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03-28-2013, 09:15 AM
Not too long ago the forgotten items were released. Then halloween items. Both discontinued. When I asked for forg bows to be nerfed, many argued that the bows put the new players on an equal level as the seasoned twinks as far as gear is concerned. Perhaps that is a contributing factor as to why they werent nerfed, and if it was, something needs done. Forg items will slowly rise in price to the point that they are impossible for now players to obtain. Same thing with hween items. This makes it even worse for new players than it was for them when they had to use a talon to fight my SBL (oh boo hoo, I can freeze you). New players who cant afford a forgotten bow would surely quit PvP and possibly the game. So for anyone who says forg bows make everyone equal, where is your argument now? Perhaps they just made YOU equal.

Anyways, there needs to be items to balance out the forg bows or they need re released so they arent unobtainable to the masses of new players that get farmed by the regulars with forg items. If anyone thought that new players had it bad because of "OP" xmas items, why do so few think the same about these forg items? Everyone seems to have forgotten the noobies now that theyre on top with their forg bow. Then again, wut do I care, Im playing League of Legends anyway.

Nerf the forg.


03-28-2013, 09:18 AM
Low level PvP isn't fun anymore, honestly, whole buncha' nuns running around thinking they're top dolla'. No. You suck.

Hashtag nerf the frog. *Ribbit*

03-28-2013, 09:18 AM
How bout making forgotten bows OMLY ALLOWED IN PVE, NOT PVP!

03-28-2013, 09:21 AM
STS will listen to this thread, since they took the time to reply and show thier presence to the other 100 threads about this.

if you didn't catch it, that was laced in sarcasm.

03-28-2013, 09:25 AM
I talked with Samhayne and Techno Email about making good farmable items to rival even the OP forg bows. They said they might. This was months ago. Making the only relatively useful items in any level of PvP discontinued is just ridiculous to me. At least before we had talons at level 15-17, and xbows. The SBL was discontinued but it was about the same level as the talon. Now the forg dominates every level of PvP 10-50.

03-28-2013, 09:27 AM
STS will listen to this thread, since they took the time to reply and show thier presence to the other 100 threads about this.

if you didn't catch it, that was laced in sarcasm.

This isnt to STS. This is to those that said forg bows bring everyone onto an equal level.

03-28-2013, 09:29 AM
I'm not a fan of the forg myself aswell but it balanced low lvl pvp in a diffrent way.
Before the forgs only bears and kiting mages were good in 10-20 pvp, now every class has some chnace to win.
But nerfing the forg is a good thing to do, the devs have no idea how low lvl pvp is.

03-28-2013, 09:30 AM
This isnt to STS. This is to those that said forg bows bring everyone onto an equal level.

In that case, then no it doesn't, you can still be pro with a fbow.

bring back the shivering/brainfreeze/iceberg days.

03-28-2013, 09:47 AM
Re release forgotten ! That way everyone can have a chance again to get :)

03-28-2013, 10:54 AM
Re-release forg event every week plox

03-28-2013, 11:26 AM
Yes please re release the forgotten event, bring back the bows so when they re discontinue them again everyone will make more threads sayin how everyone has forg bows please re release for event.

03-28-2013, 11:36 AM
Yes please re release the forgotten event, bring back the bows so when they re discontinue them again everyone will make more threads sayin how everyone has forg bows please re release for event.

Better everyone have such an overpowering weapon than a select few.

03-28-2013, 11:44 AM
Ok but the next after event peoplr who werent at event or have no gold will say the same thing

They just need to make new events/weps

03-28-2013, 12:15 PM
Legitimate question:

Aren't the 2012 pumpkin chunkers close in the damage range?

03-28-2013, 12:30 PM
Legitimate question:

Aren't the 2012 pumpkin chunkers close in the damage range?

The proc on the forg makes tree huggers OP.

Anyways, there needs to be farmable gear that matches the forg bow or better.

03-28-2013, 12:35 PM
+100 damage to Brainfreeze wands lmao

03-28-2013, 01:36 PM
Lol. Sts don't care yich, never gonna happen. Maybe if we convince sam or techno to try low level pvp they might change it. But then again they haven't joined pl for like 6 months... I wish for once they would listen to u. It has also ruined 35 pvp. I never really 15 pvpd but voodoo was super fun..now I just sell kills to desperate <dissidents of go> members. (For those of you who don't know, DOG are rushing forgotten 1 skill noobs ranging from 15-40 and they join low level games with their fg bows equipped and rush ya)

Please sts. Make fg bows pve only!

