View Full Version : I don't like that I can't get the best items without some investment

03-27-2013, 06:11 PM
*sigh* I really didn't ever want to have to write a post like this but I believe it needs to be brought to the attention to STS in a severe and upfront way. I have played Arcane Legends almost from the beginning and have enjoyed it for quite some time. That being said there are a number of growing issues I see as a gamer that are either being overlooked or STS just doesn't care.

1. The game is so undoubted plat driven it hurts. You simple can not go out and farm for the best pets or items anymore you have to buy crates and open them with platinum or buy pets from the pet stable that aren't even worth the amount of plat they're charging for them. On the fact that you have to open crates you lose twice. Which brings up point 2.

2. Locked crates were the beginning of the end of the game. You have to either farm or buy from consignment shop. Farming them is a pain because the drop rate of them are so low that it's just simply easier to buy them. Well in buying them you lose twice like i said. You lose gold and platinum on one crate.

3. Three also relates to 1. and 2. in that in order to get anything great you have to farm your hind end off to get it. Fine I'm ok with that. But in order to get anything good you have to farm in Elites which, as I said in previous posts, is not for the casual gamer. So you have to load up on potions, but wait....those cost gold too. So you have to spend money on pots to farm (which I'll address the laughable drop rate in number 4.) you farm and farm and are hemorrhaging pots and gold in order to stay in the game. Then it finally happens, you get something worth selling. licking your wounds you go to the consignment shop to sell it. Then comparing the amount of gold you spent on pots, don't forget feeding your pet, you realize you're losing money every time you try to farm.

4. the biggest issue is the two tier drop rate or lack there of. you farm and farm and farm and farm losing money on pots and feeding your pet and farm and farm and farm. you get nothing MAYBE MAYBE if you're lucky you get a crate or chests. BUT seeing as this is a two tier system now you have to roll the dice on that crate or chest. do you want to sell it and make some money back to farm some more, or open it and possibly lose plat on crate or make less than 100 gold on the chests contents because you rarely get an item worth anything.

Example: I have farmed Palm Rock for what seems like forever, day in day out all day all night Palm Rock. Trying to get that staff that I don't even need but i know it sells for millions so I wanted it to drop so I can make some gold. Not only did I NEVER get the staff to drop I never even got an elite gold pirate chest. AND to pour salt in the wound I watched two other ppl get the staff ONE THEIR FIRST RUNS. So i said screw it i'll get some more plat (if you know me you know I spent an insane amount of plat on opening crates for Hammerjaw) i'll open more crates and get a mythic or Glacian or something to revive myself in this game. lets just say it would have been better to spend the platinum on gold and get something then waste my plat and time on opening crates.

So to wrap this up and get off my soap box I will say this, STS has forgotten the gamer and only thinks of their money in my opinion. They want us to get plat and gamble on opening crates. or spend it on rerolls and I'm sick of it, something has to change in this upcoming expansion or i'm done and trust me when I say i'm not the only one.

03-27-2013, 06:14 PM

03-27-2013, 06:42 PM
Hallelujurr... Smh. This is basicly what everyone has been talking about. Oh and don't forget that we have to be very careful on what we ask for. Remember, players asked for a rare item that we can farm our hearts out... And we get not one but two different types of items in crates we have to pay real money to open for a mere chance to get them. Ripmaw and Slag being the exception to be sold for 250 plat and only of Mythic rarity type, not Arcane.

Which in turn makes the Achievements & LB all about plat. In DL we have Achievements earned with plat but the difference is they don't cost an arm and a leg to get. At most 150 plat per outfit for aboht 3 or outfits but considering the amount of money it costs via IAP of plat in DL vs AL, its no contest. Its like Prada (AL) vs Target/Kmart (DL) lol.

03-27-2013, 06:51 PM
Yeah i agree crates are a must for 99.99% of people to get the good gear we all want, But even then the question comes to mind "at what cost?" there are no guarantees at all why would i gamble my money on a game?? Crates should go and platinum purchased items should come too play as well as being able to buy them with gold. I wont be one of the unfortunate to be poor 5k plat later... Also there is no consistent way too make money, i can understand not getting a million gold drop everyday i play, but after you run about broke from all the pet food and pots ur kinda just left in a ditch on that 1. you can make like 2k gold a day on dailys which is enough to buy 100 pots and pet food, which i prolly had to use half of to get the dailys complete.

03-27-2013, 06:54 PM
I'm happy that the plat drive has stuck mostly to pets. When PL was our love, we had to watch an amazing game, one that required skill, technique and time to learn your class turn into something that a chimp could play by buying elixirs and skill mashing their way to the top, then brag about being amazing and rich because they spent thousands of real dollars on a game they know not the first thing about playing.

At least you don't NEED the arcane items to play. Idk, I'm considered poor in AL but I've managed to make enough that I'm enjoying myself. I've spent $20 of real money on the game and I have about 600k. Not millions, but, enough that I'm not struggling to buy potions. I don't farm for hours and have been surprised by the good drop rate of elite pirate chests.

At the end of the day, you need to realize that these games are money making vehicles for STS and $$$ is what their ultimate goal is. They make the game pretty and fun enough to play while adding options that make them money. Be grateful that AL hasn't gone so far to plat hell that it's still enjoyable to play if you're not elixir'd up. Although, with the rate of level caps being released, I see that on the horizon.

03-27-2013, 07:04 PM
Why are crates a must? Why do you have to have the best items? Is it so hard to play the free game? I have tons of plat over in PL, but I only got a little for AL. Once I passed the $250 mark, I considered that I had paid my fair share for my STS games and now I play the free parts. I've never opened a crate. Even in PL I've never paid more than 100K for something in the CS. I use my plat to buy things I want only when I know what I am getting. I know I'll never look as cool as people who waste real money on a game, but that doesn't matter to me. I know I'll get my butt kicked in PvP so I don't play it. I just play in the zones hoping for a nice drop. I get them sometimes. It makes me happy. People who expect nice drops probably get unhappy because they are rare. Well, between the free elixirs and the large number of players in the zones, I have no trouble running around having fun.

Besides, there are three other games from these guys. And they all have a way to play completely free. So between all those games, I always have something to do.

This is why the Buddha said the cause of suffering is desire. Rid yourself of these desires (top gear, leader board status) and you'll be happy.

03-27-2013, 07:14 PM
Its not about having the best of everything. Its having the best stuff for your toons that benefit them in one way or another. Problem is, with PvP being in the mix, it means those with enough money will have a huge advantage over others which players see as highly unfair (Arcane weapons, pets etc.). Especially when they've said that plat wasn't goig to be a necessity to play... It is if you want to PvP with the so called best gear for your builds (depending on what that is). I don't have any Arcane or Mythic gear (except RipMaw) on my Mage and do ok in PvP... Guess my build is just different than theirs than? Idk. Still, the money put into those crates for those types of items are basicly to become rich in game with gold it seems. My issue is the Achievements attached to them. X.x hella amount of money for some achievements.

Bleh... I got a feeling they're going to introduce Subscriptions sooner or later. If they do then I hope they seperate the game into two parts so that the two don't mix cuz they'll have a bigger advantage over non-subscribers....

...oh wait its pretty much like that already LOL.

03-27-2013, 07:24 PM
I posted this in another thread, so I will post it here as well:

Yes, they create these games to make money. They got families to feed and this is their job. They don't work for free.

So there are one of two business models for MMOs. Either they charge a monthly fee of like $10-20/month or they do it like this with plat. Yes, these games always start nice where plat is not a big issue, but that is just to get people to come and start playing. It's like the new restaurant on your block that gives free dinner during their first month open. They are not a charity and cannot do this forever.

Eventually they are going to have to make some money so they start selling things for plat to make a decent amount of money. If nothing really good is available for plat, then nobody is going to spend a lot of plat.

Understand that they need some players to spend thousands of plat to offset those who don't spend any plat. So please tell me what they should sell to get lots of players to spend thousands of plat. Tell me what you would prefer they sell instead of the way they do it. But it must be something that lots of players will want to spend thousands of plat on, not something crappy or something that doesn't help people do better in the game, because nobody is going to spend thousands of plat on stuff like that.

This is a form of entertainment and like most forms of entertainment it cost money. Do you get your internet for free? What about your device/phone/computer? Was that free? When you go to the movies is that free? What about your cable television? We are lucky they allow us to even play this for free at all, but they do. But obviously you will not enjoy it as much as those who do pay for it. That is just the way it goes.

03-27-2013, 07:28 PM
I think ima keep playing xbox live Bf3 ya feel me nobody got time for this!

03-27-2013, 07:30 PM
This is the reason casinos shouldn't have message boards.

03-27-2013, 07:30 PM

03-27-2013, 07:30 PM
I kind of think pl needs more improvements than arcane with all the updates arcane gets I don't see how you guys complain.

03-27-2013, 07:38 PM
I'm all for subscriptions. I have been for years. Charge us $5-10 a month and get rid of elixirs, locked chests, and anything that costs plat. Heck, I'd even subscribe to pocket legends if they made it subscription and did away with plat.

Yeah, they'd lose some players but they announce all the time how many millions of times the games have been downloaded so surely there's enough of a market to support it.

03-27-2013, 07:46 PM
At the beginning PL was free only for the first campaign. You then had to pay plat to go to any of the other campaigns/towns/dungeons, and this was the way they made their money. Problem is that I believe it was a flop and the game did not make enough money. So instead they decided to get more players to come by making all of the campaigns free, and then only charge for in game items/elixirs. While the other model sounds better to most gamers, it apparently is not a successful one.

Iron Hand
03-27-2013, 07:48 PM
When arcane was advertised before release it stated the best gear can be found in game, respecs would be free and platinum would only be needed for vanity items.
My my how things have gone astray in the end free to play but if you want achievements, play pvp or grind for cap you spend more than you would for a subscription to a game with more to it.
Broken promises sts has really disheartened me for your games. In the end all care now about is getting our dollars for a game that does not deliver on the high hopes we had. Last update were is the story and the cool cutscenes? When is pvp not going to be beta any more and is ctf the only pvp we have to look forward to?
I fear sts will soon disappear into obscurity as better mmo's are coming to mobile. Sam n delph please make sure your employer sees this thread as a change is needed or else the paying public will go some where else.

Signed Dakota aka "Rooster"

03-27-2013, 07:54 PM
I fear sts will soon disappear into obscurity

If they only charged plat for vanity items and nothing else, then they surely would disappear into obscurity as they would not be able to make their rent or payroll and would have to close the doors LOL

03-27-2013, 07:59 PM
At the beginning PL was free only for the first campaign. You then had to pay plat to go to any of the other campaigns/towns/dungeons, and this was the way they made their money. Problem is that I believe it was a flop and the game did not make enough money. So instead they decided to get more players to come by making all of the campaigns free, and then only charge for in game items/elixirs. While the other model sounds better to most gamers, it apparently is not a successful one.
Yes. Yes . YES! This is the PERFECT EXAMPLE. You guys here are saying you HAVE to pay plat, while you don't, and in PL, you HAD to pay to play! I myself haven't spend more than 5 bucks. I spent ONLY 2 dollars, and that was for a character slot! I never pay plat, and look, I have good gear, good pet, good weapon, and good money! Ppl have to Learn how to play the free way! For Example: Pet Glacian! I'm currently saving up VIRTUAL money to get to. It's 30 mill. You don't HAVE to pay plat!

03-27-2013, 08:01 PM
I kind of think pl needs more improvements than arcane with all the updates arcane gets I don't see how you guys complain.
Pocket legends is old news ;) came out in 2010 if am not mistaking its 2013 Time to move on ?

03-27-2013, 08:02 PM
I think ima keep playing xbox live Bf3 ya feel me nobody got time for this!

Aww, too bad that I'm PS3 user

03-27-2013, 08:05 PM
Yes. Yes . YES! This is the PERFECT EXAMPLE. You guys here are saying you HAVE to pay plat, while you don't, and in PL, you HAD to pay to play! I myself haven't spend more than 5 bucks. I spent ONLY 2 dollars, and that was for a character slot! I never pay plat, and look, I have good gear, good pet, good weapon, and good money! Ppl have to Learn how to play the free way! For Example: Pet Glacian! I'm currently saving up VIRTUAL money to get to. It's 30 mill. You don't HAVE to pay plat!
But say ya do play for free most of the really exciting stuff is for plat based players beside a lvl cap and When the last time a really really cool anticipating pet that drops with out plat tell me that ?

03-27-2013, 08:12 PM
But say ya do play for free most of the really exciting stuff is for plat based players beside a lvl cap and When the last time a really really cool anticipating pet that drops with out plat tell me that ?

2 words: FREE OFFERS. And besides. Samhayne once said Plat Exclusive is always the best. Ripmaw? More warrior. Nah. Slag? More for the rogue. Hammer jaw? Sure he's kinda good. Glacian? He's awesome. I wish I could have it. It's from locked crates. I'm saving up gold for him.

03-27-2013, 08:13 PM
Subscriptions are the way to go. I mean leave vanities, some pets and bundle deals for platinum only. I'd play $15-$20 bucks a month without thinking about it.

