View Full Version : aimed shot increaced critical damage

04-09-2013, 05:33 PM
Plss roque aimed shoot critical damage increaced. Beacuse 2 aimed shoot and kill me my character warrior. I dont know kill me :@ hard kill roque and mage...

04-10-2013, 12:52 AM
do you mean decreased?

04-10-2013, 02:53 AM
I think he mean skill up of aim shot, wich increase crit to 250%.
Honestly i think that aim shot is OP too, at least for pvp
100% to decrese def, increse crit rate & crit dmg, 2 sec cool down...

There should be 4 sec cd, or limit of crit increase to 10-20% only...50% & 250% dmg is broken.
But without it rogues would kinda sux in pvm? Cause they dont have god aoe skills...
Also shadow storm dmg & crit dmg up, bomb dmg (significantly), trap dmg should be increased, nox impact dmg should be aoe too, not only acid effect.