View Full Version : Cut-scenes

10-07-2010, 04:47 PM
They're very cool and all, but could we have them happen before the action starts--perhaps as you approach the room for the first time? A bunch of us were fighting the King and by the time it panned away from the cut-scene close-up of the King, I was dead and so was at least one other person in our party. It's hard to avoid, evade or defend against something when you can't see where it is in relation to you.

As I said, they're very cool, I like the look of them and I don't want to get rid of them, but could you move them to a spot where they're not interfering with gameplay? Thanks!

10-07-2010, 04:50 PM
yea we have asked for a off feature b4... idk
i love the kung fu master guy one, but otherwise they end up with us dead sometimes.

10-07-2010, 05:37 PM
This is my number one most hated feature in the game. Maybe a cut scene at the start of the level? Set the scene for what's to come and then no more?

I think 30% of my deaths are directly due to cut-scenes. In AO3 there is no time for it. 2 seconds not concentrating and a sniper has you.

Please review devs? Ultimately I'd like to have a toggle for them on/off in the options.

10-07-2010, 06:16 PM
yes, it's so annoying...

10-08-2010, 07:48 PM
Yuppers, would be nice to have an on/off option for this. TIA! ;)