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View Full Version : I would like to see sorcerers buffed

03-15-2013, 01:52 AM

STS DEVELOPERS are you trying to get rid of all sorcerers??????????

i have tolerated all stupid nonsenses, stupid updates, stupid disadvantages toward sorcerers until now, in the mean time i have been the highest dps, highest dmg sorcerer since last two three updates.

If you DEVELOPERS are serious with updates and trying hard to balance right, PLAY SORCERER AND TEST, FEEL THE ABSURD WEAKNESS.

Without any doubt, you developers are RUINING THE SORCERER CLASS, disadvantaing EVERY SINGLE ASPECTS OF THE CLASS, therefore, many of sorcerers are leaving AL, QUITTING AL .


Beneficial updates and modifications for warriors since there are many complaints from MANY WARRIORS? come on.... It is really disgusting and FRUSTRATING. majority makes the RULE?

ALL SORCERES FEEL THE SAME, I am not NOT NOT asking u guys to unfairly support sorcerers, BUT. HELLO , AT LEAST U developers should LET SORCERERS play AL . UNDERSTAND???????


Tons of plat? I dont care, tons of deaths? I dont care. Even now, i kill so many at PVP. (Die or kill is not my point)

Don't just change our beloved ARCANE LEGENDS into Warcane LEGENDS.

PS. Not a single blame toward warriors. kindly don't misunderstand.

- jamesthelord -

03-15-2013, 01:59 AM
Hey James,

I feel you! It's as if the complaints of the mass majority are being worked right now, and that majority are the warriors. What puzzles me the most is that even before this incident, mages and rogues have already been complaining bout certain issues regarding their class and that only few modifications have been made. Well I guess let's just wait.

Just remember to post in a calm manner so that the devs would take these matters into consideration. Gooday!

03-15-2013, 02:02 AM
200% Agree with u guys, Plz..really really test a sorcerer in ur private servers, come on... as a mage, i actually think rogues need a buff to, helps everybody to kill faster.

03-15-2013, 02:08 AM

STS DEVELOPERS are you trying to get rid of all sorcerers??????????

i have tolerated all stupid nonsenses, stupid updates, stupid disadvantages toward sorcerers until now, in the mean time i have been the highest dps, highest dmg sorcerer since last two three updates.

If you DEVELOPERS are serious with updates and trying hard to balance right, PLAY SORCERER AND TEST, FEEL THE ABSURD WEAKNESS.

Without any doubt, you developers are RUINING THE SORCERER CLASS, disadvantaing EVERY SINGLE ASPECTS OF THE CLASS, therefore, many of sorcerers are leaving AL, QUITTING AL .


good updates and modifications for warriors since there are many complains from MANY WARRIORS? come on.... It is really disgusting and FRUSTRATING.

ALL SORCERES FEEL THE SAME, I am not NOT NOT asking u guys to unfairly support sorcerers, BUT. HELLO , AT LEAST U developers should LET SORCERERS play AL . UNDERSTAND???????


- jamesthelord -

Whoa, the caps in this post. Sorcerers may not be the most OP class in the game right now, but they are still playable in my view. Many people have discussed this already, and the issue of the "underdog" sorcs has been addressed multiple times. Many people have learned to adapt and develop unique playing styles and builds to play as an effective sorcerer. I highly doubt that STS wants to remove sorcerers, and are working on ways to improve the class. A recent update had dexterity points giving a greater benefit to sorcs. Sorcerers, do have advantages still, such as a gigantic mana pool compared to the other classes, awesome aoe abilities, the classic fireball stun, and more. Please be patient with the devs, and threatening to quit is not really the best way to convince them. :)

03-15-2013, 02:15 AM
I agree with james.

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Tapatalk 2

03-15-2013, 02:20 AM
Lots of updates for warriors but nothing has changed bro. Dont rely on that high dps .It doesnt change your damage at all.I already observed it.You need someone in front of you to cover you up.Like sokrth and perroncel doing in pvp.

03-15-2013, 02:26 AM
Read well.

I SAID DPS AND DMG. Not limiting with dps , not limiting at pvp.

