View Full Version : Website Themes

10-05-2010, 09:46 PM
my suggestion is that as each expansion is realeased/about to be released, the banner at the top of the website could have pictures associated with the expansion, such as ao3, you could have som ealiens and the overlord on the banner, as well as a pricetag, release date, and the full name of the expansion. this would also be good for advertising upcoming expansions.this could work for holidays such as christmas and easter.
later on, you guys should also have a forum revamp/overhaul

edit: also the forums need some moderators who can delete spam/useless threads and move threads to the right forum, these could be well known people from the community, like royce and yanise

10-05-2010, 10:07 PM
I think the Devs moderate just fine. We already have ego-inflated game hosts that boot with their change in attitude. I dont think the forums should be moderated by these self-named elite.