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View Full Version : My event story.

03-28-2013, 03:11 PM
Ok cool i show up for St.paddys day, i find a shamrock antenna (even tho StS messes it up ever year by making clovers....derp) so i think ok thats alright. A few weeks later i show up for the easter event, find alot of bunny ears, dont bother getting any cause they dont look cool enough for me but its ok seeing people enjoying the event. And i missed out on every other event for the next two years. So basically every year i see THE SAME GOD, grrrr lemme calm down..........ok so i see the exact same vanities every year because theyre the only events i can show up for, so ahh yeah, thats my PL event vanity story....thx for listening and im sure its the same for alot of other people.

03-28-2013, 03:26 PM
speak for urself! this is my first event that i'm actually trying on, and i've looted 2 ears. Quickly sold one for 250k, other one going for 200k. that is the quickest and easiest 450k ever. VERY easy. events don't have to be new for u to enjoy, just enjoy the fact that easy farming can make u rich, rich RIIICH muahaha

03-30-2013, 09:23 AM
Lucky, oskitopee. Now they're going for 30-50k each. That just means I can hoard all of dem' and sell them later fo' mo' profit :)

03-30-2013, 09:30 AM
Lucky, oskitopee. Now they're going for 30-50k each. That just means I can hoard all of dem' and sell them later fo' mo' profit :)

Yeah, u had to sell quickly. I made 475k before the price dropped.

09-17-2013, 10:47 AM