cooldowns of the enemy team. The flag runner and the one to prevent the enemies from getting to the back line team members (this part is where the Warrior kind of fails currently in PvP, since Taunt doesn't work on players).

Sorcerer - The artillery, second line of the battle, able to sustain damage over the entire enemy team for an extended period of time, and selectively crowd control enemies that try to break through or are the chosen target of the team.

Rogue - The assassin, last to enter the fight. Sneaks in late in the fight and starts to pick off single high value targets, i.e other Rogues, Sorcerers, flag runners

So yeah, Rogues being powerful in 1v1 is no accident. Warriors also have a slight advantage in 1v1 simply because they are so beefy that it's hard to kill them by yourself before they are able to whittle you down.

A flaw currently is that we don't have leaderboards for things such as total damage output in PvP (which I'm convinced a good Sorcerer would lead), so we're pushing everyone to focus on KDR which automatically means Rogues (killsteal...securers, hey it's their job) and Warriors (don't die as much) will feel like they're doing better in PvP than Sorcerers.

All it means is one: everyone should switch to warrior.

When you enter game with mages and rogues on one side versus warriors on other side - gf. All this kdr staff and leaderboard in ctf games where only team victory should matter, why?

03-15-2013, 03:38 PM
so we're pushing everyone to focus on KDR which automatically means Rogues (killsteal...securers, hey it's their job)

That also push warriors to stick together with another warriors! Why would they need rogues? To steal their kills?

03-15-2013, 03:41 PM
Your KDR might be different and that makes total sense. Now if you had a leaderboard for damage done though, your Sorcerer should be way ahead of the other two classes, barring your play style and build not putting you in any area of effect situations.

Here's the thing, at their core, Mages are the AOE kings, so they will never do as much damage 1v1 as a Rogue. All their AOE abilities damage takes in to account that they can hit 3-10 targets, so per target the damage is much lower. That can't change, we can't give their Fireball the same damage per target at Aimed Shot for Rogues, or they would be broken.

Because we wanted the Rogues to have the highest single target damage, Mages single target abilities can be upgraded to have AOE and crowd control effects instead, but not as high damage as Rogue single target abilities.

AL PvP is not balanced for 1v1 and never will be, because it would take too much of the class flavor out of the game.

In 5v5 PvP (and to a large degree, PvE), this is how we see the classes:

Warrior - The tank, front line of the fight. The first to go in and bait out powerful abilities and cooldowns of the enemy team. The flag runner and the one to prevent the enemies from getting to the back line team members (this part is where the Warrior kind of fails currently in PvP, since Taunt doesn't work on players).

Sorcerer - The artillery, second line of the battle, able to sustain damage over the entire enemy team for an extended period of time, and selectively crowd control enemies that try to break through or are the chosen target of the team.

Rogue - The assassin, last to enter the fight. Sneaks in late in the fight and starts to pick off single high value targets, i.e other Rogues, Sorcerers, flag runners

So yeah, Rogues being powerful in 1v1 is no accident. Warriors also have a slight advantage in 1v1 simply because they are so beefy that it's hard to kill them by yourself before they are able to whittle you down.

A flaw currently is that we don't have leaderboards for things such as total damage output in PvP (which I'm convinced a good Sorcerer would lead), so we're pushing everyone to focus on KDR which automatically means Rogues (killsteal...securers, hey it's their job) and Warriors (don't die as much) will feel like they're doing better in PvP than Sorcerers.

I understand your points and the philosophy that your development team has taken. However, I fail to see the incentive of someone playing a Sorcerer in its current state. It isn't much fun in a group setting when Rogues are constantly kill stealing everything and Warriros on the other team are perma-shielding/healing their entire squad.

Also, based on your design philosophy I don't understand why Warriors do as much damage as they do. The windmill bug was awful and honestly broke pvp, then you removed it and basically neutered Warriors, then after only one day you released an update with new game changing abilities (Feeble) to Warriors and increased their damage. How did this fit into your design philosophy?

