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View Full Version : Why Merch when you can Mooch? Athenum's In-Depth-Guide to proper begging.

03-23-2013, 10:00 PM
We've all experienced it. Once your level is high enough, jump into Kraag or Windmoore and you'll be flooded with requests for items, gold and power leveling.

Although we try, we can't stop players from doing this. Even within our own respective guilds, we aren't safe from it. That's why I've written this guide. So if you decide that you don't want to put in any hard work in the game and just want to mooch off other people, this guide is for you.

"What to do first?"

1) Get rid of all of your items. While I was leveling, I encountered beggars with better items than I had! So, please people, get rid of your items! All of it. We can inspect your character and see what you have. Don't keep them in inventory, it would be best to liquidate it. After all, we can't see the cash that you have.

2) Get rid of your current gold. I know I said that we can't see a begging players' gold but it's better to be safe than sorry. Remember YOU ARE BEGGING because you have nothing. It's always a good idea to start from scratch.

Question: How do I get rid of my gold?
Answer: Buy an expensive item and then liquidate it. After that find another beggar, it won't be hard to locate one. Open a trade window with him/her and give it all away. The kindness you show will be returned to you (someday...).

3) Don't ask politely. Usually, this ends up with you being ignored. Assert yourself and keep going. Remember the "please dad..." technique? If you can irritate your parents enough for them to give in, surely other players won't be a problem. They will eventually give into what you are asking.

4) Always ask for more. I remember a warrior beggar who asked me. "Can I has ANY pink?" I gave him a legendary Lightning Sword. He replied not with a thank you but with; "I don't like this, give me more." He sure showed me!

5) Beg in Guild Chat. If you aren't doing this, you're missing out on a lot. Guilds are there so that players can help each other. BEG! Don't be shy. Express yourself. Join a guild and keep begging. I'm sure the officers and guild masters out there will be happy to help you. If they kick you out for begging, they probably weren't really a good guild in the first place. Go tell the next guild you join that you were kicked for begging. I'm sure they will welcome you with open arms and give you everything your heart desires(eventually).

6) Beg in towns, cities and even in PVP, ESPECIALLY in PVP. You need to be heard. Remember if you ask, someone will answer eventually. In PVP this can help the team you join drastically. The opposing team's heart will melt with pity. I'm sure if you ask for a bow, they'll give you the arrows too. Lots of it.

7) No means yes. Being ignored means you're making progress. Of course players will say no at first. But if you keep at it. They will eventually give you what you want.

8) Don't start small. "Can I pls have 300 gold...?" That statement is so wrong. Ask for 10k or 30k just to show that you mean business.

Begging is an art form. With this guide, I hope that you can learn to do it the right way.

03-23-2013, 10:01 PM
Some comments of people who were helped by this guide:

-unknown "Before I had nothing, now, I have so much more of that. Thanks Athenum!"

-dunnowhothisis "I've been kicked by so many guilds. Now I know they aren't worth my time!"

-friendless "I used to have so many friends. Now they all left. I don't think they were real friends at all. Thank you for showing me the light Athenum!"

03-23-2013, 10:05 PM

03-23-2013, 10:06 PM
Perfect, perfect, perfect. No other words can describe this guide. It should be moved to guide section pronto
. Oh new tip(remember to credit me): those with vanities and the filthy rich title, are only show offs, so they wont give you a dime. The best people to beg, are the poor looking people. As they have already used these strategies, and henceforth have more gold, and will respect your begging prowess, and give you more gold than others.

03-23-2013, 10:08 PM
Ooo I have a tip too!

When they say they are broke or wasted their gold already, they lie! Make sure you beg extra hard on them!

03-23-2013, 10:12 PM
Readed, learned... going into game...

Thx man... Epic... Best guide ever!!!
Already bought hammerjaw from cash i've earned... Now i'll try own glacial...

Thx! U are the best...

Edit 2:
Plz delete this topic... There will bee too much rich beggers... Who will earn/give items then?
I'm not going back to this lame farm/merch style....
So stop sharing!

03-23-2013, 10:17 PM
lol athenum :vlol: so the rules in our guild will be new? xD

03-23-2013, 10:29 PM
Being a beggar myself let me share some tips that seem to work all the time:

If you're good at something, don't do it for free.

Are you a rogue who can easily put down a boss or run through elite maps like a breeze? Are you a mage who's crit comes off so high that your fireballs and freeze make mobs go gu gu ga ga? Or are you a tank who's shield saves everyone from being one-hit?

if you at least fit to the descriptions above, you might just be every farmer's dream! So what do you do? First thing that would come to mind would probably help and join runs with them rich peeps out there but wait, remember you're broke!