03-15-2013, 03:14 AM
they should remove the mage from their logo or pic and replace with warrior...

when i first started AL...i thought theres something special with mage thats y i choose it....

indeed there something special.....weak

03-15-2013, 03:28 AM
well said but sadly sorc class developement isnt coming before other classes (ei:rogue arc weapon,warrior improvement)

when they implemented immunity the sorc class was strip naked, murdered and thrown to the unkown. sorc fell hard way more behind.
---atleast give us timeshift root
---lightning stun to be cast uncharge

warrior's have "shield wars"
rogue has "crit wars"
sorc? "stun wars" but they took it:/

03-15-2013, 03:32 AM
James: I know you don't want to hear this, but the max damage build is just not a good one. It's very one-dimentional and does not yield good results. It's like a boxer who has a good knockout punch, but can't jab nor can he take a punch. Most often he will end up on the losing end.

I'm a sorcerer too and I've done just fine in both PvE and PvP. Yes there were some issues at various times, but it appears most of them have been resolved. What specific issues do you feel are still a problem?

03-15-2013, 03:39 AM
Personally I think mages have became aggro magnet..it's like whatever a Mage do,they pull aggro

03-15-2013, 03:47 AM
James: I know you don't want to hear this, but the max damage build is just not a good one. It's very one-dimentional and does not yield good results. It's like a boxer who has a good knockout punch, but can't jab nor can he take a punch. Most often he will end up on the losing end.

I'm a sorcerer too and I've done just fine in both PvE and PvP. Yes there were some issues at various times, but it appears most of them have been resolved. What specific issues do you feel are still a problem?

all i can see is "they" are pushing mages to team-dependants. other two class can fairly do 1v1 and teamplay. why mages cant?
your build as what other mages are force to do a team-dependant class.
have you tried fighting max out dmg mage vs your build? decent rogue and warrior? cos i dont see how your build would work.

03-15-2013, 03:49 AM
The dex update is not that beneficial for mages. u haveto sacrifice lot of u dmg to get the extra health. and also the xtra health u get from it doesnt help a lot as rogue still kills u in one shot. yep u lasting a bit longer with fighting warriors but the end result its the same. i spent 2000 pvp death to learn how to fight. what did warrior do? for crying out loud?

i did test with my friends. if the warrior respec well. they wins every fight against mage. befor the newest update. increase the dmg for waariors slightly. i understand it takes too long for warriors 1v1. but y dont u think they will kill mages faster. plsease increase our armor and health also. dex update is benificial to everyone not only mages.

and also about kiting. warrior times right they can jump over the timeshift. mages life is depend on luck. pushback proc. 20% freeze. 25%stun (seems never happens). and all of this need to b charged. as i said before the only thing mage cant afford its time. our low armor low health means we just cant charge our skill every time.

the freeze doesn't slow down piecer and skyward smash. how can u talk about kiting on this base?

u need two pure defensive skill to survive a bit of longer. u kite and u cant kill it. what's the point? warrior can pull out of fight any time they want. get healed and get back to u. mage can do it any time? i doubt it.

also the lighting crit is much lower than other skills. that is the only skill we can deal some serious dmg. even with colton buff half dex build it not happening that often.

pls do somthing to mages. in pvp all i see its just those about15 to 20 same mages everyday. they really got kicked out of pvp.

all my testing is based on fully geared warrior rogue and mage.

03-15-2013, 03:55 AM
Dear Energeric,
Same with u. Read my post carefully. Also do I wee with both pvp and pve as many ppl know. But the main issue is that the new updates are consecutively frustrating Especially for mages, apology for not fully contenting you
with your questions.
I do agree with you in ceratain point, with deepest respects.
But plz dont misunderstand and mis judge, I try every builds, yet, developers should BALANCE far better.

03-15-2013, 03:57 AM
Personally I think mages have became aggro magnet..it's like whatever a Mage do,they pull aggro

it becos the high dmg on their AOE skills. and the failure of warriors taunting. when i play elite i have to change my low dmg gear to avoiding death. which i feel bad to my teammates.

03-15-2013, 04:28 AM
Do you even lift bro?
Ive got this friend, Sulpherdoxide, he's a mage. And he crits at 200 and he's one of the most powerful mages I know. Even babybentley. Just improve your items!its not as if you have good skills!

03-15-2013, 04:48 AM
Do you even lift bro?
Ive got this friend, Sulpherdoxide, he's a mage. And he crits at 200 and he's one of the most powerful mages I know. Even babybentley. Just improve your items!its not as if you have good skills!

He crits 200? wow... whattamage :O

03-15-2013, 05:05 AM
Sorry, I disagree, and I'm a sorc. I've been playing for a bit now and never felt that bad off, it's a matter of learning to use your skills properly. Read the sorc section of the forums, lots of good information on there.

