View Full Version : Curious about endgame >.<

03-29-2013, 08:44 PM
Why the hate? Show me the LOVE <3
Why is everyone rushing or trashing the new generation? Give them a chance
Why the Trash Talk? Just a game

Behind every character there is a human being, they do have feelings right?? SAY NO TO BULLYING!!

03-29-2013, 08:53 PM
Lol, IKR everyone is not saint, but if anyone pretends to be and try to teach others, he has to follow it first, otherwise it's called hyprocrit I guess.

03-29-2013, 10:41 PM
Yeah, that's why my favorite pvper (Paahud) Is my favorite... He taught me how to pvp and eventually I became a decent pvper... Now I think I would be an untalented rusher if I was rushed and was never taught different.