View Full Version : New cap

04-09-2013, 12:59 PM
Just seen new cap coming soon... And scorn,has been,defeated.. But they left a wake of infected vular behind

04-09-2013, 01:19 PM
XD um..? Did u simply just take a line or 2 or what Sam said and repeated it? Lawl it's great though one thing I hope is that it's not 12k xp

04-09-2013, 01:56 PM
I hope its 12k xp. >.> love leveling, but hate cap farming

04-09-2013, 02:37 PM
I jst sn,it on fb got all excited and decided to,let yall feel,my excitement,lol :)

04-09-2013, 03:15 PM
And i hope its,15k,xp,:)

04-09-2013, 04:49 PM
I hope its 12k xp. >.> love leveling, but hate cap farming

No. Just no.

04-09-2013, 05:26 PM
I hope its 12k xp. >.> love leveling, but hate cap farming

No. Just no.
Hey y lvl up quick and be bored for 10 months,all,over again lol. I'm gna take my,time,to cap,:D

04-09-2013, 06:12 PM
No. Just no.

Gison Ikr....! The cap is supposed to be for ' elite players' meaning it should be challenging.. And something exciting make this cap feel special. I'm gonna set a target since we don't wanna go backwards from the 41 cap-(28k) which many of the 46s of today couldn't do.. 36cap-51k(not gloating not even myself did that one :) but the cap should be at least 35k

04-09-2013, 07:44 PM
No. Just no.

Gison Ikr....! The cap is supposed to be for ' elite players' meaning it should be challenging.. And something exciting make this cap feel special. I'm gonna set a target since we don't wanna go backwards from the 41 cap-(28k) which many of the 46s of today couldn't do.. 36cap-51k(not gloating not even myself did that one :) but the cap should be at least 35k
Where's the like button? :D

04-09-2013, 07:51 PM
I capped sice I think lvl26 (bad memory) & I also hope the exp aint a lot to cap. Hate grinding for exp. Super boring and annoying.

04-09-2013, 08:15 PM
No. Just no.

Gison Ikr....! The cap is supposed to be for ' elite players' meaning it should be challenging.. And something exciting make this cap feel special. I'm gonna set a target since we don't wanna go backwards from the 41 cap-(28k) which many of the 46s of today couldn't do.. 36cap-51k(not gloating not even myself did that one :) but the cap should be at least 35k
You just twisted the reasoning of the levelcap with the most overrated word: Elite. Spending hours and hours constantly killing and repeating the same map over and over doesn't make a person "elite" nor is it a challenge. It's just worthless hours spent. There's so many level 46's around because the cap has been out for months.
The best caps we had were ones that didn't even have a super long grind in them. The first one was only a few thousand along with Numa Prime, and those were pretty much the best level caps we had in the game. Slouch-o's level cap was around 35k and it was considered one of the worst due to an unnecessarily long time to level up with the low xp rates there.
The level cap 50 in Pocket Legends had the best image of endgame IMO. (The sewers was just a bit too slow in leveling and with increasingly harder abilities to solo)

04-09-2013, 08:34 PM
I suggest making it a low cap, but add some kind of challenge for players to do post-caping. Cahaun's post reminded me of the Cyber item quests from PL, which were only open to player who reached lvl 50 (the level cap at the time the exapnsion was released). It was a struggle to complete those quests, but it was worth it. STS got on the right track with the weekly quests, but kinda dropped the ball by having the same items available every week, and making them too easy to get. If they did something like the Cyber quests, I think it would keep a lot more players actively involved.

04-09-2013, 08:36 PM
as long as its low im good. I was too lazy to cap in 31 36 and 41 caps..too..much..work..ugh...

04-09-2013, 09:03 PM
I hope its 12k xp. >.> love leveling, but hate cap farming

No. Just no.

Let the flaming begin.

04-09-2013, 09:24 PM
Let the flaming begin.



