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View Full Version : its my rogue decent?

Mario Yang
03-28-2013, 12:28 PM
HI guys, i just wanted to know if my rogue its enough decent and tips to boost it. im lvl 25.

my stats are:
ST: 52 //health 1650
Dex: 300 // B.dmg: 250%; D: 25.84%; crit: 16.62%, Dmg: 129
INt: 21 // mana:335
Dps: 232

with this equip:
wp: agile lifethief of force (21)
hat: swirling lood of tactics (25)
armor: shipmaster doublet of stability (25)
ring: mystic chain of force (25)
neck: carnelian amulet of tides (25)

and this is my skills: 5 shadow pierce; 5 r.shield; 5 S.veil; 4 c.medic; 5 Pasive dex

I thinck +- good but I see sometimes I die to quick on stages of kraken isles...
sooo... theres any tip?

thanks in advance ;P

03-28-2013, 12:39 PM
Personally I would take the "Extra 3 seconds" off of SV, nerf SP down to 2/5. Then invest those into Knowledge 2/5 and Might 2/5. I can't really compare my build to yours, but it should help you stay alive and deal more DMG/bump up your low Mana.

03-28-2013, 01:27 PM
5/5 in Aimed Shot is the bread and butter of the rogue, so I would find a way to get that in. Start by ditching medic and stocking up on pots.

03-28-2013, 01:44 PM
Good catch Fluff ^^

03-28-2013, 02:09 PM
You definitely need to find a way to get 5/5 aimed shot in there and you don't need 5/5 rzr shield nor 5/5 shadow piercer.

03-28-2013, 02:35 PM
Try this for pve build.....

5/5-Aimed Shot
2/5-Noxious Bolt(Impact damage upgrade) OR 4/5 Noxious Bolt(Impact damage, increased poison damage, and longer poison duration...if you do this one, take off 2 passive int upgrades.)
3/5-Entangling Trap(Net pull and adept construction)
4/5-Shadow Veil(All upgrades except the explosion at the end, which is the second upgrade)

5/5-Agility Passive(Dexterity)
5/5-Intelligence Passive OR 3/5 if you chose the 4/5 noxious bolt.

If you chose the weaker nox bolt...when you level up add one might passive(strength) if you chose less int, stronger noxious bolt...add one more int passive.

If you find you still die way too often, you should sub out all int passives and make them might(strength) passives.

Don't be afraid to chug pots, it's what you're eventually going to have to do if you wanna run elites.

Hope I helped :)