View Full Version : Another thought on booting & minimum levels

10-04-2010, 08:04 PM
Why not make A03 all run by the server with no owner? Set the minimum level at 45. This way your 45 doesn't get booted by some snob for whatever reason the second you try to play.

Now, SS said they don't want to restrict people from content that they own. So, if a Level 1 buys AO3 he should be able to go there. Fine. No problem. If you're lower than level 45 you can still play if someone creates a game and invites you, if its your friend and you join his/her game, or if you create the game yourself.

This leaves server run maps for people to enjoy without the hassle of some jerk with need to boot.

Fathom Crypt - A Secret Passage is server run. No owners. People find a way to work together on those bosses.

It would be the same in the server run AO3 maps. Your 45+ and you have to work together to solve the map.

If you want your buddies in, make a custom game and allow in and boot who you like.

Server maps could be designated as such in the description when choosing JOIN GAME.

Or you could take away the boot option from HOST games unless it has a password. (Yes, I know I'll get the comment 'The host can do what they want, it's their game'). But you see, these games are not so much the host's as they are the community's.

Anyway, probably won't be implemented but it was a thought.

If you take a person who just starts out on PL, he/she is going to be faced with trying to join maps to level & have fun only to be booting for snobbish reasons half the time.

I welcome suggestions on how to tweak it or the inevitable comment "it will never happen".


10-05-2010, 06:13 AM
i like the idea since many lower lvls come into some of my party

10-05-2010, 07:35 AM
then just simply boot that unwanted players IMO

10-05-2010, 07:41 AM
Brilliant. Simple. It works. Besides. . . this way you get to choose if you simply want to leave an instance where people are being themselves. Or not helpful. . . or chatting too much for ones own preferences (tho i never saw the problem with in-game chat - less it gets out of hand of course).

But then u figure you keep getting players joining up tht are not up to spek or just there to rain on someones parade - and how many instances can you leave. And no boss kills means no loots. So yeh. . . tough to find a perfect solution. I think vote to boot + explain helps brring things mid-way.

Xviper - simply booting just isnt our way sometimes (speaking for myself I know) - hate hosting for the same reason. . . the power and responsibility of the old boot button. But once ye hosts then ye becomes responsible for the rest of the team in tht game no? So u have to make the big call. To Boots or Not to Boots - That is the Question. . . .

Some people seriously act as if the other four players in the game are part of the AI. And tht show's in their tendency to boot without wht used to be so much as a word edge-wise. And their game play - where they'll be all quiet until they get mobbed nice and solid - and suddenly flare up in chat with all sort's of clever abbreviations. I'm sorry but my telepathy isn't exactly functioning at the lvl what it used to be.

At the end of the day we gotta be reminded that other people - not AI - are joining up. And by randomly booting someone out we stand a good chance of ruining (or at least souring) their game experience. For that moment. If not permanent like. - PL's too good for tht kind of damage to be cause by one wet-blanket thank the gods. . . .

Ultimately - Boot's become such a big issue because - people is people.