View Full Version : recommendations for single player PC game?

04-09-2013, 09:47 AM
I stay away from home a couple nights out of the week for work. I have very limited internet, and I'm looking for a cool single player game to play on my laptop.

What do you guys suggest? I was looking at skyrim , or maybe farcry 3.

What else is worth trying?

04-09-2013, 10:11 AM
Play Skyrim. I never played it, but I watched my bro play it before when he had it. It's a huge game, and I think it would suit your needs.

04-09-2013, 01:00 PM
L.a. noire. One of my favourites.

04-09-2013, 05:14 PM
Skyrim. No competition at all.

I bought it immediately to my 360when it was released and I played it today for 4 hours. Game's around 2 and half hears old and it still keeps me extremely entertained. I'v played as an assassin, archer, pure mage, battlemage, paladin, berserker.. Now I made up my own "Dragonborn" build and I'm still working on it. Extremely versatile and just sheer awesomeness.

Dawnguard and Dragonborn dlcs are must haves after finishing main storyline (for being good enough lvled to be able to finish dlcs). Best questlines in any MMOs I've ever played.

04-09-2013, 05:44 PM

What class should a nub play?

04-09-2013, 08:44 PM
Def Skyrim. I love it.

As for classes, you might want a warrior or battle-Mage to start. It's good because they can take a hit until you get your sea-legs.

Sent using spray paint on the city walls.

04-10-2013, 04:15 AM

What class should a nub play?

A total nub? I would say battlemage (mage wearing heavy armor) is the easiest overall. But for a truly effective battle mage u need to have smithing maxed, enchanting maxed and preferrably alchemy maxed. Idea of the battle mage is to enchant ur gear with mage preferred stats, like reducing destruction (=damage dealing magic attacks) spells cost, increasing mana pool etc. Best battlemages are the ones who have enchanted their items to completely erase destruction magic maba cost, and have the best armors in the game. For mages it's preferred to use conjuration magic (summoning things to help u fight battles) so u can just chill and spam spells while ur summoned creature takes the damage. Overall this is the best build in skyrim as it deals big chunk of damage while being able to receive big chunk of damage.

But I myself have liked the most out of "stereotypical" builds an assassin build. Sneak is overpowered in this game and with maxed Sneak u can just crouch past enemies who directly look at u. Bows can deal alongside sneak 3x damage (when u r hidden) which itself is immense. But, sneak attacks with daggers (going behind and enemy and stabbastab) have 15x DAMAGE. Resulting usually in a sweet animated kill for one single stab. And in addition there are gloves in the game which give 2x backtstabbing damage in a total of 30x damage. It can be used to one shot almost every enemy in the game.

Downside of assassin is the squishiness. If u mess up sneaking and get the aggro for mobs around u, u r in a hairy situation. But in a situations like these invisibility potion or invisibility spell (from illusion magic. Recommended for assassins) will save ur butt. And fighting dragons in the middle of nowhere is tough for a beginner as assassins usually rely on sneak attacks and vs dragons sneak attacks are hard to come by. Near a town its ez. Just go in the middle of town and all the citizens will attack the dragon and u can just relax and shoot arrows from a cover pewpew. Even in open ground fighting shelter as an assassin is vital. Hiding behind rocks, trees or anything is essential as dragons hit hard with their fire breath and those mofos usually just fly around u.

Overall Battlemage is the most useful as it is strong in every situation whether fighting a dragon or clearing a dungeon. But casting fireballs gets rly tedious at some point. Assassin is the most fun class but it requires some experience to become truly devastating. Like Birds used to be in PvP in PL.

There are lots of guides especially for assassins. If u care to do some research u can become a decent assassin without breaking a sweat. Battlemage is just fireball spamming.

For the warrior type of classes, Skyrim isn't favorable. Missing the ability to do ranged attacks is devastating as big chunk of damage is made by ranged attacks in skyrim. Ofc u can get a bow for ur warrior but there's nothing more boring than hackn'slashing through the game IMO.