So what you gonna do? Ask for them to pay for your pots? Probably yes but hey take a look at what the author said: Always ask for more.

10k per run is nice, 20k if your'e lucky enough to fit in a team full of dem filthy rich! Remember pugs nowadays are not the same as they were before, so this is your chance to shine and make your pockets sound kaching kaching

03-23-2013, 10:34 PM
, 20k if your'e lucky enough to fit in a team full of dem filthy rich! Remember pugs nowadays are not the same as they were before, so this is your chance to shine and make your pockets sound kaching kaching
Filthy rich too smart, stick to begging the "fake poor" people. Trust me, when they tell you they don't have money, it's just their muscle memory reflex from their begging days. They are loaded.

03-23-2013, 10:47 PM
Vystrich kicked me from AF for begging guess they aren't a good guild lol. :)

03-23-2013, 10:54 PM
It's beautiful!


Now I understand how to beg and how to do it right!

Thank you for this very comprehensive guide.

03-23-2013, 11:37 PM
Wow thanks! I followed all the steps and in 2 weeks i earned 7 gold. That's 7 more than i started with!

Thanks Athenum you are the best. :D

03-23-2013, 11:45 PM
Oh no, the economy is going to get hit by the beggar's plague.


03-23-2013, 11:53 PM
Love. Absolutely love.

Also remember you can never have enough. If you are happy with your toon, gold and plat. I'm sure there is a mechanic in the game you don't like. Make sure to email, post disapproving threads and threaten to quit the game if STS doesn't give you more.

03-24-2013, 12:05 AM
Lawl this is great! xD

Chaim Nail
03-24-2013, 12:07 AM
Here's another tip, take a lvl 1 character all the way to Kraag and use them to beg:


Unfortunately I couldn't get him to Paradise Pier as the game wouldn't allow a lvl 1 character beyond Kraag :(

03-24-2013, 12:35 AM
Guild to dealing with beggars:

1) When being begged, open the trade window

2) add 1m gold (10m if you have enough)

3) then say "oops, I pressed the zero key by accident"

4) then change amount to 1 gold and press confirm.

03-24-2013, 12:44 AM
Guild to dealing with beggars:

1) When being begged, open the trade window

2) add 1m gold (10m if you have enough)

3) then say "oops, I pressed the zero key by accident"

4) then change amount to 1 gold and press confirm.

Pressed the zero key by accident 6 times, haha nice try ;P

03-24-2013, 03:29 AM
6) Beg in towns, cities and even in PVP, ESPECIALLY in PVP. You need to be heard. Remember if you ask, someone will answer eventually. In PVP this can help the team you join drastically. The opposing team's heart will melt with pity. I'm sure if you ask for a bow, they'll give you the arrows too. Lots of it.

Haha ppl can show u so much "love" I was always shy but knowing this, thx Athenum for showing me the way :excitement:

Really this thread made my day Thank you :)

03-24-2013, 03:48 AM
At first i thought that this thread was actually aimed at full-seriousness. Reading on i realized that it wasn't, but still, it was a lame attempt at a joke to me. Time might be better off spent on writing serious guides that can assist players, instead of writing un-funny 'guides' like these. Anyway trolling is also against ToC.

03-24-2013, 03:54 AM
At first i thought that this thread was actually aimed at full-seriousness. Reading on i realized that it wasn't, but still, it was a lame attempt at a joke to me. Time might be better off spent on writing serious guides that can assist players, instead of writing un-funny 'guides' like these. Anyway trolling is also against ToC.

Its not a real guide.. its a joke. I wouldn't be mad at the beggars... be mad at the people who tolerate them. If nobody ever gave free items/gold then they wouldn't continue to ask..

03-24-2013, 04:36 AM
Lol guide is lol

03-24-2013, 05:14 AM
Anyway trolling is also against ToC.

Yes it is. :)

03-24-2013, 05:18 AM
Love. Absolutely love.

Also remember you can never have enough. If you are happy with your toon, gold and plat. I'm sure there is a mechanic in the game you don't like. Make sure to email, post disapproving threads and threaten to quit the game if STS doesn't give you more.

This gives me an idea for another guide. :adoration:

03-24-2013, 05:32 AM
Being a beggar myself let me share some tips that seem to work all the time:

If you're good at something, don't do it for free.

