View Full Version : Skill & Attribute Overhaul

10-03-2010, 11:44 PM
Hello all,

The Think Tank, an ideas group, has been fleshing out a proposal for the overhaul of skills and attributes in the game to allow further growth for characters and greater player customisation. The link below is to a shared Google Docs document with the proposal outlined in length, it is WAY to big to post here I'm afraid.

We are proud to release it to the public for review and discussion. NOTE, the document is a live Google Document, so it will be updated and tweaked as further discussion and feedback is received. Make sure you check back on it periodically if your interested in the proposal.

Proposal Link -> Document Link (https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1TXRjRpDLVzqvSXEaOJVCb4Kx7-PAvHogqUU53ALvDis) <- Proposal Link

10-04-2010, 12:54 AM
I'm amazed at the level of thought and detail put into the above attached document. That being said, I personally don't miss the over customization of WoW. I like the simplicity of PL attributes. So, for me, having yet more attributes to fiddle around with is not my cup of tea. For skills, I like some of the ideas posted and I think it would be good to have more skill sets available. That way not every Enchantress would have the same skills at level 50 for instance.

Anyway, I know there are a lot that want more customization for these things, so I am sure the Devs will find a happy medium here.

Again, great job on these ideas and great organization among the different contributors.

10-04-2010, 04:03 AM
Document updated with Advanced Skill/Attribute model.

10-04-2010, 04:50 AM
Excellent work. The skill system is something I've been thinking needs an overhaul for a long time.
I would highly encourage the dev team to look at this and possibly implement some of the ideas.

10-04-2010, 05:33 AM
wow there is alot there but some of the skills are WAY OVER POWERED and dont no how they could be improved or underpowered but alot of effort and some of it looks good but dont forget it is a 9+ game so younger kids need the opportunity to learn the game style and to adapt compared to some of the more experienced players we would pick up on this very fast..

ALSO ANYONE WHO PLAYED THE FNORD SERVER WHAT HAPPENED TO LADYGAGA AND POKERFACE they were awesome people i used to play with 24/7 then they vanished dont no if theyve changed their name or quit love to find out if they still play so i can add them :D

10-04-2010, 08:30 AM
Wow, incredibly impressive list of improvements to the system. I hope STS gives this a serious look.

10-04-2010, 08:43 AM
Holy ****
Detail 1848586577/10
Effort 4748446754/10
Knowledge 374677885/10
Images 16478789789997745846746/10
Overall A+++++++++++^100
Good work!
Can I join I wanna help!

10-04-2010, 06:34 PM
Concept of Races rather than Classes added as well as further fleshing out the effect of an enhanced attribute model.

10-04-2010, 07:01 PM
wow there is alot there but some of the skills are WAY OVER POWERED and dont no how they could be improved or underpowered but alot of effort and some of it looks good but dont forget it is a 9+ game so younger kids need the opportunity to learn the game style and to adapt compared to some of the more experienced players we would pick up on this very fast..

ALSO ANYONE WHO PLAYED THE FNORD SERVER WHAT HAPPENED TO LADYGAGA AND POKERFACE they were awesome people i used to play with 24/7 then they vanished dont no if theyve changed their name or quit love to find out if they still play so i can add them :D

Proposed skills and spells are just ideas right now. I agree some would probably never work and other would need serious tweaking. Remember the concept assumes that we have 100 player levels and some skills/spells would only become available to a player between levels 90 through 100. They may seem overpowered at 45th level, but when we all get to level 70/80 we may be clamouring for some new skills/spells to help defeat whatever evil minions the development team dreams up.

Thanks for the feedback though.

10-04-2010, 08:09 PM
To be honest i glanced over the document, however from what i did read its impressive.