For a srsly immensively totally nub I would recommend a warrior with a bow. Battlemage needs lots of preparations to become actually powerful but it is the most versatile in the end. Assassins are the most fun and needs far less preparation than a battlemage but needs some skill to play and I would recommend at least some research before playing as an assassin.

Ur choice ofc but remember what ever type of character u will choose, ranged attacks are a must have in skyrim. Remember that u dont have to be a stereotypical class in this game. U can be a sneaking mage, mystical archer (archer+ magic), etc. The choice is completely urs and u will find the best way for u to play Skyrim by actually playing the game.

Edit: If u have any specific questions about some builds, enemies or overall questions about Skyrim, just ask away. I have more than decent knowledge about the game and I'm sure I'm able to reply ur Skyrim related questions. Even the funny ones, u know I'm srsly dope.

04-10-2013, 08:01 AM
I have never liked playing Mage in skyrim .. I'm more of a sneaky assassin type of guy with daggers & bow. Assassins are also easy to build if you like being sneaky and getting a killcam almost every time you kill someone

04-10-2013, 08:09 AM
Wow Dudetus you are pretty knowledgable about that game. ;)

04-10-2013, 10:03 AM
Borderlands 2.

04-10-2013, 10:14 AM
Wow Dudetus you are pretty knowledgable about that game. ;)

Indeed I am.

Just to feel superior 'cause of my nerdtastic knowledge of Skyrim, tell me what type of a character type u would like Walk and I can make u the build and preferred gears.

And all of this just for the price of a thanks and a praise.


Borderlands 2.

Skyrim is 1298 times better.

Get it???

04-10-2013, 10:56 AM
Thanks for the responses. Especially from my fav ninja.

I bought skyrim yesterday at around 4pm, but thanks to steam, didn't get to play it till like 10pm.

Seriously. Wtf. What happened to buying a game, popping it in, installing, and playing? I couldn't remember my steam info. When I finally did, it wouldn't update. I had to search the internet to figure out what the deal was. Figured that out. Then, apparently I have to download a game I bought? (I got this game because I have internet issues)

anywho.. I didn't really get to play much, since I wake up so early for work, but it looks pretty dam good.

I'm not sure I would like a super sneaky build. Is there a viable build that uses both range and melee? Like a bow to pick off enemies, but if I was to get in a close combat situation, I wouldn't have to run like a girl?

04-10-2013, 12:16 PM
Tomb Raider is absolutely fantastic it's a must have for action-adventure lovers.

04-10-2013, 01:04 PM
Fable the lost chapters or Diablo 2

04-10-2013, 02:11 PM
Thanks for the responses. Especially from my fav ninja.

I bought skyrim yesterday at around 4pm, but thanks to steam, didn't get to play it till like 10pm.

Seriously. Wtf. What happened to buying a game, popping it in, installing, and playing? I couldn't remember my steam info. When I finally did, it wouldn't update. I had to search the internet to figure out what the deal was. Figured that out. Then, apparently I have to download a game I bought? (I got this game because I have internet issues)

anywho.. I didn't really get to play much, since I wake up so early for work, but it looks pretty dam good.

I'm not sure I would like a super sneaky build. Is there a viable build that uses both range and melee? Like a bow to pick off enemies, but if I was to get in a close combat situation, I wouldn't have to run like a girl?

Sure as I said u can go bow + warrior. I can make u a build for it tomorrow.

04-10-2013, 02:49 PM
A total nub? I would say battlemage (mage wearing heavy armor) is the easiest overall. But for a truly effective battle mage u need to have smithing maxed, enchanting maxed and preferrably alchemy maxed. Idea of the battle mage is to enchant ur gear with mage preferred stats, like reducing destruction (=damage dealing magic attacks) spells cost, increasing mana pool etc. Best battlemages are the ones who have enchanted their items to completely erase destruction magic maba cost, and have the best armors in the game. For mages it's preferred to use conjuration magic (summoning things to help u fight battles) so u can just chill and spam spells while ur summoned creature takes the damage. Overall this is the best build in skyrim as it deals big chunk of damage while being able to receive big chunk of damage.

