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View Full Version : Am I... doing it wrong?

04-01-2013, 12:00 PM
Ok. So - I'm not new to the game. I have decent stats for my capped 26 rogue, but I still seem to be low on the actual damage I output.

Am I not using the right tactic when fighting?

For instance:
Southern Seas PUG Elite: Corner (I hate the corner, but it's what everyone does)

Spam Autoattack and uncharged aimed shot until the crowd builds up
Then I use skills as follows:
Charged smoke,
Charged Entangle
blade barrier,
aimed shot
spam uncharged attackand aimed shot until entangle returns, then charge and drop another net
spam uncharged attack and aimed shot

basically repeating my other skills as they become available...

What exactly am I doing wrong? It seems like I get into a group with other rogues who have lower DPS than I, and yet somehow we clear things sooooo much faster... Am I doing something wrong? Is it just the PUG I'm getting into sucks and it's not me?

I don't know... best run for Southerseas for me was like 4 mins and change...
typicaly run is like 10 minutes...

Someone help me out?

oh... I use lv 26 depraved blades of Potency and I have Malison or Horton and I use their skills regularly
I also have lv 25 Slicing Flintlocks of Potency and don't see much of a major difference between the two other than the proc every once in a while hitting like a crit.

04-01-2013, 12:35 PM
everything looks fine. Is ur damage around 200? Don't worry too much about dps, you want high damage so ur skills hit harder. It will go faster with more rogues in the group. The more rogues the faster everything goes.

04-01-2013, 01:50 PM
everything looks fine. Is ur damage around 200? Don't worry too much about dps, you want high damage so ur skills hit harder. It will go faster with more rogues in the group. The more rogues the faster everything goes.

I don't have the BEST gear in the game, but I also don't have the worst - I see higher Damage on myself than on most rogues that pop into Elite Seas with me... somehow though - they seem to clear mobs faster than I... curious.

Unbuffed with Malison
Flintlocks (tactics... poor rogue's flints...) I'm at 189.9
DBP I'm at 194.7

04-01-2013, 03:15 PM
You dont need to charge entangle, and you could drop razor shield for either nox or pierce. Other than that you sound fine.

04-01-2013, 08:47 PM
bow of tactics

04-01-2013, 09:19 PM
Dont drop razor it is one of your best AoE skill that you can use.. Wat i do is i try to time Ribbits arcane Along with Razor shield and see those crits number fly.. My current dps is 435 average time with group is around more than 3mins

04-01-2013, 10:11 PM
They probably have AoE damage pets or maybe pets that give additional dmg and crit?

04-02-2013, 01:09 PM
Maybe its not about you, but about party build.
With 2 rogues its faster than with 1. 1 warrior is the best tactic for speed.. But not always he can keep evryone alive alone :-)

04-02-2013, 02:30 PM
I actually adjusted some of my tactics and it seems to be working a little better...

- I no longer charge the Net
- I used the Flintlocks until the MOBS start getting singled out at which point I swap to Depraved blades
- I time the AOE bladespin skill right after a successful aimed shot, thus increasing my chance for crits

I've also noticed that the Barrel Explosion PROC for the Flintlocks of Tactics is pretty rare - in fact I'm not sure I've ever seen it proc the barrel explosion... perhaps I'm just missing it - however I'm curious if the proc rate is the same on the Tactics / Assault / Potency version or if they vary... Guess that's a whole other thread :)

Thanks for the help guys - I've been seeing 6 - 7 minute runs since I changed up my game and yes - it seems I was doing it wrong :P

04-03-2013, 04:22 AM
There's a lot of factors..

-Pet lvl, and ofc what pet you use. Do you use pet arcane ability, check what ability it has when lvled up and if it boost you/party and is useful to your skill setup and spec.
-Use pots! Don't just autoattack when oom..
-Fire off arcane shot as soon as its ready! Prio! The crit boost stacks, so you can have insane crit % if you do this :)
-Be sure your spec is good and that you understand your skills.

04-03-2013, 09:17 AM
It might be because their damage might be bigger than yours,
high damage = high skill damage.

04-03-2013, 10:02 AM
Though I don't use Trap anymore, I'd suggest you charge everytime for the "Bleed" effect. From your rotation, I can see you are an Elite "Support" Assassin. While there is nothing wrong with this you also can't expect to deal more damage than those who don't really make it a priority to buff (SV) and lay traps. I roll elite dives with a full out bow build. All bow skills + SV, 220+ DMG and a pet who has a AOE ability or passive (Clyde, Mali or Wrathjaw). For bosses I equip a pet who hits a single target hard (McCraw or Granite). With Elite Mobs, I pop smoke and bow away. If you hit Aim Shot the second it lights up you can get up to 50% crit. Pop smoke, uncharged AS, uncharged Nox, AS, Charged SSS and repeat. Arrows fly out so fast it looks like your toon is glitched. Add normal shots from Shipmaster's bow of Force between cool downs. Eats your mana, but knocks mobs out fast. Hope it helps.

