View Full Version : Just a smile and a goodbye:)

10-07-2010, 02:22 PM
Mystic made me promise to stay on the forum til Saturday so that's why I'm posting. I've already deleted all my characters except furrawn, scarlettohara, & christmastree. Those 3 chars are empty of everything but I won't fully delete them til enough time has passed that nobody will pretend to be me (as suggested by a forum member-thks)...

I actually began to respond in the dev's official AO3 thread but it felt like highjacking and that was certainly wrong. So here I am:) I wanted to respond to Fluff from the dev's AO3 thread... Also, wanted to explain/defend myself against some of the assumptions I have read in the dying game thread. Let me preface this by saying that unfortunately in the game dying thread some folks assumed without reading that all the posts agreed or disagreed with the original poster and posted accordingly...

Hi, Fluff:)
You are most certainly right. Playing the swamps cost money before we were at the high end of the level cap. I'm fine with AO3 costing money. Oh and yeah- I had like 20K in the swamps... I remember playing and playing to get 10K to buy the rainbow robes lol... But the swamps didn't take so much gold to play that I looked at trying to level my character and thought "I can't afford it." if I needed money, I went and played and earned it. NP. But, it would take at least 300K to level Furrawn. It isn't anywhere near the same kind of gold amount needed for the swamps.

I realize that there are players who farm and sell. They have millions now. I don't farm and sell so I have 200K... The first tremendous wrong assumption is that I see some players assuming that a player is casual play once a week because they don't have millions. Wrong.

I promise you there are plenty of serious respectable players who do not have more than a few hundred thousand if they never sell items. I see posts where people say, "Oh just farm and sell..." I don't want to be forced to sell pinks. I like sharing. Nobody should be forced into farming to afford to play. Earning money the old-fashioned playing doesn't make enough for the kind of gold AO3 takes.

I never one single time anywhere asked for AO3 to be made easier or nerfed. Never.

My main is a paladin. The way I have always played is that if people on my team die on my watch, it's my responsibility. Period.

AO3 has an imbalance. Azrael and others can go ahead and attack me. I don't care. It's true. There is an imbalance. Non-strength mages and birds die a lot... Too much... I don't know what causes the imbalance or how to fix it. I simply know it's there.

As I said in other posts that were ignored by some who just wanted to lambast and label me as complaining and casual, THE IMBALANCE CAUSES THE GOLD SINK.
I do whatever I have to do in a game to keep my team alive. I always have. Because AO3 is imbalanced, it costs a crazy amount to keep my team alive.

I never blindly said "ooooooh whine I had to spend gold." I said, "Hey there's an imbalance and it's a problem. I'm having to spend too much gold. At this rate, I can't afford to level my characters."

I had people just assume I was complaining and wanted a nerf. Those of you who know me, know better than that.

Yet those who don't know me make blanket assumptions about my intentions and my gameplay, including Futumsh. Yes, the rumors are true. I did quit because he was rude and deprecating, and I simply didn't deserve it. I have been a respectable forum member since the day I joined. I'm always honest. I don't cater to the devs hoping they'll like me. I'm just myself. I was concerned about not being able to afford leveling my 45's... I had the right to express that and not have a dev call me complaining and then in the next post indicate I rush in and kill stuff mindlessly. He should have apologized. He's a dev not a peer. I'm a customer. I don't expect treatment like that from a dev. My husband would have shrugged it off. I can't.

I didn't make the thread to take back quitting. I couldn't if I wanted to... My stash is even emptied. The three chars that are left between them have not one pot, gold piece, or even a lvl 2 wand...

I made this thread to explain myself... And defend my game playing... And to say that I don't walk the dog in the middle of a game... Wait... I have a cat because I don't have to walk her:) Dogs are great though:)

In a team that had my hubby, my best friend, Haikus, and Twink as Instinctive, we fought the galactic overlord. We used elixirs (btw the elixir was never what cost the gold. It's only needed for overlord- I just think we should not HAVE to use an elixir ever- dif issue). Some team members died anyway. I stayed alive fighting the galactic overlord and did Rez and heal over 15 times and didn't die... A couple decided to walk back since being Rezd in the room was not working... I stayed alive while they walked back. Then we killed him:) I CAN play well. I'm not mindless or stupid. Though we didn't get him by a barrel so that wasn't ideal. People who play with me will tell you that I love strategy... Hubby, however, will run blindly into a room like a doofuss...lol

I'm not going to do the whole drama list of people I love. It just seems hurtful to friends who might have been forgotten while making the list...

