View Full Version : I dont want to be alone :(

03-29-2013, 12:57 AM
Not sure if this is the right section to post this because it's not exactly about Arcane Legends but it's directed to AL players.

Well, if you dont know, Arcane Legends is the second games i've played from the "Legends" Series. The first one i played was Star Legends. I liked SL but when I found out about Arcane Legends i liked AL even more than SL. After playing AL for a hefty amount of time, i would like to try out other games in the Legends series. I tried DL not too long ago and enjoyed the variety of vanities.

The final game to try is the first one ever made... That's right, pocket legends! I would gladly like to immerse myself into this game, because i'm guessing it's the most developed. However, i dont want to be alone :(

I'm making this post to ask if you are an AL player out there, whom also plays PL, if you would like to assist me in my PL adventure so i'm not so nooby :P Just so i'm not lonely and i can be around experienced and familiar people. Thanks :D

03-29-2013, 02:57 PM
I can. Ill help you out for a bit, dont really play any legends games now but still have my accounts. Lemme know when your on

03-29-2013, 03:04 PM
I play all Sts games, PL, DL, SL, and AL.
Mostly AL and PL. I would love to play with you.
Add me - PL: Camedtemperr AL: Calmedfear
-Skull out.

03-29-2013, 03:22 PM
For some reason I love the sounds of PL, it made me hate the sounds of AL. The low quality of sound in PL gave it a positive atmosphere. Now the low quality sound in AL just annoys me...

03-29-2013, 03:26 PM
add me ingame, Mrkrone, Equeon, and ill send a few gifts your way, OP! ive been meaning to level up my fox, Mrkron, lvl 8, but this easter business has me tied up. :)

03-29-2013, 03:57 PM
I'll play with you... I'm still a noob tho, but 1 noob + another noob = a pro!
Oh and Lalarie

03-29-2013, 06:20 PM
I'll play with you! I haven't been in PL for a while, and helping out a friend is a good enough reason to come back!

IGN: Kalizza (mage), TheHeadache (bear), PolarShift (fox)

03-31-2013, 10:49 PM
Wow thanks! I will add you all, you guys are the best :o My ign will be vholt and i'll let you know in-game when a good time would be :D

04-01-2013, 09:01 AM
ive never played anyother "legends" let me know how ti is