View Full Version : Guild Suggestions

03-31-2013, 03:46 AM

First of all thank you for clicking this thread and taking the time to read what i have to say :)

I think its time to add on more guild ranks to the guilds. And ability's to those ranks. Dont you think?

Here are the Ranks that would be added:


Head Officers.

And the Ability's that would be added:

Promote ability. would be given to Co-GMs and Head Officers.

Mute ability. A new ability that I have suggested in the past you can find out more info about it here: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?87204-Mute-Ability (http://http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?87204-Mute-Ability)
It would be given to Guild Masters, Co-GMs, Head Officers, and Officers.

Adding these ranks and ability's, and giving those ability's to these ranks helps out everyone in the guild. How? Like this:

Co-GM. Would be able to Promote guild members to Officers and Recruiters as well as Remove, and Mute(if added) guildies

Head Officers. Would be able to promote guild members to Recruiters, as well as have the ability to Remove and Mute (if added)

Officers. Would just be given the ability to Remove and Mute (if added)

Guild masters who have busy life's and cannot get online as much as other guildies in the guild will be benefit knowing that there is a Co-GM and Head Officers there for those members who are proving themselves to the guild awaiting a promotion. But they wont be the only ones benefiting, more Ranks means more positions to be filled in. It will give guild Members and Recruiters something to aim for in every guild. :)

I hope you like what i had to say. I know i might not be the only one who has suggested something like this or similar to this. I just thought these ideas were good and had to put them out there.

Thank you all who took the time read this :)

03-31-2013, 08:44 AM
so smart sir.. great idea really!!! makes sense to be able to promote since ppl all over the world play, and its doubtful the master would be kn at 4am his time to promote tbose other players!!!

03-31-2013, 09:34 AM
Ya.. great idea my friend: ) that will help a lot but i think... thats better have one powerful master than two less powerful co masters... yknow what i mean... tho that what u have shown above its great idea: )

Dead: )

03-31-2013, 01:05 PM
lol i've never been a master nor an officer.. so long i've only been a recruiter, so i don't really know what they can do and can not do :chuncky:

but i guess its a good idea though :D

03-31-2013, 10:29 PM