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View Full Version : Keep disconnecting.. :(

04-01-2013, 03:09 PM
Hello there everybody.. i have posted already thread like this, but didnt got any usefull answer, So im gonna try again. :)

So, the problem is that when im playing from my phone.. galaxy s3, i keep disconnecting verry much and idk whats the problem.. sometimes i even get d/c every 2min. Its impossible to play.. i have got many times d/c when there is left some hits for elite bosses.. its rlly sad + my teammates dont have warr. For the run.. :/ And the thingy is, when i play from pc with the same connection.. i havent dced never.. but why? Its the same connection. One friend of mine told that i should force stop game and clean the cache.. i did it.. and it helped for 1day lol...

So guys.. i hope someone will help me. :)

Have a nice day :)

04-02-2013, 08:49 AM
I am also facing the same problem,,, it's frustrating.... Still working on it...