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View Full Version : A Sorcerer's opinion on all of the new updates

03-15-2013, 09:44 AM
Hello everyone, while many of you may not know me as I almost never post on the forums, I am a long, long time forum stalker checking the forums a couple times a day pretty much every day. I played PL for a long time and SL a little before I switched over to playing Arcane Legends so I have a long history of playing STS games.

I just wanted to say I am growing a little tired of all the complaining that is going around against STS, the forums should be a place for constructive criticism, not outright venting. At most maybe one or two threads for people who just want to vent, no need for endless random posts attacking STS for being greedy awful people.

As the title says I am a Sorcerer and do feel as if we have had the short end up the stick for a long time, we seem to have the least advantages of the other classes. I am however, still very happy with this game, STS has shown that while the game may not be perfect now, they are committed to making this a balanced and fun game for all classes. I am amazed at how quickly the developers have addressed issues with the game and changed balancing. Not to long ago people were begging for strait pink drops from bosses that are very hard to obtain and dont come from chests, in order to create some separation for the truly elite players. They have done this with the Kraken skewer of brutality and other very rare drops, unfortunately instead of being really happy with this all I see are people complaining that the best equip is to hard to obtain. I love that there are incredibly rare drops like this and us players who play the game daily have something to work for instead of getting everything in just a couple days or weeks.

Chest drops can be incredibly frustrating when you are trying to get certain items, especially the mythic or arcane ones, but remember it is all based on luck. For me I have opened many elite chests and locked crates only to get items that are mostly trash with a few that I can sell for some gold, I will not however say that this ruins the game, I think the gambling is a really good way for STS to keep people hooked and spending money to obtain the rare items. I do not think they are greedy at all, they are a business and every business tries to make as much money as they possibly can, and that is just what they are doing so please do not get angry with STS for trying to make money.

The last thing I will say is this, Arcane Legends may not be a perfect game, but STS has shown that they are committed to this game in the long run and do a wonderful job at making an awesome game for all of us players. While I may be frustrated at times, this is still a great game and I hate to see players leaving because they may not like the most recent updates. Come on guys, they just gave us more maps and huge balance changes, and free re-specs, could we really ask for more?

I know people will flame me for having a love fest with STS because this is the internet, but unfortunately that cant be helped. I hope people read this and can offer their opinion on the state of the game on what they like and dont like about the way it is run.

03-15-2013, 09:47 AM
Well said :)

03-15-2013, 06:22 PM
Yes, well said.

Everyone always forgets that the leaderboards are divided up by class, so to make the leaderboards you only have to compete against other sorcerers.

03-15-2013, 06:24 PM
As the title says I am a Sorcerer and do feel as if we have had the short end up the stick for a long time, we seem to have the least advantages of the other classes.

It's ok, something is coming for the little blue guy ......... someday ................sooner or later :)

yeah Sorcerers will have some quality of life changes coming to them sooner or later, it's just a matter of time. Sorcerers have some abilities now that I feel are a bit odd and poorly implemented so they might have 1 or 2 abilities change significantly (like Vengeful Blood did).

03-15-2013, 06:35 PM
That's my son! Jk :P

I agree, and this is put nicely :)

03-16-2013, 12:07 AM
Yeah. People say that sorcerer is underpowered. But what they dont realize is they're not taking the best out of the sorcerer. They dont put it to the max. Its how you play. When AL was released, the person who sent the emails about it (prob samhayne) said,
"Warriors are the most easiest to play. Rogues and Sorcerers require more skills."
Warrior is easy, huge armor, health. They are kinda easy to play on pvp.
Rogues are a bit more complicated. You need to use a bit more tactics that warriors. But nonetheless, its half easy half hard
Sorcerers. They are the most complicated. They are the hardest to reach full potential. Using a sorcerer in pvp and pve are PURE tactics. You cant just spam random attacks like warrior in pvp. You need strategy. Such as: Throw Fireball at mobs to knock them. Come in and release a time shift while they're knocked down. Get out. Use lifegiver to recover health.


03-16-2013, 08:48 AM
I started playing a Mage and it is quite fun.
The only thing that ruins the fun are kill farmers and spawn killers who call u noob if u run in order to survive.
Well, it's a mages life lol don't expect mages to always rush to their deaths so that u can get fast, cheap kills xD

Back on topic
I stayed out of all the complaining threads cause I needed a lot of time to try different pets and specs.
The hardest thing was to lvl many pets for all ur toons in order to try them in PVP lol
Well, I like the game, too and just because STS is trying to improve the game there is no need to cry rivers.
Instead of wasting ur time and try to force things play the game and get the best out of ur class.
I play all 3 classes so I really can say all classes are fun to play.
Of course every class has its strength and weakness but as long as u can play with friends or a good team u will be fine :)

03-16-2013, 09:09 AM
bravo sir! well put indeed. i wholehartedly agree

03-16-2013, 12:11 PM
great post! :) agreed ... STS rocks.

03-16-2013, 01:12 PM
Thanks guys for all the positive feedback, nice to see that people agree with me :)

btw my in-game name is Anifriben if any of you know me, like Energizeric if that is also your in game name we are in Arcane fellowship together.

03-16-2013, 07:44 PM
You are in good company I'm proud to say that I to am in your fellowship along with ghost myyoda and meny other fine friends


03-17-2013, 02:02 AM
I know your feeling :cheerful:

#nerfwarrior2013 :banana: