View Full Version : Auto-disconnect while teleporting

03-23-2013, 09:00 AM
This is so annoying logging in then you enter the last spawn area got fine ping and connection but whenever i travel or teleport to other places few seconds around 10 or 15 i just kick out or "Your been disconnected from the server" then i try and try .. but nothing happens >.< connection here is fine
I'm sure that im not the only one experiencing these , my guildmates too and friends sometimes experience this.. there is a certain hour happening this disconnection event.. please if there something to do with this .. pls update us thanks

btw, im using google chrome on desktop..

03-23-2013, 09:13 AM
that happen to me too for this 3 last days. i can even do daily story quest or take reward from klaas and shazbot. i still can check this forum and watch youtube with same device and internet connection. may be we need more stabil or faster connection for play AL this day

03-23-2013, 10:11 AM
by the way we just need make one thread about ping, cant connect, dc, etc. dont make dev confuse with many thread just for saying about connection problem.