I think the core issue here is that most Sorcerers feel like they are getting the short end of the stick. I hope in future updates we can get some new abilities/buff/debuffs that will incentivize Sorcerer play, because I am tired of entering pvp games that consist of mostly Warriors that end very quickly due to frustration.

03-15-2013, 03:49 PM
The only damage we increased was their single target ability because it for some reason did less damage per target than all their AOE damage. They still have the lowest damage output per ability of the classes. Feeble didn't increase their damage, it decreased other players damage, allowing Warriors to tank better.

And again, I'm not saying we're done, that's it, PvP is perfectly balanced. There will be many more updates.

03-15-2013, 04:24 PM
I understand your points and the philosophy that your development team has taken. However, I fail to see the incentive of someone playing a Sorcerer in its current state. It isn't much fun in a group setting when Rogues are constantly kill stealing everything and Warriros on the other team are perma-shielding/healing their entire squad.

Also, based on your design philosophy I don't understand why Warriors do as much damage as they do. The windmill bug was awful and honestly broke pvp, then you removed it and basically neutered Warriors, then after only one day you released an update with new game changing abilities (Feeble) to Warriors and increased their damage. How did this fit into your design philosophy?

I think the core issue here is that most Sorcerers feel like they are getting the short end of the stick. I hope in future updates we can get some new abilities/buff/debuffs that will incentivize Sorcerer play, because I am tired of entering pvp games that consist of mostly Warriors that end very quickly due to frustration.

I believe they decreased warriors damage and then increased it. Sans the AT, warrior damage is down overall. You are correct the bug was awful. I was on both ends of it.

Every class feels like they are getting the short end of the stick. If you asked warriors after the nerf patch.. their stick had a point on it.

The really sad thing about pvp... most don't stay around. A person dies attacking 3 people and logs because they can't beat 3 people. SO now you have 5 on 4....so on and so forth.

03-15-2013, 04:25 PM
The only damage we increased was their single target ability because it for some reason did less damage per target than all their AOE damage. They still have the lowest damage output per ability of the classes. Feeble didn't increase their damage, it decreased other players damage, allowing Warriors to tank better.

And again, I'm not saying we're done, that's it, PvP is perfectly balanced. There will be many more updates.

Thanks for your commitment to improving the experience of all your customers. I hope that you can draw from some of the more creative suggestions from the Sorcerers on this forum. I for one would rather see some creativity to balance issues rather than general damage/hp increases.

I look forward to future updates and hope to see some Sorcerer love so we can all stop whining. ;-)

03-15-2013, 04:29 PM
I believe they decreased warriors damage and then increased it. Sans the AT, warrior damage is down overall. You are correct the bug was awful. I was on both ends of it.

Every class feels like they are getting the short end of the stick. If you asked warriors after the nerf patch.. their stick had a point on it.

The really sad thing about pvp... most don't stay around. A person dies attacking 3 people and logs because they can't beat 3 people. SO now you have 5 on 4....so on and so forth.

I agree that every class has felt slighted at times, but I think most would agree that Rogues/Warriors get their concerns addressed more quickly (up to this point at least). Case in point, the lead time on buffing Warriors back up a bit was 1 day.

I also agree about the pvp team imbalance. I think most people want more of a deathmatch or 1v1 gameplay mode as opposed to this quasi-team oriented ctf that really has no incentive to win as a team. I'm sure this will also be addressed in future updates.

I have full confidence in STS and believe they have put out a great product, and I hope my posts aren't coming off as whiny.

03-15-2013, 04:36 PM
Your KDR might be different and that makes total sense. Now if you had a leaderboard for damage done though, your Sorcerer should be way ahead of the other two classes, barring your play style and build not putting you in any area of effect situations.

Here's the thing, at their core, Mages are the AOE kings, so they will never do as much damage 1v1 as a Rogue. All their AOE abilities damage takes in to account that they can hit 3-10 targets, so per target the damage is much lower. That can't change, we can't give their Fireball the same damage per target at Aimed Shot for Rogues, or they would be broken.

Because we wanted the Rogues to have the highest single target damage, Mages single target abilities can be upgraded to have AOE and crowd control effects instead, but not as high damage as Rogue single target abilities.