But I myself have liked the most out of "stereotypical" builds an assassin build. Sneak is overpowered in this game and with maxed Sneak u can just crouch past enemies who directly look at u. Bows can deal alongside sneak 3x damage (when u r hidden) which itself is immense. But, sneak attacks with daggers (going behind and enemy and stabbastab) have 15x DAMAGE. Resulting usually in a sweet animated kill for one single stab. And in addition there are gloves in the game which give 2x backtstabbing damage in a total of 30x damage. It can be used to one shot almost every enemy in the game.

Downside of assassin is the squishiness. If u mess up sneaking and get the aggro for mobs around u, u r in a hairy situation. But in a situations like these invisibility potion or invisibility spell (from illusion magic. Recommended for assassins) will save ur butt. And fighting dragons in the middle of nowhere is tough for a beginner as assassins usually rely on sneak attacks and vs dragons sneak attacks are hard to come by. Near a town its ez. Just go in the middle of town and all the citizens will attack the dragon and u can just relax and shoot arrows from a cover pewpew. Even in open ground fighting shelter as an assassin is vital. Hiding behind rocks, trees or anything is essential as dragons hit hard with their fire breath and those mofos usually just fly around u.

Overall Battlemage is the most useful as it is strong in every situation whether fighting a dragon or clearing a dungeon. But casting fireballs gets rly tedious at some point. Assassin is the most fun class but it requires some experience to become truly devastating. Like Birds used to be in PvP in PL.

There are lots of guides especially for assassins. If u care to do some research u can become a decent assassin without breaking a sweat. Battlemage is just fireball spamming.

For the warrior type of classes, Skyrim isn't favorable. Missing the ability to do ranged attacks is devastating as big chunk of damage is made by ranged attacks in skyrim. Ofc u can get a bow for ur warrior but there's nothing more boring than hackn'slashing through the game IMO.

For a srsly immensively totally nub I would recommend a warrior with a bow. Battlemage needs lots of preparations to become actually powerful but it is the most versatile in the end. Assassins are the most fun and needs far less preparation than a battlemage but needs some skill to play and I would recommend at least some research before playing as an assassin.

Ur choice ofc but remember what ever type of character u will choose, ranged attacks are a must have in skyrim. Remember that u dont have to be a stereotypical class in this game. U can be a sneaking mage, mystical archer (archer+ magic), etc. The choice is completely urs and u will find the best way for u to play Skyrim by actually playing the game.

Edit: If u have any specific questions about some builds, enemies or overall questions about Skyrim, just ask away. I have more than decent knowledge about the game and I'm sure I'm able to reply ur Skyrim related questions. Even the funny ones, u know I'm srsly dope.

lawl, you nerd <3

04-10-2013, 03:36 PM
lawl, you nerd <3

Generic overview of the best single player RPG available. It's not as nerdy as let's say, making a an end game guide for Rhino PvPing for a cartoonic animal game which is mostly played with a phone or tablet.

... If u get what I mean :p

04-10-2013, 03:48 PM
Lol am I a noob if I say Wood Elf with maxed bow, sneak and 1h skills is good ?
I mean I one shot Mammoths when my bow is enchanted.

04-11-2013, 01:34 AM
Borderlands 2 is at least just as good as skyrim.
Instead of diablo, try torchlight 1 or 2

04-11-2013, 02:29 AM
If u read a bit further, u will see that Walk has already made his decision.


04-11-2013, 03:18 AM
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning


1. Legend of Dead Kel (like the Kraken Island expansion of AL)
2. Teeth of Naros

Gameplay and fight mechanics simply awesome!

04-11-2013, 03:25 AM
You can play more than one game at a time
.. Not simultaneously of course.

04-11-2013, 06:59 AM
The Night Mother has chosen a new member!

04-11-2013, 07:23 AM
Assasins Creed ftw, I might try Skyrim..

