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03-29-2013, 02:06 AM
Remember back when there was just pve.... remember the lbs in pve kills were dominated by warriors (minus patrick)...remeber when other classes complained warriors were too powerful and could kill multiple people... and that this was unfair (pve really? We are a team), and than remember how one update every warrior went down in dps and damage, and rouges and mages shot up like 200%.....now fast forward to pvp...now rouges are too powerful, can kill anything that walks, the kill count is ridiculous, (just how warriors pve count was) and the solution to that? ?? Lets nerf the warrior some more, get rids of their mana, and make them have higher mana output...our best skill has highest mana output, rouge best skill has the lowest mana output.. they took ourbest skill and made it unusable, and made it to where they can't kill anything. ...we went from killing everything to nothing. ...I remember a time we were nerfed for pve.....; (

03-29-2013, 07:04 AM
lol. good old days. The only problem right now its pve and pvp requires such different set of skills. as many players suggested if they give us a skill load up as the equips load up. things will b much smoother.

03-29-2013, 07:35 AM
its so boring to play warrior atm. especially PVP. you get like 3-5 kills a match, while rogues just run arround, spam AS and get 50-100 kills.
and warrior cant kill anything xD

sure we are tanks. but the damage output is ridiculous. a lvl13-15 rogue deals more damage than a lvl26 warrior ;)

so i created a rogue (i always played warrior). and yes, its 100x more fun then playing a warrior. coz u can kill enemies.
went into my first match, had like: 34 kills. cant remember when i had 34 kills with warrior ;)

many of my friends stopped playing warrior too. all went rogue. i wonder why warrior class is in this game atm ?

so please STS: please remove warrior from game. nobody needs the warriors. ;)

03-29-2013, 07:44 AM
Yeah I mean basically we can't tank anymore like we used to, we can't kill like we used to it takes three tanks to produce the damage one rouge does....im hopibg this being our world we get a nice little bump with new gear but I highly doubt it....in pve now my friends are like naw man, bot with ur tank, go get your rouge, lol... so lame. ...

03-29-2013, 07:47 AM
lol. good old days. The only problem right now its pve and pvp requires such different set of skills. as many players suggested if they give us a skill load up as the equips load up. things will b much smoother.

I made a brand new tank scritly for pve....im loading up on defensice skills and taunts, ( but I wont be able to kill ans help party out) but ill take few more hits.... weve always been high damage on SKILLS lower damage on dps.. rouges should be higher damage on dps lower damage on skills, and mages should be balance of both. I don't see the issue here.....

03-29-2013, 08:29 AM
Yeah I mean basically we can't tank anymore like we used to, we can't kill like we used to it takes three tanks to produce the damage one rouge does....im hopibg this being our world we get a nice little bump with new gear but I highly doubt it....in pve now my friends are like naw man, bot with ur tank, go get your rouge, lol... so lame. ...

I was on my warrior last night in pvp. He is level 21. I can't stand pve but anyway that's another topic. There seems to be a influx of sorcs. The funny thing. Now there are sorcs apologizing for getting the kill spam. I just found it funny. I keep telling don;t worry I will eventually get a kill with my wet noodle weapon.

Oh I swear they nerfed warrior damage again last update.

03-29-2013, 08:49 AM
They should bring in PVP load outs. Problem solved?

03-29-2013, 09:14 AM
This is what I did (sorry if it's sideways, haven't figured out how to turn it lol)

Anyways, it's decent health and armor and high dodge. Of course I have a hard time killing, even in regular maps, and I only have enough mana to use 3 skills 1x before needing to tap a pot, (but it refills quick when not engaged with enemies). But it actually dodges a lot so I can aggro and do what little damage I can while waiting for the heavy hitters to make the kills and not get hit.

The way it stands now with aggro, it's just not cool to have more than one warrior, the other warriors also pull aggro and the mobs redirect a lot creating a confusing mess or what they are hitting. This keeps me alive in pve, and not using a ton of pots. (still using them though!). I am using more mana pots, and a lot less health pots than I would with a damage build. But the gear to do this is EXTREMELY CHEAP.
I don't play pvp, but I am pretty sure this is a dead meat build for it :D

I don't think STS is going to allow different skill load out for pvp and pve. It would affect their revenue stream if people didn't have to change it.

03-29-2013, 09:21 AM
Ive never even pvpd ingame yet.....

03-29-2013, 11:16 AM
Mark, try lvl 16 pvp.

03-29-2013, 11:18 AM
Mark, try lvl 16 pvp. mark add me and gilbert - gilberts ign is Aimednuke

03-29-2013, 01:02 PM
Dont use ur taunt skill unless u are dealing dmg among ur group or it's necessary for pulling mobs. Otherwise u will find it almost like kamikaze.

