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View Full Version : New Nordic Gear in The Store and Locked Crates, also New Pirate Vanity Now Available!

04-04-2013, 11:07 AM

The Arcane Legends in-game Store has been updated with all new Nordic Weapons and Armor.
Locked Grand Crates of the Watch have had their Pirate Gear replaced with new Nordic Weapons and Armor.

This new Nordic Gear heralds the coming Battle for Nordr (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?90420-Battle-for-Nordr-Expansion-Coming-to-Arcane-Legends-in-Late-April) expansion that will be available later this month!

Note: The statistics of these items stay in a consistent range with store purchased gear. If you are already geared up with Elite Legendary, Mythic or Arcane rarity items, these new Store items may not be very interesting to you for their stats.

New Nordic Armor in The Store:


New Weapons - From the Weapon Packs
These packs have the Warrior Sword 'n Shield, Rogue Bow and Sorcerer Gun

Sword 'n Shield has a proc that, when it goes off, grants 5% dodge, 200 HP, small + dmg boost and will reflect some damage back at the attacker upon being hit.

Sorcerer Gun that has a chance to proc on a fully charged attack a damaging hit of electricity that will also hit nearby targets in an AOE around the target.

Rogue Bow that has a chance to proc on a fully charged attack an 8 sec buff that adds + to movement speed, +5% crit, + dex and +mana regen that scales with INT.

New Weapons - From the Mystery Packs
These packs have a chance to give Warrior 2 hand axe, Rogue hand axes and Sorcerer staff

Warrior 2H Axe - has a chance to proc 25% armor reduction on the target for a brief duration.

Sorcerer Staff - has a chance to proc a buff on the weilder that grants +INT, +DEX and returns some Mana.

Rogue Hand Axes - has a chance to proc a blast of fire on their target.

New Armor Available in Locked Grand Crates of the Watch

Radiant Sets


Bonechill Sets


New Pirate Vanity


04-04-2013, 08:32 PM
Anyone else find it funny that they only show the backside of the rouge? lol the new equipment and vanities look awesome though.

04-04-2013, 09:20 PM
yeah lol. all lit up :D
i'm gonna buy the warrior vanity :triumphant: imo that looks the best.

04-04-2013, 09:56 PM
I don't like it, what happened to different gear for different classes, really lame. ..in pl and sl, all classes looked different. .. for example in sl vanity cap helms all were unique to each class .. weapons were different, in sl, on commando (tank) two handed weapons gave aoe, lower dps but more damage...one handed weapon gave more dps less damage no aoe, two handed guns gave even more dps, moee damage, but less armor since no shield....and a tank had options..... now its either a tank (sword and shield no damage at all), or a two handed sword....all the gear like mythic helm, and vanities are the same. ...rogues got ninja suit , but what did warrior and mafes get? A blue suit looks just like berserkrer.... we are remaking same levels just putting snow on them......suits look same, weaopns all look the same, levels now look the same :/ I mean every single sword and axe looks identical, that wasnt even remotely the case in pl.i xouls get same sword with different procs (shadow, fire, ice, etc)... very dissapointiong in game that had so much potential to be way better than pl...no variety..

04-04-2013, 10:09 PM
I don't like it, what happened to different gear for different classes, really lame. ..in pl and sl, all classes looked different. .. for example in sl vanity cap helms all were unique to each class .. weapons were different, in sl, on commando (tank) two handed weapons gave aoe, lower dps but more damage...one handed weapon gave more dps less damage no aoe, two handed guns gave even more dps, moee damage, but less armor since no shield....and a tank had options..... now its either a tank (sword and shield no damage at all), or a two handed sword....all the gear like mythic helm, and vanities are the same. ...rogues got ninja suit , but what did warrior and mafes get? A blue suit looks just like berserkrer.... we are remaking same levels just putting snow on them......suits look same, weaopns all look the same, levels now look the same :/ I mean every single sword and axe looks identical, that wasnt even remotely the case in pl.i xouls get same sword with different procs (shadow, fire, ice, etc)... very dissapointiong in game that had so much potential to be way better than pl...no variety..

I totally agree with u , i wanted to write a thread about this, but i did 1st lol .. :) hehe But anyway, he is right, it would be alot cooler if there would be a different items for each class.. its getting boring abit, cuz all is the same.. :/ Sorry i dnt say that the game is bad or smthing like that .. but u guys should change the look of gear, at least abit, cuz really everyhing is the same.. i would be so happy if mage,rogue,war. would have different mythic helms armors and all the stuff, but im afraid it wont happane never.. :/

04-04-2013, 11:31 PM
Good job designing the mage staff

04-04-2013, 11:37 PM
Very nice designs on the new items:)

04-05-2013, 12:19 AM
Nordic helm looks like children's birthday party paper masks, imo.

04-05-2013, 01:41 AM
the nordic gear for mages seems to have high armor compare to the sealord sets... but then intelligent and dex is quite low... for nordic sets..

04-05-2013, 03:55 AM
50 platinum for the pirate vanity set...

04-05-2013, 03:39 PM
I was wondering if we were getting a double exp weekend maybe?

04-06-2013, 03:44 AM
Looks awesome, canīt wait until the update :0... Hope they do a new lord design, like warlord or beastlord :P

04-09-2013, 06:58 PM
Hahahahahaha yeah, I think it's funny :D

04-10-2013, 02:45 AM
Seems like the 50 Plat for the ninja set has been the first step to a constant price increase :disturbed:.

04-11-2013, 11:50 AM
I figured it would be 50 for each special vanity like warrior story , rouge story , and mage . Whats this prices about guys?

04-12-2013, 12:48 AM
I think the developers really need to start thinking out of the box. Instead of doing the same thing in every expansion. U guys really need to start doing something new. Like if u get to a certain level it unlocks a new character that u can choose. Make more characters. Do a cross bread between the warrior an rogue. Or rogue an sorcerer. And another crucial update we need is new powers for the characters. Give all the classes an extra power to use where u can summon gods or demons or u have an extra power that ur character turns into a beast an has super powers for 10 sec or so. Thats what this game really need for a new expansion. Put a lil face lift on the game so ppl dont get bored with it.

04-22-2013, 05:31 AM
Can you make a hair vanity with just the lights and fire but without the clumsy hat and eyepatch? I like the effect a lot but not the whole pirate theme. Will definitely buy for 50 plats.