04-13-2013, 09:42 AM
I have some collection of pc games....here... black ops , black ops 2, battlefield bad company, far cry, mass effec 2 and 3. Mass effect 3 and black ops 2 is my favourite. But ...must use a high end graphics card to play these games. you will not disappoint at single player mode. Oh wait....you can try bioshock .....its another best game....i just like the ability to fire fireball using my genetically modified hand.

04-13-2013, 10:21 AM
hitman:absolution,tomb raider 2013,far cry 3,bioshock infinite( awesome game!),skyrim(300hours of gameplay),devil may cry 2013(best rpg ever played),ac3(ftw),dead space 3,mass effect 3,dark souls(if ur hardcore),oblivion,dark siders 2,...
i wont recommend cod games

04-13-2013, 10:26 AM
Borderlands 2 is at least just as good as skyrim.

(sorry for double post)

are you kidding me ?borderlands 2 is the worst game i've ever played in my life(well tbh army of two 2013 sucks even more)
how can u campare such a lame game with the legendary game skyrim!!!!!!!!!????

04-13-2013, 02:35 PM
Borderlands 2 is fantastic .. It has some of the best characters I have ever seen. You can't compare it to skyrim in any way, they are two completely different games.

04-13-2013, 11:30 PM
Borderlands 2 is fantastic .. It has some of the best characters I have ever seen. You can't compare it to skyrim in any way, they are two completely different games.

i thought you were comparing it with skyrim...

04-14-2013, 04:30 AM
No, I was talking about the player experience .. They are both great games, each in it's own way.

04-14-2013, 12:43 PM
Love watching people rage bash other games saying they suck. Ever heard of an opinion?

04-14-2013, 12:59 PM
Love watching people rage bash other games saying they suck. Ever heard of an opinion?

almost everyones opinion is that skyrim is best :) (which it is )

04-14-2013, 01:07 PM
I suggest Minecraft. It can be single player, or multiplayer if you have internet. It sounds really boring, but once you play it, it's addictive.

04-14-2013, 01:58 PM
shotgun fun fun

04-14-2013, 03:02 PM
Play Skyrim. But basically I am playing call of Duty on my PC. It is my game because a lot of people are gathering here. the graphics of this are so attractive. Hey you guys do you play this game before ???
If you play this game please share your ideas.........

04-14-2013, 03:16 PM
Im done with minecraft, it's was fun when it still was in beta.

04-14-2013, 08:55 PM
I heard that Bioshock: Infinite is a pretty awesome game. I've seen some of it, and I do say that it looks great. Not just the graphics, but the gameplay and story itself is really great.

04-14-2013, 09:39 PM
A total nub? I would say battlemage (mage wearing heavy armor) is the easiest overall. But for a truly effective battle mage u need to have smithing maxed, enchanting maxed and preferrably alchemy maxed. Idea of the battle mage is to enchant ur gear with mage preferred stats, like reducing destruction (=damage dealing magic attacks) spells cost, increasing mana pool etc. Best battlemages are the ones who have enchanted their items to completely erase destruction magic maba cost, and have the best armors in the game. For mages it's preferred to use conjuration magic (summoning things to help u fight battles) so u can just chill and spam spells while ur summoned creature takes the damage. Overall this is the best build in skyrim as it deals big chunk of damage while being able to receive big chunk of damage.

But I myself have liked the most out of "stereotypical" builds an assassin build. Sneak is overpowered in this game and with maxed Sneak u can just crouch past enemies who directly look at u. Bows can deal alongside sneak 3x damage (when u r hidden) which itself is immense. But, sneak attacks with daggers (going behind and enemy and stabbastab) have 15x DAMAGE. Resulting usually in a sweet animated kill for one single stab. And in addition there are gloves in the game which give 2x backtstabbing damage in a total of 30x damage. It can be used to one shot almost every enemy in the game.