You're not a warrior, stop trying to run in the middle of things.

Your not a rogue, don't try to rely on DPS, crit, or dodge.

Your a mage, you are crowd control, you are DoT.

I couldn't find a group today for the little time I had to play on the bus, so I decided to go solo some elite bosses that I didn't have the achievements for. Sure, it took 20 minutes each (speed slayer, and one in dead city) and I died a couple of times, but I was able to do it.

The new update has been great for us, the dex changes are really good. It's not intended to replace int as your primary stat, it does make dex an option as secondary. Right now I have dex on my armour and helm (mythic helm) and str on my weapon. I'm just shy of 2000hp, and have been debating swapping over to the dex weapon (loss of about 40hp, gain of 1.1 damage) but I don't think the damage increase (which means more aggro) is worth the hp right now. I did put 5/5 in passive int and dex (good balance of damage and hp) and only 2/5 in damage right now, so far testing it seems to work pretty well. My damage is 235.7 right now, with colton (and of course the invisible +2% from the passive damage).

Sure, there are some things I think could be better, but we are far from weak and useless.

03-15-2013, 05:24 AM
I have to try since the changes again, but I can say this before the newest changes my pet was doing more damage than my warrior was unless I crit. Try dealing with that. Well at least I had a lot of health points and pots is all I can say.

Since I do not pvp, and never will, I don't understand this balancing the classes thing in pvp. It seems the regular game is set up so each class is different and they have their own rolls, but in pvp, the warrior class wants the high damage of rogues, the rogues want the high health of warriors, and sorcerers want the high damage and health and not the AOE attacks that they have. That's the only way its ever going to balance is to make all 3 classes the same. That ain't gonna happen, the other part of the game will lose its teamwork mechanic.

As I said I don't pvp, and I know now most complaints I see are pvp related. Mine aren't. Mine are about the playability of the game as a team and whether or not its fun for my class, from my experiances playing it and the rest of the classes interaction as a cohesive unit.
Prbably the easiest solution (and I been saying it since SL) is to make pvp fights only the same classes. Warriors fight warriors, rouges fight rogues, sorcerers fight sorcerers. That way when you keep getting killed its not that the other player is overpowered or you are underpowered, you guys are the same, it's becomes clear the player has the wrong set up or stategy or both.

Judging by my elite maps experiences nobody is OP, all classes are UP in one or more areas.

03-15-2013, 05:39 AM
Personally I think mages have became aggro magnet..it's like whatever a Mage do,they pull aggro

my sentiments exactly!

03-15-2013, 05:47 AM
Wow.. Majority of the info is written by my pro mates, even my strategies are there..
Do you know me????????
Haha get the point. Read carefully.
Suddenly ranker became a noob by your useless responses.

Sorry, I disagree, and I'm a sorc. I've been playing for a bit now and never felt that bad off, it's a matter of learning to use your skills properly. Read the sorc section of the forums, lots of good information on there.

You're not a warrior, stop trying to run in the middle of things.

Your not a rogue, don't try to rely on DPS, crit, or dodge.

Your a mage, you are crowd control, you are DoT.

I couldn't find a group today for the little time I had to play on the bus, so I decided to go solo some elite bosses that I didn't have the achievements for. Sure, it took 20 minutes each (speed slayer, and one in dead city) and I died a couple of times, but I was able to do it.

The new update has been great for us, the dex changes are really good. It's not intended to replace int as your primary stat, it does make dex an option as secondary. Right now I have dex on my armour and helm (mythic helm) and str on my weapon. I'm just shy of 2000hp, and have been debating swapping over to the dex weapon (loss of about 40hp, gain of 1.1 damage) but I don't think the damage increase (which means more aggro) is worth the hp right now. I did put 5/5 in passive int and dex (good balance of damage and hp) and only 2/5 in damage right now, so far testing it seems to work pretty well. My damage is 235.7 right now, with colton (and of course the invisible +2% from the passive damage).

Sure, there are some things I think could be better, but we are far from weak and useless.

03-15-2013, 05:49 AM
Personally I think mages have became aggro magnet..it's like whatever a Mage do,they pull aggro

my same sentiment...STS give mage AOE...attract aggro...but with low health n armor...we definitely die faster. Thats y in bigger MMO...mage got the highest dmg to kill off mobs fast, run around kiting with mobs but once they get you, you die faster.

