View Full Version : The reason behind fbow (and guide how to kill)

03-29-2013, 01:16 AM
Ok hey guys i have recently gotten back into 30pvp i use brain-freeze wand set. But the one thing i dislike is peoples use of forgotten bows. They will say you cant afford one and rush you for that reason. But as mightymicah said you can nuke as a mage anyway so why even get a forg bow you just lose armor therefore making you squishier than you already are. Ok.... enough of rant now how to kill those fbows (if you didnt already know).

VS mages same level as you

ok so basically you will have more mana regen then the fbow player and you have about 20more armor than them'.
But they can still nuke you with 2autos and 1drain. So its simple to beat them , fbow mages will rely on drain so if you kite it and they miss thier drain shield and come in and nuke them.

VS bears

All bears at this level have a strong beckon and will generallly kill you with beckon, stomp. So again kite their beckon shield come in and nuke them but beware of hellscream because if it hits you are screwed.

VS birds

there are 2 options here for this scenario


ok so we have covered kiting alot you pretty much kite the whole time (fire ice drain). BUT if you go into the 10m range they will root you and you will die.


OK this is slightly harder because it requires extremely good timing.

You buff and MS run up fire ice so they miss initial combo. Then if you still have shield/or not run up and ice drain light fire heal and if they didnt dodge at all you will have killed them .If they dodged all heal drain ice fire light.

Thanks for reading. I know what pvp was like during sewer cap it was sooooo fun.
If you have any questions add me in-game '

~ talontank