03-27-2013, 08:15 PM
Subscriptions are the way to go. I mean leave vanities, some pets and bundle deals for platinum only. I'd play $15-$20 bucks a month without thinking about it.

I wouldn't like that.....how about the young teens around here? Like me? I'm glad it's free, and plat is a CHOICE. Many ppl would rage quit if there was subscription. Especially teens 13-16.

03-27-2013, 08:18 PM
Well Ima stick to bf3 with my 15587436 score 31 day play time 30k kills 1.05 kdr Where the game is fair :b Just keeping it real

Chaim Nail
03-27-2013, 08:21 PM
Having only 25 inventory slots and 1 auction slot for default is severly crippling for anyone who wants to farm to build up gold to buy decent items, I only bought some plat to increase inventory and auction slots, but even though I have some plat leftover I won't spend it on luck elixirs in the hope that they'll help me get some good items during farming or spend any on opening locked crates - casinos odds are set by law, which you are able to find, so why aren't STS telling us the odds on finding an arcane item in a locked crate or receiving something decent from a reroll?

The amount of times I've gotten a reroll from the free luck elixirs (and when the Leprochoblin was around) and received a green or blue item is ridiculous.

03-27-2013, 08:31 PM
Meh why not. For now, here is my post from the other thread that for locked.

Money rich based game?

03-27-2013, 08:33 PM
I wouldn't like that.....how about the young teens around here? Like me? I'm glad it's free, and plat is a CHOICE. Many ppl would rage quit if there was subscription. Especially teens 13-16.

My 8yr old brother makes $15 cutting grass. So what? $5-$10?

03-27-2013, 08:42 PM
Get 100,000 people paying $5 a month and that's $6 million in revenue a year. And that's just from 1 title. Subscription ftw!

03-27-2013, 08:42 PM
Well there are always 2 sides of a coin:

I'll site an example:

I was a MU Korea server player last 2004, everything is free! (even respects). I only have to pay
for pc rental at local internet shop as don't have my own pc yet. To our surprise, the server went down.

Then I've tried MU Philippines server last 2007, respects are bought, playtime is also bought (prepaid), plus I
have to rent pc again. It didn't take long for me to quit. Besides School is already being affected then lol.

The thing is, if no one wants to pay AL, then we know where it will go. It's sad to see great free games go!
(Just look at Kingdoms of Amalur. Great Game but wasn't able to release mmorpg version because 38 Studios went bankrupt)

But if it's too expensive, people will get out.

For me, I'll just enjoy playing AL while it lasts, I'm lucky to still enjoy the game for free!

Hey I haven't seen a Glacian pet in town or party, have you? :highly_amused:

03-27-2013, 08:44 PM
There are two sides of the coin on this. To bad the side of the coin Jack outlines is the one I'm seeing... This is one of the reasons I don't play as much in between appointments.


03-27-2013, 08:45 PM
And yes add a subscription and take away the stupid lock chests.

Iron Hand
03-27-2013, 08:48 PM
I fear sts will soon disappear into obscurity

If they only charged plat for vanity items and nothing else, then they surely would disappear into obscurity as they would not be able to make their rent or payroll and would have to close the doors LOL

Make no mistake I have no issues paying money for entertainment, my point is the game does not have the content promised prior to release. I know it takes time n money to develop but it seems u have to spend an awful lot for only small amount of content. May seem trivial to most but I like the story lines, cutscenes and was looking forward to pvp with multiple types to play. How about secret levels to find, multiple secret mini bosses to find and fight for ultra rare items. These were all things mentioned in previews. I would be fine with it if it was meant for future expansion, but as is sts has not mentioned any plans to expand on these ideas mentioned from interviews with the ceo prior to al release. If more stuff added like mini-games, more pvp options, new story lines with cutscenes, etc. Sure I will be happy to spend more money. I just feel the cost right now is excessive compared to the content return. I will keep watch with crossed fingers that they straighten balance in pvp and add more cool game and not just items to buy.

03-27-2013, 08:51 PM
Arcanee I understand but still you guys are getting caps every month but the people who were their first customers stand there bored waiting for at least one content.

03-27-2013, 08:53 PM
But say ya do play for free most of the really exciting stuff is for plat based players beside a lvl cap and When the last time a really really cool anticipating pet that drops with out plat tell me that ?

All the exciting pets can be had without plat. You can buy them. Hammerjaw, Glacian, McCaw, Colton, etc.

Iron Hand
03-27-2013, 09:01 PM
But say ya do play for free most of the really exciting stuff is for plat based players beside a lvl cap and When the last time a really really cool anticipating pet that drops with out plat tell me that ?

All the exciting pets can be had without plat. You can buy them. Hammerjaw, Glacian, McCaw, Colton, etc.

Sorry for correction, but 3 of those pets u mentioned u have to spend plat to open crates to get them. Only other way is to buy on consignment which most casual gamers cannot because players sell them very high since they are so rare to get.

Chaim Nail
03-27-2013, 09:05 PM
All the exciting pets can be had without plat. You can buy them. Hammerjaw, Glacian, McCaw, Colton, etc.

"can" being the operative word, yes you "can" get a rare pet such as Glacian without plat but currently the only one available in the CS is for 29 MILLION gold - just how many players have that amout of gold to splash out on a pet?!?

03-27-2013, 09:12 PM
All the exciting pets can be had without plat. You can buy them. Hammerjaw, Glacian, McCaw, Colton, etc.

Sorry for correction, but 3 of those pets u mentioned u have to spend plat to open crates to get them. Only other way is to buy on consignment which most casual gamers cannot because players sell them very high since they are so rare to get.

Exactly iron what are the players who play free getting? all the rich people get the attention but its whatever I can spend $50 but what is that gonna buy in this game? & also tell me hammerjaw in cs really ? It would be like 20mil a quest is like 250 gold most is like a 1000 what ima do force a bunch of elite golden chest to drop and sell them or open them and get all rare items? But I mean I say TIME IS A TERRIBLE THING TO WASTE

03-27-2013, 09:19 PM
Guys, I don't spend much plat but instead merch and farm and I got enough money to buy hammerjaw if I want. I don't because I don't think he's worth so much, but that's just my choice. Any of those pets can be purchased. You can farm for items, sell those items, save your gold and have any of those pets you want without ever spending a single penny on plat.

Plat betters your chances, but does not guarantee anything. And if plat did not better your chances, then nobody would every buy any and STS would be out of business.

03-27-2013, 09:35 PM
"can" being the operative word, yes you "can" get a rare pet such as Glacian without plat but currently the only one available in the CS is for 29 MILLION gold - just how many players have that amout of gold to splash out on a pet?!?

mystical eagle odes...hes got dem hooks

03-27-2013, 09:44 PM
@Energizer: Obviously plat does NOT better your chances when players are paying hella plat and still don't get the drops they want from the crates. It merely gives a chance. A chance players without plat do not have.

Edit: I also agree with Iron. :)

03-27-2013, 09:55 PM
I certainly won't pay a subscription fee. If that happened, I'd be gone in a heartbeat, not even a second thought. I've supported STS over the years by buying plat occasionally. Sure, maybe not nearly as much as some players do, but enough IMO. One of the main reasons I like these games is that I can spend money when and on what I choose. Or not spend money. Honestly, I have enough expenses as it is. I'm not about to be charged $5-10 a month after I've already spent what I feel is a fair amount.

03-27-2013, 10:19 PM
O&C had a monthly payment of $10 or so.
It was SO annoying, tons of players quit, until now. They removed the monthly subscription and some players have come back.
But I definitely agree with McBain, I would be gone in a flash if the monthly subscriptions were on.

03-27-2013, 11:09 PM
I've been playing daily since the beginning. I don't post here often but when I saw your thread Jackyll I thought I had to say: I couldn't agree more. I think STS is definitely going the wrong way.

A simple pet for the price of 2 or 3 months playing a monthly fee game..? It doesn't seem right...
Making players gamble their real money..? That sounds insane... I know lots of friends who are so frustrated because they actually never got anything from crates. Though they spent hundreds or even thousand dollars !!! Of course nobody forced them, but I can just imagine how frustrating that can be. Crates are the biggest mistake STS made imo... They were the beginning of the end indeed.
Plats are incredibly expensive... Way more ppl would be able to afford plats if they were say 5 times cheaper and i'm pretty sure STS would make more money than they actually make.
Making pinks drop directly from bosses seemed to be a good idea but... it's close to impossible to loot a pink without a luck lix. I could bet that sooner or later the best elite pinks won't be in chests... Of course we dont "need" the best gears. But I've played many MMOs and I can tell 90% of players try to get the best gears, that's part of the fun. But what will happen if getting best gears is unreachable without buying plats constantly? The answer is simple: most of players will just quit (not to say ragequit).
I could pay a monthly fee, but not for a game with such poor content. AL is so repetitive and i'm afraid next expansions won't change anything.
There are sooooo many things to mention that need to change (not only plats) and I don't feel like writing a novel. And I'd be repeating what tons of players already said. STS know. They just seem to ignore the community. That's sad...

I'm not really having fun anymore playing AL. I log on way less than before. PvE is boring. PvP is boring. I just chat ingame, when my friends are online... But I see them quit almost daily. And the ones who remain complain about AL constantly. I don't feel like leaving them but it seems like my next step is quitting too... It will take more than same old mobs with a scarf instead of a jellyfish on their heads to make me stay...

03-27-2013, 11:10 PM
The only thing that I really agree with here is the stuff about the elite maps but that might even be a stretch too. It might be, too, that it seems drop rates are lower because of the longer time it takes to complete an elite map now.

And about the locked crates: I understand where everyone is coming from about locked crates, but this game is very managable without opening locked crates. I've only opened one which was when they were first released just to see what it's like. Do you guys really think that it's worth it to spend hundreds (maybe even thousands) of dollars to have an extremely slim chance at receiving a really good wep or uber rare pets (which i personally think aren't that great stats wise)?

I've never spent any money on this game. All my plat has come from offers but I don't even use too much of that plat because I simply don't need to. I can still play the game and still be relatively successful (at least from my point of view) without spending tons of plat.

Some of you may disagree, but that's just my opinion.

03-27-2013, 11:27 PM
O&C had a monthly payment of $10 or so.
It was SO annoying, tons of players quit, until now. They removed the monthly subscription and some players have come back.
But I definitely agree with McBain, I would be gone in a flash if the monthly subscriptions were on.

OAC's sub was 99cents a month.

03-28-2013, 12:42 AM
This same conversation over and over is getting very tiresome. Here's what happened.... In season 1 everyone complained that it was too hard to get pinks and that they were too expensive. So STS added the crates and increased the amount of pinks in the chests. So everyone who opens a crate gets a pink. Wonderful! Now everyone should be happy!! NOT!!

What's the problem then? Well now they complain that these are not GOOD pinks. No? Stats look pretty good? Yes, they do. What's the problem then? Well the price is too low. They are worthless. Why is that? Well, they are very common and there are a million of them in the auction. Why? Because everyone opening a chest gets one!! That's why!

So now you we are going full circle. Now nobody cares about pinks anymore since they are no longer good. Pinks now are like purples from season 1. Now we all want mythic and arcane items. They are too expensive. So we want them to be easier to get. So will STS increase the drop rate on those too? Let's suppose they do. Maybe 1 in 10 crates will have one. Then they will be common and there will be a million in the auction and all will be worth 1k. Then what?

Maybe then STS can come out with the new super rare dark pink "elite" items just like they have in PL. And those will be even rarer than mythic and arcane. And then everyone can complain that those too are also too rare. And the cycle continues.

I just don't think you all get it. I shouldn't be surprised as there are a lot of kids here, but those of you who are adults should really have a better understanding of all of this. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO HAVE ITEMS THAT ARE BOTH RARE AND ARE EASY TO GET. IF EVERYONE CAN GET ONE, THEN IT WILL NOT BE RARE AND WILL BE WORTHLESS!!

Make up your minds. Either you want the best items to be common and worth 1k each, or you want them to be hard enough to get so that even you may have trouble getting them, even if you spend a lot of plat. It's one way or the other. You can't have your cake and eat it too! [/end rant]

03-28-2013, 12:51 AM
This same conversation over and over is getting very tiresome. Here's what happened.... In season 1 everyone complained that it was too hard to get pinks and that they were too expensive. So STS added the crates and increased the amount of pinks in the chests. So everyone who opens a crate gets a pink. Wonderful! Now everyone should be happy!! NOT!!

What's the problem then? Well now they complain that these are not GOOD pinks. No? Stats look pretty good? Yes, they do. What's the problem then? Well the price is too low. They are worthless. Why is that? Well, they are very common and there are a million of them in the auction. Why? Because everyone opening a chest gets one!! That's why!

So now you we are going full circle. Now nobody cares about pinks anymore since they are no longer good. Pinks now are like purples from season 1. Now we all want mythic and arcane items. They are too expensive. So we want them to be easier to get. So will STS increase the drop rate on those too? Let's suppose they do. Maybe 1 in 10 crates will have one. Then they will be common and there will be a million in the auction and all will be worth 1k. Then what?

