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View Full Version : Razor Shield the abandoned skill?

04-16-2013, 03:32 PM
As a noob I loved Razor Shield. It was just plan cool to have razors flying around you. Now at the end game, when dealing pure damage is top priority I have abandoned it. So I ask, what benefit is granted when choosing a defensive skill such as Razor Shield when you are "top geared" and already use Veil for defence?

04-16-2013, 03:42 PM
I personally Love Razor shield because:
A) Dodge buff of course.
B) It puts out around a 1000 damage in it's 8 seconds.
C) It is great for lazy runs through low levels since you can just run mobs through a grinder ;)

04-17-2013, 10:52 AM
I use it mainly for it's dodge.

04-17-2013, 12:06 PM
I stopped using it and respec'd it out because at end-game PvP, you never dodge as much as your Dodge% would imply.

I suspect that there is a hidden Hit% (similar to PL) that Dodge simply reduces; thus the reason why I did not dodge as often as I would have thought with nearly 60% Dodge between Razor and Malison.

04-18-2013, 08:11 PM
Immune to move impairment abilities, 8 secs on charge and Dodge. If u use it when critical is at its highest, you can do alot of damage. You also have to have a big mana pool to keep that critical up much longer then the seven seconds. Gives you the edge over rogues without it IMO. I'm talking end game pvp. 1125 mana, see crits at 75% ticks up to 140 on rogue 50-100 critical on wars. 8 ticks end game pvp battle are longer you guys know this and some games areare just a Custer in the middle. Works well for that also.

My mistake 8 seconds.

04-18-2013, 08:16 PM
In general I do not like the short duration you have, besides that does not protect against damage, just damage from poison or other, but I like that you can delete the root, stun, and sometimes they become slow.

Still, not only protects much secondary damage.

04-18-2013, 08:20 PM
I use a bow so I'm never close enough to use razor. That's why I don't have it.

04-19-2013, 10:38 AM
I use a bow so I'm never close enough to use razor. That's why I don't have it.

Good point. The only time I even get close is to pop smoke it the middle of the mob. Do you think Razor would decrease pot usage?

04-19-2013, 01:53 PM
Good point. The only time I even get close is to pop smoke it the middle of the mob. Do you think Razor would decrease pot usage?

It does decrease mana pot use. But not really save a lot of health pots IMO.

Rather piercer with heal & 3 hit upgrades saves more health pots.

04-19-2013, 10:05 PM
Just discovered Razor cancels out the annoying freeze effects in the new maps.

04-21-2013, 05:38 PM
i wasnt using razor at first but during some free respec i tried and for me i must say its difference. When i tried again without i was potting way more then with razor, i depend on his dodge that much.

also its good now for canceling those freeze effects as mentioned. It just needs to work properly bc it not alwas does and im slowed down even when i charged it

04-24-2013, 03:26 PM
As a noob I loved Razor Shield. It was just plan cool to have razors flying around you. Now at the end game, when dealing pure damage is top priority I have abandoned it. So I ask, what benefit is granted when choosing a defensive skill such as Razor Shield when you are "top geared" and already use Veil for defence?

I'm strictly a PVE Rogue - I'm not specced PVP and while I have never tried to, I'm not sure I would drop Razor Shield...

Nevertheless - unlike most who use Razor Shield for a defensive skill - I use this as an offensive AOE skill and here's how:
My spec is Aimed, Smoke, Razors, Net (the subskills aren't important for this conversation)

I run with Ribbit typically

After letting the tank draw aggro I charge into a group of mobs, pop smoke, slap down a net and hit razor shield, ribbit, aimed shot, and autoattack in rapid succession.

Razor Shield + crit over 70% and capped at 102% is devastating... my natural crit is 22% or so, + 40 for ribbit + 40 for stacked aimed shots... you get the idea... Every enemy in range of razors is taking a crit for 3 seconds guaranteed. After that it's a 70% chance for a crit for the rest of the term.

So - while again I'm not sure about PVP - for endgame PVE your group will love you and you will be invited back for Elite runs due to your ability to dish out large amounts of damage to a lot of mobs. You're basically a moving AOE spell :)

04-25-2013, 10:21 PM
thanks for putting it that way cuz i often swat razer woth poison arrow

04-25-2013, 10:47 PM
i do veil+razor combo.

04-30-2013, 08:09 PM
i love razor just like alrisaia said i use depraved to get the high danage and DPS so you get kike 700to one enemy in 2.5sec

05-02-2013, 02:27 PM
I still use razzor shield it helps kill the mobs if they get close when i'm using my bow and i only have bleed and duration.

I might drop it at some point because i'm always experimenting with many different builds