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View Full Version : K/d Im so sad... :<)

03-19-2013, 03:40 PM
my poor beat up bear... k/d = 3391/6592 CTF - 1187/2918 ARENA - 581 flags
my (war) bird ............. k/d = 15997/18299 CTF - 2517/3466 ARENA - 1514 flags
my pally mage ............ k/d = 5547/8614 CTF - 675/1299 ARENA - 647 flags

that would be K/D = 24,935/33,505 CTF - 4379/7683 ARENA - 2742 FLAGS

I have a NEGITIVE 8,570 k/d in CTF


I have a NEGITIVE 3,304 k/d in ARENA

(tears running down my cheeks)... i thought i was PRO but by my own definition I SUCK! (lol LOL lol Errrr not realy funny)

so, for all i have fought with and against GIVE ME FEED BACK!!!

all charters are full fallen prince and Black dragon rings ... with crafted.


NOTE: i know my major issue is being too too aggressive... going me against 2 or 3, not being fully buffed entering fights...

any feed back positive or negitive will be welcome!!

03-19-2013, 03:50 PM
just so i say that right in CTF i am wining less than half my fights... kills = 24,935 ... total fights (24,935 + 33,505 = 58,440) that is 43% Kill/ win ration... Blahh hyyyuck i just threw up a little in the back of my throat...

in ARENA i am wining 36% of my fights... BBlahh hyyyuck i just threw up a little in the back of my throat... again!

03-19-2013, 04:05 PM
Needs more noobfarming.

03-19-2013, 04:12 PM
Needs more noobfarming.

lol... yea i have never done that... and didnt start arena/ctf till i was capped about lvl 61

03-19-2013, 04:16 PM
Spam click your buttons faster. np :)

03-19-2013, 04:23 PM
I got another tip: Respec your bird to dex!

03-19-2013, 04:29 PM
KD doesn't matter. It all matters if you have fun in PvP and not whine about how your kd is negative. As for asking for help, I suggest you ask some of the pros :)

03-19-2013, 05:43 PM
Asking for feed back... Good or bad

03-19-2013, 07:26 PM
I mean as long as you're playing your class right in CTF you're doing good. My Arena stats collective if it were on one toon(disregarding what toon being that some are easier than others) would be 26935 wins and 18940 losses. I have this over like 6 toons. Havent done my ctf stats. I'm not at endgame so CTF doesnt really exist it's more of a "go" deal. But for arena. Just takes practice. Get comfortable with your toon or be a little bit more smart on how you approach 2 or 3 people. You arent necessarily a noob. Just a bit more agressive. :p

03-19-2013, 08:13 PM
Skills over KD.

03-19-2013, 08:26 PM
Mejjy, everytime I play with you, you are very reliable. Unlike some I see with 3/1 kdrs that aren't team players. You are a very brave pvper man, you fight with the best vs the best, no shame in that. I'd take you over a lot anyday.

03-19-2013, 09:00 PM
Mejjy, everytime I play with you, you are very reliable. Unlike some I see with 3/1 kdrs that aren't team players. You are a very brave pvper man, you fight with the best vs the best, no shame in that. I'd take you over a lot anyday.

Things like this are what truly means in pvp I always hide my stats because they are never the best. Honestly 1v1 is not true skill. Capping the flags winning the game and escorting the flag is what truly matters and in DM bear for tank Mage for buffs debuff a and ownage bird well they kill...

03-20-2013, 03:44 AM
Mejjy, everytime I play with you, you are very reliable. Unlike some I see with 3/1 kdrs that aren't team players. You are a very brave pvper man, you fight with the best vs the best, no shame in that. I'd take you over a lot anyday.
Coming from you that's huge compliment... Thanks bro... You have always helped me, actually were the first ever to help me out! Remember when I kept getting really close to that mage (won't say his name) saycred... Oops... Saying "go" and pull/ stomping him I befor he could buff lol... Not cuz im a rusher just cuz I didn't know any better lol lol... As always thank you for your kind words...

03-20-2013, 04:39 AM
Ok a truck load help, but before that tell us one thing, you play for kd or you pvp cuz if you love to pvp?

03-20-2013, 04:40 AM
Mejsll i've seen you both your bird and bear in ctf since caps ago and can say you're a very good team member. All I can say don't pay attention to your kills and deaths, it's ctf (capture the FLAG) not a hahahahaikilledyoumoreyounub game. Ctf is more about knowing your class and contributing the most to your team, and you have both things.

03-20-2013, 08:31 AM
Ok a truck load help, but before that tell us one thing, you play for kd or you pvp cuz if you love to pvp?
Good point... I have ever always played to win... Scoring flags... Sacrificed any thing to protect or score a flag.

03-20-2013, 08:38 AM
Mejsll i've seen you both your bird and bear in ctf since caps ago and can say you're a very good team member. All I can say don't pay attention to your kills and deaths, it's ctf (capture the FLAG) not a hahahahaikilledyoumoreyounub game. Ctf is more about knowing your class and contributing the most to your team, and you have both things.
Thank you guys for the best perspective in ctf... Just drives me crazy that I'm less then 50% kills in ctf... Not making excuses... But it took me a long time to understand my role w mage/bird/bear... I have all charters totally understood as str builds.... Just need to make next step and be more efficient w kills w/out sacrificing the flag.

03-20-2013, 12:03 PM
i have in DM arena, 8k kills and 10k deaths as a fox. negative kdr but skills over kdr all day. too many factors influence kdr.. not being good is partial. a pro can still have negative kdr just b confident ^_^

03-21-2013, 04:25 AM
KDR doesn't reflect skill at all. For all I know it could've been boosted, and your negative KDR is because you were probably boosted off of or took one for the team (or got teamed). Just play PvP for fun. I was once very upset and uptight about KDR (and I think Micah too), but I let it all go and don't really care about KDR much anymore. Not caring about KDR lets you have fun and just feel a lot less stressed.

03-21-2013, 04:29 AM
KDR doesn't reflect skill at all. For all I know it could've been boosted, and your negative KDR is because you were probably boosted off of or took one for the team (or got teamed). Just play PvP for fun. I was once very upset and uptight about KDR (and I think Micah too), but I let it all go and don't really care about KDR much anymore. Not caring about KDR lets you have fun and just feel a lot less stressed.


"Kdr either positive or negative, doesn't tell skill."Just have fun Yo' ;)

03-21-2013, 10:30 AM
thats for the feed back... and i agree totally but when i put the numbers down on paper it looks soooo bad lol... any ways thanks guys...

i guess my goal will stay with winning in ctf and just blow off kdr...

thanks (tears are drying up) lol

03-21-2013, 04:47 PM
You can always win with less deaths and more kills too you can try changing how you play sometimes on that kdr top gear you can tell something is wrong maybe on your skills stats strategy observe others and observe how you play (im not a pro but this is how i see things)

03-21-2013, 09:01 PM
KDR pretty much doesnt mean a thing if you have good reputation mej