Maybe then STS can come out with the new super rare dark pink "elite" items just like they have in PL. And those will be even rarer than mythic and arcane. And then everyone can complain that those too are also too rare. And the cycle continues.

I just don't think you all get it. I shouldn't be surprised as there are a lot of kids here, but those of you who are adults should really have a better understanding of all of this. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO HAVE ITEMS THAT ARE BOTH RARE AND ARE EASY TO GET. IF EVERYONE CAN GET ONE, THEN IT WILL NOT BE RARE AND WILL BE WORTHLESS!!

Make up your minds. Either you want the best items to be common and worth 1k each, or you want them to be hard enough to get so that even you may have trouble getting them, even if you spend a lot of plat. It's one way or the other. You can't have your cake and eat it too! [/end rant]

If i could "RETWEET" this OVER AND OVER i would, very well said, and i deff agree to this..
i was thinking the same thing to but i wouldve never said it better than you did

03-28-2013, 01:22 AM
As someone who was with AL in Beta until 21 cap, I could provide a laundry of issues/comparisons between this game and the first two STS games. To keep it simple, it is clear STS is heading towards a more extensive monetary involvement. It is up to us to quit turning a "blind eye" and decide whether we are going jump ship or stay the course. Increasing the amount of these threads is not going to solve the issue anymore than the "lack of content" threads in SL/DL/PL.

03-28-2013, 01:43 AM
This same conversation over and over is getting very tiresome. Here's what happened.... In season 1 everyone complained that it was too hard to get pinks and that they were too expensive. So STS added the crates and increased the amount of pinks in the chests. So everyone who opens a crate gets a pink. Wonderful! Now everyone should be happy!! NOT!!

What's the problem then? Well now they complain that these are not GOOD pinks. No? Stats look pretty good? Yes, they do. What's the problem then? Well the price is too low. They are worthless. Why is that? Well, they are very common and there are a million of them in the auction. Why? Because everyone opening a chest gets one!! That's why!

So now you we are going full circle. Now nobody cares about pinks anymore since they are no longer good. Pinks now are like purples from season 1. Now we all want mythic and arcane items. They are too expensive. So we want them to be easier to get. So will STS increase the drop rate on those too? Let's suppose they do. Maybe 1 in 10 crates will have one. Then they will be common and there will be a million in the auction and all will be worth 1k. Then what?

Maybe then STS can come out with the new super rare dark pink "elite" items just like they have in PL. And those will be even rarer than mythic and arcane. And then everyone can complain that those too are also too rare. And the cycle continues.

I just don't think you all get it. I shouldn't be surprised as there are a lot of kids here, but those of you who are adults should really have a better understanding of all of this. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO HAVE ITEMS THAT ARE BOTH RARE AND ARE EASY TO GET. IF EVERYONE CAN GET ONE, THEN IT WILL NOT BE RARE AND WILL BE WORTHLESS!!

Make up your minds. Either you want the best items to be common and worth 1k each, or you want them to be hard enough to get so that even you may have trouble getting them, even if you spend a lot of plat. It's one way or the other. You can't have your cake and eat it too! [/end rant]

I want my items to be common and 1k so I can have my good gear for pvp.

03-28-2013, 02:52 AM
This same conversation over and over is getting very tiresome. Here's what happened.... In season 1 everyone complained that it was too hard to get pinks and that they were too expensive. So STS added the crates and increased the amount of pinks in the chests. So everyone who opens a crate gets a pink. Wonderful! Now everyone should be happy!! NOT!!

What's the problem then? Well now they complain that these are not GOOD pinks. No? Stats look pretty good? Yes, they do. What's the problem then? Well the price is too low. They are worthless. Why is that? Well, they are very common and there are a million of them in the auction. Why? Because everyone opening a chest gets one!! That's why!

So now you we are going full circle. Now nobody cares about pinks anymore since they are no longer good. Pinks now are like purples from season 1. Now we all want mythic and arcane items. They are too expensive. So we want them to be easier to get. So will STS increase the drop rate on those too? Let's suppose they do. Maybe 1 in 10 crates will have one. Then they will be common and there will be a million in the auction and all will be worth 1k. Then what?

Maybe then STS can come out with the new super rare dark pink "elite" items just like they have in PL. And those will be even rarer than mythic and arcane. And then everyone can complain that those too are also too rare. And the cycle continues.

I just don't think you all get it. I shouldn't be surprised as there are a lot of kids here, but those of you who are adults should really have a better understanding of all of this. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO HAVE ITEMS THAT ARE BOTH RARE AND ARE EASY TO GET. IF EVERYONE CAN GET ONE, THEN IT WILL NOT BE RARE AND WILL BE WORTHLESS!!

Make up your minds. Either you want the best items to be common and worth 1k each, or you want them to be hard enough to get so that even you may have trouble getting them, even if you spend a lot of plat. It's one way or the other. You can't have your cake and eat it too! [/end rant]

I agree with this.. yep if all the items are easy to get then what will happen to the game.. all players will become boredom cause they have all the goods, gears etc for there ALT .. expected to other games there are things or items that doesn't easily to get .. be open-minded and what energizeric said "I shouldn't be surprised as there are a lot of kids here, but those of you who are adults should really have a better understanding of all of this. " the money from buying platinum will be the one to support the employees to feed up too their families.

well im surely enjoy the game without paying for a plat.. its on you if you guys want to gamble a big real money for a game..

03-28-2013, 03:23 AM
Hihi. I don't spend in AL but I have a good set :)

03-28-2013, 03:28 AM
Hihi. I don't spend in AL but I have a good set :)

From begging! haha ;)

03-28-2013, 03:42 AM
When I was level 23, I bought level 26 armor/ helm plus Abyssal Flamberge of Warfare
In CS.

At that time, AFW was only 7k. Right now it can be considered as one of the most expensive.

I've never spent plats except for the starting 7 plats. But I'm satisfied with my gears and pets.

All through shear hardwork.

But if everyone gets satisfied in playing AL without spending $$, what happens?

03-28-2013, 03:59 AM
This same conversation over and over is getting very tiresome. Here's what happened.... In season 1 everyone complained that it was too hard to get pinks and that they were too expensive. So STS added the crates and increased the amount of pinks in the chests. So everyone who opens a crate gets a pink. Wonderful! Now everyone should be happy!! NOT!!

The crates didn't "solve" anything though, since they require plat to open. And now things are going in the direction that the most sought-after items in the games are coming exclusively through crates. That's the issue. I don't see see anyone saying they want the best items to be easy to get. I see people frustrated that getting the best items requires spending a fortune is real money. I think most people just want there to be some rare drops that don't require spending mad plat.

03-28-2013, 04:28 AM
From begging! haha ;)


because that's my only pastime .. i don't have any things to do so I just go to elite maps and farm hihi
I spend about 65 plats and I got the 15 plats from w3i free offerse and 50 plats from the leprechoblin contest :))

03-28-2013, 07:18 AM
I m not a big plat spender. and im doing ok with it. i farming and merching a lot. but i really think STS should reward those big spenders something nice. the VIP chest is a good start. maybe something more better. like a VIP chest for every 180 dollars spent. garantee a mythic item in chest and a chance of arcane item. it would b keep those guys happy. and it will bebefit to normal players. As mythic and arcane item r so hard to get. they r selling it in a incredable price. it is difficult even for the richest player to coop with the inflation. ATM is fine but u can imagine when next two expension come out.

and they really should get something nice as they spent that much. and as the way AL goes. its never will b a fire game to plat spender and no plat spender. so better to keep those guys happy.

03-28-2013, 07:41 AM
Locked crates rule the game right now. They contain quite good items u can farm with in elite to stand a chance and r cheap so players can afford it. Ofc elite gear is bit better but costs milions and not many can afford it.

So ppl like me or others who wants to buy this arcane pets r dependaple on ones who open hundreds of them and spending hundreds of real money to get it. Saying for those that claim they r saving up money to buy from cs but without someone who open a crate and gets it u cant really buy anything as there will be no in cs. (Applies to me too as im using redbeards items)

I would like to see crates go but then elite legendaries should be more around (im not saying common) so u can gear urself up to be a good party member bc if u have crapy gear everyone thinks twice to run with u (i sayed it many times). Mythic and arcane r the ones that should be uber rare so only few can have them i dont complain abt that.

Or make epics more valuable better to use comparable for example with pinks from crtes so most players dont fall in frustration that they cant afford good gear. Bc right now this elite ones r around 1m and more and who can afford that? And get rid of those crates.

Or make som arcane and mythic pets dropable also and leave some for crates only.. i dont know.

Crates r now double-edged sword as i see it

03-28-2013, 07:42 AM
I agree with subscriptions I would pay. Also with them they should give you an option for about a month or 2 befor it was full subscriptions. Also have a week free trial? One per device of course. And for the subscibers possibly grant them 5-20 plat a week with the options to buy more.

03-28-2013, 07:55 AM
Many people say they will quit if they had to pay $5 a month subscription fee. I say if you aren't spending $5 a month in plat already then you aren't contributing anything financially to the game so having you quit wouldn't affect the bottom line at all.

03-28-2013, 07:56 AM
Many people say they will quit if they had to pay $5 a month subscription fee. I say if you aren't spending $5 a month in plat already then you aren't contributing anything financially to the game so having you quit wouldn't affect the bottom line at all.

Well spoken! Also they should make the fee able to be purchased with plat. So there is still hope for us that do free plat.

03-28-2013, 09:04 AM
Here comes my penny's worth......

I used to PL up to about Level 55 and then I got side tracked, but it was great. The feel of that game was about skill and team-ship. There was none of this 'lottery' style crates dropping or the like. Ok, you could buy things in store with gold and or plat but that was just an extra option. You earned mostly what you got by game play and determination with a bit of good luck thrown in. My point is you felt good about what you achieved because you worked hard to get it. You didn't just pay your way. You played your way.

In AL there is something of a bad taste in my mouth when I play because there is always the spend more dollars and do it the Plat way. And the way the game is set up is all geared exactly that way. Honestly, if I waited on luck and spending the odd amount of Plat on crates every now and again, I would be waiting until I die to get some of the amazing items I hear about. So people must be spending ridiculous amounts of dollars and then Plat on this game to get stuff, unless they never stop playing it 24/7. Is this what this game is supposed to be about, because I am greatly confused if it is. I thought this game was going to be an amazing meld of all the best parts of the previous Legends, with the added beauty of up to the minute graphics. Amazing multiple online game play with stunning looks and great team strategies please!!!

Maybe it would be better to charge for the map packs rather than all this money grabbing in game. Did anyone play Dungeon Defenders on PC or Mac? The developers used that avenue and it worked very well. If you wanted more play maps you bought them on release. Also if you wanted the outfits and other extras you could buy them.

This game is turning into a huge 'Alter Ego Stock Exchange' with only a few reaping the rewards. What happened to the game play, guys? So far all I see is the same thing being churned over and over. We will be able to walk around the maps blind folded soon as they all look the same.

03-28-2013, 09:14 AM
I say no to subscription fee/s. Being a university student living alone far away from home, I budget things a lot - setting what things needed to be bought first and saving up for the future. Though it may sound weird, I still depend on my parents when it comes to everything - they pay for everything that I need and as a "thoughtful and kindhearted" daughter (lol), I do not go beyond what they give me.

Arcane Legends has been and still is a part of my daily activit;I never fail to login say by day to do few runs in elite seas and pvp for at least 2 hours to the extent that even during long hours of Java Programming classes, I sneak to play. I have used platinum and yes bought them for vanities and luck elixirs hoping for a good drop. That's it, I'm happy how the things are now! I can choose on which part of the content I pay for and not pay for the access of the game itself.

Since we have no idea whether how much the subscription fee will cost, or whether there would be a subscription system in this game, I cannot speak and set my words on a stone. But one thing is for sure, if ever it pushes through, there would certainly be a decrease on the population of players. Since players vary on group ages, there will be the ones who can pay for the subscription fee and those not - for reasons I do not know. I personally don't like to see this happening since it's marvelous how the previous legends title have managed to survive without subscription fee being charged among its players. I know STS can find a way to survive the business industry without sacrificing the enjoyment of their customers -plat players and those not.

Well spoken! Also they should make the fee able to be purchased with plat. So there is still hope for us that do free plat.

How about those who live in a country who barely have plat offers and at the same time cannot pay for the subscription fee? Seems like goodbye to them? That's going to be sad! :( I have seen players here who spend most of the time being online and gaining riches by farming and merching without spending platinum! There are also those who make it to PvP and elite timed leaderboards (pure) who consistently play the game exceeding those who just log in and pay for opening crates in hopes of rare items and go poof. I'd like to believe it's going to be unfair for those who have nothing but time as their foundation to have fun and excel in the game having their life in AL being cut down.

