View Full Version : Rogues are favored?

Kracker jak
03-19-2013, 06:53 PM
why is it that rogues get everything that is good
their dmg is the highest
health def is close to warrior better after dogue
their items are the best (take a look at mythic adds higher stats dmg and 2 stats not 1)

it seems kind of unfair everyone else gets ripped and rogues get all of the best things and stats

03-20-2013, 08:28 AM
Health and def is close to warrior??

You can't have health and defense close to warrior AND have the highest damage. Please show me a Rogue with 3k+ health, 190+ damage, 25+ dodge without a pet.

03-20-2013, 08:35 AM
Health and def is close to warrior??

You can't have health and defense close to warrior AND have the highest damage. Please show me a Rogue with 3k+ health, 190+ damage, 25+ dodge without a pet.

You forgot 1000+ armor ;)

The way I see it, warriors are just complaining because they aren't as ridiculously OP as they used to be.

03-20-2013, 08:45 AM
I've tried every build possibility for my Rogue and I cannot get anywhere close to 3K health. I can get to 2.5K hp wearing crappy gear for the INT/STR boost, and a STR oriented pet, but my aimed shot hits like a nerf gun and armor is in the upper 700's for my lv 25.

A full DEX Rogue will have the highest DMG, Crit and Dodge - that's it. To spec out to add STR or INT for health/mana reduces your DMG, so it comes with a price.

To base your entire argument on the stats given by a Mythic helm is kind of silly. Maybe 1% of all Rogues will have one, and frankly, it is not so grossly overpowering that you should be so concerned about it.

I know everyone loves to tout Rogue Dodge stat, but it is an overrated stat in PvP. Even with a natural 25% (boosted to 40% with Malison Arcane Ability) I rarely dodge anything.

The only overpowered Rogues are the good ones that know how to attack at range (to disguise the fact that they are actually really squishy), are good with placement so that their Warrior team mate gets auto-targeting instead of them, good at kiting, and know when to run away because they are either low on HP or low on Mana.

I think that you just ran across a few well geared, skilled players and are making sweeping generalizations for the class. Even with the rebalancing, Warriors are still one of the strongest classes in the game, and with Axe Throw, also have the longest range attack of any class. Sorcs still have the best AoE damage skills and both classes (Warrior and Sorc) still have shielding, which Rogues do not. Rogues also have the fewest stun abilities in the game, so, honestly, I'm confused why you think Rogues are so grossly OP.

03-20-2013, 10:24 AM
Umm u havent been twinking and wars own rogue

03-21-2013, 01:29 AM
Health and def is close to warrior??

You can't have health and defense close to warrior AND have the highest damage. Please show me a Rogue with 3k+ health, 190+ damage, 25+ dodge without a pet.

My dmg 201 and dodge 26 without pet.

03-21-2013, 03:09 AM
Because right now is the rogues story, as updates come along warriors will get the good good and sorcerers to.

03-21-2013, 03:13 AM
And your health?

2k, 2.3k with pet

Edit: btw i can boost my def to 1001 with ring, necl. and pet.

03-21-2013, 07:42 AM
2k, 2.3k with pet

Edit: btw i can boost my def to 1001 with ring, necl. and pet.

Ok. That still is not on par with warrior health and armor with the same boosting. Get 2 out of the 4 stats mentioned by the OP is normal for rogue (dmg/dodge).

03-21-2013, 10:47 AM
Because right now is the rogues story, as updates come along warriors will get the good good and sorcerers to. warriors were op for 2 months, mages need a boost and in twinking a good war owns a good rogue/mage

03-21-2013, 12:26 PM
Because right now is the rogues story, as updates come along warriors will get the good good and sorcerers to. warriors were op for 2 months, mages need a boost and in twinking a good war owns a good rogue/mage

Not what i mean

03-21-2013, 02:48 PM
Because right now is the rogues story, as updates come along warriors will get the good good and sorcerers to. warriors were op for 2 months, mages need a boost and in twinking a good war owns a good rogue/mage

Not what i mean :confused:

03-22-2013, 05:14 PM
Rogues are lookibg at stats very basically, especially in this thread..Rouges easily get same health after health packs.. 40% of your life 3 times over 15 seconds, combinr that woth three other skills avaiable to use to increase health...over 15 seconss a rouge is right there with warrior as far as health is concerned, however warrior ia no where nearthe crit, dosge and dpa as a warrior...and have Zero skills to get them there... rogues have skills to increase health, beat health skill of all classes40% instant health 120% over 15 sec...warrior has 40-50% health over 7 sec span

03-22-2013, 05:19 PM
When fights are 1-2 seconds I rather have a 2 second invincibility shield than healthpacks that we have to work for to heal ourselves

03-22-2013, 05:29 PM
Our health packs have a 1/2 second delay, other team mates steal them and we often have to chase them down.

And just for your information, Warriors can ratchet their Crit% to well over 70% with ease - Rogues can't do that. One of my Warrior guildmates hit 79% Crit with mediocre gear, so, with his damage in the mid 150's and a Skyward + Windmill, you figure out the damage that he can do (all with AoE damage I might add, on top of the stun and snare, 4K+ HP and 1K armor).

03-22-2013, 06:03 PM
Our health packs have a 1/2 second delay, other team mates steal them and we often have to chase them down.

And just for your information, Warriors can ratchet their Crit% to well over 70% with ease - Rogues can't do that. One of my Warrior guildmates hit 79% Crit with mediocre gear, so, with his damage in the mid 150's and a Skyward + Windmill, you figure out the damage that he can do (all with AoE damage I might add, on top of the stun and snare, 4K+ HP and 1K armor).

We can increase our crit with aimed shot and ribbit upto 70% and more easy.

03-22-2013, 06:49 PM
We can increase our crit with aimed shot and ribbit upto 70% and more easy.

How long is that ribbit buff?

03-22-2013, 06:51 PM
Rogues are lookibg at stats very basically, especially in this thread..Rouges easily get same health after health packs.. 40% of your life 3 times over 15 seconds, combinr that woth three other skills avaiable to use to increase health...over 15 seconss a rouge is right there with warrior as far as health is concerned, however warrior ia no where nearthe crit, dosge and dpa as a warrior...and have Zero skills to get them there... rogues have skills to increase health, beat health skill of all classes40% instant health 120% over 15 sec...warrior has 40-50% health over 7 sec span

Hmmm not sure how many fights I've been in with a warrior where I could stand in the same area for 15 seconds. Last I checked, the health packs don't follow me around either.

03-24-2013, 05:07 PM
Im talking 1 vs 1, not ctf....and horns delay is way more than 1/2. Second its at least 2-3 seconds before a warrior gets first jolt of health

03-24-2013, 05:17 PM
Im talking 1 vs 1, not ctf....and horns delay is way more than 1/2. Second its at least 2-3 seconds before a warrior gets first jolt of health

there is no 1v1 mode in AL. Talking about ctf, warrior is not the one to be upset. HOR beats everything in this game

03-24-2013, 05:38 PM
I say play a rogue first before making your wild assumptions

03-24-2013, 05:51 PM
Just become a rogue yourself then..?

03-24-2013, 07:00 PM
Just become a rogue yourself then..?