03-28-2013, 01:38 PM
Lol. Sts don't care yich, never gonna happen. Maybe if we convince sam or techno to try low level pvp they might change it. But then again they haven't joined pl for like 6 months... I wish for once they would listen to u. It has also ruined 35 pvp. I never really 15 pvpd but voodoo was super fun..now I just sell kills to desperate <dissidents of go> members. (For those of you who don't know, DOG are rushing forgotten 1 skill noobs ranging from 15-40 and they join low level games with their fg bows equipped and rush ya)

Please sts. Make fg bows pve only!

This is mostly to anyone who was a forg bow advocate that didnt want them nerfed because they put everyone on the same playing field. This is no longer true.

03-28-2013, 02:52 PM
The proc on the forg makes tree huggers OP.

Anyways, there needs to be farmable gear that matches the forg bow or better.

Sorry but I have never understood the hate in this tactic. When I use to 1v1 someone and they hid behind trees, I took it as an opportunity let my skills cooldown and wait for them to come to me. Many in this game get kills off of emotion. What I mean is they get someone upset, causing them to play by their terms, and when people are frustrated, they lose focus. This equates to losing.

Someone with your skill, and others like you, should be able to use the range of a chunker and kite the crap out of a forgotten bow.

03-28-2013, 03:04 PM
Hang on a second, someone said forgotten items makes pvp fair? Let me save this moment with 'HAH'. Ok lets take 30 pvp for a minute. Fbows at that lvl cost 150-300k right? How is a new person EVER going to get that money, and if they do, theyre not new... 2nd (still on lvl 30 example) seing as fbows are expensive, before them, everyone used shiv and brain and iceberg, it takes less than 2 runs just to get them, theyre not very rare, i got two shivs and an iceberg in 1 run without elixer no lie, maybe thats just luck, but with an elixer you will probably get them ofter, so for new players at 30 pvp, it would be fair for no fbows, and hey i just forgot about the fact that the unoverpowerd weapons are LITERALLY 2k. So whoever said forgotten items make pvp fair.....LAWL.

03-28-2013, 03:13 PM
Hang on a second, someone said forgotten items makes pvp fair? Let me save this moment with 'HAH'. Ok lets take 30 pvp for a minute. Fbows at that lvl cost 150-300k right? How is a new person EVER going to get that money, and if they do, theyre not new... 2nd (still on lvl 30 example) seing as fbows are expensive, before them, everyone used shiv and brain and iceberg, it takes less than 2 runs just to get them, theyre not very rare, i got two shivs and an iceberg in 1 run without elixer no lie, maybe thats just luck, but with an elixer you will probably get them ofter, so for new players at 30 pvp, it would be fair for no fbows, and hey i just forgot about the fact that the unoverpowerd weapons are LITERALLY 2k. So whoever said forgotten items make pvp fair.....LAWL.

Most new players don't stick around at twinking levels to PvP. Most twinks are from veterans who are tired of endgame or love PvP.

03-28-2013, 03:26 PM
Sorry but I have never understood the hate in this tactic. When I use to 1v1 someone and they hid behind trees, I took it as an opportunity let my skills cooldown and wait for them to come to me. Many in this game get kills off of emotion. What I mean is they get someone upset, causing them to play by their terms, and when people are frustrated, they lose focus. This equates to losing.

Someone with your skill, and others like you, should be able to use the range of a chunker and kite the crap out of a forgotten bow.


When you're less powerful than your opponent, "tree hugging" is such a useful tactic.

Yich - When you play End game, you know that Birds are extremely OP. My angelic mage has a 1/5 chance of winning each time. I got really good hiding behind a tree.

When a bird hides behind a tree, I take into account what Crim said - give myself time to let my skills cool down.

03-28-2013, 03:50 PM
Sorry but I have never understood the hate in this tactic. When I use to 1v1 someone and they hid behind trees, I took it as an opportunity let my skills cooldown and wait for them to come to me. Many in this game get kills off of emotion. What I mean is they get someone upset, causing them to play by their terms, and when people are frustrated, they lose focus. This equates to losing.