03-28-2013, 09:16 AM
I completely agree with this post. There is not a thing I can disagree with. I've had an issue with sts since I spent 1200 plat and received hammerjaw egg about 800plat into it.when It showed up I was disconnected from server before I could even go into my inventory to see it. when I logged back in there was no egg. I was so upset I emailed STS and they told me I needed proof of receiving the egg.like a screenshot. I got even more upset because who in their right mind would have taken a screenshot of receiving the egg when it was loading out of the a locked chest. Who would even have known they would have gotten egg in the chest 2 take the picture of? I honestly don't know why I play anymore. Probably for my friends in guild. And helping players merch. My advice is don't spend ur hard earned cash on plat 97%chance u get ripped off. If u get free Google play cards or iTunes cards thats what I find best to use. Also if u trynna do offers use gift card with low balance $10. ;-) Gamertag-(Thaifood)

03-28-2013, 09:26 AM
Play without spending plat is hard but I really enjoy when I drop some pink gears by myself. Maybe I will never have any mythic or arcane items but I am proud to have earned almost 2 millions since I started the game.
The game really starts to turn to the advantage of those who pay. It will be nice that STS reward lambda players in putting some arcane/ mythic pet in token store or hauntlet store.

To be well equipped, you must pay. Btw I understand STS need to earn their living but please don't make AL a game for plat users. Many friends starting to leave the game and return in a game more fairer.
I like to play with my friends but today I can't persuade them to come back. In the early days I did advertising for AL, it is no longer the case.

Like you, I seriously thinking about quitting the game, I no longer really enjoy to play now.


My friend said: WOW so excited, there will be an update with new pet ( hammerjaw)
[After update] friend: Need plat for this pet :'( not even possible to get him in farming.

When I say him, there is a ice pet, He said to me: Can we drop him without plat?
Me: No.
Him: Ok, it is useless to open AL. Let's play to RO 2!

03-28-2013, 09:40 AM
Plat sink= lack of desire to play i log in to chat that is all... Inbefore chatlog costs plat to access

03-28-2013, 09:51 AM
AL is still fun but I agree with most that it seems that you have to pay to win. STS still has to make money so I understand that there are certain things you have to pay for but I think it's a little too much when the best things available are in the locked crates which you have to pay to open. Like I said I still enjoy playing and will continue to do so and I will use plat to buy certain things like vanities. However I probably won't be playing as much as I just started playing Avabel this week which is a lot of fun and plan on playing Defiance soon.

03-28-2013, 10:07 AM
Many people say they will quit if they had to pay $5 a month subscription fee. I say if you aren't spending $5 a month in plat already then you aren't contributing anything financially to the game so having you quit wouldn't affect the bottom line at all.

I spend about 500-1000plat every month on AL but never would I play subscription base MMO (not the case with RTS-games where it's the only way to make things fair - to pay before play). I like the current state of the game with a huge players base, yes, most of them pay nothing or very little, but you can find all kind of folks to discuss, play and chat. I was once a poor student, and I know that sometimes all that you have is your time and energy, and such people make this game fun. Sorry for my cloudy language, but that's my position: no to subscription.
Also I would like to see Arcane and Mythic pets as droppable (not hammerjaw and glacian). This would give all kind of people the possibility to get arcane pet. Who wants more cooler looking HammerJaw would pay for it (I opened about 200 crates and got nothing; whatever, I bought it anyway from AH using plat to gold).
My conclusion is that anyone should have the possibility in game to reach in the game what he wants, and everyone can reach it with his own way - it can be dedication, time and energy, it can be money, or it can be your talent. About talent - I would like to see more social features in game and more diversity, like choosing your profession (for example, merchant would his auction fees cut to 3%, adventurer would have 50% more gold from stories, ranger would have addition 5% loot reroll), like having the ability to choose governor for the cities like Kraag, Pier, Outpost for 1 week (idk about his responsibilities, just fun), and real drawing or music contests for AL (on forum or integrate smth simple in the game) or writing the best slogan/advertising/poem (and it would be displayed on the board for a week) and give for these talents real rewards - 100-200 plat for every week contests. Give us more communication and guild functions, please.

03-28-2013, 10:08 AM
AL is still fun but I agree with most that it seems that you have to pay to win. STS still has to make money so I understand that there are certain things you have to pay for but I think it's a little too much when the best things available are in the locked crates which you have to pay to open. Like I said I still enjoy playing and will continue to do so and I will use plat to buy certain things like vanities. However I probably won't be playing as much as I just started playing Avabel this week which is a lot of fun and plan on playing Defiance soon.
Avabel ign raxin hit meh up acolyte

03-28-2013, 10:13 AM
not really the company's fault, it's the player's fault for feeding sts all that money. Now sts probably thinks "ok, this method seems to be working. After all, it's very popular. Why not do some more stuff like this?" If the players realized that the game was so highly money-based and decided to stop paying for stuff in the game, maybe sts would change their angle and rethink the whole "paying for crates" thing.

03-28-2013, 10:27 AM
By that time itll be too late

03-28-2013, 10:29 AM
not really the company's fault, it's the player's fault for feeding sts all that money. Now sts probably thinks "ok, this method seems to be working. After all, it's very popular. Why not do some more stuff like this?" If the players realized that the game was so highly money-based and decided to stop paying for stuff in the game, maybe sts would change their angle and rethink the whole "paying for crates" thing.

This, I can't believe we have players asking to make the mythic pet slag into arcane instead of leaving it at mythic. What the hell are you guys thinking?

03-28-2013, 10:47 AM
This same conversation over and over is getting very tiresome. Here's what happened.... In season 1 everyone complained that it was too hard to get pinks and that they were too expensive. So STS added the crates and increased the amount of pinks in the chests. So everyone who opens a crate gets a pink. Wonderful! Now everyone should be happy!! NOT!!

What's the problem then? Well now they complain that these are not GOOD pinks. No? Stats look pretty good? Yes, they do. What's the problem then? Well the price is too low. They are worthless. Why is that? Well, they are very common and there are a million of them in the auction. Why? Because everyone opening a chest gets one!! That's why!

So now you we are going full circle. Now nobody cares about pinks anymore since they are no longer good. Pinks now are like purples from season 1. Now we all want mythic and arcane items. They are too expensive. So we want them to be easier to get. So will STS increase the drop rate on those too? Let's suppose they do. Maybe 1 in 10 crates will have one. Then they will be common and there will be a million in the auction and all will be worth 1k. Then what?

Maybe then STS can come out with the new super rare dark pink "elite" items just like they have in PL. And those will be even rarer than mythic and arcane. And then everyone can complain that those too are also too rare. And the cycle continues.

I just don't think you all get it. I shouldn't be surprised as there are a lot of kids here, but those of you who are adults should really have a better understanding of all of this. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO HAVE ITEMS THAT ARE BOTH RARE AND ARE EASY TO GET. IF EVERYONE CAN GET ONE, THEN IT WILL NOT BE RARE AND WILL BE WORTHLESS!!

Make up your minds. Either you want the best items to be common and worth 1k each, or you want them to be hard enough to get so that even you may have trouble getting them, even if you spend a lot of plat. It's one way or the other. You can't have your cake and eat it too! [/end rant]

I dont think its abt rarity but ridiculously amount of reall money payed for that rarity and still get nothing

No one ever wanted to drop arcane or mythic from plat chests


03-28-2013, 10:52 AM
Maybe they should have a after you spend 20000plat, it becomes an achievement and you can pick an arcane item of your choice!

I'm so far satisfied with the way things are. I would never pay subscription, but don't mind dropping cash for platinum every now and then for mythic creatures. I don't ever expect to get arcane or mythic items to be dropped so I'm fine with using only legendaries! The main thing I would like though and would result in a substantial decrease in the cost of items is to make the difficulty of the elite maps back to when we were 21 level cap. Solo farming of malison was possible and with even one more player made it even cheaper to do. Currently I gather the best team to do rooks nest and I still burn tons of potions. I refuse to pay $600k for malison. At that point I would rather pony up the 90 plat and just get him straight up! Don't make maps that take over an hour to complete. This in turn will drive prices down.

03-28-2013, 12:35 PM
Here comes my penny's worth......

I used to PL up to about Level 55 and then I got side tracked, but it was great. .

Oh so you just missed the thrasher generation. That started during nuri.

03-28-2013, 01:38 PM
Hey guys, we love these games, as much or more than you do. We always do what we think is best for the games as a whole, even though it may not seem like it to you.

Regarding this thread, really no need to insult developers. You can play the entire game without paying a cent, in fact many many people do.

03-28-2013, 01:44 PM
well yes and no. At some point u would need to buy plat just to be able to respec. and im sure everyone respeced once in a while in game. thers no enough plat offers to cover it for some players (not everyone is from usa)

03-28-2013, 01:45 PM
Oh so you just missed the thrasher generation. That started during nuri.

I still log into PL now and again, to see how its shaping up. My fav time was in the swamps with those crazy croc mobs and witch bosses. It had a feeling of the whole team (whoever that may have been, logged in and on that map at same time as you) on the same mission and pitching in, no matter what class you were. PL got that great sense of team and effort in skills, you could tell was being put it in.

There is none of that feel in Arcane Legends. It feels rather sterile.

03-28-2013, 01:46 PM
Hey guys, we love these games, as much or more than you do. We always do what we think is best for the games as a whole, even though it may not seem like it to you.

Regarding this thread, really no need to insult developers. You can play the entire game without paying a cent, in fact many many people do.

I totally agree with this.
I have gotten VERY far in PL ( 4 accounts all lvl 70+ ) without spending any money.
Something I really love about these games is the FREE platinum option, more games to download for free plat everyday!
On PL i have gotten over 350 platinum just using the free plat option.
Thank You for clarifying this Justg. :)

03-28-2013, 01:48 PM
Hey guys, we love these games, as much or more than you do. We always do what we think is best for the games as a whole, even though it may not seem like it to you.

Regarding this thread, really no need to insult developers. You can play the entire game without paying a cent, in fact many many people do.

Please, give us the chance to respec for gold/tokens, and dual PvP/PvE spec

03-28-2013, 01:53 PM
Many people say they will quit if they had to pay $5 a month subscription fee. I say if you aren't spending $5 a month in plat already then you aren't contributing anything financially to the game so having you quit wouldn't affect the bottom line at all.

How's the weather up there on your high horse? :tongue:

03-28-2013, 02:20 PM
How's the weather up there on your high horse? :tongue:

I don't think it's a high horse at all. I'm talking about $5 a month. I find it VERY hard to believe that someone can afford a phone/tablet/computer to play these games plus a data plan/wif and they can't come up with $5 a month. U go to mcdonalds or anywhere else to eat once a month? That costs more than what we're talking about here. Even if ur a teenager and ur parents can somehow afford the phone/tablet/computer and data plan/wifi but can't swing $5 a month for the game then get out and cut someone's grass or do something to come up with $5 a month. If u plan on going to watch a movie then skip it and u have almost 2 months of the subscription (almost 4 months of subscription if you were going to get popcorn and a coke also).

03-28-2013, 02:34 PM
Hey guys, we love these games, as much or more than you do. We always do what we think is best for the games as a whole, even though it may not seem like it to you.

Regarding this thread, really no need to insult developers. You can play the entire game without paying a cent, in fact many many people do.

I agree with you sir. Even though I didn't help the developers by paying plats because I cant afford to do so, I still am able to refer some rich friends who are addicted to mmorpgs and willing to pay some amounts. I'm not paying yet still hook up with the game because I effort myself in farming and merching. And to those who are insulting devs because they just don't care with the community nah ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vePaOAey2AA .. may you be enlightened.

03-28-2013, 02:40 PM
I don't think it's a high horse at all. I'm talking about $5 a month. I find it VERY hard to believe that someone can afford a phone/tablet/computer to play these games plus a data plan/wif and they can't come up with $5 a month. U go to mcdonalds or anywhere else to eat once a month? That costs more than what we're talking about here. Even if ur a teenager and ur parents can somehow afford the phone/tablet/computer and data plan/wifi but can't swing $5 a month for the game then get out and cut someone's grass or do something to come up with $5 a month. If u plan on going to watch a movie then skip it and u have almost 2 months of the subscription (almost 4 months of subscription if you were going to get popcorn and a coke also).

I think STS would lose money going this route. (Though I agree with you.) The subscription would eliminate addictive/spontaneous buying. Would also eliminate the younger crowds/new players as the "pay-per-play" title causes people to run. The problem STS has is when plat usage increased in PL, it became an immediate necessity for their other titles instead of doing gradual implementation like PL.

03-28-2013, 02:41 PM
I don't think it's a high horse at all. I'm talking about $5 a month. I find it VERY hard to believe that someone can afford a phone/tablet/computer to play these games plus a data plan/wif and they can't come up with $5 a month. U go to mcdonalds or anywhere else to eat once a month? That costs more than what we're talking about here. Even if ur a teenager and ur parents can somehow afford the phone/tablet/computer and data plan/wifi but can't swing $5 a month for the game then get out and cut someone's grass or do something to come up with $5 a month. If u plan on going to watch a movie then skip it and u have almost 2 months of the subscription (almost 4 months of subscription if you were going to get popcorn and a coke also).

It's not a matter of how much it costs and/or being able to afford it. Maybe go back and read your previous post again to see why I wrote what I did.

