View Full Version : Looking for help with photo analysis

04-09-2013, 10:20 PM
As part of my effort to gather as much information about SL as possible for both my novel and the SL Lore project Cahaun and I have been working on, I spend a lot of my time hunting for promo art and other unreleased information. On one of my recent searchs, I can across one of the many defunct SL wikis, where I found this image.


It has a huge amount of information on (I was able to get info on a not-yet in game Scorn planet from it), but I can't make out a lot of the text. If anyone can help me figure out whats written on it, I'd appreciate the help.

04-10-2013, 01:14 AM
I can't make out most of the text either, unfortunately. All I can say is that that concept art looks amazing. It's a shame STS doesn't usually release this kind of stuff to the public. I know they want to keep possible upcoming content a secret, but sometimes they should release concept art of locations that have already been implemented.

04-10-2013, 07:13 PM
The only one I can really read is the Kraken planet. Have you messaged Sam if they still have the concept art like the ones you found and the ones that were in Cinco's office? (Cinco Loco Video shows him stabbing a board of Blackstar concept art with his sword before throwing them at the camera)

04-10-2013, 08:54 PM
The only one I can really read is the Kraken planet. Have you messaged Sam if they still have the concept art like the ones you found and the ones that were in Cinco's office? (Cinco Loco Video shows him stabbing a board of Blackstar concept art with his sword before throwing them at the camera)

I asked about concept and promo art a while ago when I first started my novel, but sadly STS wasn't able to provide me with anything that wasn't already posted online.