Someone with your skill, and others like you, should be able to use the range of a chunker and kite the crap out of a forgotten bow.

This makes 100% sense and when somebody is behind a tree, just wait.

Still, it's annoying and can be frustrating.

03-28-2013, 03:59 PM
That's all fine and dandy for 1v1s. Just wait for them to come out, yay. Im including myself in this when I say everyone rushes new players. This is why some people were so glad forg bows were released. It gave new players a chance. Every day forg items raise in value. The gap between new players and L33T players gets bigger and bigger day by day.

03-28-2013, 04:07 PM
It's simple, release forgotten helms and armor. And buff skill damage. MAKE EVERYTHING OVER POWERED. If everything is OP then no one will complain about FB being OP.

03-28-2013, 04:16 PM
^^true visionary

03-28-2013, 04:29 PM
Actually they just need to rebalance the whole game, make bears have to tank at level 2 start them with beckon. Almost all the bows(nonforgotten) need a damage boost; strength damage needs reduced; dodge needs reduced; health and armour need increased; the wand/staff damage needs modified at most levels; debuffs for chance based stats need modified.
But why do all this work when you can abandon your problems and make a whole new game and kick your oldest customers in the face at the same time?

03-28-2013, 04:50 PM
Actually they just need to rebalance the whole game, make bears have to tank at level 2 start them with beckon. Almost all the bows(nonforgotten) need a damage boost; strength damage needs reduced; dodge needs reduced; health and armour need increased; the wand/staff damage needs modified at most levels; debuffs for chance based stats need modified.
But why do all this work when you can abandon your problems and make a whole new game and kick your oldest customers in the face at the same time?
You thought the exact same thing I think

03-28-2013, 04:58 PM
Actually they just need to rebalance the whole game, make bears have to tank at level 2 start them with beckon. Almost all the bows(nonforgotten) need a damage boost; strength damage needs reduced; dodge needs reduced; health and armour need increased; the wand/staff damage needs modified at most levels; debuffs for chance based stats need modified.
But why do all this work when you can abandon your problems and make a whole new game and kick your oldest customers in the face at the same time?

I feel bad for AL players then. Dark future headed their way, should history repeat itself. It will.

03-28-2013, 05:45 PM
Not too long ago the forgotten items were released. Then halloween items. Both discontinued. When I asked for forg bows to be nerfed, many argued that the bows put the new players on an equal level as the seasoned twinks as far as gear is concerned. Perhaps that is a contributing factor as to why they werent nerfed, and if it was, something needs done. Forg items will slowly rise in price to the point that they are impossible for now players to obtain. Same thing with hween items. This makes it even worse for new players than it was for them when they had to use a talon to fight my SBL (oh boo hoo, I can freeze you). New players who cant afford a forgotten bow would surely quit PvP and possibly the game. So for anyone who says forg bows make everyone equal, where is your argument now? Perhaps they just made YOU equal.

Anyways, there needs to be items to balance out the forg bows or they need re released so they arent unobtainable to the masses of new players that get farmed by the regulars with forg items. If anyone thought that new players had it bad because of "OP" xmas items, why do so few think the same about these forg items? Everyone seems to have forgotten the noobies now that theyre on top with their forg bow. Then again, wut do I care, Im playing League of Legends anyway.

Nerf the forg.



yich is pro

03-28-2013, 05:55 PM
For all you tomaters and potaters that think they shouldn't be nerfed.

Potatoes gonna potate.

Tomatoes gonna tomate.

03-28-2013, 06:02 PM
Nerf Fbow!

03-28-2013, 07:25 PM
For all you tomaters and potaters that think they shouldn't be nerfed.

Potatoes gonna potate.

Tomatoes gonna tomate. And alligators gonna alligate.

03-28-2013, 07:30 PM
I feel bad for AL players then. Dark future headed their way, should history repeat itself. It will.
dark future for spacetime actually once people start to see a record of trashing all the old games and customers. If they keep pumping out 3 games every two years and only supporting their favorite, I don't know if anyone will want to play their new astro legends over garbageman legends.

