View Full Version : Lets let our ipods take dip in the pond.

10-06-2010, 03:21 PM
Title is misleading.
Yesterday my itouch took its fifth dip into a body of water, hoping it would dry out and work morrow' I waited. Today I have a black screen so I am left with little choice than too, pray! Pray with me now.

10-06-2010, 03:36 PM
Watch a video as to how to take out an iPod battery, and take it out and out it in minute rice or blow dry it (worked for me. Munte rice absorbs water)

10-06-2010, 04:26 PM
WHERE do you use your itouch? can you not resist keeping you secret yacht jacuzzi life away from your ipod geek life?

10-06-2010, 08:45 PM
Bath life, bath life.

@Mys, you have a 3g? Because how the hell am I supposed to pry that apart?

FORGET IT, aciddently trashed the screen. Bye touch gaming.

10-07-2010, 09:35 AM
My cousin had her phone in a fountain for 12 plus hours. Dried it out inside of a bag of rice. Good as new.

10-07-2010, 09:35 AM
Bath life, bath life.

@Mys, you have a 3g? Because how the hell am I supposed to pry that apart?

FORGET IT, aciddently trashed the screen. Bye touch gaming.

You take a bath and play PL?

10-07-2010, 09:40 AM
Ya, sometimes.

10-10-2010, 04:26 AM
Mine went in the wash.....thanks for the advice mystical :)

10-10-2010, 09:53 AM
i love my idevice so much, it never leaves my sight. i cannot imagine leaving it in some pocket...

10-11-2010, 08:38 AM
I bath and play PL lol just can't give it up! :O