View Full Version : 1h and 2h weapon search

Gideon Jean-Claude
04-11-2013, 06:56 PM
Although you can preview items in the CS before purchasing them, it would be nice to search weapons according to whether or not they are 1h or 2h weapons. It would make it so much easier if you were searching for example lvl 10-19 weapons for a str bear or rhino so that you could further narrow your search results and not have to try on each to see if it was 1h or 2h. Just a suggestion.

04-23-2013, 07:11 AM
The preview is there for that reason, I don't think sts would add an extra button for something that can be done with another button...

To be honest, I don't think Sts would add this at all. The CS is good the way it is.

I hope you don't feel bad about this, I'm just speaking my mind.


04-23-2013, 08:18 AM
The preview is there for that reason, I don't think sts would add an extra button for something that can be done with another button...

To be honest, I don't think Sts would add this at all. The CS is good the way it is.

I hope you don't feel bad about this, I'm just speaking my mind.


I for one think his idea is good it helps nature your search so you don't get all those junk 2h.

04-23-2013, 12:38 PM
I for one think his idea is good it helps nature your search so you don't get all those junk 2h.

I'm with vanityking on this one. the current filters like item grade, level range, and sometimes name, are enough to let you either find what you're looking for or remove unwanted items from your search. I can't think of a situation where adding in another filter would make it any easier to find a particular item.

Gideon Jean-Claude
04-23-2013, 05:05 PM
The preview is there for that reason, I don't think sts would add an extra button for something that can be done with another button...

To be honest, I don't think Sts would add this at all. The CS is good the way it is.

I hope you don't feel bad about this, I'm just speaking my mind.


No offense taken, and I appreciate your feedback.