But in AL...we don have that kind of dmg to do those stuff and yet we get killed pretty fast...and this is only in PVE not to mention PVP

03-15-2013, 05:50 AM
Read carefully.

sorry, i disagree, and i'm a sorc. I've been playing for a bit now and never felt that bad off, it's a matter of learning to use your skills properly. Read the sorc section of the forums, lots of good information on there.

You're not a warrior, stop trying to run in the middle of things.

Your not a rogue, don't try to rely on dps, crit, or dodge.

Your a mage, you are crowd control, you are dot.

I couldn't find a group today for the little time i had to play on the bus, so i decided to go solo some elite bosses that i didn't have the achievements for. Sure, it took 20 minutes each (speed slayer, and one in dead city) and i died a couple of times, but i was able to do it.

The new update has been great for us, the dex changes are really good. It's not intended to replace int as your primary stat, it does make dex an option as secondary. Right now i have dex on my armour and helm (mythic helm) and str on my weapon. I'm just shy of 2000hp, and have been debating swapping over to the dex weapon (loss of about 40hp, gain of 1.1 damage) but i don't think the damage increase (which means more aggro) is worth the hp right now. I did put 5/5 in passive int and dex (good balance of damage and hp) and only 2/5 in damage right now, so far testing it seems to work pretty well. My damage is 235.7 right now, with colton (and of course the invisible +2% from the passive damage).

Sure, there are some things i think could be better, but we are far from weak and useless.

03-15-2013, 05:52 AM
Yes i agree with you james...

I wonder how it felt for mages when warriors had the windmill glitch..completely unfair.. or rogues with OP weps and aim shots..

My alt is mage n i have the perfect items n build for pvp and pve,, but i still prefer to pvp with my warrior... because mages have issues.... and mainly health.....

Before PVP mages were awesome..

03-15-2013, 05:58 AM
Wrong section.

03-15-2013, 06:04 AM
Wrong section.

Wrong opinion.

03-15-2013, 06:10 AM
Where are these winning strategies of yours? I see 5 posts from you, one when you created this thread to whine and four more replying to people in your thread.

03-15-2013, 06:10 AM
Rollo's right this should be in suggestions and feedback

Aww, thanks you. :)

03-15-2013, 06:11 AM
my sentiments exactly!

Wrong section.

This is your second post of the same nature, please try to contribute something in the discussion instead of just telling the author that he posted in the wrong section.

No offense! :)

03-15-2013, 06:16 AM
Aww, thanks you. :)

You are most welcome.
Glad it made you happy. :)

03-15-2013, 06:20 AM
This is your second post of the same nature, please try to contribute something in the discussion instead of just telling the author that he posted in the wrong section.

No offense! :)
I was trying to contribute to the general section by having this tantrum of a thread moved. I can't see any other way to improve upon it.

03-15-2013, 06:23 AM
Let me read carefully.


STS DEVELOPERS are you trying to get rid of all sorcerers??????????

Probably not, they just gave us a nice little boost and stated that of the next two expansions one will be dedicated to sorcerers just as this current one was for rogues.

i have tolerated all stupid nonsenses, stupid updates, stupid disadvantages toward sorcerers until now, in the mean time i have been the highest dps, highest dmg sorcerer since last two three updates.

I disagree with your comments about "stupid" and cannot agree if you have the highest DPS (which doesn't mean much for our class) or DMG without seeing your stats and comparing it to those of others.

If you DEVELOPERS are serious with updates and trying hard to balance right, PLAY SORCERER AND TEST, FEEL THE ABSURD WEAKNESS.

I'm quite sure they do, some of the pictures they released before releasing updates showed them playing sorcerers. I'm not sure what the absurd weakness is you speak of in the second half of this piece.

Without any doubt, you developers are RUINING THE SORCERER CLASS, disadvantaing EVERY SINGLE ASPECTS OF THE CLASS, therefore, many of sorcerers are leaving AL, QUITTING AL .

I don't agree that they are ruining the class, in fact I can't think of any major changes made to specifically weaken us. Not sure how they are specifically disadvantaging us, unless you speak of the fact that we are sorcerers and not damage sponges like warriors or dodge things as much as rogues do.

I do not know every sorcerer, therefore I cannot comment if many are leaving or quitting AL... well, I'm quite sure many do leave AL from time to time when the real world calls them back.