03-28-2013, 02:43 PM
I don't think it's a high horse at all. I'm talking about $5 a month. I find it VERY hard to believe that someone can afford a phone/tablet/computer to play these games plus a data plan/wif and they can't come up with $5 a month. U go to mcdonalds or anywhere else to eat once a month? That costs more than what we're talking about here. Even if ur a teenager and ur parents can somehow afford the phone/tablet/computer and data plan/wifi but can't swing $5 a month for the game then get out and cut someone's grass or do something to come up with $5 a month. If u plan on going to watch a movie then skip it and u have almost 2 months of the subscription (almost 4 months of subscription if you were going to get popcorn and a coke also).

While I can see your point, wvhills, it has been shown with numerous examples that the free-to-play business model is generally more interesting than the subscription model.

Mcbain - that probably wasn't the most friendly of posts. Thanks for keeping it friendly in the future.

03-28-2013, 02:47 PM
I don't think it's a high horse at all. I'm talking about $5 a month. I find it VERY hard to believe that someone can afford a phone/tablet/computer to play these games plus a data plan/wif and they can't come up with $5 a month. U go to mcdonalds or anywhere else to eat once a month? That costs more than what we're talking about here. Even if ur a teenager and ur parents can somehow afford the phone/tablet/computer and data plan/wifi but can't swing $5 a month for the game then get out and cut someone's grass or do something to come up with $5 a month. If u plan on going to watch a movie then skip it and u have almost 2 months of the subscription (almost 4 months of subscription if you were going to get popcorn and a coke also).

This is just for America. What about here in the philippines? Think of it.

03-28-2013, 03:01 PM
The price of F2P is that players who pay get better stuff. So if you want to play without paying, accept that you will have lesser gear.

The benefit of F2P is that their are plenty of people to play with.

I think it was a good decision to go F2P.

BUT... the one thing I do not like is the use of pseudo-randoms where real money is concerned. The law of averages can't be trusted. I remember buying a couple dozen gamble packs in DL once with no success.

I realy feel that, if someone is spending that plat, their chances should increase the more they spend. After all, they are the ones supporting the game for the rest of us. They should get something for it.

In behavior studies they could get a pigeon to peck a red dot if food appeared. Then they stopped giving the food and it kept pecking it. But eventually it stopped and then was not interested in pecking the dot anymore. So the trick is to know how often to give it food so it keeps pecking the dot.

I think an accumulating increased chance, maybe even as low as .1%, added to the roll would make sure the guys who open a lot of chests get a little reward so they keep doing it. For example, at .1%, after opening 1000 chests he gets something nice. Then it resets.

03-28-2013, 03:22 PM
What Jagex (aka Runescape) does for their games is rather genius.
They keep their f2p servers up and running and they also provide p2p servers for a monthly subscription of $5.
The highlight of this is that everyone has an equal chance of achieving the same items or other achievements in the game. There is no such thing as "I pay more for this game so I get more"
Another highlight is p2p players are allowed to play on the same servers as f2p players however any p2p items taken into a f2p server will have stats reduced to 0.

I'm not saying this game should go subscription based, but many huge mmos follow this business model and many players accept this.
The biggest problem I see with this game is the stuff coming from watch crates as many people have given up farming as they now rely on watch crates as a means of earning money. Ofc the downside is you're gambling away your plat and you're not guaranteed to make money (for most people) but players do not accept this outcome and feel like they deserve something back for the amount spent. I can't really suggest anything STS can do do compensate these players or fix this problem b/c in the end as many devs have said, this game is absolutely playable for "FREE"

03-28-2013, 04:06 PM
While I can see your point, wvhills, it has been shown with numerous examples that the free-to-play business model is generally more interesting than the subscription model.

Mcbain - that probably wasn't the most friendly of posts. Thanks for keeping it friendly in the future.

It's always friendly with me! (hence the :tongue:) Apologies if anyone takes anything I say the wrong way. Wasn't my intention.

03-28-2013, 06:18 PM
A pay-to-play model is definitely not the way to go. the main, huge reason that i like sts is because i can play completely for free and i can get free plat. I don't give out credit/debit card info online and i doubt that i ever will. The games are targeted a bit toward children (pl especially), how would they pay a $5 monthly fee? Would their parents let them? I doubt it. Even though i don't play AL, i can see that these "crates" are a huge problem. I suggest removing them immediately and using PL as a basis. Stuff that you absolutely need in pl do not require plat, but stuff that makes your play time a HECK of a lot better require plat. Key items should always be free in a game.

03-28-2013, 09:00 PM
Most of the players who populate AL do not play it that many hours and probably would not keep playing if there was a subscription fee as they are probably not very attached to this particular game. Most of us hardcore types would keep playing and pay the subscription fee, but the game would seem empty because everyone else would be gone. And so it would become less interesting for us too. That is the problem with subscription.

03-28-2013, 09:05 PM
A pay-to-play model is definitely not the way to go. the main, huge reason that i like sts is because i can play completely for free and i can get free plat. I don't give out credit/debit card info online and i doubt that i ever will. The games are targeted a bit toward children (pl especially), how would they pay a $5 monthly fee? Would their parents let them? I doubt it. Even though i don't play AL, i can see that these "crates" are a huge problem. I suggest removing them immediately and using PL as a basis. Stuff that you absolutely need in pl do not require plat, but stuff that makes your play time a HECK of a lot better require plat. Key items should always be free in a game.

Yeah, here, only the BEST gear (most of) comes from the crates, or the elite pirate chests. The oracle gun is from crate. And Sealord. And mythic. And arcane.

03-28-2013, 09:58 PM
well with a p2p model/subsciption model : you would need real depth in the game to attract and retain players. I believe, in the genre of mobile mmorpg, this would dissuade a lot of people as content is naturally not as broad or indepth as traditional mmorpgs.

Its the addictive part of games that makes ppl stay. I like it when I can just login after a month of so (or whenever I want ) without paying anything. I like to be in control of what and where I spend my money on instead of being forced a subscription fee.

You can get the best items in AL. Just join a guild, make friends lvl cap together and farm elites.. Yes things are random (ie drops and chest) But hey, at least you know its random and you have a chance to get it. Life is full of randomness too.

Many of us have bought the biggest plat package in AL ie roughly $80 buck. That is more than traditionally what you pay for a game. But considering STS has to maintain the servers and pay for development cost, they need to continue to innovate and introduce ways to monetize their contents.. If they introduced new content and features, AND YOU LIKE IT, then you spend, else you can NOT SPEND and still play this game. That is the beauty of the titles STS carry.

I believe with the money they are making from the crates, it will
1) lead to better content from STS
2) make them continuously innovate on new things to balance up paying and non-paying players

I SAY THIS BECAUSE they have been doing this since 2010. They are here to stay and I must say their track record has proven them to be one of the best developers whom listens to their community.

Though I must say, STS must decide on which route they are going with AL in terms of elite maps. They have to stick to their guns or watch their players leave. I think during the lvl 21 cap, elites were easy and fun.. especially elite jarl. But come lvl 26 , i think most were put off with the difficulty. If they decide from their numbers, ie excluding crate sales, how much more people were playing and paying when it was easy compared to now, they would get an idea of what their players want from them. Flip flopping from easy to hard and back to easier elite maps has not done anyone any credit.

If I am not wrong, the majority still prefers easier elite maps..But this will come at a cost as plat sales will drop..So this will have to be a fine balancing act which I know its really tough, but the direction that is decided, has to be set clear and announced and adhered to so that players know what to expect. Its like if you have been giving a fish to a cat each day, dont expect them to know how to fish when you dont feed them. They are going to leave you and find a loving,caring cat lover whom will feed them.

Make a stand and attract the correct players to the game and watch it grow. I do hope that AL will grow!

03-28-2013, 10:15 PM
Just don't eat Taco Bell for about a week and you'll have some more bucks in your pocket to spend in-game.

03-28-2013, 10:19 PM
Looks like G trolled you.

Sent using blood on a bathroom wall

03-29-2013, 01:08 AM
OMG, Physio, are u back?

I mean do u try AL?
Back in the days I always treasured ur indepth analysis of PL ^_^

03-29-2013, 01:32 AM
Pay to play is not way to go, I just don't understand the business model here. .. people complain about class balance you change it, complain about pet you change it , everybody is complaining about the locked crates and you guys just ignore it. ..like its not there...sts, we do notice being ignored. .... ..its very simple Solution, drop locked crate drop date down, no platinum, make every weapons accessible by farming...drop date is still rare on arcane. . everybody is happy. . Locked crates are ruining auction house. ..Make the best pets cost platinum so you still make money. ..and make achievements consistent. .. achievements for first pets, but not kraken pets? There should be pet achievement. .. (more plat you'll get sts) And how you going to give out an achievment that is impossible to get like hammerjaw... getting lucky on a crate shouldn't propel you in standings. .glacial descent have achievment..this achievement should be wiped.... every achievment should be accessible to everyone. .also, with the amount of kills in al, 50k, 100k achievements. .. and platinum based achievement, 50k pkat...exclusive pet, armor, weapon.....you do stuff like that, no more posts like this, you'll here praise

03-29-2013, 03:10 AM
- ZERO plat offers.
- ZERO plat-paid respecs.
- ONE plat used -- at elite skull cove for reviving on spot when fighting the boss.

I have a full time job, so saving my money and not gambling it -- that is just my choice. Real life commitments take up most of my time and energy, so I do not aim to have unbeatable PvE records, or to defeat one of the best in PvP, etc. I farm, merch, get decent legendary gear, and try to improve my game. I just play to have fun, and no disappointments so far.

Cheers :)

03-29-2013, 03:22 AM
I think ima keep playing xbox live Bf3 ya feel me nobody got time for this!

Add me on xbox? :)
Pro pilot in bf3 ^^ ign: itsmagiccNL

03-29-2013, 03:24 AM
- ZERO plat offers.
- ZERO plat-paid respecs.
- ONE plat used -- at elite skull cove for reviving on spot when fighting the boss.

I have a full time job, so saving my money and not gambling it -- that is just my choice. Real life commitments take up most of my time and energy, so I do not aim to have unbeatable PvE records, or to defeat one of the best in PvP, etc. I farm, merch, get decent legendary gear, and try to improve my game. I just play to have fun, and no disappointments so far.

Cheers :)

Yeah me too! We must remember that AL is not a perfect game just like any other.

I'm already satisfied with my gears, pets and level without having to spend real time money ever!

Only concern is that I can't wait for the expansion!!

03-29-2013, 03:58 AM
I think people that spend real money on plat to open crates should be compensated with something. I cant imagine how aggravating it is spending as much as some people claim to and wind up with nothing to show for it.

03-29-2013, 07:21 AM
I think people that play slot machines should be compensated with something. I can't imagine how aggravating it is spending as much as some people claim to and wind up with nothing to show for it.

Oh... my bad... I didn't realize Arcane Legends was a casino.

03-29-2013, 07:22 AM
Yeah me too! We must remember that AL is not a perfect game just like any other.

I'm already satisfied with my gears, pets and level without having to spend real time money ever!

Only concern is that I can't wait for the expansion!!

This is when we fill up our stashes for Nordr :)

03-29-2013, 07:26 AM
*sigh* I really didn't ever want to have to write a post like this but I believe it needs to be brought to the attention to STS in a severe and upfront way. I have played Arcane Legends almost from the beginning and have enjoyed it for quite some time. That being said there are a number of growing issues I see as a gamer that are either being overlooked or STS just doesn't care.

1. The game is so undoubted plat driven it hurts. You simple can not go out and farm for the best pets or items anymore you have to buy crates and open them with platinum or buy pets from the pet stable that aren't even worth the amount of plat they're charging for them. On the fact that you have to open crates you lose twice. Which brings up point 2.

2. Locked crates were the beginning of the end of the game. You have to either farm or buy from consignment shop. Farming them is a pain because the drop rate of them are so low that it's just simply easier to buy them. Well in buying them you lose twice like i said. You lose gold and platinum on one crate.

3. Three also relates to 1. and 2. in that in order to get anything great you have to farm your hind end off to get it. Fine I'm ok with that. But in order to get anything good you have to farm in Elites which, as I said in previous posts, is not for the casual gamer. So you have to load up on potions, but wait....those cost gold too. So you have to spend money on pots to farm (which I'll address the laughable drop rate in number 4.) you farm and farm and are hemorrhaging pots and gold in order to stay in the game. Then it finally happens, you get something worth selling. licking your wounds you go to the consignment shop to sell it. Then comparing the amount of gold you spent on pots, don't forget feeding your pet, you realize you're losing money every time you try to farm.

4. the biggest issue is the two tier drop rate or lack there of. you farm and farm and farm and farm losing money on pots and feeding your pet and farm and farm and farm. you get nothing MAYBE MAYBE if you're lucky you get a crate or chests. BUT seeing as this is a two tier system now you have to roll the dice on that crate or chest. do you want to sell it and make some money back to farm some more, or open it and possibly lose plat on crate or make less than 100 gold on the chests contents because you rarely get an item worth anything.