Instead, I just want to thank everyone for such a delightful, fun-filled time... It's been a wonderful experience... There are so many of you who are kind and generous... Great players who took time to teach me back in the early days of the game... Happy memories:) I've become a good player... Hubby says I need to try resident evil & halo now that I can play:) Thanks to the devs for creating a breakthrough game that will encourage more games to follow suit, and for usually being amazing at listening to feedback...

To my friends, and there a lot of you, thanks for everything. You know I love you...
I'll be on to check pm's til Saturday, but won't be posting in the forum again...

And be good to each other...

10-07-2010, 02:32 PM

have fun and take care.

bon voyage.

10-07-2010, 02:45 PM
Thanks for helping me level in Swamps as I was coming up. Thanks for great conversations in the ChatBox.

If by some chance something happens to make you change your mind, I have gear for you.

10-07-2010, 02:50 PM
no, don't go. i don't think futumsh was referring to you specifically in his post. i think he was talking to everyone who posted in that thread, not just you only.
but if you do have to go, thanks for the help and i wish you good luck.
adios amigos.

10-07-2010, 02:50 PM
Ahhh no! My Florida survivalist excursion is pushed back to Novemeber 5th, so you'll have to check back for pictures!

You'll be missed, see you around, and take care. ;)

10-07-2010, 02:52 PM
Sad to see you go Fur your one of the few mature players on PL I haven't played with you much but I noted that you post good constructive feedback and that's definitely something to poroud of...we will miss you around here. :)

10-07-2010, 02:54 PM
I didn't make the thread to take back quitting. I couldn't if I wanted to... My stash is even emptied. The three chars that are left between them have not one pot, gold piece, or even a lvl 2 wand...

I just want to point out that this statement is COMPLETELY WRONG, and I am glad you are holding on to the Furrawn character, because if that character were to show up in the game at a later time, within minutes it would have more items, gold and pots then you could imagine. Take some time for other things, but if you ever get that Pocket Legends itch, don't hesitate to scratch it. Till then, take care.

10-07-2010, 02:55 PM
Furrawn, I wish you would reconsider, but I know you probably will not. I will miss you, and this whole game will miss you. Thanks for being such a great friend, and excellent teammate, and I wish you the best of luck :)

10-07-2010, 02:55 PM
If by some chance something happens to make you change your mind, I have gear for you.

yeah same here. if you ever decide to come back cuz you're jealous of ur hubby or something, i know many of us will pitch in to get you started back up. thanks for not deleting you xmas character...although i was looking forward to leaving them together ...if you never come back, good luck in life and prosper!
Oh and i sent u a PM. :)

10-07-2010, 02:55 PM
So sad to hear your going. You've always been someone I respected both on the forums and in game.

Best of luck with all that life brings you :)

10-07-2010, 03:52 PM
Furrawn - you brought much joy to the forums.

You will be missed.

Take care,

- Cinco

10-07-2010, 04:17 PM
We've had our talk all day yesterday. I won't/don't have to say goodbye.Your just leaving the game...like I said I'll miss seeing you in-game...you know my only reason for staying;)...if it wasn't for that I'd be gone too. Talk to you later Fur:)

10-07-2010, 04:18 PM
I'm really sorry to see you go and I really hope that you didn't take any of my posts in that thread as directed to yourself, as that was never my intention.

10-07-2010, 04:18 PM
Best of luck, and thanks for your numerous contributions.

We'll miss you.

- g

10-07-2010, 04:31 PM
Aw, Furr...if you do come back, message me and I'll fit any character(s) you like out. I'll hold onto goodies, just in case. I never got to quest with you and that's not fair. But take care and keep in touch--you know the email. :(

10-07-2010, 04:34 PM
Considering that i am comparably actually pretty new to the scene, I'm glad I did play a little with you. it was fun, and hope that we do it again someday.

