View Full Version : wheres my clock?

04-07-2013, 09:45 AM
My clock isnt working ever since i woke up today. Ran Miner Problem, and 75% of the time no clock would drop, no damage or damage over time from clock, but spell casted and is cooling down. Any mage can tell you, clock on cooldown = death so im not happy about it this morning....

04-07-2013, 05:24 PM
Some known issues with regards to skills not working when casted, though you only see the graphical animation. Hope it gets fixed soon.

04-07-2013, 06:15 PM
I've noticed something lately with time shift. Sometimes it doesn't appear because you got hit right when you released, but lately there's been a few times where it just doesn't appear, or appears late (like seconds late).

04-07-2013, 06:27 PM
I have mentioned the same problem in several threads. When I was messing with skill builds, it happened with time and heal for sorcerers, and Shadow Piercer, trap, smoke and health packs for rogues.

It seemed to happen mostly when charging the skills mentioned above. Personally, I hope it's on top of STS' to-fix list, because it takes part of the fun away when it happens a couple a times in a row at crucial moments.

04-09-2013, 01:47 PM
Only thing, If it is a graphical issue, than the damage tick is glitched too? The skill casts after charged, no clock (which i can deal with a graphics thing), but no damage either.

04-09-2013, 02:02 PM
Seen it happen a lot, that when two sorcs are running and the first fails with clock, when the second is using his clock it drops both down. Anyways quite a few skills just fail often for no apparent reason (not hit, stunned, etc)

04-09-2013, 04:00 PM
I saw the title and thought "Yes!!! Please add a system clock somewhere in the menu screen so I don't accidentally play into the wee hours of the night!" But I guess missed skills is a valid concern too haha.

It is a known problem, but I'm not sure if anything is being done about it right now. I guess I've just learned to live with skills failing now and then. Happens a lot when I play on mobile (with laggy connection). Occasionally happens when I'm on wifi too, but it's pretty rare.

04-12-2013, 04:32 AM
I know this is off-topic but I thought the topic says -- Where's my d*ck. LOL. (I should see an eye doctor.)

04-12-2013, 09:21 AM
this happens to me sometimes when my ping is on the higher side - red figures.