View Full Version : Is Arcane Legends a pay-to-win game?

03-24-2013, 12:58 AM
This is the General Discussion section, so why not bring up a "discussion" worthy topic. I thought i'd like to shed some light on a question that may have crossed some of your minds. It's good to be aware of other players' opinions, and what people have to say about certain issues. So the topic that i will bring forth for the community to discuss is:

Is Arcane Legends a pay-to-win game?

Meaning, is the only way to be significantly successful or to "win" is by literally buying advantages and perks. By buying, i am referring to real-life currency not in-game currency. Ex. Buying plat for $100 not Buying gear for 100,000 coins.

If it is, why do you think so?

If not, does it seem like it is going to be a pay-to-win game?

How do you feel about a pay-to-win game?

Just some interesting things to discuss.

My position on this issue is that it isn't a pay-to-win game. What about you?

03-24-2013, 02:10 AM
Naw I thibk you pay to lose cause you get nothing out of it...as far as equipment. We are in xharge of auction..if we collectivelt lowered pricing people wouldn't have to buy so much gold. 89.99 gets u 1.7 million... u xant even buy one end game swors at that price sometimes

03-24-2013, 02:15 AM

03-24-2013, 02:22 AM
Its obviously faster to get the best items by spending quite a bit of money gambling. It would take longer to merchant starting out with nothing. I guess I would say no its not currently pay to win. If they make elixirs useable in pvp then it will be pay to win.

03-24-2013, 02:30 AM
Rollo good point on elixir, I remember u xould use elixers in pl pvp...so unfair

03-24-2013, 02:34 AM
In every mmo game u can buy items for cash by this way, or ebay.
So are u asking is this mmo game? Hmm... Yes?

03-24-2013, 02:36 AM
It's pay to win for time runners: you need team with hooks to break the records. No hooks no win.

03-24-2013, 02:37 AM
In every mmo game u can buy items for cash by this way, or ebay.
So are u asking is this mmo game? Hmm... Yes?

I'm asking if buying items is the only way to win, or if it's still possible to become successful in this game without contributing any real-life currency

03-24-2013, 02:41 AM
It's a pay-to-lose money in rl game.

03-24-2013, 03:41 AM
Currently it isn't. It is slowly becoming so though. I'm thinking of quitting if this goes on much further.

So far though, i haven't spent a single penny on AL, and i'm still doing pretty good with gold leftovers after twinking all my alts.

Chaim Nail
03-24-2013, 03:50 AM
I told myself I wouldn't spend any real money on this game, but I got to the point where I had to spend some to get extra inventory and auction slots which really helped when farming+merchanting to build up my gold. The morning the new pet arrived a few days ago I had just over 100k and a few eggs+crates saved in my inventory, I sold those then went on and bought+sold more items to bring my gold amount to just over 300k - not a lot compared to the people who trade in the millions but now I don't have to worry about buying shedloads of potions and maybe I can get some better armour.

03-24-2013, 03:50 AM
Arcane Legends and all STS games are "Freemium" games. Meaning you don't have to spend a single red cent to play the game and you have access to everything. To date, in Arcane Legends, the only thing us premium players (meaning players that spend money is all) have gotten that the normal free players haven't is the VIP Chest. Other than that you have all the same access and rates as everyone around you.

Now for the true definition of Fremium, like i said before you don't have to spend any money, but if you want that "edge" or have quick access to items, thats when you start shelling out real life money.

The only thing that comes to mind right now that you HAVE to spend real money on consistently is opening crates. But that's your option to open them or to sell them. People say that Platinum runs this game, but it's gold and always will be. You buy platinum or do free offers for platinum to get items to eventually sell for gold or improve your chances at obtaining more gold.

03-24-2013, 03:50 AM
In every mmo game u can buy items for cash by this way, or ebay.
So are u asking is this mmo game? Hmm... Yes?

Mostly just free to play mmos. Which is fine I don't mind spending money on a good game every now and then. New vanities etc. Over powered pets excluded (I don't like those either) The problem is when they sell gear or basically ask you to gamble on the best items in the game. They want you to essentially buy power and in my opinion that kills the spirit of competition. You could put the work in, and be stomped by someone who dropped 100-1000$, knowing they didn't really learn how to play the class or basically put the time in.

