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View Full Version : Rod vs gun?

03-27-2013, 08:52 AM
I get it its like bow spamming and you don't need face ur opponent but what advantages if any would a rod provide in pvp?

My Mage has been a gunner since birth n it stemmed into my main so I've never dealt with wands after lvl9.

Also what's the best ratio of int/str?

03-28-2013, 02:35 AM
The good Skewers and Firesquids are better than Oracle other than that...can't see a point to switch unless you get one of the 2.

03-28-2013, 02:44 AM
id still go for oracle because it lets u kite with push back proc in pvp. firesquid for pve i guess for boss fights

03-29-2013, 04:24 AM
The good Skewers and Firesquids are better than Oracle other than that...can't see a point to switch unless you get one of the 2.

yea i realy wanted a firesquid for it has better dmg and dps ouput than an oracle.

03-29-2013, 06:09 AM
gun. oracle or for better dps take the combustion cannon. dont forget, distance is our best friend.

rods not worth that millions.

Shiny Celebi
03-29-2013, 10:25 AM
I use both :D
Rod is huge dam, mutil-attack good for farm (pve)
Gun is auto-aim, fast, push back good for pvp

Mikkel Alfante
03-29-2013, 08:06 PM
GUN is also usefull you try fullcharging the gun it will be like a fireball depends if your gun is fire , ice or what element you have but i choose the GUN but ROD IS OK!!:star:

03-30-2013, 07:59 AM
I like to mix it up now and again I will switch my armor and weapon but then you could call me a packrat I have o225 inventory slots

03-30-2013, 10:53 AM
PvP: no question, use the gun. Higher skill damage, longer range and doesn't need to be aimed
at the enemy so you can just spam it while you are running around.

PvE: the lvl26 firesquid rod of assault is pretty nice. The damage is only slightly less than the oracle
guns and the dps is much higher (about 150 higher) so almost as good at fighting the mobs with
skills but much superior for dps'n the bosses. Then again the difference is probably not worth
the 2-3 mil difference in price tag atm. I only use it as I was lucky enough to get it as a drop :)

03-30-2013, 03:46 PM
For PvE I like my Kraken Skewer, but for PvP I use the oracle gun.

03-30-2013, 03:49 PM
PvE: Staff : Flamestrike/Kraken Skewer/Firesquid

PvP: Rifle. : Oracle Crystal

03-31-2013, 02:00 PM
It really depends on your spec, if you are rolling enough offensive attacks to not have much time on regular auto attacks use a gun, if you are rolling with lets say lifegiver and arcane shield u shud proabaly aim for a rod for the dps, Not only does it do a ton more damage then a gun, but i find the push back proc on the gun for the most part useless in pvp. considering a rogue has more range then a sorc, considering that a warr can just pull u right back to him and considering a sorc has same range as you.... You cant even Kite properly on this game you still managed to get hit by attacks that are way outta range from you, Idk though thats just me... im a really reckless sorc myself but i found myself getting alot more kills with a rod.

04-01-2013, 05:12 PM
I thought we had settled this whole damage vs dps thing already... The only rod that might be really useful is the kraken due to it's proc and damage being just lower than the current best guns. Skill damage > auto attack. Lifegiver is based off your damage as well. The top two rods are a maybe, in trash mobs losing 4-5 damage for the squid (assault) is probably worthwhile as it does hit multiple mobs. For elites, no way. Give up skill damage, and in return have to stand closer and therefore die faster? Kraken might be an exception, it's proc can put it over the damage of the best guns, but you need a good team that can keep aggro off you.

04-05-2013, 08:17 AM
Firesquid -> PvE Mobs
Crystal -> PvE Boss and PvP

04-05-2013, 08:21 AM
Firesquid -> PvE Mobs
Crystal -> PvE Boss and PvP

Kraken Skewer > PVE

04-12-2013, 02:00 AM

Depends on ur build setup :P

If u play pvp just go to gun

If u have minimum 3 offense skills go to gun also in pve
In other way gun in farming is useless

Dead :P

Arief Adhie M
04-12-2013, 10:07 AM
I use both :D
Rod is huge dam, mutil-attack good for farm (pve)
Gun is auto-aim, fast, push back good for pvp

Yeapp i agree with this. I use both.
Rod for AOE, multi attack good farm for PVE, for collecting money, and kill guard.
Gun for Single Attack good for PVP or i use it to fight the boss. Ehehehe.
But i'll prefer gun, it because have high stat in damage :D
We are sorc use damage than DPS. :D

04-17-2013, 09:40 PM
I'm still farming for better staffs but right now i'm using my weak little Capt staff of brut. for PvE mobs and Oracle crystal gun for boss fights (mostly elites). I don't like how guns don't do AoE as opposed to staffs but i suppose you can't have everything.