Example: I have farmed Palm Rock for what seems like forever, day in day out all day all night Palm Rock. Trying to get that staff that I don't even need but i know it sells for millions so I wanted it to drop so I can make some gold. Not only did I NEVER get the staff to drop I never even got an elite gold pirate chest. AND to pour salt in the wound I watched two other ppl get the staff ONE THEIR FIRST RUNS. So i said screw it i'll get some more plat (if you know me you know I spent an insane amount of plat on opening crates for Hammerjaw) i'll open more crates and get a mythic or Glacian or something to revive myself in this game. lets just say it would have been better to spend the platinum on gold and get something then waste my plat and time on opening crates.

So to wrap this up and get off my soap box I will say this, STS has forgotten the gamer and only thinks of their money in my opinion. They want us to get plat and gamble on opening crates. or spend it on rerolls and I'm sick of it, something has to change in this upcoming expansion or i'm done and trust me when I say i'm not the only one.

I hate to break the moment but... No investment = no salary. No salary = no new content

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Tapatalk 2

03-29-2013, 07:55 AM
quick (and only?) solution
just keep the crates as it is now, but give us the ability to craft the items.
put super rare drops as nexus, and then let us spend platinum for the crafting recipe to make them arcane or mythic.
That way people with no patience can still spend their money to open the crates and get the arcane items if they are lucky, and other people just farm them and pay for the recipes to craft them.

03-29-2013, 08:10 AM
This is my MAIN concern when it comes to spending in game:

A lot of people are saying if sts doesn't make money then we won't have new content. I would happily spend a lot more than I currently do now in ARCANE LEGENDS if I knew that it would lead to new content in ARCANE LEGENDS. However, it seems like to me they use the money generated from their latest game to fund the development of their next game. When that next game comes out then the former game gets forgotten about. I didn't play SL but I started with PL then DL and now AL. Speaking for myself, I'm done with jumping around from game to game. I did do a free offer in AL and recieved 1120 plat (it was a credit card offer). Whether or not I buy any plat depends on how often AL gets updated once the next title comes out. If we continue to get updates every 3 or 4 months I'll gladly buy plat and support the game. If we go 6 or 7 months and don't get any updates (or go 6 or 7 months and have a level cap increase with no new maps) then I won't be buying any plats.

03-29-2013, 08:18 AM
Ijust remember that in sl there were weapons that are only platinum, non tradeable, non sellable, and they were best lookibg, and best attribute weapons, now there is no incentive to use platinum, none whatsoever, now platinun itens are the worst items each cap, smh, they are like the beginner weapons, real money in any game equals better items? ?? But here real money only gets you the same items everyone was can get faster..pwts used to be the only thing platinum users had but then they allowed malison and nexus drops for example. ..so lame. .

03-29-2013, 08:43 AM
Plat purchased pvp maps/modes eould infuse revenue also and its just reskinning the ctf model...

03-29-2013, 09:01 AM
I hate to break the moment but... No investment = no salary. No salary = no new content

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Tapatalk 2

Then please tell me why STS constantly insists their games are free-to-play and NOONE has to spend plat? Pretty sure that tune would change if NOONE bought plat. Problem is: They know how to tap into those addictions whether it is the race to cap first or find the first rare item/pet.

Still feel the same?

@wvhills - Precisely. Money which goes into an STS game funds ALL STS games. Those of us who spent a ton of money on PL, for PL, to keep PL going have seen PL drop in quality and three new titles arise. And guess what peeps, they WILL have more "Legends" titles.

03-29-2013, 11:15 AM
For a mmorpg....it's dead when gamers have to wait for expansion or new contents

I will definitely pay to play to get best item or pets when I see some "future" in the game but when the game is stagnant and u need to introduce plat driven storyline to keep the community going, it just show how bad the game evolve into.

03-29-2013, 12:05 PM
There is a simple answer to everyone's war about Mythics and Arcanes being too rare.

1) AGAIN, the STS community has families to provide for and they need pay checks just like everyone else! For example, imagine you work for a company and people are always harking at you that your prices are to high! But all your income comes from this one good that your selling. You would have to balance out the pros and cons somewhere! You would have to make a choice between getting a low pay check along with people being happy. Or keeping it same price but people will stay unhappy. What you would need to do is come up with an alternative. This is exactly what SpaceTime has done, they have developed super rare Mythic and Arcane items so they can at least make a pay check and put food on the table. Along with there being an alternative that won't cost a cent! It makes perfect sense and it is JUST LIKE THE REAL WORLD! If you want the best house it will cost you more money (money=rarity) but if you don't want to spend all that money you can just buy the lesser priced house and get something good but not the best, because in real life if you want the best you have to pay more. It's simple logic.

2) If rarity decreased along with prices, it would no longer count as a Mythic or Arcane item! I wouldn't be special because everyone else would have one. In another example, imagine you joined this guild. Wow, awesome you've just been promoted to officer! But wait, everyone else is an Officer also! Suddenly being and Officer feels a lot less special doesn't it. It would take away the accomplished feeling of having a Mythic or Arcane item. You might as well be bragging about getting a bronze chest.

3) Simple economics cannot allow Mythic and Arcane items to have a decreased rarity. Think about it, these items spawn into the world. The more there is the less valuable they are. That is why STS has implemented limited or seasonal items. If they weren't limited, all those months of them spawning for players would build up and they would have a decreased rarity. Rarity will naturally decrease because these items are always being produced (spawned). In the future of AL STS will have to continue raising the rarity of ALL items due to the growth in item numbers. If Captains Axes were always spawning, even if not on a constant basis. Over time there would still be a lot of Captains Axes. So they would have to raise the rarity to have some sort of demand for an item. But with higher rarity comes higher good drops because gold drops and item drops would have to balance out to keep the economy moving and not so there are tons of extremely high priced rare items with little gold to buy. It's really hard to explain and I probably messed up somewhere in the info cluster but basically IF MYTHIC OR ARCANE ITEMS HAD A DECREASED RARITY OR DECREASED PRICES, IT WOULD MESS WITH AL'S ECONOMY SYSTEM!

03-29-2013, 05:42 PM
Yes, but getting stuff without some hard work doesn't feel very rewarding.
For me, that is.
This game isn't quite a 'pay to win' game, though. For me (Even though I don't have 'epic gear that costs millions') it still feels like you can progress without having to spend money. ;)
I've met quite a few games that are 'pay to win', though and they are MUCH worse.

But, STS needs the money to make the game we love so much more fun :)
And as Kazillo said, they also need a way to get money because they have LIVES to live and you pretty much cant do that without money. (sadly)

03-29-2013, 08:32 PM
I'm tired of peole whining that the game is dependent on Platinum. In reality, if it was truly dependent on platinum STS would make you pay 15 platinum to reach the lvl cap... And pay 15 to unlock the auction and stash features. They could also make PVP cost platinum like in Pocket Legends. So before you go on a rant about how terrible and heart breaking the platinum system is, just think... It could be worse.

03-29-2013, 10:29 PM
Even with an investment its a loss... so dissatisfied with my crate investment shoulda just converted to gold. Weont make that mistake again.

03-29-2013, 10:31 PM
And guess what peeps, they WILL have more "Legends" titles.

Preeeeeety sure there is a new one in the works even as we speak too. Can't remember where I read that. It was some interview on some site with one of the STS guys from a while back. Said something along the lines of there being another title planned beyond AL. I'm sure it's a long way off at this point, but still...there's gonna be more games coming eventually.

Alexes Mendoza
03-30-2013, 10:10 AM
Im one of those people on limbo because of em crate and plat experiences. Im used to playing games that hand out rare loot by either grinding or earning (wow). And if you do get a gold chest or two from farming elites roughly half a day, chances are you wont get any. Rinse and repeat and if you have plat... the unlock button will prolly look more friendly... Then the frustration...

Currently im waiting for change. Please give us a favor and eliminate the chance game when it involves our hard earned money. If not then the show must go on. Still have time to burn though before valkyrie uprising...

03-30-2013, 12:30 PM
Etat: 3305 platinum used to open crates, and didn't receive any item more valuable than 10k gold. What now..

03-30-2013, 12:36 PM
I wish i could take one of you complainers, to sts office, put u in a chair and say get to work, also u have 4 games to work on heres ur bank account, ur goal is to make updates, but u have to fund them, what would u do first

03-30-2013, 12:54 PM
I'm tired of peole whining that the game is dependent on Platinum. In reality, if it was truly dependent on platinum STS would make you pay 15 platinum to reach the lvl cap... And pay 15 to unlock the auction and stash features. They could also make PVP cost platinum like in Pocket Legends. So before you go on a rant about how terrible and heart breaking the platinum system is, just think... It could be worse.

Reading the entire thread and each post is helpful. Also, if you have been involved with STS as long as some of us have, we all had the "it could be worse" feeling at one point or another. Guess what, it did.

03-30-2013, 01:06 PM
I hate to do this and offend anyone, but I really think that the game is fine the way it is. It's understandable that some players simply can't get the plat you need to make the game easier or go by faster. So it seems unfair, but the reality is - the game is playable and enjoyable without ever having to spend a dime. I've spent a few dollars on plat and it helps me enjoy the game. I have vanity and epic/legendary items because of plat, but a lot of the better items i've come across were from getting lucky on a run. If you play the game, you will find items.

And yes, platinum can speed up that process and help you get the items that may take you 2 weeks to find farming. But so what? The game is free in the app store, the maps are free, every feature is available, almost all items are available, it's just as much fun - all without having to spend a dime.

I'm not saying I don't agree with some of the things said in this thread, but I'm just saying. I think the game is just fine, and that's not because I can buy the plat. It's because it's a great game overall, with or without paying extra money.

03-30-2013, 01:16 PM
I hate to do this and offend anyone, but I really think that the game is fine the way it is. It's understandable that some players simply can't get the plat you need to make the game easier or go by faster. So it seems unfair, but the reality is - the game is playable and enjoyable without ever having to spend a dime. I've spent a few dollars on plat and it helps me enjoy the game. I have vanity and epic/legendary items because of plat, but a lot of the better items i've come across were from getting lucky on a run. If you play the game, you will find items.

And yes, platinum can speed up that process and help you get the items that may take you 2 weeks to find farming. But so what? The game is free in the app store, the maps are free, every feature is available, almost all items are available, it's just as much fun - all without having to spend a dime.

I'm not saying I don't agree with some of the things said in this thread, but I'm just saying. I think the game is just fine, and that's not because I can buy the plat. It's because it's a great game overall, with or without paying extra money.

The whole point is there is really no point to pkat cept vanities and slag.... any other items can be had by subjective who spends no money. .

03-30-2013, 01:22 PM
The whole point is there is really no point to pkat cept vanities and slag.... any other items can be had by subjective who spends no money. .

Just catching up on the AL forums so I'm new to these threads, but like I said I can understand some things. To me though, there's a point to plat because plat helps me get the things that I want/need. That's the point to me. The point is also that I like the vanity items, I think they look cool. I also enjoy the 500 health pots for 7 plat deal, as I like to spam pots. I can get extra auction slots or more stash space, elixrs... Hey, I died the other day at a boss that was almost dead and my plat let me spawn right back where I died so I can still complete my quest! :)

I'm just saying, nobody can speak for everybody. There's certainly a point to plat being in the game, other than vanities. But no worries, if you can't buy plat then just grind your way to the promise land I guess lol.

sc0tt nai1z
04-02-2013, 11:32 AM
I see a lot of crying. If you don't like it, don't play. I'm sure STS will survive without you ;)

04-02-2013, 12:30 PM
I'm sure STS will survive without you ;)

Did you mean ''STS couldn't survive without you''? Yes, you are right.

sc0tt nai1z
04-02-2013, 02:39 PM
No I meant without the criers. I'm sure others will still play.

04-02-2013, 04:19 PM
Many people say they will quit if they had to pay $5 a month subscription fee. I say if you aren't spending $5 a month in plat already then you aren't contributing anything financially to the game so having you quit wouldn't affect the bottom line at all.

Totally agree :thumbup:
People that NEVER spend money on the game should never have the same rights that the payers have

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

04-02-2013, 04:31 PM
Many people say they will quit if they had to pay $5 a month subscription fee. I say if you aren't spending $5 a month in plat already then you aren't contributing anything financially to the game so having you quit wouldn't affect the bottom line at all.

Really? I haven't paid thousands like others, but I have paid a good amount, but I CERTAINLY would leave if they made subscriptions.

- Lala out

04-02-2013, 05:13 PM
I don't mind the F2P model. Some game companies do it rather well. This game IS good and IS worth your money. However I don't think players should be able to gamble on gear/pets or other stat altering items. With the amount of players this game alone has I find it hard to believe they have to resort to allowing you to essentially buy power. I don't mind buying vanities, and I certainly wouldn't mind if they wanted you to gamble on vanities either. These things are -worth- my money. Trying to gamble on gear is not. I've played to many F2P Asian mmos to see where that leads.

04-02-2013, 05:22 PM
I know right... In pocket legends I can at least farm the lvls faster because they don't have millions of life. They also either drop the item or not: not chest then you have to be lucky in the chest too. In pocket legends I can make 100k in a few days... In arcane I have only broken 100k 1 time for selling a heraldic set. The game is getting to the point where it is pointless to play because u can't get money. And when you get money you have to spend it on pots and pets.