AL PvP is not balanced for 1v1 and never will be, because it would take too much of the class flavor out of the game.

In 5v5 PvP (and to a large degree, PvE), this is how we see the classes:

Warrior - The tank, front line of the fight. The first to go in and bait out powerful abilities and cooldowns of the enemy team. The flag runner and the one to prevent the enemies from getting to the back line team members (this part is where the Warrior kind of fails currently in PvP, since Taunt doesn't work on players).

Sorcerer - The artillery, second line of the battle, able to sustain damage over the entire enemy team for an extended period of time, and selectively crowd control enemies that try to break through or are the chosen target of the team.

Rogue - The assassin, last to enter the fight. Sneaks in late in the fight and starts to pick off single high value targets, i.e other Rogues, Sorcerers, flag runners

So yeah, Rogues being powerful in 1v1 is no accident. Warriors also have a slight advantage in 1v1 simply because they are so beefy that it's hard to kill them by yourself before they are able to whittle you down.

A flaw currently is that we don't have leaderboards for things such as total damage output in PvP (which I'm convinced a good Sorcerer would lead), so we're pushing everyone to focus on KDR which automatically means Rogues (killsteal...securers, hey it's their job) and Warriors (don't die as much) will feel like they're doing better in PvP than Sorcerers.

Then why u put up a leader board for kills and flags? is it racism to mages? lol.

03-15-2013, 04:42 PM
Then why u put up a leader board for kills and flags? is it racism to mages? lol.

Yes, down with those blue bastards!

No, as the Lead Designer and the person that essentially came up with that little blue nugget, if anything our game should be skewed towards Sorcerers being the most powerful, right? I try to keep personal opinions out of balancing though.

The simple answer to the leader board problem is we don't have the technology to make a good leader board for Sorcerer style PvP, right now.

tooclose101, yeah Sorcerers will have some quality of life changes coming to them sooner or later, it's just a matter of time. Sorcerers have some abilities now that I feel are a bit odd and poorly implemented so they might have 1 or 2 abilities change significantly (like Vengeful Blood did).

03-15-2013, 04:44 PM
The only damage we increased was their single target ability because it for some reason did less damage per target than all their AOE damage. They still have the lowest damage output per ability of the classes. Feeble didn't increase their damage, it decreased other players damage, allowing Warriors to tank better.

And again, I'm not saying we're done, that's it, PvP is perfectly balanced. There will be many more updates.

After u increase warriors dmg. it would b no harm to increase mages armor and health a bit. wouldnt it? as after the 2 seconds invounable. mages r dead meat. as we only want a little more survivability. im really ok with our attacking skills.

03-15-2013, 04:45 PM
yes, down with those blue bastards!

lmfao. yay for changes (sooner or later)...Im a mage, and i will not tolerate "your evil threats"

03-15-2013, 04:49 PM
Yes, down with those blue bastards!

No, as the Lead Designer and the person that essentially came up with that little blue nugget, if anything our game should be skewed towards Sorcerers being the most powerful, right? I try to keep personal opinions out of balancing though.

The simple answer to the leader board problem is we don't have the technology to make a good leader board for Sorcerer style PvP, right now.

tooclose101, yeah Sorcerers will have some quality of life changes coming to them sooner or later, it's just a matter of time. Sorcerers have some abilities now that I feel are a bit odd and poorly implemented so they might have 1 or 2 abilities change significantly (like Vengeful Blood did).

Sounds like you have some great stuff in the pipeline. Personally I would rather see skill changes implemented before any leaderboard additions.The vast majority of players don't have the time or interest in attaining leaderboard status, but I like where your head is at.

03-15-2013, 05:35 PM
With the current implementation, nearly all pvp matches I enter, never even finish. The team with the most warriors will pound the other team, and then begin going into the spawn rooms and killing them 5 vs 1 or 5 vs 2. Then the other team leaves, and the game times out. Even if the spawns were protected, people are not going to continue to play a match that is unbalanced, and that should not be decided by which team has the best/most warriors. Since I can't form my own team to play, I'm left to join a game, see the other side is loaded with warriors, quit out, and try to rejoin a new game. It can take a long time to find a game with 2 sides of somewhat equal class distribution.