Downside of assassin is the squishiness. If u mess up sneaking and get the aggro for mobs around u, u r in a hairy situation. But in a situations like these invisibility potion or invisibility spell (from illusion magic. Recommended for assassins) will save ur butt. And fighting dragons in the middle of nowhere is tough for a beginner as assassins usually rely on sneak attacks and vs dragons sneak attacks are hard to come by. Near a town its ez. Just go in the middle of town and all the citizens will attack the dragon and u can just relax and shoot arrows from a cover pewpew. Even in open ground fighting shelter as an assassin is vital. Hiding behind rocks, trees or anything is essential as dragons hit hard with their fire breath and those mofos usually just fly around u.

Overall Battlemage is the most useful as it is strong in every situation whether fighting a dragon or clearing a dungeon. But casting fireballs gets rly tedious at some point. Assassin is the most fun class but it requires some experience to become truly devastating. Like Birds used to be in PvP in PL.

There are lots of guides especially for assassins. If u care to do some research u can become a decent assassin without breaking a sweat. Battlemage is just fireball spamming.

For the warrior type of classes, Skyrim isn't favorable. Missing the ability to do ranged attacks is devastating as big chunk of damage is made by ranged attacks in skyrim. Ofc u can get a bow for ur warrior but there's nothing more boring than hackn'slashing through the game IMO.

For a srsly immensively totally nub I would recommend a warrior with a bow. Battlemage needs lots of preparations to become actually powerful but it is the most versatile in the end. Assassins are the most fun and needs far less preparation than a battlemage but needs some skill to play and I would recommend at least some research before playing as an assassin.

Ur choice ofc but remember what ever type of character u will choose, ranged attacks are a must have in skyrim. Remember that u dont have to be a stereotypical class in this game. U can be a sneaking mage, mystical archer (archer+ magic), etc. The choice is completely urs and u will find the best way for u to play Skyrim by actually playing the game.

Edit: If u have any specific questions about some builds, enemies or overall questions about Skyrim, just ask away. I have more than decent knowledge about the game and I'm sure I'm able to reply ur Skyrim related questions. Even the funny ones, u know I'm srsly dope.


04-15-2013, 04:22 PM

Did I win?

Sry Walk, totally forgot and I was busy getting hammered for the whole weekend. I'll do the build tomorrow.

04-17-2013, 01:07 PM
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic is a pretty fun single player game. Its not as long as most of the other ones people have mentioned, but its still tons of fun and has a ton of replay value.

04-17-2013, 01:39 PM
I've got a few games that have multiplayer but are also good in single player

Half-life 2
Any Elder Scrolls
Borderlands 1 or 2
Halo series is good
Minecraft (for some people. I personally hate the newer versions. I suggest 1.0.1_47 Alpha)
Just Cause 2 (one of the best single player game of all time)
Warframe open BETA (single or multiplayer)
Assassins Creed series
Batman: Arkham City/Asylum

If you need any more, I can probably get some

04-18-2013, 09:20 AM
wareframe is fantastic except for the co-op part

04-18-2013, 10:17 AM
Ooh dishonored is great too completely forgot about that game. I gotta start that back up. Dota 2 and smite are consuming me though Lol.

04-18-2013, 03:57 PM
A total nub? I would say battlemage (mage wearing heavy armor) is the easiest overall. But for a truly effective battle mage u need to have smithing maxed, enchanting maxed and preferrably alchemy maxed. Idea of the battle mage is to enchant ur gear with mage preferred stats, like reducing destruction (=damage dealing magic attacks) spells cost, increasing mana pool etc. Best battlemages are the ones who have enchanted their items to completely erase destruction magic maba cost, and have the best armors in the game. For mages it's preferred to use conjuration magic (summoning things to help u fight battles) so u can just chill and spam spells while ur summoned creature takes the damage. Overall this is the best build in skyrim as it deals big chunk of damage while being able to receive big chunk of damage.