04-03-2013, 12:41 PM
Though I don't use Trap anymore, I'd suggest you charge everytime for the "Bleed" effect. From your rotation, I can see you are an Elite "Support" Assassin. While there is nothing wrong with this you also can't expect to deal more damage than those who don't really make it a priority to buff (SV) and lay traps. I roll elite dives with a full out bow build. All bow skills + SV, 220+ DMG and a pet who has a AOE ability or passive (Clyde, Mali or Wrathjaw). For bosses I equip a pet who hits a single target hard (McCraw or Granite). With Elite Mobs, I pop smoke and bow away. If you hit Aim Shot the second it lights up you can get up to 50% crit. Pop smoke, uncharged AS, uncharged Nox, AS, Charged SSS and repeat. Arrows fly out so fast it looks like your toon is glitched. Add normal shots from Shipmaster's bow of Force between cool downs. Eats your mana, but knocks mobs out fast. Hope it helps.

Damn you, after speccing my rogue with SV,Trap & Razor, I like the sound of this now!

04-03-2013, 12:55 PM
Damn you, after speccing my rogue with SV,Trap & Razor, I like the sound of this now!

Lol, I mean there isnt a "wrong" build. It's just depends on what you're comfortable with. I just like dealing max damage (besides poping smoke to make things easy for tanks). I don't even know how to use daggers anymore..lol. If you do use them I think Razor is best for swiming through mobs. As for me... Codename: Master Bowman...lol.

Btw Eve, you have to add me to you Tank account so we can run some Elite.

04-03-2013, 12:59 PM
Lol, I mean there isnt a "wrong" build. It's just depends on what you're comfortable with. I just like dealing max damage (besides poping smoke to make things easy for tanks). Codename: Master Bowman...lol.

Btw Eve, you have to add me to you Tank account so we can run some Elite.

Im 25 with my Rogue acc now as well so I can run elites on either, no more hauntlet! (Although my rogue will get hammered at the moment cause of my gear and setup)

04-04-2013, 01:48 PM
Though I don't use Trap anymore, I'd suggest you charge everytime for the "Bleed" effect. From your rotation, I can see you are an Elite "Support" Assassin. While there is nothing wrong with this you also can't expect to deal more damage than those who don't really make it a priority to buff (SV) and lay traps. I roll elite dives with a full out bow build. All bow skills + SV, 220+ DMG and a pet who has a AOE ability or passive (Clyde, Mali or Wrathjaw). For bosses I equip a pet who hits a single target hard (McCraw or Granite). With Elite Mobs, I pop smoke and bow away. If you hit Aim Shot the second it lights up you can get up to 50% crit. Pop smoke, uncharged AS, uncharged Nox, AS, Charged SSS and repeat. Arrows fly out so fast it looks like your toon is glitched. Add normal shots from Shipmaster's bow of Force between cool downs. Eats your mana, but knocks mobs out fast. Hope it helps.

So - I tried the above, and here's what I've found.

My run times are almost identical with PUGS if I use Flints for the crowd and Depraved for the boss or Flints for the crowd and Bow for boss.

In fact - I switched to Ribbit, and after I started using him, stacking aimed shot, I've seen my crit % get as high as 83%... so - Definitely not losing the AOE blade spin attack, combine that with Ribbit's +40% crits and then AOE Flintlocks OMG... devastation, when my net pulls them in I hit the blades and ribbit and watch the blood fly.

Consistent times of 5 minutes in PUGS with 3 warriors and me we can do it in 6 mins if they can keep the MOBs off of me... and I stay alive. I'm getting better... I think I was doing it wrong...

04-04-2013, 02:20 PM
So - I tried the above, and here's what I've found.

My run times are almost identical with PUGS if I use Flints for the crowd and Depraved for the boss or Flints for the crowd and Bow for boss.

In fact - I switched to Ribbit, and after I started using him, stacking aimed shot, I've seen my crit % get as high as 83%... so - Definitely not losing the AOE blade spin attack, combine that with Ribbit's +40% crits and then AOE Flintlocks OMG... devastation, when my net pulls them in I hit the blades and ribbit and watch the blood fly.

Consistent times of 5 minutes in PUGS with 3 warriors and me we can do it in 6 mins if they can keep the MOBs off of me... and I stay alive. I'm getting better... I think I was doing it wrong...

Sounds good to me. How are you speced that you could achieve 220+ damage without having top gear?

04-04-2013, 02:21 PM
Though I don't use Trap anymore, I'd suggest you charge everytime for the "Bleed"

Charging isn't needed for any skills on trap, and the only upgrades you should get for trap are adept construction and net retraction. 2% damage passive would do more damage than those two upgrades.

04-04-2013, 03:21 PM
Arthas said his damage is 220+ my unbuffed is like 194 or so

04-04-2013, 03:40 PM
Charging isn't needed for any skills on trap, and the only upgrades you should get for trap are adept construction and net retraction. 2% damage passive would do more damage than those two upgrades.

Shows what I know, havent used it in forever. I stand corrected Sir.

04-08-2013, 02:26 PM
Shows what I know, havent used it in forever. I stand corrected Sir.

Your build apparently works well for you, so doesn't matter. I like the idea of SSS too...I may use it next time I spec.