Please do, I would love to read what you feel is so wrong.

Beneficial updates and modifications for warriors since there are many complaints from MANY WARRIORS? come on.... It is really disgusting and FRUSTRATING. majority makes the RULE?

Can't say if those were in response, or just pushed up to the front. Perhaps after all the complaints they went back to their test servers and realized some more adjustments were required. Perhaps those were in the works already and just didn't make the cut off for the update on the 12th.

ALL SORCERES FEEL THE SAME, I am not NOT NOT asking u guys to unfairly support sorcerers, BUT. HELLO , AT LEAST U developers should LET SORCERERS play AL . UNDERSTAND???????

I don't, and I'm pretty sure Energizeric also does not feel the same as he stated so in this thread. I play quite often actually, and I normally see other sorcerers playing too. I do not understand.


Again, I'm pretty sure their intent is not to remove sorcerers. If it was, it would not make sense for them to make beneficial changes to us as they just did. No comment on the adult thing (but you could use some practice in typing and writing, this is not easy to read), but it sure does sound like you are threatening (the screaming, that's what all caps means if you didn't know, does make it seem that way).

Tons of plat? I dont care, tons of deaths? I dont care. Even now, i kill so many at PVP. (Die or kill is not my point)

Not sure what the point of this section is, but good for you in killing so many in PvP.

Don't just change our beloved ARCANE LEGENDS into Warcane LEGENDS.

Haven't heard them say anything about changing the name, I agree Warcane LEGENDS sounds pretty stupid.

PS. Not a single blame toward warriors. kindly don't misunderstand.

- jamesthelord -

I'm sure those that play warriors do not feel you are blaming them, but maybe they misunderstand.

So, I read it carefully, I stand by my original reply to you.

03-15-2013, 06:24 AM
I was trying to contribute to the general section by having this tantrum of a thread moved. I can't see any other way to improve upon it.

Just leave it be or PM a moderator about it.

"Wrong section" will only cause drama.

*waits for Rollo to edit my post*

03-15-2013, 06:28 AM
Let me read carefully.

Probably not, they just gave us a nice little boost and stated that of the next two expansions one will be dedicated to sorcerers just as this current one was for rogues.

I disagree with your comments about "stupid" and cannot agree if you have the highest DPS (which doesn't mean much for our class) or DMG without seeing your stats and comparing it to those of others.

I'm quite sure they do, some of the pictures they released before releasing updates showed them playing sorcerers. I'm not sure what the absurd weakness is you speak of in the second half of this piece.

I don't agree that they are ruining the class, in fact I can't think of any major changes made to specifically weaken us. Not sure how they are specifically disadvantaging us, unless you speak of the fact that we are sorcerers and not damage sponges like warriors or dodge things as much as rogues do.

I do not know every sorcerer, therefore I cannot comment if many are leaving or quitting AL... well, I'm quite sure many do leave AL from time to time when the real world calls them back.

Please do, I would love to read what you feel is so wrong.

Can't say if those were in response, or just pushed up to the front. Perhaps after all the complaints they went back to their test servers and realized some more adjustments were required. Perhaps those were in the works already and just didn't make the cut off for the update on the 12th.

I don't, and I'm pretty sure Energizeric also does not feel the same as he stated so in this thread. I play quite often actually, and I normally see other sorcerers playing too. I do not understand.

Again, I'm pretty sure their intent is not to remove sorcerers. If it was, it would not make sense for them to make beneficial changes to us as they just did. No comment on the adult thing (but you could use some practice in typing and writing, this is not easy to read), but it sure does sound like you are threatening (the screaming, that's what all caps means if you didn't know, does make it seem that way).

Not sure what the point of this section is, but good for you in killing so many in PvP.

Haven't heard them say anything about changing the name, I agree Warcane LEGENDS sounds pretty stupid.

I'm sure those that play warriors do not feel you are blaming them, but maybe they misunderstand.

So, I read it carefully, I stand by my original reply to you.
This person deserves a medal, really.

03-15-2013, 06:48 AM
Do you even lift bro?
Ive got this friend, Sulpherdoxide, he's a mage. And he crits at 200 and he's one of the most powerful mages I know. Even babybentley. Just improve your items!its not as if you have good skills!
The lifting comment was unessecary
And if the most powerful sorcerer does 200 the class is screwed cause 200 is nothing...

