View Full Version : Crates vs Boxes idea pls read

03-27-2013, 10:47 PM
This idea formulated as I posted it in another thread & would like some feedback. Thanks!

I think they should CHANGE the crates:

1) Put the current crates in the Plat Store where players can directly buy them. Just like the gamble packs on DL & the other gamble packs on AL's Plat Store.


2) Recycle the graphics of the crates & call them"boxes". These boxes will still drop like crates do now but -are not gamble packs & have a much rarer drop rate-. Simply have players break them open with Story Tokens or even Hauntlet Coins or even Gold (gold sink!). Hell even introduce new coins to open them with. Once they open, we get a guaranteed Mythic or Arcane item. Kinda like Relic Weapons & Krigberg Stones on DL only takes longer to drop perse.

This might kill two birds with one stone; players with plat still have a better chance to get these items. And players who rather not pay plat have a reason to farm both coins and other maps for a chance at getting these uber rare new boxes.

Thoughts? Ideas?

I like to add that players who bust their behinds farming for all that, would definately feel rewarded... As they SHOULD be. After all, plat is usually the easier way out of things... Including this one!

03-28-2013, 07:29 AM
Forgot to reserve this space for updates. X.x

03-28-2013, 07:51 AM
Not a bad idea.

03-28-2013, 07:54 AM
Or they could make those "boxes" able to be opened with 10 story tokens or 10 hauntlet. Also they could add a 2-3 plat turnstile with a guaranteed drop or chest box or pink and have that place drop a special coin that can open the boxes. It would be reasonable.

03-28-2013, 08:44 AM
Or they could make those "boxes" able to be opened with 10 story tokens or 10 hauntlet. Also they could add a 2-3 plat turnstile with a guaranteed drop or chest box or pink and have that place drop a special coin that can open the boxes. It would be reasonable.
You mean like a key? So each box would have a key or coin that can open up other boxes? Kinda redundant. >__< Or if you mean just paying 2 or 3 plat to open them and be guaranteed the items of those rarities then I'd have to say NURR... Just wouldn't be right. o_O

03-28-2013, 09:13 AM
Sorry, it shouldn't be about boxes or crates. This game should be about amazing game play.

Im being blown away with creative ways in game to make us spend our money on Plat. But what about blowing our minds with the most amazing game play and team-ship????

03-28-2013, 09:24 AM
Introduce crate keys as drops, or a daily quest for a crate key from a Rogue over in Paradise Pier.

This would allow non-plat players to open crates, and would allow people to sell keys as an additional source of revenue.

03-28-2013, 09:27 AM
Introduce crate keys as drops, or a daily quest for a crate key from a Rogue over in Paradise Pier.

This would allow non-plat players to open crates, and would allow people to sell keys as an additional source of revenue.

I disagree with the daily quest from the rogue, because that would mean it would be for ROUGES only.

03-28-2013, 04:05 PM
@Euro: The game is still about working as a team. Still got a party system and can do elites with groups too. Hell even CtF is about team work. This thread however is not about that. Its just another idea for drops.

@Good: I think it would defeat part of the purpose because we'd have to farm to get to drop then farm to get the boxes to drop. Naw idk I still rather farm the coins unless they make keys available the same way we get Story Tokens and Hauntlet Coins. =)

@Lala: Since its just an NPC he is talking about, Im pretty sure every class would be able to get that quest!

03-28-2013, 06:00 PM
I disagree with the daily quest from the rogue, because that would mean it would be for ROUGES only.

Oh no - I mean get them from one of the Rogues in Paradise Pier....not for Rogues only, that would be just plain silly! There are a handful of dailies in Paradise Pier, but just add another daily for a key; kind of like a Story Token, except that this would be tradeable and sellable.

TY for clarifying Lady :-)

03-28-2013, 06:27 PM
You're welcome! :) Oh & you can call me Pebbles or Thren (my main ign). xD

03-28-2013, 08:02 PM
You're welcome! :) Oh & you can call me Pebbles or Thren (my main ign). xD

Or Pebs!

03-28-2013, 08:04 PM
Oh no - I mean get them from one of the Rogues in Paradise Pier....not for Rogues only, that would be just plain silly! There are a handful of dailies in Paradise Pier, but just add another daily for a key; kind of like a Story Token, except that this would be tradeable and sellable.

TY for clarifying Lady :-)

I thought you were talking about Natalia (The one that gives daily quests only for rogues)

03-29-2013, 12:37 AM
Yeah or Pebs. XP

I figured you were a lil bit confused about what he/she said. XD Still think these are pretty good ideas so far.