I understand that you want each class to play a role and have it's own strengths and weaknesses. But understand that at endgame, all there is to do is farm, pvp, and compete on leaderboards. Mages are somewhat useful in elite runs for their stun, freeze, and mana heal, but are certainly not required to have in a party to do well. In pvp, mages are expected to stun and mana heal while getting the occasional kill, and maybe capture a flag once in a blue moon. All the while rogues and warriors rack up the kills and flag captures. These inadequacies also influence how poorly we compete on the leaderboards. I'm sorry, but that is not a fun game to play. I'm certainly not going to spend money on it.

03-15-2013, 06:22 PM
Ive played five warriors vs five mages, and mages won by stunning us to death...they all had pets that helped each other.. in ctf this is huge, youll beat a team of warriors with all ribbits, but lose of one has mal, one has rip, one has kettle etc....think about ur team and not yourself and youll prosper. ..use a healing pet like loki to help ur team out.. most people go all offensive than conplain when they die, lol. I fought jexetta yesterday...she's a rouge, she speced xompletely different. Im a warrior with over 207 dps, 4100 health, used ripmaw and after ten mins, we stopped...nobody couls kill each other. ...that's class balance in my opinion, maybe too balanced...a lot od these fights 1 vs 1 don't ever end lol I think these adjustments shoukd be made...warrior still needs more damage output, , rouges need less health packs or lower percentage on health, mages need feeble, a sprint glide skill the only reason warriors run through teama is people dont know how to fight them.....whirlwind is easiest skill to avoid...what I see from newer plauers is rushing in like ur a tank.. your gonna die lol duh, warrior vs warrior is still a no go, sam can you pkease try this, i can only kill guys running around with trollbanes 1 vs 1. Ctf wise I think its. Perfect.......anyway to have a ctf room with these stats, and a 2 vs 1 room with different damage etc...make everyone happy...alao just a suggestion since nobody uses sone pets, put some dope passive skills on pets on next cap, like flounder, etc... so all pets are involved....achievement dor new pets pretty please :)

03-15-2013, 06:35 PM
Ive played five warriors vs five mages, and mages won by stunning us to death...they all had pets that helped each other.. in ctf this is huge, youll beat a team of warriors with all ribbits, but lose of one has mal, one has rip, one has kettle etc....think about ur team and not yourself and youll prosper. ..use a healing pet like loki to help ur team out.. most people go all offensive than conplain when they die, lol. I fought jexetta yesterday...she's a rouge, she speced xompletely different. Im a warrior with over 207 dps, 4100 health, used ripmaw and after ten mins, we stopped...nobody couls kill each other. ...that's class balance in my opinion, maybe too balanced...a lot od these fights 1 vs 1 don't ever end lol I think these adjustments shoukd be made...warrior still needs more damage output, , rouges need less health packs or lower percentage on health, mages need feeble, a sprint glide skill the only reason warriors run through teama is people dont know how to fight them.....whirlwind is easiest skill to avoid...what I see from newer plauers is rushing in like ur a tank.. your gonna die lol duh, warrior vs warrior is still a no go, sam can you pkease try this, i can only kill guys running around with trollbanes 1 vs 1. Ctf wise I think its. Perfect.......anyway to have a ctf room with these stats, and a 2 vs 1 room with different damage etc...make everyone happy...alao just a suggestion since nobody uses sone pets, put some dope passive skills on pets on next cap, like flounder, etc... so all pets are involved....achievement dor new pets pretty please :)

Wow, why would rogues need their hp lowered when we're already squishy?

03-15-2013, 06:54 PM
Cause a good rouge knows how to manage health packs. Jexetta and vyrdiana are two excellent examples of that. .. they can beat all classes, and against warrior our damage output is still to low where a rouge can do multiple health. .in one fight they gor up to six on the floor and everytine they are low, bam full life. ..if you look at it, with the percentage of life you get, you end up with more health than a warrior. . That shouldn't be the case

03-15-2013, 07:40 PM
Darko, would you mind naming the warriors and mages involved in the game you spoke of above?

