View Full Version : Blinking Dots

04-16-2013, 10:46 PM
Hi! This suggestion is quite simple. Everytime we farm on dungeons we sometimes get CHESTS, and we all know that pets dont pick up chests. So my suggestion is: For the unpicked chest, a blinking dot will appear on the map, to inform to player that a chest is on the map waiting to be picked.

You can also do the same with eggs, sometimes, players gets confused when the message appears, like: Your elix rerolled and you got lucky! It happens sometimes, that an item(common, rare, epic, etc.) drops on the scene ahead of the egg drop. The pet automatically picks the item, the player, unknown to him, will think the item picked by the pet was the result of the elix reroll, thus missing on the egg. It almost happened to me, when a granite egg dropped.

Thanks for reading.

04-17-2013, 12:20 AM
+1 nice idea! This would be helpful if its implemented.

04-17-2013, 12:24 AM
Great idea. Hopefully all my eggs were rerolls because if it wasn't for that message I would not have stopped to look around for them and would have just moved on assuming it was loot and the pet would grab it.