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View Full Version : Wall of shame!

04-17-2013, 04:39 PM
Soooo... I've been playing for some time and I'm getting more and more annoyed by beggars and people that are trying to scam. I started putting all of them on my mute-list and even though it's much more quiet now, there are still far too many out there that don't seem to understand that begging and scamming are big no-nos.

Since history has taught us that correcting unwanted behavior works so much better when done in public, this is my new approach in my war against beggars and scammers: the wall of shame!

So basically, when you're begging or I have strong(!) reasons to believe you are trying to scam me or other people, you're going up here. Complete with screenshot.

Ok, first one: (I'm sorry you had to be the first one, but don't worry: I'm sure more will follow.)

IGN: ???
Boo boo: Ok, begging is bad enough, but when you're level 73?!? Seriously? You can just do a couple of runs and you'll have 40k in no time. :chargrined: And I doubt anyone will give you anything, no matter how creative you get with spelling the word "please" or how many sad smileys you put in there.

By the way, everyone is welcome to post their own screenies of people who they believe deserve a spot in the wall of shame. But please don't start accusing people of scamming just to discredit them. Only do so when you're absolutely sure and you have proof to back it up. (Like screenshots.)

04-17-2013, 04:42 PM
This should be locked pretty soon. You're not allowed to post names, and this is just begging for a lock.

04-17-2013, 04:44 PM
always see beggars saying plz

04-17-2013, 04:48 PM

04-17-2013, 04:51 PM
OOOH, this sounds fun! Hopefully I can find you with all of my alts so i can dominate the wall of shame! Just make sure you get my good side for the pictures :)

04-17-2013, 04:56 PM
This should be locked pretty soon. You're not allowed to post names, and this is just begging for a lock.

Ok, deleted the name, so it shouldn't be a problem now.

04-17-2013, 04:59 PM
OOOH, this sounds fun! Hopefully I can find you with all of my alts so i can dominate the wall of shame! Just make sure you get my good side for the pictures :)

Haha, as long as you promise to alternate a little between different types of unwanted behavior. :eagerness:

04-17-2013, 05:03 PM
This is still a little insulting and I think this will get locked as well.
I appreciate your writing style, but you must understand beggars are humans too ... kinda.

04-17-2013, 05:03 PM
In before lock.

I'm sorry, but degrading people is prohibited in the forums.

04-17-2013, 05:07 PM
Sorry, we don't allow shaming. Shunning, however...


We really dislike begging as well but recommend you just continue to ignore and encourage others to do the same.
