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04-08-2013, 02:29 AM
Why do generally lower level items are worth more?

Basically every level 20 and up legendary item sells for like 200gold

I dont have a problem with it; nets me a lot of gold but after going through many different games with their own economies (like tf2 for example, or dota although ive never played it), this one confuses me a whole lot and im hoping an experienced trader, or auctioneer in this case can explain it to me

04-08-2013, 03:08 AM
Why do generally lower level items are worth more?

only good low-lvl top-tier legendary items are worth more since they have greater demand to supply ratio. people (read: twinks) use them for playing pvp at non-elite levels.

Basically every level 20 and up legendary item sells for like 200gold

nope, incorrect.

04-08-2013, 03:12 AM
and well also
different items are better for different levels

and also

uh low suply high demands = higher price
high supply - low demands = cheaper price if that make sense idk im tired

04-09-2013, 12:08 PM
Ahhh thanks, and yes i undertand the 2nd part completely thats just basic economics

Although how do you rate which items are better then others (other then somthing being like legendary weps are obvs better then common epic and rare) other then what you see on auction since there are no spreadsheets for items (or at least none that i know of)

Thanks for the help tho

04-09-2013, 01:10 PM
Although how do you rate which items are better then others (other then somthing being like legendary weps are obvs better then common epic and rare) other then what you see on auction since there are no spreadsheets for items (or at least none that i know of)

Just by comparing the stats. If you scroll through the pages of CS, you'l find that not all legendaries of the same level are created equal.

04-09-2013, 02:16 PM
Well stats are hard to compare cross class (mage armor in general is awful from a rogue perspective, so telling what is good and what isnt is hard)

Also some items like the tsunami blades that you get by buying the sea king/empress bundle dont have great stats compared to other way cheaper weapons but ive easily sold 3 for 4999 each and could probs sell em for more

04-09-2013, 03:33 PM
This is going to be a bit unorganized, but here we go.....

What you are noticing only applies to the items in the crates for the most part. It's because most players who are opening the crates are high level, so it's rare for a low level character to open crates, so therefore low level crate items are more rare since the items scale to your level.

For other items, such as the ones that come from farming, you will see that actually the higher level items tend to be worth more.

Here is the exception to this rule: Sometimes gear that is not the best will be worth more at a lower level. For example, level 26 sealord wrappings of savvy for sorcerer will be worth less than level 25 sealord wrappings of savvy. Because most level 26 characters can afford armor with better stats, there is really no market for this item in level 26. But level 25 players sometimes are poor and so there is a market for that item in level 25. In general it's fair to say that if you reached the cap level, you have probably played enough hours to earn a decent amount of gold, therefore you can afford better gear.

If you look at level 26 sealord wrappings of security (much better stats) and compare it to the same item in level 25, the level 26 version is worth considerably more. The reason for this is that both versions (25 & 26) are mostly purchased by level 26 players. The players who cannot afford the level 26 version will settle for the level 25 version which has slightly worse stats, but still much better than a level 26 sealord wrappings of savvy.

04-15-2013, 10:45 PM
Alright i sorta understand it better; thanks guiz