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View Full Version : Best build for elite map tanking?

04-15-2013, 08:43 PM
any advice appreciated!

My preliminary thoughts:


AT plus upgrade 1 and 3
CS plus 1 and 4
HoR and bottom 3
Jug -- all upgrades

5 might
5 durable


--But it seems that I don't use Jug enough to justify it taking up a place...

04-16-2013, 05:19 AM
For tanking + dmg:
Vb, ss, wm, hor.

For only tanking:
wm (1,2,3),
hor (5/5),
cs (1,4),
4th skill depend on u: rally cry / at / vb.
Rest in passiv str, durability.

Rally 5/5 to help all team, great skill ( i would advice this ).
Vb to increase dmg (buff), and reduce pots usage (debuff).
At (1,3,4) to taunt and move mobs / bosses. U forgot 4 up is neccesary to taunt.

Judge is great, but imho for pvp tanking only, with his long cd.

Ripmaw, snaggletooth, loki, konga, jack, nexus, malison, glacian.

04-16-2013, 05:47 AM
any advice appreciated!

My preliminary thoughts:


AT plus upgrade 1 and 3
CS plus 1 and 4
HoR and bottom 3
Jug -- all upgrades

5 might
5 durable


--But it seems that I don't use Jug enough to justify it taking up a place...

if u chose at, take all upgrades. if u stick with cs, go 2/5 with feeble. i would not put extra passives in armor.

For tanking + dmg:
Vb, ss, wm, hor.

For only tanking:
wm, hor, cs, +@
4th skill depend on u: rally cry / at / vb.

Rally 5/5 to help all team, great skill ( i would advice this ).
Vb to increase dmg (buff), and reduce pots usage (debuff).
At to taunt and move mobs / bosses.

Judge is great, but imho for pvp tanking only, with his long cd.

Ripmaw, snaggletooth, loki, konga, jack, nexus, malison, glacian.

same :) except pets +ribbit

i dont use plat .. so ribbit, snaggle, loki are my top 3 .. i use others if i want to lvl them or the top 3 are tired.

04-16-2013, 03:16 PM
any advice appreciated!

My preliminary thoughts:


AT plus upgrade 1 and 3
CS plus 1 and 4
HoR and bottom 3
Jug -- all upgrades

5 might
5 durable


--But it seems that I don't use Jug enough to justify it taking up a place...

If you like CS and Jugg, I would have SS instead of AT becasue AT is only for one target which is good for boss only, but SS will stun mobs which help your survivability.

And CS wil suck up a lot of mana, so VB will save you some mana pots. But if you like 200 armor & unstoppable state, then put extra points on Int and use CS wisely(not spamming but use when needed only with auto attack & HoR) then it will be fine.

Jugg is not a skill like you use all the time. You have to use it wisely. ; )
But without Veng, it will be a little hard to make kills tho.

And use koko and two handed weapons for max armor. You role is not dmg but staying alive in elite.

Kind of off topic but, I figured that if your mage in your party has Fire, Ice, Time and Heal (mana) and rogue has Veil and Trap, you don't really have to spam so many taunt skills and pots.
So get a good team. =)

04-16-2013, 05:46 PM
rally cry, u wont do much damage so theres really no point adding damage buff (VB)
just go with rogues, go for mostly buffs

04-18-2013, 11:10 AM
Honestly what i do to win any elite map is too get 1 very powerful Wizard, 2 very powerful warriors (including my self) and one rouge... Over all with that i beat all elite missions... not very descriptive or telling what to do but that's what i do no need for all that math junk lol!

04-18-2013, 11:36 AM
i would go for rally cry intead of VB.
VB was war's best buff skill bt sadly it is nerfed.

04-18-2013, 02:26 PM
1. VB 5/5
2. SS 5/5
3 WM 5/5
4. HOR 3/5 without taunt and area
5. MIGHT 5/5
6. DURABLE 5/5

04-18-2013, 04:21 PM
1. VB 5/5
2. SS 5/5
3 WM 5/5
4. HOR 3/5 without taunt and area
5. MIGHT 5/5
6. DURABLE 5/5

thats 28 points in total!

04-18-2013, 07:50 PM
1. VB 5/5
2. SS 5/5
3 WM 5/5
4. HOR 3/5 without taunt and area
5. MIGHT 5/5
6. DURABLE 5/5

thats not a pve build, lol u have no taunt?

Id take out vegence - replace it with rally cry 5/5

Hor 5/5 - with taunt, increased diameter, shield, longer

Sky mash 3/5 i think - Stun and chance to return mana
and Wm 2/5 i think - cripple

Might and crit still - i never tried durable, does that actually help? LOL
u can do might and durable i guess if that seems to work, never tried

04-18-2013, 07:53 PM
Honestly what i do to win any elite map is too get 1 very powerful Wizard, 2 very powerful warriors (including my self) and one rouge... Over all with that i beat all elite missions... not very descriptive or telling what to do but that's what i do no need for all that math junk lol!

hmm i wonder how long u do elites for. LOL

Best to go with

1 warr - 3 rogues
1 war 2 rogues / sorc