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View Full Version : Switching from IOS to Chrome

04-12-2013, 09:29 AM
What a great game!

I have been playing for a while and I love it. Recently I got a non-technically savvy friend of mine to play with me and he is having a problem.

Usually I play with (Android) phone and run AL in chrome when I am in front of my laptop so my phone can charge. I am logged in with my google account so all I have to do is login the same way with Chrome and my toons appear and I am gtg.

My buddy with an Iphone was trying to play in Chrome yesterday on his laptop, and when he logs in with his google account his toons don't show up. I asked him what he used to sign in with his Iphone and he said he was just automatically signed in the first time he played the game.

I am IOS dumb, is there some account that his IOS/Iphone is attached too that automatically logs him in and he needs to login through chrome with that? How can he get his toons to show up in Chrome.

Sorry if this has been asked before but searching for IOS to Chrome in the forum search didn't exactly narrow it down.

Helps Pleeeeeeeeeeeese.

- Me

04-12-2013, 10:12 AM
It sounds like he hasn't registered the account and still logs in as Guest. If he registers, he can choose to use Google as the login method.

04-12-2013, 10:33 AM
That's what I figured but he told me he was registered. I'm thinking this might be user error.