04-09-2013, 10:00 PM
Doesn't matter to,me,if cap,is,low or not i'm gna take my,time capping and enjoy :D

04-10-2013, 02:29 AM
12k-18k is perfect

04-10-2013, 08:31 AM
There was a reason why people got bored so fast at 46 cap and most of the pros left, it's because the cap(12k Xp) was so easy that they got bored so fast.

During 36 cap, black star was thriving with population.

But wutevs, believe what you guys want.

04-10-2013, 12:47 PM
There was a reason why people got bored so fast at 46 cap and most of the pros left, it's because the cap(12k Xp) was so easy that they got bored so fast.

During 36 cap, black star was thriving with population.

This is soo right.. All those suggesting a low cap... Are simply asking for a repeats of this cap.. If its anywhere less then 20k and no updates to back it up.. Sl will be dead again within months.. Just saying.

04-10-2013, 12:52 PM
I agree i mean come on!! We bn dead for months to many people capped 2 fast then got bored for months,so y should we ask,for another low cap then cap fast and have,to,wait another 10 mnths repeat the process,all,over again...

04-10-2013, 02:19 PM
And you are all basing this as if we'll be waiting another 5-10 months before we get the next cap and thus dictates that the xp required to the final cap to be large. That's absurd. The 21 cap only needed a third of the xp requirement that we have now and I enjoyed that one way more than what we have now.
Large xp requirements doesn't make anyone more interested in the game. Grinding doesn't keep people interested in the game.
What'll keep people further interested in the game is content not an obscenely long grind. How do you think PL has been alive for soon long? Content. Tell me all of the sets and items that farmers can spend time hunting for. Tell me how successful the 50 cap was and why. The answer is content and not an absurd amount of grinding.
What we need is more content as in side dungeons, special items to farm in then (forbidden tomb xaxis helm), and just more things to do then level up five to six times and be done with the game.

04-11-2013, 05:14 AM
Ok mr. Encylopedia first things first this is sl not pl players here thrive for a new level cap.
Secondly, we all know after this cap we are gonna have to wait 5+ months
Why get bored.. How do we know for sure that the new content isn't going to bore us.
If the cap is challenging it will take time for players to feel achived "overated words: elite"

I didn't make that word up I'm sure that's what sts say the cap is like :p

04-11-2013, 06:18 AM
Ok mr. Encylopedia first things first this is sl not pl players here thrive for a new level cap.
Secondly, we all know after this cap we are gonna have to wait 5+ months
Why get bored? How do we know for sure that the new content isn't going to bore us?
If the cap is challenging it will take time for players to feel that they achieved "overated words: elite".

I didn't make that word up I'm sure that's what sts say the cap is like :p
I am a Star Legends player and I have been in the game since the closed beta. This may not be Pocket Legends, but it doesn't mean that we can't look and take a few things that were successful from that game and implement it into Star Legends.
Secondly, we all know that the recent content updates have not been providing the right content that keeps the game fresh over a longer period. I'm going to bring out an excerpt right here:

If the cap is challenging it will take time for players to feel that they achieved "overated words: elite".
So postponing the time that a player reaches the cap makes the game fresher over time and keeps it alive longer? The thing is is that it won't. What makes a game interesting? A longer grind? Nope.
This game is not in need of a longer grinding time, but content that keeps people wanting to play the game.

P.S. I never said that you made up the word, Elite, but I'm saying that the word and its meaning in endgame has been severely overrated as it is like in the current PL endgame.

P.S.S. I'm Mr. Encyclopedia? :D

04-11-2013, 09:25 AM
Hey guys dont be curious about my comment. I don't get much free time to farm exp for hours and I think there are 70% of players who dont play SL for maximun time(like 5 hours). So 30k or 50k exp point is too much and it will take 5-6 months even if you farm exp regularly for minimum hours. I don't understand why we must have high exp point at last level(51). In my opinion" ...STS you should make the cap exp to 12k again.....because 12k exp is not boring enough". Well ...idk much about SL's previous cap exp and sorry if I went wrong. I am just saying my mind.