03-28-2013, 07:35 PM
And alligators gonna alligate.

And Captain Barbados gonna Barbadate.

03-28-2013, 09:03 PM
Not to mention how endgame is a couple shots. fbows can still be toned down a bit so players can atleast pvp at 10-61. Sts y u no have poll vote!? I bet so many players would come back and pvp would be reborn

03-29-2013, 12:21 AM
Actually they just need to rebalance the whole game, make bears have to tank at level 2 start them with beckon. Almost all the bows(nonforgotten) need a damage boost; strength damage needs reduced; dodge needs reduced; health and armour need increased; the wand/staff damage needs modified at most levels; debuffs for chance based stats need modified.
But why do all this work when you can abandon your problems and make a whole new game and kick your oldest customers in the face at the same time?

Slap in the face, right there.

03-29-2013, 04:38 AM
I wish they would nerf forgotten weapons already because it has caused a large amount of immaturity levels 10-40.
Nerf the forgotten weapons and you will have a more mature community for new players, STS.

03-29-2013, 06:13 AM
I like this thread. I'm of the opinion that new forgotten or new items in general won't help the overall situation of the game. That's like constructing an extra floor on a building that has a broken foundation. Nerfing the fbow is a good start, but we need to go back to the very start. Get all the old sets which are useless now and fix their stats. (Sand cave sets, brain freeze and iceberg, copperhead and swamp rat, etc.)

In fact, that's a great idea. I wonder if I went through levels 1-50 and reworked the stats, if the devs would actually fix them. I may try and tackle that...

03-29-2013, 06:26 AM
I like this thread. I'm of the opinion that new forgotten or new items in general won't help the overall situation of the game. That's like constructing an extra floor on a building that has a broken foundation. Nerfing the fbow is a good start, but we need to go back to the very start. Get all the old sets which are useless now and fix their stats. (Sand cave sets, brain freeze and iceberg, copperhead and swamp rat, etc.)

In fact, that's a great idea. I wonder if I went through levels 1-50 and reworked the stats, if the devs would actually fix them. I may try and tackle that...

Another book-like thread? Do it Micah.

03-29-2013, 08:39 AM
I like this thread. I'm of the opinion that new forgotten or new items in general won't help the overall situation of the game. That's like constructing an extra floor on a building that has a broken foundation. Nerfing the fbow is a good start, but we need to go back to the very start. Get all the old sets which are useless now and fix their stats. (Sand cave sets, brain freeze and iceberg, copperhead and swamp rat, etc.)

In fact, that's a great idea. I wonder if I went through levels 1-50 and reworked the stats, if the devs would actually fix them. I may try and tackle that...

Do it! :D

03-29-2013, 09:11 AM
Not too long ago the forgotten items were released. Then halloween items. Both discontinued. When I asked for forg bows to be nerfed, many argued that the bows put the new players on an equal level as the seasoned twinks as far as gear is concerned. Perhaps that is a contributing factor as to why they werent nerfed, and if it was, something needs done. Forg items will slowly rise in price to the point that they are impossible for now players to obtain. Same thing with hween items. This makes it even worse for new players than it was for them when they had to use a talon to fight my SBL (oh boo hoo, I can freeze you). New players who cant afford a forgotten bow would surely quit PvP and possibly the game. So for anyone who says forg bows make everyone equal, where is your argument now? Perhaps they just made YOU equal.

Anyways, there needs to be items to balance out the forg bows or they need re released so they arent unobtainable to the masses of new players that get farmed by the regulars with forg items. If anyone thought that new players had it bad because of "OP" xmas items, why do so few think the same about these forg items? Everyone seems to have forgotten the noobies now that theyre on top with their forg bow. Then again, wut do I care, Im playing League of Legends anyway.

Nerf the forg.


Well I'm not afraid to admit that I once thought that Forgotten Bows' release would make new players happy, but I am now enlightened by your post. Very well said, I hope STS nerf them too.

Cheers. :)

P.S - LoL is awesome!

03-29-2013, 09:16 AM
I wish they would nerf forgotten weapons already because it has caused a large amount of immaturity levels 10-40.
Nerf the forgotten weapons and you will have a more mature community for new players, STS.