03-29-2013, 02:17 PM
PVP was fun, because I killed everyone. Then after the update, it felt equal because I'd kill individuals in a close battle. And if it was 2 vs Me I would put up a good fight and die while have done some damage. Now after the latest update, I quit PVP because I'll deal damage and be near death in seconds and once I take someone's health down 3/4 some rouge will come and steal the kill. :(

03-29-2013, 02:20 PM
Rouges are just to quick and powerful. What were the developers thinking...
"People say Warriors are to powerful!"
"Ok, let's make it so they deal less damage and their Mana depletes extremely fast"
"GOOD IDEA! While we are at it, lets make it so Sorcerers and Rouges DPS is crazy high!"
"Nice people will love it!"

03-29-2013, 02:51 PM
umm try a dif build dark. Idid a few runs with a couple warrios in my guild who had higher dmg/dps then my sorc.

03-29-2013, 06:22 PM
umm try a dif build dark. Idid a few runs with a couple warrios in my guild who had higher dmg/dps then my sorc.

2. Options with this, you're either lying or your sorcerer is horriable lol. There is no way a lvl 26 warrior and lvl 26 sorcerer have anywhere NEAR the same DPS

03-29-2013, 06:38 PM
My dps with mali is 207.0... I have 4140 armor.... you find a warrior with better stats you let me know, only kills a warrior can get is after a rouge weakeabs it I have to guess. When life is down and axe throw to steal it...80% OF TIME they die before I can react

03-29-2013, 07:01 PM
@jackyll. Nah not lying lol, wish i was. Im 25 though dmg about 165-170 and dps around 200-205, crap gear. Warrio had 182-185 dmg and 207-210 dps. I was just as shocked

03-29-2013, 08:02 PM
My dps with mali is 207.0... I have 4140 armor.... you find a warrior with better stats you let me know, only kills a warrior can get is after a rouge weakeabs it I have to guess. When life is down and axe throw to steal it...80% OF TIME they die before I can react

4140 armor ok

03-29-2013, 08:07 PM
My dps with mali is 207.0... I have 4140 armor.... you find a warrior with better stats you let me know, only kills a warrior can get is after a rouge weakeabs it I have to guess. When life is down and axe throw to steal it...80% OF TIME they die before I can react

4140 armor ok Guessing he meant 4140 hp

03-29-2013, 10:28 PM
All things go in cycles. I am sure warriors will get their chance to be on top again in the future.
In season one, no one wanted to be a rogue, and everyone wanted to be a warrior. In season
two everyone wanted to be either a rogue or a warrior and no one wanted to be a mage. Now
warriors seem to be on the bottom. Just stick it out. Us mages endured a season and a half
of being a class that very few people wanted to play. I myself just considered it a challenge,
but I am happy that mages are again becoming more of a viable class that people want to
play. Don't give up hope. I am sure things will get better again for warriors too.

03-29-2013, 11:18 PM
All things go in cycles. I am sure warriors will get their chance to be on top again in the future.
In season one, no one wanted to be a rogue, and everyone wanted to be a warrior. In season
two everyone wanted to be either a rogue or a warrior and no one wanted to be a mage. Now
warriors seem to be on the bottom. Just stick it out. Us mages endured a season and a half
of being a class that very few people wanted to play. I myself just considered it a challenge,
but I am happy that mages are again becoming more of a viable class that people want to
play. Don't give up hope. I am sure things will get better again for warriors too.

Completely agree. Hehe, in time more updates bumping the warrior up will come, hey, next season is all about the warrior. Maybe its our time to shine again, eh? I admit, playing as a warrior in pvp is extremely hard, I call myself the walking meatsack, because thats basically my main use. Hehe, just absord damage, get a few kills when im alone, but mainly protect others. Its not bad to me, but if you wish for kills, warrior is definitely not something to play as in pvp. I still get kills, but great effort is put forth into doing so, and if paired with a rogue, you have to really try hard to keep your kill. Hehe. Though, if your looking for easy & fun kills, Rogue or mage for that, hehe. I've been doing a bit of 1v1s' lately as well, my lord, my thumb hurt after the warr vs. warr ones, then the same warr I fought against goes against a rogue, and the rogue kills him in 7 seconds, compared to my 5 minutes fighting him. Was awe aspiring to me how fast a rogue could kill him, haha.

03-29-2013, 11:38 PM
Warrs still get ok kb's ONLY when paired with a team of other warrs...

It's pretty ridiculous that my 25 rogue can put on str/int gear...have trap/bomb pve spec...go against lvl 26's...and still beat out my lvl 26 endgame geared (minus mythic helm) warr by 35 kbs minimum. It's not like the rogue is even getting more deaths atm...like during 21 cap.

I don't feel that warrs are weak- just that trying to snag kb's from 250% on crit classes is like trying to walk on water.