04-02-2013, 11:55 PM
What really bothers me is not that we have to spend plats to buy pets and open chest,
(I think spend money on a game is the best way to show respect to developers.) but that what I bought with plats becomes a crap.

I mean, I used 2000 plats to buy best equips for me and for my wife at lv21. And lvl cap move up to 26, all we bought became 1/100 price..and when lv31 cap, I am sure it will happen again..
And also used over1000 plats to open chests, the best (most expensive) item was captain axe potency... feels like wasting money on gambling.
What really worthy is pets only.(but better pets are coming too, which means I have to get it again to catch up....now so many stun pets are purchasable. And it obviously makes you stronger in pvp. )

I know someone would say 'why do you have to have all best gear? Just have fun.'
Well, first time, I thought lv21 is permanent lvl cap so I spend so much on it. And now I am not trying to max out my stat to save money, but when you see someone who has 100 stats better than you in every field; health, mana, armor, dps, and even better crit/dodge. (Seriously. It was a rogue. And mines are not bad at all. All lv26.) and she kills everyone in pvp.... and it makes me think about my gears again..

So getting more lvls is kind of annoying after all for me, and getting craps from pink chest as well.
I said somewhere same thing, I hope pink box to be real rare too, and has better rate of better loot. So I don't feel like wasting money.

04-03-2013, 12:11 AM
What really bothers me is not that we have to spend plats to buy pets and open chest,
(I think spend money on a game is the best way to show respect to developers.) but that what I bought with plats becomes a crap.

I mean, I used 2000 plats to buy best equips for me and for my wife at lv21. And lvl cap move up to 26, all we bought became 1/100 price..and when lv31 cap, I am sure it will happen again..
And also used over1000 plats to open chests, the best (most expensive) item was captain axe potency... feels like wasting money on gambling.
What really worthy is pets only.(but better pets are coming too, which means I have to get it again to catch up....now so many stun pets are purchasable. And it obviously makes you stronger in pvp. )

I know someone would say 'why do you have to have all best gear? Just have fun.'
Well, first time, I thought lv21 is permanent lvl cap so I spend so much on it. And now I am not trying to max out my stat to save money, but when you see someone who has 100 stats better than you in every field; health, mana, armor, dps, and even better crit/dodge. (Seriously. It was a rogue. And mines are not bad at all. All lv26.) and she kills everyone in pvp.... and it makes me think about my gears again..

So getting more lvls is kind of annoying after all for me, and getting craps from pink chest as well.
I said somewhere same thing, I hope pink box to be real rare too, and has better rate of better loot. So I don't feel like wasting money.

Heres the issue with platinum
what it gets you:
*level faster with elixers (can be had for free through two daily elixers)
*Gets you items and weapons faster (can be had in auction, for very low price)
*gets you vanities (yay an actual pro!!! )
*gets you pets (most can be bought through crates, drops, or auction, minus slag, YAY one pet!!)
*gets you to waste your money on crap items in locked chest that dont sell for crap in auction becasue EVERYONE HAS THEM)
*gives you the very first weapons at any cap (worst items are platinum ?? huh??, golden chests and elite golden chests have better items, again can be had FOR FREE)

you see the trend here... platinum gets you zilch... maybe a few cool vanities (i love my santa outfit) , but since when do platinum weapons become the worst weapons?? they have been the best weapons in PL, in SL, and now they suddenly drop to worthless. Everything else can be had for free.. if you want slag, get kettle, its pretty much the same damn pet... slag was supposed to increase damage, i still do more damage with hazel, and hazel is terrible...I mean seriously just kick it wait for prices to go down after a few weeks, you get same items, spend zero money to not support sts and their poor customer service and poor loyalty to its best financial supporters...its a win win, you save yoru money, you get the same exact items for those that do spend their money.... you cant go wrong... spend $9.99 to get vanities and your set... I just remeber my bad *** guns in SL that could only be had throuhg plaitnum, and everyone wanted it why?? cause it was BEST weapon, and guess what?? people spend platinum to get it... thers your income sts.....

04-03-2013, 12:55 AM
so from my understanding darko you wish platinum items to have the best stats & be exclusive to platinum buyers?

But here's the problem, it will create a huge imbalance and make many free players quit or discourage new players right from the start.
Luck will no longer be a factor as those who can put the most money in their pockets wins.
No mmo game should ever favor those who are more willing to spend money in game period.

I don't like crates myself but i've yet to spend a dime on crates. No one forces you to gamble and you don't have to gamble to have the best gear. There's alternatives to arcane pets if that's what you were going for.

04-03-2013, 02:31 AM
While I can see your point, wvhills, it has been shown with numerous examples that the free-to-play business model is generally more interesting than the subscription model.

Mcbain - that probably wasn't the most friendly of posts. Thanks for keeping it friendly in the future.

I haven't played in months and have gone on to Conquer Online iPad version. I do suggest a VIP model for those people who are willing to pay a certain amount of plat month to month to get certain perks. VIP wouldn't be a subscription as it is not a subscription in other MMO's that have a similar feature.

People who want to keep VIP status, would make sure their VIP balance is a certain number or they will lose VIP status. Perks could be far better items than the current companions provide on a daily basis to everyone including those who don't spend a dime on plat purchase.

Just my .02

If something like this were actually added to AL, I would probably rejoin but as of now, I can only hope problems will be handled and rectified.

04-03-2013, 05:10 AM
Luck will no longer be a factor as those who can put the most money in their pockets wins.
No mmo game should ever favor those who are more willing to spend money in game period.

Weren't you the one suggesting more platinum based achievements and that the leaderboards should be favoured to the ones spending lots of platinums? :)

04-03-2013, 07:50 AM
I mean, I used 2000 plats to buy best equips for me and for my wife at lv21. And lvl cap move up to 26, all we bought became 1/100 price..and when lv31 cap, I am sure it will happen again..

What great did you buy at 21 that cost 2000 plat???

04-03-2013, 08:05 AM
What great did you buy at 21 that cost 2000 plat???

Maybe he ment that he converted 2000 platinums into 2 million gold, but that would still be pretty useless IMO.

04-03-2013, 09:05 AM
so from my understanding darko you wish platinum items to have the best stats & be exclusive to platinum buyers?

But here's the problem, it will create a huge imbalance and make many free players quit or discourage new players right from the start.
Luck will no longer be a factor as those who can put the most money in their pockets wins.
No mmo game should ever favor those who are more willing to spend money in game period.

I don't like crates myself but i've yet to spend a dime on crates. No one forces you to gamble and you don't have to gamble to have the best gear. There's alternatives to arcane pets if that's what you were going for.

There could be a balance, make an end game weapon in platinum, make an end game weapon in drops........not saying best equip is ONLY pkatinum but should plat equip be the worst???, and imo cratw a need more variety. . The same weapons over and over again, I mean really.

04-03-2013, 10:22 AM
What great did you buy at 21 that cost 2000 plat???

They were demonlord will sets and dark potency, with best ring and necklace (don't remember name. Me and for my wife, so two sets. And of course some pets, like malisons.
At the time, demonlord costed about 300k/600k.

I guess people have different opinions. =)
What I don't like is that I have to spend my money on luck-based chest which is pink box to get the best item.. well. Some people like it that way. But I don't. I would like to get something worthy as much as I pay.
If glacian and mythic helm costed 1000 plats, and if I did want them, I would rather buy it spending 1000 plats than open 100 chest to see if I am lucky.
I hope my purchase to have it's value.
And lvl cap ruins it. Like I said I thought lv21 was permanent cap, so spend so much money on there to play elite and pvp better. But now it's gone and I need to do it again. (And I didn't this time.)

And this is why +20 of my guild members left this game and I have to close my guild. They got frustrated that they have to lvling again and what they bought became worthless.

And i think people who spend more money should enjoy more benefits. That's the Sts' business, and how we support them while have more fun. I don't understand why people say it is not supposed to be.
Of course STS have to make the game playable and enjoyable without them too, which means elite golden chest should give same opportunities to get those items and provide good basic pets and items to use.

You don't want to spend money, farm chest and be lucky.
But why I have to be lucky while I spend my money too? This is my point.
I am not buying an item, but I have to buy a chance to get an item. Feels like gambling.

(I know right now pink box is easier to get than elite golden. And that's why I have to be lucky. So I want this box to be real rare and give better loot as we have to spend money on it.)

04-03-2013, 10:37 AM
They were demonlord will sets and dark potency, with best ring and necklace (don't remember name. Me and for my wife, so two sets. And of course some pets, like malisons.
At the time, demonlord costed about 300k/600k.

Oh you made it sounds as if you HAVE to spend plat. I equipped two toons at end game with those sets and didn't spend any plat to do it.

So, looking at it from another perspective, you did get benefits from spending plat. You had to do little to no work to get your sets, while I farmed for mine.

04-03-2013, 10:45 AM
Oh you made it sounds as if you HAVE to spend plat. I equipped two toons at end game with those sets and didn't spend any plat to do it.

So, looking at it from another perspective, you did get benefits from spending plat. You had to do little to no work to get your sets, while I farmed for mine.

Yes I did spend money.

And that's the benefit of spending money.
You had to farm, but I didn't have to.
And I gift my wife the best set to play with. So she didn't have waste time to farm, but have just fun.
Some people enjoy farming, we don't.
I would rather play pvp or finish quests and achievements.

It's just because what people think better is different.

04-03-2013, 11:06 AM
Yes I did spend money.

And that's the benefit of spending money.
You had to farm, but I didn't have to.
And I gift my wife the best set to play with. So she didn't have waste time to farm, but have just fun.
Some people enjoy farming, we don't.
I would rather play pvp or finish quests and achievements.

It's just because what people think better is different.

No I'm not saying anything negative about buying your gear. To each their own. But you mentioned in your post

What really bothers me is not that we have to spend plats to buy pets and open chest,
(I think spend money on a game is the best way to show respect to developers.) but that what I bought with plats becomes a crap.

That's kind of part of the game. You spent the plat to get your gear fast without having to farm. Which is fine. But it does have a shelf life. (Let me qualify this by saying I don't think the same is true with these Arcane/Mythic items. These things are so enormously expensive I think they SHOULD have a much longer shelf life).

04-03-2013, 08:47 PM
Congrats on getting your title changed btw :)

04-03-2013, 11:32 PM
Yawn.....this conversation still going on?

04-04-2013, 12:34 PM
Same old story samenold wining space-time need to get over the money loving crap and give us real gaming as a almost max in al ik how expensive this stuff is UR not a WoW so stop charging we come here for always free gaming give it to us or lose users

04-04-2013, 12:41 PM
Same old story samenold wining space-time need to get over the money loving crap and give us real gaming as a almost max in al ik how expensive this stuff is UR not a WoW so stop charging we come here for always free gaming give it to us or lose users

Your grammar is terrible and your sentence incoherent. If you want to be taken seriously try spell checking and putting forth legitimate reasons instead of trying to rant and demand for changes.

04-04-2013, 12:49 PM
Your grammar is terrible and your sentence incoherent. If you want to be taken seriously try spell checking and putting forth legitimate reasons instead of trying to rant and demand for changes. grammar nazi? maybe english isnt his native language.

04-04-2013, 01:02 PM
Your grammar is terrible and your sentence incoherent. If you want to be taken seriously try spell checking and putting forth legitimate reasons instead of trying to rant and demand for changes.


04-04-2013, 01:04 PM
Your grammar is terrible and your sentence incoherent. If you want to be taken seriously try spell checking and putting forth legitimate reasons instead of trying to rant and demand for changes.

It's obvious that it English isn't his native language judging by the broken wording which is present even when you correct his grammar.

It's one thing to be a nerd, but it's another thing to be an arrogant nerd. Can y'all just please come back to high school so we can steal your lunch money again? :)

04-04-2013, 01:07 PM
Thread Closed(?)

04-04-2013, 01:12 PM
Thread Closed(?)

Nope... I can still post.

04-04-2013, 05:58 PM
It's one thing to be a nerd, but it's another thing to be an arrogant nerd. Can y'all just please come back to high school so we can steal your lunch money again? :)

Says the guy with over 11,000 posts. Who are you trying to fool? Lol. I assume the guy I originally quoted has a basic understanding of the English language because he knows the abbreviations to English words. You guys are right though, maybe it isn't native language and I apologize.

04-04-2013, 06:33 PM
It's one thing to be a nerd, but it's another thing to be an arrogant nerd. Can y'all just please come back to high school so we can steal your lunch money again? :)

Says the guy with over 11,000 posts. Who are you trying to fool? Lol. I assume the guy I originally quoted has a basic understanding of the English language because he knows the abbreviations to English words. You guys are right though, maybe it isn't native language and I apologize.

Abbreviations? Heck NO! You know, there's a thing called auto-correct. Like on apple devices. IoS.

I'm <-------------I spelled it as Im, and after I typed the next word, it changed it to I'm. I usually don't bother with writing the ' in abbreviations, and it corrects it by itself.