I agree that maturity is bad in PvP, but I don't think that nerfing the Forgotten weapons will cause this problem to disappear. Number 1 reason I did not get into PvP at the beginning of my PL career: immaturity. It may be worse now, but it has always been the worst part about PvP (for me.)

03-29-2013, 11:23 AM
More players would quit if they took away forgs, almost all low lvl pvp is based on forgs, people spent plat on forg builfd and gear to do good in pvp.
Forgotten bows started a new era of pvp, accept it.
That was then, this is now.

03-29-2013, 03:19 PM
More players would quit if they took away forgs, almost all low lvl pvp is based on forgs, people spent plat on forg builfd and gear to do good in pvp.
Forgotten bows started a new era of pvp, accept it.
That was then, this is now.

a new era of what? luck? lmao

03-29-2013, 03:43 PM
Sorry but I have never understood the hate in this tactic. When I use to 1v1 someone and they hid behind trees, I took it as an opportunity let my skills cooldown and wait for them to come to me. Many in this game get kills off of emotion. What I mean is they get someone upset, causing them to play by their terms, and when people are frustrated, they lose focus. This equates to losing.

Someone with your skill, and others like you, should be able to use the range of a chunker and kite the crap out of a forgotten bow.

Soooo true! Why can't there be more people that think like you lol

03-29-2013, 08:22 PM
a new era of what? luck? lmao

A new era of Stomp Slash gg! :)

03-29-2013, 08:36 PM
A new era of Stomp Slash gg! :)

You must do low level pvp. I feel sorry for you. They got hit hard indeed.

03-29-2013, 09:48 PM
Someone with your skill, and others like you, should be able to use the range of a chunker and kite the crap out of a forgotten bow.

Hmm... I WOULD agree, but every time I get a kill in twinking pvp, they rage and rush me, while trolling me as I try to do simple 1v1s with my friends... U accidentally rush just ONE person, they instantly rage, say "ok," and farm u the rest of the rest of the game with their fbow.

03-29-2013, 09:57 PM
Hmm... I WOULD agree, but every time I get a kill in twinking pvp, they rage and rush me, while trolling me as I try to do simple 1v1s with my friends... U accidentally rush just ONE person, they instantly rage, say "ok," and farm u the rest of the rest of the game with their fbow.

If you know who they are then be ready to be buffed. It's not hard. My favorite level of PvP use to be 50-51. I had two sets: Death Shotgun and a Sewer mix. I kept them both in quick loadouts so when someone started the "You rushed me!!" crap, I used the shotty for it's range to kite the rushers. I had a list (which I kept mentally) of those I knew would rush me when they entered a game and I had my fingers ready to tap focus and evade. Also, trees, orbs, and walls exist for a reason.

I'm not saying it is a fool-proof plan, but it worked for me and others who showed me.

03-29-2013, 11:29 PM
If you know who they are then be ready to be buffed. It's not hard. My favorite level of PvP use to be 50-51. I had two sets: Death Shotgun and a Sewer mix. I kept them both in quick loadouts so when someone started the "You rushed me!!" crap, I used the shotty for it's range to kite the rushers. I had a list (which I kept mentally) of those I knew would rush me when they entered a game and I had my fingers ready to tap focus and evade. Also, trees, orbs, and walls exist for a reason.

I'm not saying it is a fool-proof plan, but it worked for me and others who showed me.

You fail to understand how OP something that can root from a distance, take away your hit %, and dodge hits is. Sure, maybe you can kite a bird with 13m range, but few others can. That takes serious skill/good ping, and luck that you'll kill them before you run out of room to kite. As for mages, way too squishy, birds nuke them instantly. That might be something you're used to, idk if you endgame PvP or not, but im not used to it.

You could go on and on about how to fight it and how not to, but if you know it's an item that lowers the games quality in general, why waste your energy? It needs done away with, and even if it isnt, it shouldnt be a L33T item. Discontinued items shouldnt over power farmable items at all, let alone double/triple the damage output of the next best weapon, AND get an OP proc. I remember people used to say "STS doesnt cater to twinks", funny thing is, they dont cater to PL at all these days. Jokes on you endgame, twinks spent less money, putting them less in the hole when this game wastes away into nothingness.