03-30-2013, 06:30 AM
Well, I play all 3 classes and I feel the warriors, too xD

Ofc warriors can't even kill a a fly atm but that was the intention I guess?
Make the warrior the support class who can take the damage... Well ... Works out for pve maybe but...
Not for PVP!!!
Once a proud warrior who can go up 1vs1 anytime to 'omg, a rogue! I have to run if I don't wanna die' -.-
Even mages can kill warriors at low lvl PVP in 1vs1 situations because the damage output of warriors is hilarious ^_^
But the worst are all the insults from rogue players...
- Running again, Noob?
- All u can do is hide, loser
- vs me noob
Sounds familiar?
Since the update I haven't beat a single (experienced) rogue if they are the same lvl as me (spawn room matches).
It's just because I can't deal enough damage to kill them before they can use their medipacks

What works is 2vs2, maybe that was the intention? So warriors have to stick to other players in order to survive lol

Wait, lemme think..
1) take away the crit on dark watch swords
2) nerf the windmill
3) take away mana from VB (bad idea --> in order to refill mana u need to get hit... Nice ur bar is full after they killed u lol)

Well, what warriors can do is try to endure it or play other classes for a little while :)
Don't give up, warriors might get a boost with the next expansion ^_^

03-30-2013, 08:59 AM
Remember back when there was just pve.... remember the lbs in pve kills were dominated by warriors (minus patrick)...remeber when other classes complained warriors were too powerful and could kill multiple people... and that this was unfair (pve really? We are a team), and than remember how one update every warrior went down in dps and damage, and rouges and mages shot up like 200%.....now fast forward to pvp...now rouges are too powerful, can kill anything that walks, the kill count is ridiculous, (just how warriors pve count was) and the solution to that? ?? Lets nerf the warrior some more, get rids of their mana, and make them have higher mana output...our best skill has highest mana output, rouge best skill has the lowest mana output.. they took ourbest skill and made it unusable, and made it to where they can't kill anything. ...we went from killing everything to nothing. ...I remember a time we were nerfed for pve.....; (

PAHAHA! It just takes skill... Danishviking is 15k and 1200, leader of mythic twinks is 26k and 3k. Both warriors..better than any rogue. Gf

03-30-2013, 01:27 PM
PAHAHA! It just takes skill... Danishviking is 15k and 1200, leader of mythic twinks is 26k and 3k. Both warriors..better than any rogue. Gf

This is about end ganers, not twinks....i played one hour in twinking and was 132-3 lol... there's no challenge its easy to get kills. . That's NOT skill ... and right now it takes zero skill to be a endgame rouge...its really sad how much banter is going from rouges in pvp games calling tanks sidt, the other day one said, wow your a noob, can you get one kill, your whole team is getting all the kills" it just sucks, u have abyssal sword mythic grear etc. .. and still such against lvl 25 base model rouges, this wasntb the case before nerf

03-30-2013, 02:15 PM
I've pvp with my warrior and i gave up!

03-30-2013, 02:26 PM
This is about end ganers, not twinks....i played one hour in twinking and was 132-3 lol... there's no challenge its easy to get kills. . That's NOT skill ... and right now it takes zero skill to be a endgame rouge...its really sad how much banter is going from rouges in pvp games calling tanks sidt, the other day one said, wow your a noob, can you get one kill, your whole team is getting all the kills" it just sucks, u have abyssal sword mythic grear etc. .. and still such against lvl 25 base model rouges, this wasntb the case before nerf

I am there with you. I remember last season boastful rogues and warriors giving me lots of grief, eg how bad
my k/d was or how annoying I was because I was like fly stealing kills and never going 1v1. You just have
to ignore all those losers. Most of them have no idea what they are talking about and are just testosterone
filled teenage boys with no other place to vent their agression. I myself just learned to be happy being
more of a team player (or kill stealer as some viewed it) and keeping my k/d between 1/1 and 2/1.

03-31-2013, 01:27 AM
I am there with you. I remember last season boastful rogues and warriors giving me lots of grief, eg how bad
my k/d was or how annoying I was because I was like fly stealing kills and never going 1v1. You just have
to ignore all those losers. Most of them have no idea what they are talking about and are just testosterone
filled teenage boys with no other place to vent their agression. I myself just learned to be happy being
more of a team player (or kill stealer as some viewed it) and keeping my k/d between 1/1 and 2/1.

So true, especially on the teen part... Had a recent pvp today... A group of Twinks devoted to this nonsense came up, all teens, of course, with their "noob, cant beat us, we win this pvp, we own here." Nonsense, meanwhile, the warriors were the meatshields spamming horn, while 3 rogues lay behind shooting away. Much trash talk in that pvp, its unbelievable the arrogance that some players behold... It is hard to keep shut, after all the insults are spit out towards you, but everyone must learn to stay jubilant and continue on hehe.