03-15-2013, 09:25 PM
Warriors doesnt need the top gears anymore.no need for you to buy those because even if i remove my mythic helm, still have the same damage .Rely on the hitters on your party when doing an elite run.Warriors can save millions of gold now. venge plus mill taunt combo wll inly give you mana while taking too much punishment from the mobs.I prefer to ugrade the damage and the duration of mill.mana pots are cheaper than hp pots aNd you can survive without mana right?. in pvp , 1v1 vs rogue is easier.try using chest splitter and skyward .splitter with feeble prevents them from doing crits.

03-15-2013, 09:26 PM
Darko, would you mind naming the warriors and mages involved in the game you spoke of above?

i also find it hard to believe that 5 warriors who can alternately cast multiple shields and die. Stunned to death? I think darko skipped the patch that nerffed stun locks.lol

03-16-2013, 12:29 AM
i also find it hard to believe that 5 warriors who can alternately cast multiple shields and die. Stunned to death? I think darko skipped the patch that nerffed stun locks.lol

It's either a total fabrication, or the noobiest warriors ever.

03-16-2013, 12:47 AM
It's either a total fabrication, or the noobiest warriors ever.

Agreed I don't even bother with PvP anymore....between farming kills and being a rogue against countless warriors I waved the white flag a long time ago

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Anindu Bandara
03-16-2013, 03:13 AM
awesome im glad a Mage has said this.. I play with a lot of ridiculous mages. This is what ive noticed from playing in PVP today with the new updates.

IN pug games, warriors are pretty decent, i used Chest splitter and skyward (we HAVE to have vengeful and Horn, which i still feel should be combined in some way so we can have an extra slot for offense) I got some kills, and was able to go outside of the group and kill stragglers.. (this was a change from before, which I truly like.

In 1 vs 1, I played with a bunch of pro pvpers, including the final two in the last PVP tournament. I actually beat a few end game rouges, and they beat me.. even when I did win I had maybe 5-15% life, so to me thats really formidable and a very good battle, and pretty balanced in that regard. THeres certain rouges that are still unstoppable, and I have a question about the debuff (which i think is awesome by the way) CS has a quick CD (also like), so does this buff only last the 3 seconds? or is it like a 1.5 second buff? The only draw back with chest splitter is you have to get in close where a rouge can destroy you with razor. I tried axe throw and while I like the improvements, its not something I personally would like to use... its the warriors only skill that reduces armor though.. since CS is splitting open their chest so to speak, can it have a little damage reduction? Axe throw still is fun to use, but its such a gimmick, and is hilarious. There is still a bug with it that you can throw the axe around and through corners...

AS far as Mages, they are really tough to kill for me compared to the old squishy days..which I like, its a good balance, I dont want to one hit them... however, they are still being one hit by rouges crit. THey should also have some sort of debuff to combat that.. There kitiing skills are awesome, however I do have to side with them on this. To gain ground on someone (rouge piercer), (warrior sky), the little blue dash mages have is pathetic... it needs to be boosted a little, they cant get away from anybody (however, I do realize there are pets (shiloh), and skill points to improve this delima)

AS far as warriors, ughhhhhh , lol, warrior vs warrior, is a nightmare still, even with the added damage output. I had a fight with a warrior for 15 mins, and i said okay stop, and im at 100% lol .. This isnt going to be pretty, and will be lame in this upcoming tournament. (whose thumbs get tired first) ...I dont know how to improve that though without upping damage output...gives us some type of skill with a long CD, high mana use, that has very high damage output.. you cant lower armor or health cause than rouges will destroy us. I do like however that most 1 vs 1 battles are lasting longer amongst other classes... since update.... Also can we get a PVE and PVP slot for builds?? For example, having a wide range for horn, sucks in PVP, especially if you have other tanks anyways on your team, but its absolutley necessary in PVE...I like the idea that vengeful does a auto buff, like 8% mana and health regen, insted of hoping someone hits you...and doesnt hit you too hard...

