View Full Version : Disabling XP

03-24-2013, 06:19 PM
So i hit L61 this morning on Ixfarmxdeaths (big thanks to all who helped me level), i have disabled my xp. i'm just wondering if it does disable kills as well, because im going to start farming for L61 and dragon gear on it but i don't want kills to get added to me stats as it'll ruin my character.

03-24-2013, 06:21 PM
It disables kills.

03-24-2013, 06:27 PM
^This, but doesn't disable deaths :P

03-24-2013, 06:33 PM
Doesn't it double the deaths per actual death if its bellow your level???

03-24-2013, 06:38 PM
Nope, disable xp comes with the following results-
•no xp gained.
•no kills gained.
•if you die it counts as a death on your kdr.
This is for any dungeon no matter what lvl.

03-24-2013, 08:40 PM
Doesn't it double the deaths per actual death if its bellow your level???

i don't believe this would happen, it'll seem a little odd if it did.

03-24-2013, 09:01 PM
So i hit L61 this morning on Ixfarmxdeaths (big thanks to all who helped me level), i have disabled my xp. i'm just wondering if it does disable kills as well, because im going to start farming for L61 and dragon gear on it but i don't want kills to get added to me stats as it'll ruin my character.

hey bro its barb