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View Full Version : charge or no charge?

04-12-2013, 03:17 PM
Assuming all your attack skills are on cooldown except for Skill A, do you normally charge Skill A or do an uncharged attack and then a normal swing of your weapon? What determines whether you charge or not? Do you find it changes between PvP and PvE?

04-14-2013, 01:20 AM
i always charge except for windmill.

04-14-2013, 05:24 AM
I dont charge only when :
- using pet skills, lol;
- running with sky smash
- healing skill is ready, so need asap use healing skill

04-14-2013, 06:20 AM
PVP- I always charge
PVE- meh

04-14-2013, 11:52 AM
I charge most of the time, but obvously is situationally:

IF 4+ mobs charge "space-bar attack" do NOT spam it
IF pet buff (like ribbit) charge all but skyward smash (in this case ribbit give the crit bonus for like 3 sec so u can use windmill n sky while buffed)
IF boss fight charge only self buffs n windmill (if u got)
IF low mana n no sorceress around charging ALL is a good way to let the mana recharge so never use pots or never stop attacking

this is the first "charge or not to charge" rulez popped in my mind that I do... (but i c most of the ppl dosent do like that)

to come out whit that i just tried dozen n dozen times the same group of mobs checking for the crits, aoe hits n so on, so the point is read a lot but try by ur own if stuff works or not :)

04-14-2013, 12:08 PM
My spec is skyward/AT/horn/vb. I never pve except for the new cap.

I always charge VB/horn but never skyward/at/autoattack. W/ skyward you can still get stun without the charge and w/ autoattack my view is you want as many chances to proc as possible. On the rare occasion I have a proper 1on1 against a good warrior I'll charge AT.

04-15-2013, 02:20 AM
always charge

04-15-2013, 05:26 AM
I always charge on my twink warrior... Otherway that skills sux... exept i run with skyward...