10-07-2010, 05:19 PM
Bye Furr :( now that I know you're quitting. You took me by surprised when you told me in game.

10-07-2010, 05:31 PM
Mystic made me promise to stay on the forum til Saturday so that's why I'm posting. I've already deleted all my characters except furrawn, scarlettohara, & christmastree. Those 3 chars are empty of everything but I won't fully delete them til enough time has passed that nobody will pretend to be me (as suggested by a forum member-thks)...

I actually began to respond in the dev's official AO3 thread but it felt like highjacking and that was certainly wrong. So here I am:) I wanted to respond to Fluff from the dev's AO3 thread... Also, wanted to explain/defend myself against some of the assumptions I have read in the dying game thread. Let me preface this by saying that unfortunately in the game dying thread some folks assumed without reading that all the posts agreed or disagreed with the original poster and posted accordingly...

Hi, Fluff:)
You are most certainly right. Playing the swamps cost money before we were at the high end of the level cap. I'm fine with AO3 costing money. Oh and yeah- I had like 20K in the swamps... I remember playing and playing to get 10K to buy the rainbow robes lol... But the swamps didn't take so much gold to play that I looked at trying to level my character and thought "I can't afford it." if I needed money, I went and played and earned it. NP. But, it would take at least 300K to level Furrawn. It isn't anywhere near the same kind of gold amount needed for the swamps.

I realize that there are players who farm and sell. They have millions now. I don't farm and sell so I have 200K... The first tremendous wrong assumption is that I see some players assuming that a player is casual play once a week because they don't have millions. Wrong.

I promise you there are plenty of serious respectable players who do not have more than a few hundred thousand if they never sell items. I see posts where people say, "Oh just farm and sell..." I don't want to be forced to sell pinks. I like sharing. Nobody should be forced into farming to afford to play. Earning money the old-fashioned playing doesn't make enough for the kind of gold AO3 takes.

I never one single time anywhere asked for AO3 to be made easier or nerfed. Never.

My main is a paladin. The way I have always played is that if people on my team die on my watch, it's my responsibility. Period.

AO3 has an imbalance. Azrael and others can go ahead and attack me. I don't care. It's true. There is an imbalance. Non-strength mages and birds die a lot... Too much... I don't know what causes the imbalance or how to fix it. I simply know it's there.

As I said in other posts that were ignored by some who just wanted to lambast and label me as complaining and casual, THE IMBALANCE CAUSES THE GOLD SINK.
I do whatever I have to do in a game to keep my team alive. I always have. Because AO3 is imbalanced, it costs a crazy amount to keep my team alive.

I never blindly said "ooooooh whine I had to spend gold." I said, "Hey there's an imbalance and it's a problem. I'm having to spend too much gold. At this rate, I can't afford to level my characters."

I had people just assume I was complaining and wanted a nerf. Those of you who know me, know better than that.

Yet those who don't know me make blanket assumptions about my intentions and my gameplay, including Futumsh. Yes, the rumors are true. I did quit because he was rude and deprecating, and I simply didn't deserve it. I have been a respectable forum member since the day I joined. I'm always honest. I don't cater to the devs hoping they'll like me. I'm just myself. I was concerned about not being able to afford leveling my 45's... I had the right to express that and not have a dev call me complaining and then in the next post indicate I rush in and kill stuff mindlessly. He should have apologized. He's a dev not a peer. I'm a customer. I don't expect treatment like that from a dev. My husband would have shrugged it off. I can't.

I didn't make the thread to take back quitting. I couldn't if I wanted to... My stash is even emptied. The three chars that are left between them have not one pot, gold piece, or even a lvl 2 wand...