Are you a rogue who can easily put down a boss or run through elite maps like a breeze? Are you a mage who's crit comes off so high that your fireballs and freeze make mobs go gu gu ga ga? Or are you a tank who's shield saves everyone from being one-hit?

if you at least fit to the descriptions above, you might just be every farmer's dream! So what do you do? First thing that would come to mind would probably help and join runs with them rich peeps out there but wait, remember you're broke!

So what you gonna do? Ask for them to pay for your pots? Probably yes but hey take a look at what the author said: Always ask for more.

10k per run is nice, 20k if your'e lucky enough to fit in a team full of dem filthy rich! Remember pugs nowadays are not the same as they were before, so this is your chance to shine and make your pockets sound kaching kaching

*GASP* But this is work!!!

I do like the idea. Maybe we can do a guide together. Limsyoker and Athenum's guide to guides? :)

03-24-2013, 05:47 AM
Perfect, perfect, perfect. No other words can describe this guide. It should be moved to guide section pronto
. Oh new tip(remember to credit me): those with vanities and the filthy rich title, are only show offs, so they wont give you a dime. The best people to beg, are the poor looking people. As they have already used these strategies, and henceforth have more gold, and will respect your begging prowess, and give you more gold than others.

Credit goes to you warriorname! I may have missed that part. :D

03-24-2013, 05:48 AM
Haha ppl can show u so much "love" I was always shy but knowing this, thx Athenum for showing me the way :excitement:

Really this thread made my day Thank you :)

I'm glad I was able to provide you with enlightenment Uzii! I miss seeing you in-party. We should really get to raiding something soon! :D

03-24-2013, 06:00 AM
quintuplet post is quint

03-24-2013, 09:54 AM
Great post. This is from a nice guy, Athenum, who keeps giving away stuff and help out others all the time.

BTW, I read this as I keep get disconnected.

03-24-2013, 10:26 AM
Pressed the zero key by accident 6 times, haha nice try ;P

My keyboard has a sticky zero key LOL

03-24-2013, 04:34 PM
My keyboard has a sticky zero key LOL

My keyboard has a sticky 000000000000000 key too :P

03-25-2013, 03:35 AM
No wonder, the number of moochers are growing. Keep mooching!:couple_inlove:

03-25-2013, 12:17 PM
I'm glad I was able to provide you with enlightenment Uzii! I miss seeing you in-party. We should really get to raiding something soon! :D

Not really much in game lately. :(

03-25-2013, 12:58 PM
Nice. I'm going to try this out. Except I will skip the parts where I give everything away. I will create another new toon just for mooching!!!

06-03-2013, 10:47 AM
I became ur fan man omg rollin out laffin...u made my day ty not fr d trik but fr makin me laugh

06-03-2013, 11:06 AM
This gives me an idea for another guide. :adoration:

Im waitin fr all ur guides to come

06-03-2013, 05:47 PM
At first i thought that this thread was actually aimed at full-seriousness. Reading on i realized that it wasn't, but still, it was a lame attempt at a joke to me. Time might be better off spent on writing serious guides that can assist players, instead of writing un-funny 'guides' like these. Anyway trolling is also against ToC.
Don't be so boring.

06-03-2013, 08:26 PM
lolz necro. But i'll forgive that since this is oh so funny :')

02-01-2018, 02:11 AM
As an expert beggar myself, If players ignore you don’t forget to ignore them back, don’t waste ur time with players who thinks they are better than you for being rich.

These are the worst type of players in AL.

Gl guys, pm me in-game if u wanna team up and know any beggars I can also pm to get some

02-01-2018, 02:34 AM
As an expert beggar myself, If players ignore you don’t forget to ignore them back, don’t waste ur time with players who thinks they are better than you for being rich.

These are the worst type of players in AL.

Gl guys, pm me in-game if u wanna team up and know any beggars I can also pm to get some

Lol Handsum this is an ironic guide. From 2013 (that shows beggars are here from day 1....). It’s supposed the be fun :)
Read it again with different eyes and I’m sure you will appreciate the irony/sarcasm in it ;)

02-01-2018, 02:45 AM
Lol Handsum this is an ironic guide. From 2013 (that shows beggars are here from day 1....). It’s supposed the be fun :)
Read it again with different eyes and I’m sure you will appreciate the irony/sarcasm in it ;)I think he knows, I linked it in another thread as "proof" that beggars are on forums to hone their craft. Just a fun bit of forgotten forum gold.