View Full Version : FOUR things to get me (and others/new people;)) back into al... DEVS PL READ!!!

04-18-2013, 05:33 PM
As some people may know, over the last month or two I quit pl... There are mainly 3 reason as to why I quit... And here they are... Sts if u make these changes it will bring meh back and I'm sure it will bring more people to al!

1.) the camera should be able to turn left and right! It's too original to not be able to explore freely! We need mobility!

2.) the design... Another reason i quit is because of the designs... It seems to me like u guys are just minority tweaking previous gears! It's not exciting any more when new gears are released in crates, lvl caps etc, bcuz they have been so predictable! (excluding heroic/villainous) Sealord gear is the EXACT same as demonlord gear, just painted green (mage) and with purple sparkles instead of fire!

3.) u need NON turn-based pvp arenas as well as regular, non ctf pvp... I'm sure THIS will make MANY more people happy to be in the sts/al community!

4.) u need set bonuses! For example, bloodhammer gear is same stats as sealord gear, but 2x the price! Why would people buy bloodhammer for 2x price when there is no gain! If there were set bonuses, such as in pl, there would be more... Purpose!

Those are three major things that I think u could do to al to bring me back to it, as well as others I'm sure, and even new crop from other sts games and even veterans from other mmos!


04-18-2013, 05:41 PM
As some people may know, over the last month or two I quit pl... There are mainly 3 reason as to why I quit... And here they are... Sts if u make these changes it will bring meh back and I'm sure it will bring more people to al!

1.) the camera should be able to turn left and right! It's too original to not be able to explore freely! We need mobility!

2.) the design... Another reason i quit is because of the designs... It seems to me like u guys are just minority tweaking previous gears! It's not exciting any more when new gears are released in crates, lvl caps etc, bcuz they have been so predictable! (excluding heroic/villainous) Sealord gear is the EXACT same as demonlord gear, just painted green (mage) and with purple sparkles instead of fire!

3.) u need NON turn-based pvp arenas as well as regular, non ctf pvp... I'm sure THIS will make MANY more people happy to be in the sts/al community!

4.) u need set bonuses! For example, bloodhammer gear is same stats as sealord gear, but 2x the price! Why would people buy bloodhammer for 2x price when there is no gain! If there were set bonuses, such as in pl, there would be more... Purpose!

Those are three major things that I think u could do to al to bring me back to it, as well as others I'm sure, and even new crop from other sts games and even veterans from other mmos!


1. It isn't "possible"

2.I think it's fine IMO, I'd rather have awesome pets, and areas than better look gear, after all, that's what vanities are for, right?

3. AL PvP Ctf is still in beta, let them work on class rebalancing first

4. Good idea, but reason bloodhammer is more expensive is because it is more rare, therefore more "cool"

04-18-2013, 05:58 PM
There's no need for gear bonuses lol

04-18-2013, 06:10 PM
Quit whining about locked camera. Hack n slash games are supposed to have a locked camera... Ever played Diablo??

04-18-2013, 06:16 PM
#1. is possible just need root. Might get a warning or banned but yes it possible. Also as numerous devs have stated the object and scenery is not 3d set so back sides are missing.(this is on phone)
#2. yes the same gear different colors is getting old. Also someone posted pics of the levels being repeated.
#3 isn't turn based like old school rpgs such as final fantasys?(up to 12 i believe). In that case it isn't turn based at all. As for more then ctf yes but not go system style leave it like dl pvp.
#4 someone stated today the pets are like set bonuses. If we could craft that'd be cool. Personally i like the fact i can have a expensive piece and a cheap piece and still have good stats.
What i think needs to change is the money craze i feel from this game. No were not forced to buy plat but you cant say you dont feel an urge to when you got plat only pets, arcane pets only (and only attainable threw locked crates at 15plat with a. 1%chance if that), only being able to obtain gold if you can merch, etc