03-30-2013, 05:06 AM
First of all, devs need to rebalance all of PL entirely. All of this forg bow and tree hugging and even rushing could be solved with 2 things: increasing and scaling health pool appropriately with level, and nerfing dodge. First of all, in World of Warcraft (I'm sorry for the comparison), using line of sight to your advantage is skilled because it's pretty much impossible to get one shotted or 2 shotted unless planned out.

Dodge is out of control and makes this game extremely luck based. Increase health pools please so that you won't have to say go in order to PvP and that even though you get "rushed," you still have like a few seconds before you die to fight back and possibly win. Most people frown on rushing because it lets the rusher get the upper hand, for the tactic of surprise is too much in this game. There is one shotting and stats/buffs are out of control, therefore - there isn't enough time to react to the rush before dying, (unless ya got the reflexes).

@Yich +1.

03-31-2013, 04:36 AM
You must do low level pvp. I feel sorry for you. They got hit hard indeed.

Sure do. Don't have to feel sorry for me, I'm enjoying FFA with my birdie! *Dodge hax on*

Main reason I don't play > l40 is because I'm too lazy to level! That's why. :o

03-31-2013, 01:12 PM
Hello everyone. When Forgotten bows were first released I hated them and wanted them to be nerfed or taken out entirely. I had a 5 month break and I have a new look at pvp and how it actually is. I am only talking about 10-20 pvp, for that is all I have a large experience and history in playing.
First off, I will talk about how forgotten bows do not make the game even for "noobs" and "pros" or more older players. Everyday there are new twinks, almost all have forgotten bows. Even when they use the said bows I still win with mine, this is showing that forgotten bows don't do anything really. PvP still depends on your skill.
Now, I will talk about how they make the game more fun. They do add a different elemet to the game, since then I have even gotten better and been able to understand PvP a bit more. Forgotten bows also make things different, making people creating new tactics on defeating the opposing player. And to all who say forgotten bows are too op, I must tell you that I can easily kite someone using one of them by just simply using an auto-bow.
Im conclusion, I don't think they should be taken out or nerfed. They have made the game different instead of the constant repetiveness of the game that it was before.

03-31-2013, 02:12 PM
Hello everyone. When Forgotten bows were first released I hated them and wanted them to be nerfed or taken out entirely. I had a 5 month break and I have a new look at pvp and how it actually is. I am only talking about 10-20 pvp, for that is all I have a large experience and history in playing.
First off, I will talk about how forgotten bows do not make the game even for "noobs" and "pros" or more older players. Everyday there are new twinks, almost all have forgotten bows. Even when they use the said bows I still win with mine, this is showing that forgotten bows don't do anything really. PvP still depends on your skill.
Now, I will talk about how they make the game more fun. They do add a different elemet to the game, since then I have even gotten better and been able to understand PvP a bit more. Forgotten bows also make things different, making people creating new tactics on defeating the opposing player. And to all who say forgotten bows are too op, I must tell you that I can easily kite someone using one of them by just simply using an auto-bow.
Im conclusion, I don't think they should be taken out or nerfed. They have made the game different instead of the constant repetiveness of the game that it was before.

People like you are the reason why forgotten was never nerferd. :l

03-31-2013, 02:22 PM
People like you are the reason why forgotten was never nerferd. :l


Yeah, there is no diversity in PvP anymore.

03-31-2013, 02:45 PM
People like you are the reason why forgotten was never nerferd. :l

I was pro nerf when it first came out so.. By the way, wasn't all the deciding on forgotten weapons months ago? Why did someone bring it up again. Most people in 10-20 don't care if there are forgotten bows or not. I play PvP every day and I rarely see someone complain.

04-01-2013, 07:03 AM
I think if they knocked off about 20% of the damage and made the a bird only weapon it would make it considerably better

04-01-2013, 10:59 AM
Hello everyone. When Forgotten bows were first released I hated them and wanted them to be nerfed or taken out entirely. I had a 5 month break and I have a new look at pvp and how it actually is. I am only talking about 10-20 pvp, for that is all I have a large experience and history in playing.
First off, I will talk about how forgotten bows do not make the game even for "noobs" and "pros" or more older players. Everyday there are new twinks, almost all have forgotten bows. Even when they use the said bows I still win with mine, this is showing that forgotten bows don't do anything really. PvP still depends on your skill.
Now, I will talk about how they make the game more fun. They do add a different elemet to the game, since then I have even gotten better and been able to understand PvP a bit more. Forgotten bows also make things different, making people creating new tactics on defeating the opposing player. And to all who say forgotten bows are too op, I must tell you that I can easily kite someone using one of them by just simply using an auto-bow.
Im conclusion, I don't think they should be taken out or nerfed. They have made the game different instead of the constant repetiveness of the game that it was before.