But I myself have liked the most out of "stereotypical" builds an assassin build. Sneak is overpowered in this game and with maxed Sneak u can just crouch past enemies who directly look at u. Bows can deal alongside sneak 3x damage (when u r hidden) which itself is immense. But, sneak attacks with daggers (going behind and enemy and stabbastab) have 15x DAMAGE. Resulting usually in a sweet animated kill for one single stab. And in addition there are gloves in the game which give 2x backtstabbing damage in a total of 30x damage. It can be used to one shot almost every enemy in the game.

Downside of assassin is the squishiness. If u mess up sneaking and get the aggro for mobs around u, u r in a hairy situation. But in a situations like these invisibility potion or invisibility spell (from illusion magic. Recommended for assassins) will save ur butt. And fighting dragons in the middle of nowhere is tough for a beginner as assassins usually rely on sneak attacks and vs dragons sneak attacks are hard to come by. Near a town its ez. Just go in the middle of town and all the citizens will attack the dragon and u can just relax and shoot arrows from a cover pewpew. Even in open ground fighting shelter as an assassin is vital. Hiding behind rocks, trees or anything is essential as dragons hit hard with their fire breath and those mofos usually just fly around u.

Overall Battlemage is the most useful as it is strong in every situation whether fighting a dragon or clearing a dungeon. But casting fireballs gets rly tedious at some point. Assassin is the most fun class but it requires some experience to become truly devastating. Like Birds used to be in PvP in PL.

There are lots of guides especially for assassins. If u care to do some research u can become a decent assassin without breaking a sweat. Battlemage is just fireball spamming.

For the warrior type of classes, Skyrim isn't favorable. Missing the ability to do ranged attacks is devastating as big chunk of damage is made by ranged attacks in skyrim. Ofc u can get a bow for ur warrior but there's nothing more boring than hackn'slashing through the game IMO.

For a srsly immensively totally nub I would recommend a warrior with a bow. Battlemage needs lots of preparations to become actually powerful but it is the most versatile in the end. Assassins are the most fun and needs far less preparation than a battlemage but needs some skill to play and I would recommend at least some research before playing as an assassin.

Ur choice ofc but remember what ever type of character u will choose, ranged attacks are a must have in skyrim. Remember that u dont have to be a stereotypical class in this game. U can be a sneaking mage, mystical archer (archer+ magic), etc. The choice is completely urs and u will find the best way for u to play Skyrim by actually playing the game.

Edit: If u have any specific questions about some builds, enemies or overall questions about Skyrim, just ask away. I have more than decent knowledge about the game and I'm sure I'm able to reply ur Skyrim related questions. Even the funny ones, u know I'm srsly dope.

I enjoy using an Assassin build mixed with an archer build. I was able to get 1,500 base damage on my bow (no buffs or codes). I think it can only be done with 100 archery, 100 enchanting, and 100 smithing.

04-18-2013, 10:32 PM

04-19-2013, 01:39 AM
I have tried warframe .. It's nice, but my pc can't handle much nowadays:(

04-19-2013, 03:46 PM
The first PC games that I ever played were Battle Chess & Maniac Mansion. These were both DOS based games in the late 1980's. I have been a PC gamer & enthusiast ever since that point. Building my own PC's since my Slot 1 Pentium II & made a career out of my passion. So you can trust that I have some pretty good knowledge on the subject :). I will give you a great list of 25 games of my personal favorite single player PC games that should keep you busy for a very long time. Most of these games can be purchased for fairly cheap off of Steam or Good Old Games. Some you may not be able to find outside of ebay or other means. I'll leave that to you to figure out :). Keep an open mind about older games as I know some may have not aged well. These games were epic for their time & obviously, the flare & presentation of modern games will greatly outshine some of the games on I will list. These games are in no particular order.

