View Full Version : Ribbit's Arcane Ability

03-30-2013, 05:07 PM
A few of you may have noticed, and my guild mate told me a few days ago that Ribbit's arcane ability easy not working and I tried it a few times and hr is correct it just doesn't show up or anything. Kind of annoying as the arcane ability sounds pretty cool. Also, there is a few bugs with quests not completing.

04-01-2013, 10:36 AM
It does work. Use it and hit the I key to see your stats, you'll see the crit chance is higher.

His little crit buff icon is missing, though. We'll fix that.

04-08-2013, 10:35 AM
Ribbit is bugged. It buffs the player who is closer to it even if the owner is in range of its arcane ability effect. I have tested it several times with two friends.

04-08-2013, 04:05 PM
Ribbit is bugged. It buffs the player who is closer to it even if the owner is in range of its arcane ability effect. I have tested it several times with two friends.

Yep as a mage I love it when I am on an elite map with someone with Ribbit. Since both me and Ribbit have ranged attacks, I am usually closer to him than his owner and love watching the crits roll with the time skill after the owner has used the arcane ability :)

Otawaazavie, did you test this in PvE or PvP? I feel bad for anyone using this pet in PvP if it works like that there too...

04-08-2013, 04:16 PM
I have only tested it in pve but I'm sure it works the same in pvp xD