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View Full Version : Time Spent Selling Unneeded Items

03-18-2013, 10:40 AM
Greetings Devs!

I'm sure more than a few of us are getting dismayed with the time spent selling "trash" items, vs the amount of gold received for them.

I never mind unloading unneeded items in PL, as I feel like their value (50-250 gold each) is worth the time spent plowing thru them.

But in AL, the average 5-7 gold (even for green and purple items!) is really upsetting... If there were a way to just cleanse my inventory of them, even without getting any money, I would be far happier!

So my suggestions would be to either:

1. Raise the liquidation price for items significantly, esp green and purples. I realize this would greatly impact the economy, and possibly throw the community at large into an uproar, but this is just one possible solution, stick with me here!

2. Decrease the amount of "trash" item drops. This would help with players' inventory filling on maps, but not with chests/bundles. I also realize that STS relies on the amount of drops for folks to buy inventory upgrades, so this would probably be the devs least favorite option. And personally, this wont help the issue much.

3. [saved the best for last] Add an "unload inventory" tool, which you can set to a certain rarity level, say green for instance, and have all items of the specified rarity and below auto-liquidate from your inventory. We would then receive the total gold for these items, or none at all, I'd be fine either way! I do realize the increased customer service requests this could generate with accidental deletions, but by and large, the community would be far happier for it, and we could spend much more time on maps instead of doing the most boring chore in the game.

Thanks for your time & attention!

PS - I did briefly search for this issue and surprisingly did not come up with anything besides a couple of stray complaints. I'll be waiting for the thread(s) that eluded me to be posted below ;)

PPS - I for one have noticed the overall increased attention to player issues and feedback here on forums and certainly appreciate it.

03-18-2013, 11:34 AM
I think you are misleading when you point out that in PL the price is as high as 250 gold. Go back to PL and farm level 25 (sand caves) and see how much the items liquidate for. What you will find is they escalate as you move up in level. If you go farm Forest Haven you will see the same 5-10 gold per item.

Also, gold in PL is worth less, i.e. there has been more inflation over there. Items tend to be more expensive on average over there, so 8 gold in AL is probably worth the same as about 20 gold in PL. Part of the reason for this is lack of gold sinks in PL. AL seems better in that respect because of higher auction listing costs, more potions needed, and pet feeding.

03-18-2013, 11:57 AM
Have a 'save' feature on your character stash. Anything not in the 'save' or checked box off will be mass sold at a button.

03-18-2013, 03:11 PM
@Energizer, thanks for chiming in, always appreciate your take. Its true, the two games are scaled completely differently in many aspects. And every time I find myself wishing one were more like the other I stop and take a breath, as they should remain very different! So to that end, I wont bother to post an exact cost comparison, that would be pointless. My only point is to say that the process of liquidating inventory in AL could be improved upon. Or perhaps if the Devs could fashion new tools to expedite the process, the community would be very grateful. Wouldn't you agree?

@Earhole, thats what I'm talking about!! Great idea. Any other thoughts folks?!

03-18-2013, 06:58 PM
I like the #3 idea and Earhole's suggestion!

03-18-2013, 09:46 PM
Perhaps a "group liquidate" button should exist, and when you press it you can choose to liquidate "all greens", or "all whites", or "all purples". Only there better be a "are you sure?" popup or else I can see some upset people.

03-19-2013, 05:57 AM
Rise the liquidation price, please! Make it a real difference for a different rarity (and maybe level) of the items. At least to match the auction listing costs in CS.

03-19-2013, 08:48 AM
I can just see myself getting an elite pink drop and after I return to town, I run the tool per earhole's suggestion and boom - just liquidated my elite pink because I didn't "save" it in my inventory.

Perhaps a Game option to auto-liquidate Commons and Rares, so that as soon as you collect the drop, it is immediately liquidated. Better yet, save the step and create a Game option so that Commons and Rares automatically reroll to a gold drop.

03-19-2013, 09:21 AM
Better yet, save the step and create a Game option so that Commons and Rares automatically reroll to a gold drop.

Yes!! That would be sooooo much better. Why waste all of our time with mass liquidating? If its a matter of decreased plat sales for inventory slots, I'd gladly upgrade my inventory to some max capacity that would allow for any one of these tools! At least on my main... ;)

And Energizer, yes of course any automated tool should require an extra "are you sure" confirm.