1) Deus Ex - Still the best Deus Ex game in the franchise. Deus Ex Human Revolution is an excellent game as well. Deus Ex is one of my favorite games of all time!
2) System Shock - Played Bioshock? System Shock started it all!
3) Gothic ( Franchise ) - The older games will be a pain to play now but are worth the experience.
4) Elder Scrolls III - Morrowind - This is a much better game than Skyrim is in my opinion. This may not be the case for those that have never played it when it was a new game.
5) Half Life/Half Life 2 - This franchise of games are must owns.
6) Grand Theft Auto IV - Great game in its own right but the mods bring this game to life. Very high end system recommend for the graphical overhaul mods.
7) Mass Effect ( Franchise ) - Three games you simply must own.
8) Freedom Force - Still one of the best, & funniest, super hero inspired games to date.
9) Fallout 3 - An excellent game. I would expect that you've played this already. Fallout New Vegas is a few steps in the wrong direction but still a decent game.
10) Fallout 1 & 2 - They are much different games than Fallout 3 was but they are amazing games none the less.
11) Portal ( Franchise ) - Excellent games with tons of charm & personality to them. An gamig experience that you wont forget.
12) The Witcher ( Franchise ) - An action RPG franchise that holds nothing back. It's dark, gruesome & a hell of a good time.
13) Bully - Think Grand Theft Auto without the cars & open world. Another great game that will make you laugh plenty.
14) No one lives forever ( Franchise ) - Two games you just need to play. An excellent spy themed FPS with a very high comedic value.
15) F.E.A.R - Great FPS game with one of the best AI's to this day. The first game was great. The other games in the franchise were pretty decent but the first game is a must own.
16) Batman Arkham ( Franchise ) Two games that are definitely worth playing. A third game is in the works.
17) Bioshock ( Franchise ) - Bioshock 2 was meh but the original & Bioshock infinite are great!
18) Star Wars - Jedi Knight ( Franchise ) Some of the best Star War based games ever made. They still hold up very well on the PC.
19) Tropico - Franchise - One of the better & more balanced simulation franchises. It has a little bit of everything while not taking itself to seriously. Still offers plenty of challenge.
20) The Sims ( Franchise ) - It's the Sims....... yeah...
21) Splinter Cell ( Franchise ) - My favorite stealth franchise. Yes, I like it more than the Metal Gear franchise.
22) Amnesica: The Dark Descent - One hell of an experience. If you're easily scared or jumpy, I wouldn't recommend this game! :P
23) Indigo Prophecy - You play this for the story that will suck you right in. This is more of an experience than a game.
24) MDK!!!!! - No words can express how excellent this game is. You just need to play it
25) MYST - This will be boring to most these days but it's still one of the very best point & click games still.

5 Games with strong multiplayer aspects - These games are great single player experiences but have a strong multiplayer aspect to them.

1) Starcraft ( Franchise ) - Nothing needs to be said about this franchise. Just play it!
2) Rainbow Six Vegas ( Franchise ) - I still consider these to be the best Rainbow Six games ever released.
3) Call of Duty ( Franchise ) - Yes, the multiplayer gets crapped on by a lot of people, including myself. The single player experience, while short, should not be look passed. Most of them are very well done.
4) Battlefield Bad Company (Franchise) - Admittedly, I've always enjoyed BF games for there multiplayer aspect but the Bad Company single player experience is excellent.
5) Diablo ( Franchise ) - While the game is playable alone, this is a franchise that is much more enjoyable when played with friends.

I could throw another 25 games at you but this list should hold you over for awhile. If you want more game listed, just alert me & I'll add another 25 :). Not to shabby for my first post.


04-19-2013, 04:27 PM
The first PC games that I ever played were Battle Chess & Maniac Mansion. These were both DOS based games in the late 1980's. I have been a PC gamer & enthusiast ever since that point. Building my own PC's since my Slot 1 Pentium II & made a career out of my passion. So you can trust that I have some pretty good knowledge on the subject :). I will give you a great list of 25 games of my personal favorite single player PC games that should keep you busy for a very long time. Most of these games can be purchased for fairly cheap off of Steam or Good Old Games. Some you may not be able to find outside of ebay or other means. I'll leave that to you to figure out :). Keep an open mind about older games as I know some may have not aged well. These games were epic for their time & obviously, the flare & presentation of modern games will greatly outshine some of the games on I will list. These games are in no particular order.