10-05-2010, 04:35 PM
I tbhink a lot of effort was put into this, very good job! The only hing I didn't like was the skill section. I feel the hunter/scout has more rogue like abilities(blade master and duel weild.......). I was curious if the person who made the skills up was someone who played a class in wow that got ganked a lot by rogues? Rogue skills consisted of limted stealth( most rogue classes that allow only limted stealth fail), lock pick, detect trap,and pick pocket. What is a rogue to do pick pocket or pick lock a boss to death? In comparison to both caster classes the rogue/hunter/scout class(es) seem to be lacking a lot in skill flavors. The rogue would need unlimited stealth and a lot more then out of combat or support skillz. Rogues are the assasins of the battelfield. Rogues should be high crit high dmg low health. I think the only actual dmg skill I saw was back stab wich usually has positinal requirment. Hunters or scouts are the long ranged assasins like snipers. So giving them a duel wield is meh. They need ranged skillz. Steady shot, aimed shot, skatter shot, and rapid shot. The skillz that are gona be posted need to be non byased. On the good side I really liked most everything elses that was postd excellent ideas and very creative keep up the creative thinking.

10-05-2010, 05:42 PM
Thanks for the feedback.

A few new skills added to the rogue Skill Group. :)

10-05-2010, 06:20 PM
I feel the hunter/scout has more rogue like abilities(blade master and duel weild.......).

I think you've got it a little confused. From the document:

Ranger Skill Knowledge (P: DEX - S: AGI)
Passive: Dual Wield, Awareness, Double Attack
Active: Wilderness Sneak, Trap, Evade, Focus, Blast Shot, Avian Scream, Break Armour, Shattering Scream, Repulse Shot, Blinding Shot

Rouge Skill Knowledge (P: AGI - S: DEX)
Passive: Detect Trap, Evasion, Awareness, Blademaster, Fleet of Foot
Active: Sneak, Hide, Pick Lock, Disarm, Backstab, Piercing Strike, Poison Strike, Blinding Strike

The Ranger has Dual Wield and Double Attack, the Rogue has Blademaster, a rogue version of Dual Wield.

10-05-2010, 11:15 PM
Mb that makes sense must of read it wrong. Ill go back and check out the new skillz to.

10-06-2010, 02:09 AM
Ok much better! Love piercing strike, blinding strike is good, but with posinous strike I would make it like a shiv. And instead of one posin have it apply whatever posin is on the weapons.(that would mean rouges apply posins to weps). Iam thinking the skillz look pretty good now with exception of the limted sneak and hide. Should be unlimited and the"without it being obvious to player if it fails" part is not good. Already a counter class to us the scout/rranger can see stealthies.plus do you really wanan deal with a failing stealthie rogue pulling a boss on acident cquse he thinks he is stealthed? The ranger/scout class sounds fun but I've always been a close combat kinda guy.

10-06-2010, 02:44 AM
Love it! only thing i didn't see, and there is the chance I missed it..is a stat that increases crit. I would like it if agil increased hit and crit 50/50 but otherwise what you have here is absolutley amazing!

10-06-2010, 04:06 AM
Ummm any of the classes get telekinesis like what the new boss seems to have - the one that holds of warriors slashing through nothing - hate him. Have not had a read of the docc yet. . .m gonna bookmark it and do so . . . will feedback accordingly.

10-06-2010, 04:23 AM
amazing stuff! but will take almost forever for creaters to apply in in game..

10-06-2010, 05:17 AM
WOO! thats a major overhaul i must say.
splitting 3stats into 6
and basically from ur skills column, anyone can be anything.

eg: BEAR can Heal can Debuff etc.

so basically Ursan, Avian, Enchantress is just a look of how the ingame char look like. whereas the skills and stats determine what that character do.

*PS: Gavry, i dont like ur Bear's butt facing the "camera" ): what happens if it farts?? hahas JK

10-09-2010, 01:44 AM
Document updated to add the concept of Automatic Class Builds.

With this in place attribute and skill points would be automatically assigned based on a pre-selected class build if the player chose. This would help those who have little experience in RPGs, or don't want to worry about the complexities this new skill and attribute model adds to the game.