04-04-2013, 07:22 PM
Abbreviations? Heck NO! You know, there's a thing called auto-correct. Like on apple devices. IoS.

I'm <-------------I spelled it as Im, and after I typed the next word, it changed it to I'm. I usually don't bother with writing the ' in abbreviations, and it corrects it by itself.

Right, both my pc and android phone do this. So you're explaining what? That we have these tools?

04-04-2013, 10:34 PM
Says the guy with over 11,000 posts. Who are you trying to fool? Lol. I assume the guy I originally quoted has a basic understanding of the English language because he knows the abbreviations to English words. You guys are right though, maybe it isn't native language and I apologize.

I've been here for 3 years. 11,000 posts over 3 years, especially if you have a typing speed of 120 WPM is manageable. It's just like posting on Facebook, no different.

If you say each post of mine takes an average of 3-5 minutes, it isn't that much time spent per day. :)

04-05-2013, 12:04 AM
I've been here for 3 years. 11,000 posts over 3 years, especially if you have a typing speed of 120 WPM is manageable. It's just like posting on Facebook, no different.

If you say each post of mine takes an average of 3-5 minutes, it isn't that much time spent per day. :)

I see, so grammar falls into the category of nerd, but basic math doesn't. Are you a self hating nerd? Anyhow, I just want to point out that guys location says Arkansas, and the main point I was trying to get across was to not demand and rant for changes, instead explain why changes would be necessary. Which is hard to do when nobody understands a word you're saying.


04-05-2013, 01:29 AM
Very interesting how topics can turn into completely new discussions on things that are relatively irrelevant.

04-05-2013, 08:20 AM
Very interesting how topics can turn into completely new discussions on things that are relatively irrelevant.


EDIT: Joke obviously... I've been reppin too much apparently and can't thank your post.

04-05-2013, 08:29 AM

04-05-2013, 09:08 AM

04-05-2013, 01:21 PM


Well... Im playing 4 months and i have average-made sor-char... Good stats... Without plat... But the vanities... OHHH I must have them... So i do free offers LOL

04-05-2013, 01:25 PM


Well... Im playing 4 months and i have average-made sor-char... Good stats... Without plat... But the vanities... OHHH I must have them... So i do free offers LOL

That's one ugly cat.

04-05-2013, 01:36 PM
I see, so grammar falls into the category of nerd, but basic math doesn't. Are you a self hating nerd? Anyhow, I just want to point out that guys location says Arkansas, and the main point I was trying to get across was to not demand and rant for changes, instead explain why changes would be necessary. Which is hard to do when nobody understands a word you're saying.


Basic is the keyword in that first sentence. Rollo, there are two definitions of a nerd. Not all of them are smart, but sure, I'd consider myself a little on the nerdy side.

My point is you could have told him in a way that wasn't so rude and condescending.

Cheers. :)

04-05-2013, 04:29 PM
Sam said it in another thread somewhere, and I'll echo it here (I'm paraphrasing): you vote with your wallet. That's why I've stopped spending any plat whatsoever on AL, even free offers. I was never a huge plat spender to begin with, so it's not like I expect anyone to care, but this is literally the only way to get a point across with any kind of effectiveness. I still play the game. It's a great game, no question (although I prefer PL). There are certain things about it that are rubbing me the wrong way, though, so I don't spend money on them.

So, to sum up: if you dislike the direction the game seems to be heading, I suggest you stop giving in and opening thousands of locked crates and instead vote with your wallet. Unless that happens, there could be a million threads like this and nothing would change.

04-05-2013, 05:31 PM
This thread has gone WAAAY off topic, Apollo, ignore this guy. He's OBVIOUSLY trolling. Come on parth, u know he's trolling, after all this time with dudetus?

04-05-2013, 07:33 PM
I think this thread should be moved to forum games, change the name to "Forum Arena".

04-06-2013, 01:02 AM
I agree that with how STS is making the game go, it's very well getting further and further from their initial "no pay-to-win' concept. That part i dislike, and so for that I've decided to *ever slowly* wean myself off from the game. The time i spend on STS games have significantly reduced.

But should we complain? Create threads to express our dislike? I don't think so.

If you don't like the game, then just move on. It's not that hard, is it? Many plats have been spent, dollars lost. It's a mistake that you can regret for the rest of your life. Be it still though, its much better to just move on rather than continue pouring out the contents of your wallet in something that you don't even appreciate.

04-08-2013, 06:13 PM
I mean, I used 2000 plats to buy best equips for me and for my wife at lv21. And lvl cap move up to 26, all we bought became 1/100 price..and when lv31 cap, I am sure it will happen again..
Same happened in DL.,when lvl cap was raised to 36,all the old lvl 31 legendary(really good weapons since there's only 3 relic [your mythic and there's no arcane rarity equivalent]) were practically WORTHLESS except viper twins(best weapon you get without purchasing a "chance at _____ weapon pack") and even they dropped lots in price. I got one that had dps only a little lower than viper twins when I reached 31 (lvl cap raised when I was on 29 or 30) for 150 GOLD. I could've bought 3 or 4 of them only doing one run of an easy map. But before they were like 10k or higher.

04-08-2013, 06:49 PM
STS has a great game that is "free" to play. They have employees who have families and they have to pay them. If they made AL pay to play a lot less people would ever have played -- they suck people into the game (which is really good) and then when those players want to reach upper echelons of game play they have to cough up dough. I haven't bought play directly but like to do the United Way donation because it makes me feel like I'm doing something ($30 donation to united way = 224 plat and I can take this off on my taxes I reckon).

04-08-2013, 07:04 PM
I agree that with how STS is making the game go, it's very well getting further and further from their initial "no pay-to-win' concept. That part i dislike, and so for that I've decided to *ever slowly* wean myself off from the game. The time i spend on STS games have significantly reduced.

But should we complain? Create threads to express our dislike? I don't think so.

If you don't like the game, then just move on. It's not that hard, is it? Many plats have been spent, dollars lost. It's a mistake that you can regret for the rest of your life. Be it still though, its much better to just move on rather than continue pouring out the contents of your wallet in something that you don't even appreciate.

You really don't have to pay to win. You have to pay to have ultra uber rare equips that almost nobody has.

I think it's a fair price to pay to keep elixir or of the game.

04-10-2013, 02:07 AM
You really don't have to pay to win. You have to pay to have ultra uber rare equips that almost nobody has.

I think it's a fair price to pay to keep elixir or of the game.

It isn't pay-to-win, not yet. Best gear can still be bought with gold. But i do find it gradually becoming uninteresting over time.

04-10-2013, 03:47 AM
lol title got change 2nd time.

Og kush
05-23-2013, 10:11 AM
*sigh* I really didn't ever want to have to write a post like this but I believe it needs to be brought to the attention to STS in a severe and upfront way. I have played Arcane Legends almost from the beginning and have enjoyed it for quite some time. That being said there are a number of growing issues I see as a gamer that are either being overlooked or STS just doesn't care.

1. The game is so undoubted plat driven it hurts. You simple can not go out and farm for the best pets or items anymore you have to buy crates and open them with platinum or buy pets from the pet stable that aren't even worth the amount of plat they're charging for them. On the fact that you have to open crates you lose twice. Which brings up point 2.

2. Locked crates were the beginning of the end of the game. You have to either farm or buy from consignment shop. Farming them is a pain because the drop rate of them are so low that it's just simply easier to buy them. Well in buying them you lose twice like i said. You lose gold and platinum on one crate.

3. Three also relates to 1. and 2. in that in order to get anything great you have to farm your hind end off to get it. Fine I'm ok with that. But in order to get anything good you have to farm in Elites which, as I said in previous posts, is not for the casual gamer. So you have to load up on potions, but wait....those cost gold too. So you have to spend money on pots to farm (which I'll address the laughable drop rate in number 4.) you farm and farm and are hemorrhaging pots and gold in order to stay in the game. Then it finally happens, you get something worth selling. licking your wounds you go to the consignment shop to sell it. Then comparing the amount of gold you spent on pots, don't forget feeding your pet, you realize you're losing money every time you try to farm.

4. the biggest issue is the two tier drop rate or lack there of. you farm and farm and farm and farm losing money on pots and feeding your pet and farm and farm and farm. you get nothing MAYBE MAYBE if you're lucky you get a crate or chests. BUT seeing as this is a two tier system now you have to roll the dice on that crate or chest. do you want to sell it and make some money back to farm some more, or open it and possibly lose plat on crate or make less than 100 gold on the chests contents because you rarely get an item worth anything.

Example: I have farmed Palm Rock for what seems like forever, day in day out all day all night Palm Rock. Trying to get that staff that I don't even need but i know it sells for millions so I wanted it to drop so I can make some gold. Not only did I NEVER get the staff to drop I never even got an elite gold pirate chest. AND to pour salt in the wound I watched two other ppl get the staff ONE THEIR FIRST RUNS. So i said screw it i'll get some more plat (if you know me you know I spent an insane amount of plat on opening crates for Hammerjaw) i'll open more crates and get a mythic or Glacian or something to revive myself in this game. lets just say it would have been better to spend the platinum on gold and get something then waste my plat and time on opening crates.

So to wrap this up and get off my soap box I will say this, STS has forgotten the gamer and only thinks of their money in my opinion. They want us to get plat and gamble on opening crates. or spend it on rerolls and I'm sick of it, something has to change in this upcoming expansion or i'm done and trust me when I say i'm not the only one.
I am sure with you on that cause I felt like a fool spending all this money on plat. I thought I was the only one. I got 51 locked crates scared to open them. I had managed to rack up about 250 when they were 3 to 9 k I got reckless and just went to opening crates and buying crates and doing hauntlet to get crates. And nothing and some I got doing elite. But no hammerjaw. No nothing for that matter. The best thing I got were those brutality one and I caught the market at a good time and made about 80k. Which is rediculous because once u make new cap them things drop to about 5k. I just want to farm for hammerjaw. U can have all the other stuff. I got 51 left. I probably won't open those till I get 56 more. By then I guess I'll lose interest.

05-23-2013, 12:24 PM
necromancer -,-

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Tapatalk HD

05-24-2013, 04:24 PM
This is the direction app games are going and have been for awhile. I really don't mind IAPs but it needs to be done right. For example I play lots of games but most of these games go the pay to win route while offering some great dropped items the drop rate of these items are so low its hardly worth the effort. This happens in most app games these days. Which in the end leaves players like me bored and unfulfilled. I refuse to buy gear cause that leaves nothing left to earn or do. But to be the best you have to pay. If world of Warcraft and other games went this route they wouldn't have a multi million player base who constantly pays for subscriptions and expansions. Why? Cause you can farm the best gear. Not log on enter your CC and click away with your fingers crossed. The best players earn their status by investing lots of time.
That being said STS is a business they know all of this. They probably paid people to research the life line of apps games. Hence why they release so many titles leaving their old titles in the closet. If people will pay they will continue the cycle. Like water. 20-30 years ago selling bottle water was unheard of. Now its in every house hold. If people will pay ,someone will be there to sell it. Supply and demand.

05-25-2013, 05:01 AM
yh i did coz i dnt wanna waste time here in this shyt game. all i get is sme shyt . i wasted about 2k plats.
nd dafuq i hav hardly 1mil.
goodbye sts.

05-25-2013, 06:00 AM
Ok, bye, thanks.

05-25-2013, 10:56 AM
Subscriptions are the way to go. I mean leave vanities, some pets and bundle deals for platinum only. I'd play $15-$20 bucks a month without thinking about it.

You have to remember that maybe most people (students etc) who play this game may not be working. Currently when you sign in to the game there is always quite a number of people. Change to your pricing model and you may become a loner. I guess atleast in PVE you will find minions to fight but PVP hmmmm. lol.

I can pay just like you but won't. I don't think it's worth it. At my age I have enough discipline to break away from a game playing habit that will constantly cost me $20 a month. Too may other gaming options out there.

STS has to make money to support their staff and they are doing just that. I have no problem with this. They have also created ways for people to still enjoy the game without paying. People think they have to have the best gear to enjoy the game not true. If you can't afford it conserve your plats and gold that you have so that you can keep playing. Don't try to get everything all the advance stuff that you see in the game. For example I bought Ripmaw some time ago, I did not get SLAG. Sure I was tempted, just like opening crates, but I didn't buy it and I don't open crates any longer. What I do is buy plats when they time is right from saving or from cash that I put away just for entertainment.

05-25-2013, 11:01 AM
yh i did coz i dnt wanna waste time here in this shyt game. all i get is sme shyt . i wasted about 2k plats.
nd dafuq i hav hardly 1mil.
goodbye sts.

Yep I have lost quite a number of playing buddies along the way. lol. Empty Guild....lol

05-25-2013, 12:12 PM
yh i did coz i dnt wanna waste time here in this shyt game. all i get is sme shyt . i wasted about 2k plats.
nd dafuq i hav hardly 1mil.
goodbye sts.

well can I have your stuffs? :)

sayonara mr. shadowgun~

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Tapatalk HD

05-26-2013, 03:17 AM
necromancer -,-

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Tapatalk HD

Replying to a thread that's only just over a month old isn't a necro IMO.