I made this thread to explain myself... And defend my game playing... And to say that I don't walk the dog in the middle of a game... Wait... I have a cat because I don't have to walk her:) Dogs are great though:)

In a team that had my hubby, my best friend, Haikus, and Twink as Instinctive, we fought the galactic overlord. We used elixirs (btw the elixir was never what cost the gold. It's only needed for overlord- I just think we should not HAVE to use an elixir ever- dif issue). Some team members died anyway. I stayed alive fighting the galactic overlord and did Rez and heal over 15 times and didn't die... A couple decided to walk back since being Rezd in the room was not working... I stayed alive while they walked back. Then we killed him:) I CAN play well. I'm not mindless or stupid. Though we didn't get him by a barrel so that wasn't ideal. People who play with me will tell you that I love strategy... Hubby, however, will run blindly into a room like a doofuss...lol

I'm not going to do the whole drama list of people I love. It just seems hurtful to friends who might have been forgotten while making the list...

Instead, I just want to thank everyone for such a delightful, fun-filled time... It's been a wonderful experience... There are so many of you who are kind and generous... Great players who took time to teach me back in the early days of the game... Happy memories:) I've become a good player... Hubby says I need to try resident evil & halo now that I can play:) Thanks to the devs for creating a breakthrough game that will encourage more games to follow suit, and for usually being amazing at listening to feedback...

To my friends, and there a lot of you, thanks for everything. You know I love you...
I'll be on to check pm's til Saturday, but won't be posting in the forum again...

And be good to each other...

yeah well now im making u stay til monday
i have 20k to my name and now cuz of ao3 i have worthless pinks but hey theres always gonna be a way to level and who really care what people say chances are they look like this http://www.ripten.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/cartman-wow-sunder.jpg

10-07-2010, 05:33 PM
Im not saying goodbye cause ur not leaving

10-07-2010, 08:03 PM
You'll be missed greatly, Furrawn. ):

10-07-2010, 08:27 PM
If i gave u like... 3 mill would u keep playing?

10-07-2010, 08:44 PM
thanks for being friendly and generous. Feel free to pop in any time
Good luck with life 8D

10-07-2010, 10:16 PM
Thanks for helping me out
Take care

10-07-2010, 10:29 PM
Aww, very very sad to see you go Fur, hopefully things will turn around and if you come back I will help you get gear back, trust me. I will miss you and keep in touch, I love you and I'll miss you a ton:(

I will keep those hammers, whenever I liquidate I am careful to not liquidate them, not because they aren't available anymore, but because of the fact I can remember you by them. Also, please message me your contact information, I lost them, sorry.

I love you and I'll miss you, take care.

Twink, I'd do the same if it'd make her stay, but it won't :/

10-08-2010, 01:28 PM
I wasn't going to post again... But found I had to post to thank all of you for these amazing posts and kind words... Such an outpouring of love from all of you is humbling... Twink, Mystic is right, it won't get me to stay... But I appreciate your generosity and kindness... I'm glad we made peace and got to play together... Thanks everyone who has offered new equipment etc in this thread or in a pm if I'd return...

I've gone all weepy and am holding the iPad caterwauling... I think you can all know that means I'll miss you in game and on the forum... I knew I was playing PL a lot when I went with hubby to see Colbie Callait and he said of her opening act, "His hair looks just like 'thorn root.'" lol

A friend mentioned in a pm that Fu might have had a bad day. I can understand that... I have days like that... I am sometimes inclined to be snarky on a day like that... But, I always apologize... He hasn't...

I wouldn't be me if I backed down and came back with no apology... But I want you all to know that I appreciate everything you've said and done... I have some wonderful memories... PL was my first game so my memories of it and all of you will stay unique and unreplaced...

It actually crossed my mind a couple of weeks ago to print out some screenies from my fav games just in case I ever get old and forgetful. I made the mistake of mentioning the idea to hubby who wet himself laughing:) But, you are all real friends to me... And as such, I will miss you and treasure the memories...

Playing in the swamps with Royce as Tricoptera when we were level 30....how hard and how great it was to get one-shotted by Frogmar... Who knew poison blast was so fast? Lol

Playing the moonwalruses with mystic, haikus, hubby, and best friend... Talking and laughing so much I got deaths... Going to Skeller with our team of lower lvl 20's, watching mystic run by with a troll he aggro'd alone on his butt, laughing myself silly when he died, except then the troll found me:) We were hands-down the most fun team in PL history....

