View Full Version : Crusade Retrospective

04-11-2013, 06:16 PM
As the Tarasa expansion looms, I thought it would be nice to take a look back at the Crusade expansion that preceded. Crusade has something of a mixed reputation, for a number of reasons, but I feel that is unfairly maligned by many players.

Crusade was a groundbreaking expansion in many ways. It was the first (or perhaps second, if my theory about the SL meta-plot is true) expansion to continue the plot of the previous cap, as it tied into the overarcing Scorn meta-plot. It revolutionized the way SL players fought by bringing class weapons back into popularity, letting many players see true potential inherent in neglected gear like arc cannons. The new gear was also fairly original, a nice change from the cut-and-paste armor that many players had contended with during previous expansions. Crusade also introduced a number of impressive mechanics into the game, features like the AI drone followers and mobile hazards in the AI core (as well as putting a new spin on older features with the return of laser tripwires in the Cycorp level). It also marked the debut of SL’s first boss gauntlet, STS-25 Tarasa colony (which is itself unique, in that it’s the first forest-type map in SL).

Crusade’s biggest weakness, in the eyes of many, is that a lot of the expansion has been copy-pasted from previous areas. That’s an accurate statement, but not a valid complaint. STS games have always been heavily copy-pasted, and likely always will be. You should pick up on this pretty quickly. Complaining about that at this point is like complaining about how Call of Duty is unoriginal. If it comes as a surprise to you that most of SL is a thin-disguised version of another part of SL, you clearly haven’t been playing attention (though it’s not as bad as PL in that regard. How many times have we gone up against Knights of some variety?). And with Crusade, the copy-pasting is at least justified, since it ties into the Scorn plot and thus, we should expect to see the Scorn again.

Another complaint about Crusade is that it was too short, and that we would be left content starved for the next few months until the next cap, with nothing to do after capping. Here’s the thing: We had a HUGE amount of content available during Crusade, and during the weeks leading two it. We had the Infested deck event, which made vanity items accessible to the average player and debuted the flamethrower weapon type. That was followed by the Hive, the source of Napalm Carbines and Flux Cannons, aka the most beloved weapons in SL (take that, Shipyard pistols). We also had the UCS Savant, which was a huge amount of fun to play during the wait for Crusade. Granted, you can’t earn XP in those areas, but Crusades cap was low enough that most people can cap in about two weeks of casual play. Plus, Crusade included Durrex the Devastator, who was a huge boon to the “complain about how hard the boss is” community.

The two most valid complaints about Crusade are that the store never received new items, and that the crafting system was also ignored. I can’t say I disagree (though since crafted gear has always been unavailable to all but the most hardcore players, I also can’t say that it was much of a lose).

Was Crusade the perfect expansion? No. Was it as awful as people are prone to claiming it was? No, and In fact I believe that it is a much better expansion than most of the ones that came before it.

04-11-2013, 07:38 PM
I think one thing that brought this last expansion as a bit lacking was the absence of shields for the newest pistols, and we haven't had any new ones for two caps now so it's kinda bad for engineers who get the one handed level 46 engineer weapons in the token quests while the operatives and commandos get two handed ones. There were just small things here and there that were annoying, but I do think that they were (sort of) improving at making memorable bosses and unique hazards along the routes.
The last Scorn cap was good, but the recipes were waaaay overpriced for the small stat bonuses that it gave, and the multiple stun Scorn + pushing Scorn + mines everywhere = a few frustrating moments. The beaches were basically abandoned very early in the game for the higher xp/hour rates found in the mines portion of the cap. The MOST annoying thing EVER in Vuleria was the ridiculously high drop rates of the main armor pieces the INSTANT you got level 46.

04-11-2013, 07:59 PM
I think one thing that brought this last expansion as a bit lacking was the absence of shields for the newest pistols, and we haven't had any new ones for two caps now so it's kinda bad for engineers who get the one handed level 46 engineer weapons in the token quests while the operatives and commandos get two handed ones. There were just small things here and there that were annoying, but I do think that they were (sort of) improving at making memorable bosses and unique hazards along the routes.

Doesn't the engineer item have the same armor boost that the rest of the class weapons do? I don't remember if it does, I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to engineer equipment.

I'm kinda on the fence about the lack of shields. On the one hand, I'm glad that they were removed because it forced people to use class weapons and actually think about their loadouts instead of just going "Moar DPS = Better weapon" (though I do still see the occasional holdout still pistol+shielding his/her way through the level). On the other hand, I'm no longer able to buy high level class weapons for a song like I was in the pre-Crusade era.

04-11-2013, 08:51 PM
I think one thing that brought this last expansion as a bit lacking was the absence of shields for the newest pistols, and we haven't had any new ones for two caps now so it's kinda bad for engineers who get the one handed level 46 engineer weapons in the token quests while the operatives and commandos get two handed ones. There were just small things here and there that were annoying, but I do think that they were (sort of) improving at making memorable bosses and unique hazards along the routes.

Doesn't the engineer item have the same armor boost that the rest of the class weapons do? I don't remember if it does, I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to engineer equipment.

I'm kinda on the fence about the lack of shields. On the one hand, I'm glad that they were removed because it forced people to use class weapons and actually think about their loadouts instead of just going "Moar DPS = Better weapon" (though I do still see the occasional holdout still pistol+shielding his/her way through the level). On the other hand, I'm no longer able to buy high level class weapons for a song like I was in the pre-Crusade era.
I'll go check again real quick on the engineer handgun real quick. I think the lack of a new shield brought it below the others if I can remember.

04-11-2013, 09:00 PM
Yea the engineer one handed Homestead 0.22 pistol is waaaaaay underpowered compared to the Keystone and TAC-17. The commando and operative two handed weapons add on around 500 armor while the engineer one gives absolutely no armor boost. The best shield I have gives out only 210 armor rating so I think it's safe to say that it could've been improved.

04-12-2013, 09:25 AM
u guys love typing :D

04-12-2013, 10:42 AM
Yea the engineer one handed Homestead 0.22 pistol is waaaaaay underpowered compared to the Keystone and TAC-17. The commando and operative two handed weapons add on around 500 armor while the engineer one gives absolutely no armor boost. The best shield I have gives out only 210 armor rating so I think it's safe to say that it could've been improved.

Yeah, that does seem a little wimpy. I suppose if they'd given it an armor boost, it might have been OP when people used it with a shield. I suppose they could've gotten around that by having the gun be held in a two handed stance, but that would've been difficult to model and I'm not sure if SL character models could even do so, given the way their arms are built. Have you tried using the Homestead with a shield and an armor implant? That would give you about 300ish armor, which is about average for Crusade weapons (well, average for commando ones. Don't know much about the engineer items). Though given that the Homestead is nominally a .22 caliber weapon, its not exactly shocking to have it be underpowered when compared to....well just about anything, really.