View Full Version : Variations

04-06-2013, 05:33 AM
Star legends most say "it's just a game,"but for others it's a place where we've had good friendships and even better moments. Many deeply care about this game and it's as to see what's happening here.
Now this thread isn't to flame or troll it's simply to get further information on star legends at the moment.

Futhermore, this game is been neglected for quite a while now. 'Updates are as rare as a X-ray drop'. In addition, when there are updates they are only 'recycled'. Sure, this is fair to the new players, but is it much to ask for new vanities in the event or different colors? It's like over printing money we all know that doing that makes the money worthless. So when there are 2012 and 2013 bunny ears the bunny ears worth goes down.
These are some ideas I've heard:
• A summer event this would be a first.
• A new cap expansion
• 1 or 2 new classes.. This would really excite the game :)

Gamers who still care about star legends please leave a comment of your ideas and best of all questions. Here's a few I came up with:
What is in store for star legends?
When is the new cap expansion?
(Answer is one of these options) :, 2-3 months, 4-6 months, more then 6 months
Please devs answer these questions.

04-06-2013, 04:46 PM
What I would like the next expansion to be is a journey to the Scorn homeworld or mothership. We can attack them where they live, and rid the galaxy of those villains once and for all! I think it would be cool for there to be a level which is like a large maze, and players would have to go through it, destroying power cells along the way. When we destroy them all, a big central door opens up where we fight a tough Scorn boss, maybe a large creature inspired by the Mark of the Warfather or Scorn Breather vanities. Think of something like the Dead Man Cave level, but bigger! :D

Also, the next expansion will have to add passive skills, because we can already almost max out the eight skills we have.

04-06-2013, 04:49 PM
What I would like the next expansion to be is a journey to the Scorn homeworld or mothership. We can attack them where they live, and rid the galaxy of those villains once and for all! I think it would be cool for there to be a level which is like a large maze, and players would have to go through it, destroying power cells along the way. When we destroy them all, a big central door opens up where we fight a tough Scorn boss, maybe a large creature inspired by the Mark of the Warfather or Scorn Breather vanities. Think of something like the Dead Man Cave level, but bigger! :D

Also, the next expansion will have to add passive skills, because we can already almost max out the eight skills we have.

imo im sick of scorn, and to be reused in 3 level caps.. :/ I like the maze idea though :p I would love to have something like underwater,would be fun :)

04-06-2013, 05:00 PM
imo im sick of scorn, and to be reused in 3 level caps.. :/ I like the maze idea though :p I would love to have something like underwater,would be fun :)
I'm sick of the Scorn too, but after the Crusade and the latest quests, it doesn't feel like we completely beat them. That's why I say we get rid of them for good next time! :D

I like the underwater idea too, but I'm not sure STS has the technology to pull off something like that. I know they could create an icy planet though, and that would be cool! (pun intended) :p

04-06-2013, 06:27 PM
Why they cant raise the level cap like 3 times in one update? So after next update cap would be like 76?

04-06-2013, 06:30 PM
Why they cant raise the level cap like 3 times in one update? So after next update cap would be like 76?


04-06-2013, 07:07 PM
I'm sick of the Scorn too, but after the Crusade and the latest quests, it doesn't feel like we completely beat them. That's why I say we get rid of them for good next time! :D

I like the underwater idea too, but I'm not sure STS has the technology to pull off something like that. I know they could create an icy planet though, and that would be cool! (pun intended) :p

I always love a good ice map in a game :) hmm maybe we travel to like a frozen planet and the final boss is a gigantic scorn yeti..? or a wooly zyrah lol as long as the regular enemies arnt actual scorns=_= if so at least add like frozen armor,weps, or even just add santa beards to them...anything that's new :(

04-06-2013, 07:11 PM
White coloured scorns of course.

04-06-2013, 08:09 PM
White coloured scorns of course.

already got those smh. id prefer them cooler like frozen spikes coming out of them or something..

04-07-2013, 08:49 AM
why they cant raise the level cap like 3 times in one update? So after next update cap would be like 76?


Made my day.

04-08-2013, 05:27 PM
why they cant raise the level cap like 3 times in one update? So after next update cap would be like 76?

lmfao! Omg.

04-08-2013, 05:37 PM
I,think,they,should make an,rpg style lvl that requires teamwork to,complete :D for nxt lvl expansion and,like,puzzles like what fantasia,jst mentioned to get to nxt area

04-09-2013, 08:10 AM
I always love a good ice map in a game :) hmm maybe we travel to like a frozen planet and the final boss is a gigantic scorn yeti..? or a wooly zyrah lol as long as the regular enemies arnt actual scorns=_= if so at least add like frozen armor,weps, or even just add santa beards to them...anything that's new :(

Did you guys notice? Zyra looks a bit like nikki minaj! Anyway Yea Ice world idea is cool.