03-15-2013, 07:07 AM

STS DEVELOPERS are you trying to get rid of all sorcerers??????????

i have tolerated all stupid nonsenses, stupid updates, stupid disadvantages toward sorcerers until now, in the mean time i have been the highest dps, highest dmg sorcerer since last two three updates.

If you DEVELOPERS are serious with updates and trying hard to balance right, PLAY SORCERER AND TEST, FEEL THE ABSURD WEAKNESS.

Without any doubt, you developers are RUINING THE SORCERER CLASS, disadvantaing EVERY SINGLE ASPECTS OF THE CLASS, therefore, many of sorcerers are leaving AL, QUITTING AL .


Beneficial updates and modifications for warriors since there are many complaints from MANY WARRIORS? come on.... It is really disgusting and FRUSTRATING. majority makes the RULE?

ALL SORCERES FEEL THE SAME, I am not NOT NOT asking u guys to unfairly support sorcerers, BUT. HELLO , AT LEAST U developers should LET SORCERERS play AL . UNDERSTAND???????


Tons of plat? I dont care, tons of deaths? I dont care. Even now, i kill so many at PVP. (Die or kill is not my point)

Don't just change our beloved ARCANE LEGENDS into Warcane LEGENDS.

PS. Not a single blame toward warriors. kindly don't misunderstand.

- jamesthelord -

Wow! Did u play other games? Sorcerers are most weak in near range in whole mmorpg. I play with my sorcerer and I can easily kill mobs and pvp (warriors, rogues) it doesnt matters. Before blaming devs just try to look at your build and understand what are u doing wrong ;) Warriors are not so hard to kill ;) On my lvl 21 i can get lvl 23 warriors (lvl 25 is hard really) Mobs are easy from a distance and if you are trying to get them from closeups u will never succeed in any mmorpg because mage is a long range class. I may say that all classes are balanced not so bad here and other is just your skills and build ;)

03-15-2013, 07:18 AM
Wow! Did u play other games? Sorcerers are most weak in near range in whole mmorpg. I play with my sorcerer and I can easily kill mobs and pvp (warriors, rogues) it doesnt matters. Before blaming devs just try to look at your build and understand what are u doing wrong ;) Warriors are not so hard to kill ;) On my lvl 21 i can get lvl 23 warriors (lvl 25 is hard really) Mobs are easy from a distance and if you are trying to get them from closeups u will never succeed in any mmorpg because mage is a long range class. I may say that all classes are balanced not so bad here and other is just your skills and build ;)

lvl up to 26. do some elite map then come back common on top end discussions. pls. normal map mobs and elite mobs r different story.

03-15-2013, 07:20 AM
lvl up to 26. do some elite map then come back common on top end discussions. pls.


03-15-2013, 07:23 AM
Sorecerers r the most difficult class to play i think. U guys need experiment a lot trying different builds using tons of plat for it. And yet when warriors got some nerfing not so be to easy to play but still easiest class to play, most of them just refuse to experiment - during a free respec and adapt as u do for i dont know how long.
Sorcerers was complaining way longer but warriors get update right after 2 days....

03-15-2013, 07:54 AM
Sorecerers r the most difficult class to play i think. U guys need experiment a lot trying different builds using tons of plat for it. And yet when warriors got some nerfing not so be to easy to play but still easiest class to play, most of them just refuse to experiment - during a free respec and adapt as u do for i dont know how long.
Sorcerers was complaining way longer but warriors get update right after 2 days....

Good guys finish last!

03-15-2013, 08:10 AM
OP needs moar caps.

Sent from my HTC One X+

03-15-2013, 08:14 AM
From my experience, STS has balanced the priorities of all three classes. This does not mean that all three classes are balanced in a 1v1 situation or for soloing elite maps. Having gone through all the updates, patches, nerfing, buffing, etc., STS really expects the following priorities for all classes:

1) Build
2) Gear
3) Pets
4) Tactics/Strategy
5) Group Cooperation

Obviously, Build is the most critical. For yuks, I decided to come up with a pure INT Rogue (sounds funny, I know). This particular build had massive HP and Mana, but no damage, so I ended up dying...a lot! After much tinkering, I have settled in on a good build and skill selection, so this process probably applies to any class - even Warriors now, in light of the most recent adjustments (which I am in favor of).