03-24-2013, 08:53 AM
I havent spent a penny on ANY sts game......

03-24-2013, 09:24 AM
Ever played conquer online? This is dollar store cheap compared.. even the people that spent a few thousand on this game. I've seen people spend more than a car is worth in co.. that is a pay to win, where if u don't pay u basically can't win without plenty of luck. I've also played wow for a few years in the beginning, a perfect example of subscription based game where everything is free, just takes ALL of your time and energy to win. this game is a nice middle ground. No subscription and you can do just fine never spending, but if u do then u will have an advantage, as it should be.

03-24-2013, 10:36 AM
You have to spend some money to be competitive in AL. As was mentioned above, you will need some more inventory slots, auction slots, etc. But you can compete just fine without ever spending large amounts of plat. I bought one single $90 plat package back in November when I started playing and I still have a nice chunk of it leftover, yet I compete just fine. I finished in the top 25 sorcerer leaderboard last season, and this season I am currently on two of the sorcerer leaderboards (top sorcerer & flags).

Yes, spending money and buying lots of plat will make it easier to get better gear and make more money (since you can just buy money), but there are plenty of places to compete where spending money will not help you much at all. For example, in PvP you must put in the time if you want to be among the leaders in kills or flags.

If you want to be realistic about it, you must spend some money to even play the game since you will need some sort of device/computer and that isn't free either.

03-24-2013, 11:11 AM
It is not a pay-to-win game. It is free-to-play meaning that not everything will be free but you don't need to spend a single dollar in game to be successful. I have around 700 platinum, and I still have about 100 just in case something cool comes around. But lately I've noticed STS has been coming out with pets that require spent money or downloading offers to earn, and it is still left up to chance if you get the pet or not. Seems like they are trying to get more cash out of us. Stupid chests...

EDIT: And I totally forgot about the auction and inventory slot purchasing. You may need to buy some.

03-24-2013, 11:19 AM
Pay-mark-to-win game

Just pay me an i guarentee u will be a winner!

03-24-2013, 11:24 AM
Currently it isn't. It is slowly becoming so though. I'm thinking of quitting if this goes on much further.

So far though, i haven't spent a single penny on AL, and i'm still doing pretty good with gold leftovers after twinking all my alts.

Which is why it will go more towards pay to win. If people don't spend money on what is available now, PGI will have to make the plat items more compelling (and reduce drop rates for non-plat items too).

03-24-2013, 02:57 PM
Just pay me an i guarentee u will be a winner!

LOL I think this is what g meant with the "trollish" remark. :p

03-24-2013, 03:08 PM
If you cant merch then its basically pay to win the best gear.
If you dont have max gear to do speed runs its pay to win with elixers.
If you want a arcane pet you need to pay 15 plat unless you can merch is pay to win.
If you dont have plat to do respecs every time a class gets nurfed its pay to win.
Getting on talking to friends and doing your 3 daily tokens and daily egg quests.....priceless
At least in pl (before elixers took over) people wasnt in such a rush or kicking people out of partys for not having elixers and getting at least 100k is very easily achievable. Imo sl and pl where the best.games sts made (even though i dont like.sl) and now there on the back burner and will probably be.deceased very soon.

03-24-2013, 09:08 PM
I don't think so. Leveling seems to be easy enough without platinum right now. Platinum seems to be only necessary for the very hardcore gamers who want to be the best in the game, which means getting both arcane pets. At least that's how I see it.

03-25-2013, 12:47 AM
At least in pl (before elixers took over) people wasnt in such a rush or kicking people out of partys for not having elixers and getting at least 100k is very easily achievable. Imo sl and pl where the best.games sts made (even though i dont like.sl) and now there on the back burner and will probably be.deceased very soon.

Yes, the games were more pure before STS made them profitable. But a new company can only survive so long without being profitable. Getting investors is easy for a new company with good ideas. Not so easy once you've been around 5 years and still don't show a profit. It was inevitable that they would have to change the games to become profitable one day.