1) Deus Ex - Still the best Deus Ex game in the franchise. Deus Ex Human Revolution is an excellent game as well. Deus Ex is one of my favorite games of all time!
2) System Shock - Played Bioshock? System Shock started it all!
3) Gothic ( Franchise ) - The older games will be a pain to play now but are worth the experience.
4) Elder Scrolls III - Morrowind - This is a much better game than Skyrim is in my opinion. This may not be the case for those that have never played it when it was a new game.
5) Half Life/Half Life 2 - This franchise of games are must owns.
6) Grand Theft Auto IV - Great game in its own right but the mods bring this game to life. Very high end system recommend for the graphical overhaul mods.
7) Mass Effect ( Franchise ) - Three games you simply must own.
8) Freedom Force - Still one of the best, & funniest, super hero inspired games to date.
9) Fallout 3 - An excellent game. I would expect that you've played this already. Fallout New Vegas is a few steps in the wrong direction but still a decent game.
10) Fallout 1 & 2 - They are much different games than Fallout 3 was but they are amazing games none the less.
11) Portal ( Franchise ) - Excellent games with tons of charm & personality to them. An gamig experience that you wont forget.
12) The Witcher ( Franchise ) - An action RPG franchise that holds nothing back. It's dark, gruesome & a hell of a good time.
13) Bully - Think Grand Theft Auto without the cars & open world. Another great game that will make you laugh plenty.
14) No one lives forever ( Franchise ) - Two games you just need to play. An excellent spy themed FPS with a very high comedic value.
15) F.E.A.R - Great FPS game with one of the best AI's to this day. The first game was great. The other games in the franchise were pretty decent but the first game is a must own.
16) Batman Arkham ( Franchise ) Two games that are definitely worth playing. A third game is in the works.
17) Bioshock ( Franchise ) - Bioshock 2 was meh but the original & Bioshock infinite are great!
18) Star Wars - Jedi Knight ( Franchise ) Some of the best Star War based games ever made. They still hold up very well on the PC.
19) Tropico - Franchise - One of the better & more balanced simulation franchises. It has a little bit of everything while not taking itself to seriously. Still offers plenty of challenge.
20) The Sims ( Franchise ) - It's the Sims....... yeah...
21) Splinter Cell ( Franchise ) - My favorite stealth franchise. Yes, I like it more than the Metal Gear franchise.
22) Amnesica: The Dark Descent - One hell of an experience. If you're easily scared or jumpy, I wouldn't recommend this game! :P
23) Indigo Prophecy - You play this for the story that will suck you right in. This is more of an experience than a game.
24) MDK!!!!! - No words can express how excellent this game is. You just need to play it
25) MYST - This will be boring to most these days but it's still one of the very best point & click games still.

5 Games with strong multiplayer aspects - These games are great single player experiences but have a strong multiplayer aspect to them.

1) Starcraft ( Franchise ) - Nothing needs to be said about this franchise. Just play it!
2) Rainbow Six Vegas ( Franchise ) - I still consider these to be the best Rainbow Six games ever released.
3) Call of Duty ( Franchise ) - Yes, the multiplayer gets crapped on by a lot of people, including myself. The single player experience, while short, should not be look passed. Most of them are very well done.
4) Battlefield Bad Company (Franchise) - Admittedly, I've always enjoyed BF games for there multiplayer aspect but the Bad Company single player experience is excellent.
5) Diablo ( Franchise ) - While the game is playable alone, this is a franchise that is much more enjoyable when played with friends.

I could throw another 25 games at you but this list should hold you over for awhile. If you want more game listed, just alert me & I'll add another 25 :). Not to shabby for my first post.


Wow dude nice,i agree with u 100%...
Btw play tomb raider 2013(am playing atm )..and yea its one of the best games i've ever played ...am in love with lara croft:p

04-20-2013, 03:27 PM
wish there was pc version of god of war ascension...