View Full Version : Zone order

10-04-2010, 02:26 PM
I have looked around the boards and couldn't find an exact answer to this. They were usually older and didn't list everything.
I was wondering what order the content is to be done? Basically what levels each zone are.
As best I can figure the order is Forest, Balefort, Fathom, Expedition...and this is where it seems to get more hazy.
Expedition loot stops at level 30. So what would be next? Skeller and Swamps seems to go from 31-35, AO1 35 - 40. AO2 40 -45?
Is this correct?
Where does Frozen Nightmare fit in?

10-04-2010, 03:04 PM
frozen nightmare is a harder version of lost expedition. however, most level 45s do it instead of level 30s because it's very hard without good gear and you can't take potions.

10-04-2010, 03:38 PM
Forest haven is 1-10
Dark Forest 10-15
Balefort 15-20
Fathom 20-25
Lost Expedition 25-30
Frozen Nightmares 30+ (though in reality same as LE in terms of XP cap)
Swamps 30-35
Skeller also 30-35
AO1 35-40
AO2 40-45
AO3 45-50

You can continue to gain diminished XP for up to 3 levels out of the campaign range, so for example, you can level to 33 in either Lost Expedition or Frozen Nightmares.