I think right now there is no class that is "op" which is good, all classes, seemed very balanced in 1 vs 1. I saw a mage beat a rouge, and that rouge than beat me.. and than I beat that Mage lol I also had a lot of 2-2 fights with some rouges.. SOmethign to keep in mind though is pets... I destroyed a rouge with colton, they beat me with Malison. I lost with ribbit, i won with ripmaw... theres strengths and weakness on each pet as in each build..

only think that really needs to be fixed is mages speed ability, and something with warrior vs warrior.. its boring, people dont want to see it anymore, and it never happens..
now with some suggestions

A lot of us in the forums, pay good money here (89.99 every two weeks here) IM a loyal customer.. is there a way if we spend a certain amount of real money we get rewarded with things?? A bonus skill point to use, a rare exclusive pet, a rare exclusive weapon? **cough DARK excaliber*** a hammerjaw magically appears in my inventory;) (550 crates with nothing :( THe one thing I enjoyed in PL, is every single person was different, in gear, in weapons etc.. Here every end gamers has EXACTLY THE SAME GEAR. Also as a player, i hate that i am limited to content if I cap... I cannot play ANY other map except kraken to get kills... not even dead city!! which is fairly new.. This needs to be fixed... every map should be playable, just adjust the enemeies with our level. I know this can be done cause you do it with tombs. And think about the possibilites now?? you can have rare weapons all over the world.. maybe youll get a awesome sword or bow in aquaducts, or maybe against bael... I also miss the platinum levels, and bad *** bosses from pocket legends. sandstone cave was a thing of beauty, every boss was tough and was strategic (not just push buttons and hit)think minor in Star legends too... we need bosses like that. One thing you can do with gear so its different is present hard as hell quests like the one from Pocket legends.. a quest that might take you a month to just get the helm.. and now you still have to get the suit and sword... (but maybe you have three-five choices of quests and you get the gear with the path you choose)so maybe two warriors both do it,do different quests, it takes so long but they get it done and now both have end game gear with diffferent attributes and different looks.. andi fyou want to get the other one now you gotta treck for another month lol.. THe one aspect though that i miss is where you kill a boss and see that pink item pop up and everybody is like awesome!!! grats!!! now you get a goldan chest, people are like, grats, dont open it though cause youll get three epics..keep the chests, but can we add arcane and mythic items to boss drops (small percentage) that would be pretty awesome...and how about making an epic worth something?? put hidden gems in the epics, one that ups a warrior dps to 250, howver you lose health and armor... and I loved starlegends how there were different weapons for classes, i can have small guns, big guns, small pistols, big pistols, big rotating barrel guns etc... all the weapons here look the same.. I want some orignality like the gurgox hammer was.. and make them available individually for platinum... have a 500 platinum sword.. lol , even a 10000 platinum sword (money maker) but that way we can have different options...there should be like 5-10 end game weapons, not just one or two...have vanity drops too!! And with how prices are ridiculous in this game compared to the others selling stuff for 14-20 million, can we adjust the gold accordily..like 89.99 gets 3400 instead of 1700, or 500 platinum get 1 million gold instead of 500k... 89.99 gets you 1.7 million.. with that you cant even buy one weapon for yourself...***or we can all just lower the damn prices everyone!!! we control the auction****haha, well im heading to bed, thanks for listening i always write a lot, but please fix the warrior vs warrior, somehow, someway...glitch helped warriors die.. lol

not everyone has the money to waste on in game purchases you know.. :/ all of your other ideas are great except for the platinum stuff.. if there was a way to earn platinum in the game, that would be awesome.. but there isn't.. kids play this game swell.. so i dont think everyone will be able to spend 89.99 every two weeks for platinum on a game -_-

03-19-2013, 06:13 PM
lol my post disappeared. LOL,BIG LOL

03-19-2013, 08:58 PM

03-21-2013, 12:25 AM
Love the Leprechoblin. Hope it stays forever.

03-21-2013, 08:12 AM