Playing with Dizko when he came back recently and being in his first game with The Fridge. Lol Turns out there's no way to appropriately describe The Fridge... Lol

Being very aware of the K/D ratio... Playing with hubby but only when he was playing kaleidescope for the K/d leaderboards... Any other char hubby plays, he tends to do what Fu thought I do- he runs willynilly into a room... Playing with Raxie who has to be one of the most devoted leaderboarders of all...

Getting King to make a Christmas char, he named it Santaself, so we could level them together... That would have been a blast...

Playing Frozen Nightmare... With best friend, redryder, haikus, necrobane, holybean, etc... People came and went in that game... I laughed more than I ever have... Spellcheck has a mind of its own lol... At the last 1/3 of the last level, best friend and I were alone... We went in to finish the job... We pulled them out one at a time... Sometimes getting more than we bargained for (three with boss) and dying... But we finally cleared that map:)

My last game was actually the game with Twink, Haikus, Hubby, and best friend... It was a great game... It cost a lot of health pots but definitely was a good game to go out on if I'm winking out of existence....

I remember Furrawn being a tiny lower lvl 20 (21 or 22) and trying to take on Lost with Staffed as matching pure mages in our rainbow robes....one of us would Rez the other then die... Rinse and repeat... We decided that we needed a bear to help... I changed Furrawn to a pally later that night... Went around with the warlord makeup:) so gothic & cool:)

My beloved bees.... Beestkllr... Some of my best moments and conversations were with Bees... Too many to recount...

And Kalielle and Canonicalkoi- we would have done great things together in this game... Kali, I think Canonical might be up for things like 25's taking on The Fridge... And our strength chicken team... You should meet her if you haven't... I'll be sorry to miss out on all that...

There are a million more games and wonderful folks that I'm just not thinking of right this second... You matter just as much to me...Also, I wish I had gotten to play more with Cascade, Dawn, and others...

Really the game has two great things going for it:
1)The devs are making a truly groundbreaking game that keeps people playing ad infinitum... Just remember that if people give feedback it is always going to be because they care about the game... Always...
2)All of you...the people playing cross paths, mix new friends with old, and the game becomes new again...

Mystic, I'll pm the email & aim info to you. See, I'm still here thru Saturday morning like I promised you:)

I tried Halo Reach last night:) hmmm... There aren't words for how abysmally bad I was.... I think using one stick to orient & one to actually move at the same time is going to take some work:) I mostly shot the ground or the sky:) I truly think I might have to buy a game like spongebob to learn to maneuver:) Feel free to laugh... Hubby sure was... He said I was the first person he'd ever seen play who was going to run out of ammo in the tutorial- and I never hit anything- except a teammate twice:)

Sending out so much love to you all...
au revoir...

10-08-2010, 01:30 PM
OMG Furrawn - 6 hundred and sixty six posts. . you can't leave noww!!! - m sorry m the one who had to point tht out. not usual one to pick out the numbers. so yeh.

Still to read most of it. Didn't get a chance to run with you guys much. But wld hate to see you leave. Esp over a . .. won't call it little . . . well. I dont know. Wld have felt bad myself . . . guess some of us is just sen-si-tive.

Maybe is best to keep a low profile on forum. Just to play the game. Secretly.

10-09-2010, 01:32 PM
OMG Furrawn - 6 hundred and sixty six posts. . you can't leave noww!!! - m sorry m the one who had to point tht out.

I noticed that just before I read this. You can't leave with 666...

Take care Furrawn, I wish we could have played in the swamps together with Royce and the other legends. Goodluck with Halo and the Hubby =)

10-09-2010, 02:14 PM
wow sucks to c u go anyways take care and if u have xbl add me!

10-10-2010, 04:21 AM
Bon Voyage Furrawn, good luck with whatever you do now :)

p:s I"ll never forget that time in frozen nightmares, I laughed sooo hard :)

11-02-2010, 07:53 AM
You Were A Good Friend ... :( Why Leave Now ? I Can Give You Some Gold And Potions !!
Dam .. Then , If I Can't Help , Then , Good Luck There !!


Cya ..

Au Revoire ? .. Rofl , Did I SPelled It Right ? XD