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View Full Version : Pet's Loots Option

03-20-2013, 05:04 AM
I just have a idea that can you make a Loot Option for Pets.. Example of it is like in Auction.. where the pet can loot All, Common, Legendary, Epic, Rare etc .. just a additional option in Settings.. Well just a idea :D its just some thing that when you're in a hurry you are in a full of rare items etc especially in doing elite southern seas.. tnx :D

03-22-2013, 08:45 PM
I just have a idea that can you make a Loot Option for Pets.. Example of it is like in Auction.. where the pet can loot All, Common, Legendary, Epic, Rare etc .. just a additional option in Settings.. Well just a idea :D its just some thing that when you're in a hurry you are in a full of rare items etc especially in doing elite southern seas.. tnx :D

your sig ("I'll aim and shot to hit you perfectly no miss") .... should be ("I'll aim and shoot you perfectly and not miss") just saying it's spelt out wrong