View Full Version : Issue: Joining a map where other players are half way to boss

03-26-2013, 08:49 AM
This is very common especially running through Jarl and Mother.

Whenever I join these maps, either I go first or be the last.

Would it be nice to join a map where all toons start together then disallow
Others to join when you are half way.

It would be waste of time for us to join a map where other toons are already advancing
To kill bosses.

I suggest to put some "Way Points" wherein when a toon reaches it, it would automatically shutoff new
Toons coming in.

In case of parties, they should assemble parties first before going inside dungeons.

03-26-2013, 11:46 PM
Yeah, I just don't get it..... If you are in a party and a party member tries to join you half way through the map then they are unable to, but when you join a random game half the time it puts you in a map where Jarl is already dead. This makes no sense at all.

Change it to the opposite.... allow party members to join a game no matter where the rest of the party is on the map. In non-party games then restrict those joining a game to join a new map that hasn't been started yet.

03-27-2013, 07:54 AM
Yeah, I just don't get it..... If you are in a party and a party member tries to join you half way through the map then they are unable to, but when you join a random game half the time it puts you in a map where Jarl is already dead. This makes no sense at all.

Change it to the opposite.... allow party members to join a game no matter where the rest of the party is on the map. In non-party games then restrict those joining a game to join a new map that hasn't been started yet.

Disregard my last sentence.

By the way, I have found a solution if you want to go solo farming (credit to Noobiam!)

When at the cities, just type /partyinvite 000. Then go to prefered map.

To turn off just type /partyleave.