Next is gear selection - it's nearly impossible to be effective without upper-midrange to elite gear. The stat bonuses from gear plays a critical part to your build. With the right selection of equipment, you can address the shortcomings of your build, such an INT/DEX hood, which will add to your HP (and to a very small extent, your dodge and crit) without sacrificing your mana and DMG statistics. I have gear loadouts defined for PvP and PvE because the two are inherently different, so the bonuses and requirements change depending on whether I am in the arena or running an elite map. For PvP, I prioritize DMG, HP and Mana. For PvE, I prioritize DPS, HP and Armor.

Pets are an obvious advantage. This is the reason why most players would prefer Malison (still the best all-around, non-class specific pet IMHO). There are class favored pets like Colton and Esteban, but utilizing a pet that enhances your build or a pet with a useful Arcane Ability can really change how you play your class.

Tactics are finally a priority for all classes. During one of the earlier adjustments, Rogues had to re-learn how to play when they were no longer able to Crit at the level they had adjusted to. Warriors are going through the same adjustment period with this most recent updates. Sorcs, however, have always relied on tactics because there was never a period, in PvP specifically, where a skill or build was grossly overpowering. At this point, the "pro" Sorcs have learned to rely on the outstanding attack range and the stun/snare skills to be effective. I am curious what the new Warrior buffs will add in, especially with the Feeble procs (since my main is a Rogue).

Another emerging trend is the focus on group cooperation in PvP. This group strategy has always been present in PvE and was most apparent in elite maps, but the refocusing on group PvP has really hit home during the past few updates. At this point, it's really not feasible for one person (doesn't matter which class) to attack a group. While this was possible with "glitched" Warriors, this is no longer the case, and group tactics really does make the difference between a dominant team and a mediocre or poor team. I have been in runs where I was playing at a severe disadvantage (playing up two levels - I was a lv 24 playing in a mostly lv 26 room), but a good group really hid my shortcomings and we were dominant. There has also been runs where I have had mostly lv 26 in my group playing against lower level players and we were run out of the arena because the team splintered and no one kept together, no one buffed, no heals....you get the idea.

At this point, I would say that balance is pretty close for PvP, but I am starting to see weaknesses in PvE. I'm hoping that the newest changes to the Warrior class allows them to tank effectively once again so that Sorcs stop getting aggro every time they decide to heal, or Rogues, when they decide to fire off an Aimed Shot that happens to crit.

03-15-2013, 08:27 AM
OP needs moar caps.

Sent from my HTC One X+

Couldn't stop thanking your post.

03-15-2013, 09:51 AM

03-15-2013, 09:54 AM
K then lets end. Thanks for the precious opinions. Ppl

03-15-2013, 09:56 AM

THE REASON FOR MY POST WAS to have fair balance between classes, no need to uselessly argue.

thanks for the kind and precious opinions.

Sincerely hope to c all of u ppl in Arcane , and lets see how the balances are adjusted.



03-15-2013, 10:07 AM
Sorry, I disagree, and I'm a sorc. I've been playing for a bit now and never felt that bad off, it's a matter of learning to use your skills properly. Read the sorc section of the forums, lots of good information on there.

You're not a warrior, stop trying to run in the middle of things.

Your not a rogue, don't try to rely on DPS, crit, or dodge.

Your a mage, you are crowd control, you are DoT.

I couldn't find a group today for the little time I had to play on the bus, so I decided to go solo some elite bosses that I didn't have the achievements for. Sure, it took 20 minutes each (speed slayer, and one in dead city) and I died a couple of times, but I was able to do it.

The new update has been great for us, the dex changes are really good. It's not intended to replace int as your primary stat, it does make dex an option as secondary. Right now I have dex on my armour and helm (mythic helm) and str on my weapon. I'm just shy of 2000hp, and have been debating swapping over to the dex weapon (loss of about 40hp, gain of 1.1 damage) but I don't think the damage increase (which means more aggro) is worth the hp right now. I did put 5/5 in passive int and dex (good balance of damage and hp) and only 2/5 in damage right now, so far testing it seems to work pretty well. My damage is 235.7 right now, with colton (and of course the invisible +2% from the passive damage).

Sure, there are some things I think could be better, but we are far from weak and useless.

Hi JamesTheLord,

I'm going to have to agree with Valsacar on this one. I'll leave it at that.

I also think everyone has had their say. In the future, we'd really like for the conversation to be constructive and less of a "petition" or "demand" and with less ALL CAPS. Thanks!

*thread closed*