Who are you kidding Xore, you were always a level 12, you cant really branch yourself 10-20. I tried to get you to play on wixer every time I saw you, you never would. You like forotten bows because they make bears OP at level 12.

04-01-2013, 02:06 PM
Try l.5 pvp.

04-01-2013, 02:51 PM
As i saw some guy post before, some rich guy should just buy as much fbows as possible and liquidate them (i also like this idea cuz it would be my greatest merch of all time, buying fbow for 100k, selling for 50m :D)

04-01-2013, 09:54 PM
Who are you kidding Xore, you were always a level 12, you cant really branch yourself 10-20. I tried to get you to play on wixer every time I saw you, you never would. You like forotten bows because they make bears OP at level 12.

Ever since you quit level 10-20, I've played the following, 10,12,15,17, and 19. So don't try to assume things imp.

04-01-2013, 09:56 PM
Ever since you quit level 10-20, I've played the following, 10,12,15,17, and 19. So don't try to assume things imp.
ironically, all bad level choices

04-02-2013, 06:30 AM
twinking in peril? all of pvp is in peril. 10-64 fbows, fbows and more fbows. 65+ dodge, dodge and more dodge.

i played 25, 30 and 35, and as expected it was full of fbows, voodoos are obsolete, iceberg birds are are unheard of, copper bears are extinct. variety is gone, and people still have the nerve to say they are good.

65+ dodge needs to be nerfed, birds 45 dodge buff and bears with 40 base dodge and 46 dodge from double stacked taunt and evade maxed out. skill damage needs to be lowered, armour raised, hp increased (and mana)?

and i have on last plea, STS i have been playing PL for over two years and have seen a once amazing and ejoyable game descend into anarchy. pvp takes no skill now (IMO), PvE is just repetitive and extremely tedious. please take some time to fix the game, balance PvP and make the game a more enjoyable experience.


04-02-2013, 09:05 AM
Gelio, there are iceberg birds that are heard of, i was in a match with 3 at one stage :/ and theyre pretty good, especially that Fearmymask guy hes too good for PL :P

04-02-2013, 09:07 AM
All of these "voodoos" use paw, or use pin but also have an fbow on hand, i, only have voodoo pin, yes at one stage i had a purp forg staff, but that was for like 2 days and i only bought it to merch it afterwards, which yes i did, same with a purp paw, i used it for like 2 fights then sold it

04-02-2013, 09:16 AM
Gelio, there are iceberg birds that are heard of, i was in a match with 3 at one stage :/ and theyre pretty good, especially that Fearmymask guy hes too good for PL :P

Isn't dat you, bro?

04-02-2013, 09:24 AM
^ ohh god no hes too good to be me *pfft*

04-02-2013, 09:48 AM
twinking in peril? all of pvp is in peril. 10-64 fbows, fbows and more fbows. 65+ dodge, dodge and more dodge.

i played 25, 30 and 35, and as expected it was full of fbows, voodoos are obsolete, iceberg birds are are unheard of, copper bears are extinct. variety is gone, and people still have the nerve to say they are good.

65+ dodge needs to be nerfed, birds 45 dodge buff and bears with 40 base dodge and 46 dodge from double stacked taunt and evade maxed out. skill damage needs to be lowered, armour raised, hp increased (and mana)?

and i have on last plea, STS i have been playing PL for over two years and have seen a once amazing and ejoyable game descend into anarchy. pvp takes no skill now (IMO), PvE is just repetitive and extremely tedious. please take some time to fix the game, balance PvP and make the game a more enjoyable experience.

I would really split it more at
10-49: forgotten bow
50-76: dodge
it does drastically explode at 65 with the buffs that weren't thought through by developers
but the number of drainers birds, scrapers mages, and strength glyph characters ruins a lot too